
Naruto: Hatake's Demon Son.

A young boy harboring a dying desire for transmigration yearned to embody Kokushibo. Miraculously, his wish for transmigration was granted, yet his new destination was the Naruto universe, diverging from the Demon Slayer realm. By a twist of fate or perhaps through a series of ill-starred circumstances, he found himself under the wing of Hatake Sakumo through adoption. Thus unfolds the tale of the transformation of one of the mightiest demons from the 'Demon Slayer' series, now intertwined with the Ninja world. Witness the extraordinary synergy as his potent abilities are amplified by the infusion of Chakra, revealing the newfound heights of power he achieves in this Naruto world. ---- (A/N: I will try to utilize the full potential of the demons and their abilities.)

Hkj · アニメ·コミックス
79 Chs

Ch-35 Enhanced Breathing: First stage.

(Announcement: I am happy to announce that, as a Tier I Patreon member, you can enjoy a 7-day free trial to read all of my work. )

You can read 21 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.


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"Finally, this monster died," said Special Jonin, who was still alive.

"This bastard killed so many of our comrades, and his abilities are so strange," said the Chunin in front of Michikatsu's head.

"Whatever his abilities were, they are no longer useful now that he is dead," said the Captain, and everyone nodded. The captain then continued, "Collect his body, maybe we can learn something about his strange ability."

Shortly before the captain could conclude the latter part of his conversation, the Chunin positioned in front of Michikatsu's leader erupted in fury, exclaiming, "Looking at this wretch's face disgusts me." In his rage, he delivered a forceful kick to Michikatsu's head. However, the moment his foot made contact with Michikatsu's head, Michikatsu's tongue unexpectedly extended and coiled around the Chunin's leg.

"What in the world….?" The Chunin was shocked, but then something even more shocking happened: the torso began to grow from the head, and as soon as the hand was formed, a staff appeared in the right hand, and that staff stabbed the Chunin's heart, and lightning was released from the bottom of the staff, electrocuting the insides of the Chunin's body and killing him in an instant.

A complete clone body soon formed, and witnessing this was shocking for everyone. They hadn't anticipated something like this, but what followed was even more horrifying. When they heard a voice, it said, "You're quite fast. I couldn't even react, and I had already exhausted much of my ability, so this was to be expected."

The captain and Special Jonin both gazed at the spot where Michikatsu's headless body had stood moments ago. However, now Michikatsu had a head as if he had never been decapitated in the first place.

"Although everything seems fine, my regeneration speed has decreased," Michikatsu thought while gripping his sword.

The captain regarded Michikatsu solemnly and instructed the remaining subordinates, "Stay alert. His abilities appear to be growing more complex. Surround him and ensure he doesn't escape."

Everyone nodded in agreement and became vigilant. As per the orders, they formed a circle around Michikatsu to prevent him from fleeing.

Michikatsu noticed their encirclement and realized that to defeat them, he needed to kill at least one of them quickly, with the Chunins being the most favourable targets.

Michikatsu gripped his katana, assessed the situation, and then turned his attention to the Chunin who had healed the captain of the Anbu of Sunagakure. He executed 'Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash.' The captain also noticed Michikatsu targeting the Chunin who had healed him and used the 'Body Flicker Technique' to appear on Michikatsu's left side, attacking him. However, Michikatsu had already blurred away, positioning himself behind the Chunin. With a swift sheathing of his sword, a red line appeared across the Chunin's neck, and the Chunin collapsed to the ground.

The captain was shocked and exclaimed, "What's with his speed? It's almost comparable to mine."

Clearly, Michikatsu's speed was approaching that of the Jonins because he had utilized 'Blood Demon Art: Speed Augmentation.'

Michikatsu had no intention of allowing them more time to think. He had been battling them for a while and had no knowledge of Nawaki's condition. He had to catch up to Nawaki as quickly as possible, as anything could happen to him.

Michikatsu employed 'Blood Demon Art: Blindfold,' completely erasing his presence from the surroundings. The captain became alert and began searching for any signs of Michikatsu, but he couldn't find any.

"How can someone erase their presence completely? Stay vigilant for even the slightest movements," the captain cautioned.

Just as the captain finished speaking, he felt something and exclaimed, "Behind you, Cat!" Cat was the code name for the Chunin. Despite the captain's warning, it was already too late for Cat to react, and Michikatsu easily pierced his heart. Michikatsu then appeared behind the Chunin.

"Damn it!" the captain muttered, looking at Michikatsu. He felt utterly helpless as one by one, each of his subordinates died before his eyes.

"I knew it, 'Blood Demon Art: Blindfold' isn't entirely untraceable by the Jonin. He must be able to sense my presence due to his vast experience," Michikatsu thought.

"If I want to kill him, I must first eliminate that Special Jonin. To do that, I'll need to push my limits, and I'll only have one chance to do so," Michikatsu contemplated.

After contemplating this, he closed his eyes and exhaled heavily. Then, with all his might, he took a deep breath, and slowly his skin began to turn yellow as he became surrounded by the flow of Chakra – 'Enhanced Breathing: First Stage.'

Michikatsu activated 'Blood Demon Art: Speed Augmentation' and dashed toward the captain with incredible speed. Upon seeing this, the captain tightly clenched his short sword and said, "This time, I won't let you escape." The Special Jonin stood by, ready to end Michikatsu's life if he somehow survived.

Michikatsu appeared in front of the captain, and just as they were about to clash with their swords, the captain's position suddenly shifted to the side, evading Michikatsu's trajectory. Simultaneously, the Special Jonin, who had been on the side, was shifted into Michikatsu's path.

All of this didn't occur suddenly; rather, Michikatsu orchestrated it himself by utilizing 'Blood Demon Art: Red Arrow.' With one red arrow, he altered the captain's position, and with another, he shifted the Special Jonin's location.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)