
Ogre's Demand

Annexing a secluded clan with unique abilities, such as the Obake Clan's transformation into monsters using natural energy, would require careful negotiation.

That was the truth, if you are not the Ogre himself, Hanma Yujiro!

ヽ(≧ □ ≦)ノ


In a dimly lit chamber within the heart of the Obake Clan's secluded village, Hanma Yujiro, a man of overwhelming power and arrogance, stood across from Obake Jagan, the clan's patriarch. 

With an air of authority, Hanma Yujiro began to lay out the terms of annexation, his voice resonating through the room like thunder.

"Obake Jagan, the time has come for our two clans to forge the terms. It's a vassalage that will undoubtedly benefit your clan as well as mine.

But make no mistake; I am not here to negotiate. I am here to offer you an opportunity, a choice that will determine the fate of your clan."

Jagan, dressed in traditional robes, maintained his composure and nodded for Yujiro to continue.

"The first term," Yujiro continued, "is one of absolute loyalty.

Members of the Obake Clan, especially its leaders, would be required to swear a solemn oath of loyalty to me, recognizing me as their ultimate authority and pledging to serve my interests faithfully.

Your allegiance must be undivided, and you will serve the interests of my clan without question."

Jagan considered Yujiro's terms carefully, recognizing that these were pivotal agreements that would shape the future of their clans.

With a firm yet contemplative expression, he responded, "I understand the weight of the first term, Yujiro-dono.

Loyalty is a cornerstone for any successful alliance, and I shall ensure that all members of the Obake Clan, especially our leaders, swear their solemn oath to you.

We recognize your authority as supreme and will pledge ourselves to your service without hesitation."

The patriarch acknowledged the gravity of the commitment. It was a promise to place their unwavering loyalty in the hands of the Ogre, a fearsome figure with immense power.

Yujiro leaned forward, his voice taking a more carefree tone, "In return for your loyalty, the Obake Clan may seek protection from external threats.

This protection is essential to the longevity of your clan's loyalty. But don't expect having me doing all that nonsense.

I'll either train your most youngling so they can protect your territory themselves or it'll be my descendants."

Jagan saw the value in such protection, even more so a protection from the Ogre himself.

"Furthermore," Yujiro added, "we will establish a marriage between us. A member of the Obake Clan will marry into the Hanma Clan, cementing the bond between our clans through family ties.

This will ensure that the vassalage is not merely one of convenience but of deep commitment.

For the first marriage, it'll be done by myself and Orihime. Then, you need to secure your next Hanma from my descendants.

Maybe there'll be one or two more in the future? I don't know and I don't care."

Yujiro paused while smoking his pipe, allowing the weight of the terms to hang in the air.

He then continued with a commanding tone, "In addition to the terms I've laid out, I'll have further expectations."

He gestured towards the map on the table and continued, "If the Obake Clan has access to unique sources of natural resources, these sources will become the property of the Hanma Clan.

We require control over such resources, as they are essential to our continued growth and dominance.

The Hanma Clan will give the Obake Clan some of the natural resources but ultimately they're ours."

Yujiro added, "Next, we must also establish agreements regarding the responsible use and preservation of natural resources. This will ensure the sustainable and ethical use of these resources.

I'll share with you how to extract the newfound natural resources in the future. Your method of extracting those resources will be too damn inefficient.

I assure you my method will be as advanced as it possibly can in this world."

Yujiro looked around the room, his eyes locked onto Jagan as he continued, "In addition to that, our clans will also hold technique and educational exchanges.

To enhance both clans' capabilities, I propose some exchanges between members of the Obake Clan and the Hanma Clan.

They can fight using Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu or anything they like.

Then, our armies won't only be stronger but they can also mingle with each other. This will make them less susceptible to new techniques in the future."

Yujiro then emphasized, "And if the Obake Clan possesses advanced knowledge in science, magic, or other fields, it is my expectation that you contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practices with the Hanma Clan."

Yujiro continued, "The Obake Clan may also be required to share their knowledge of other unique techniques, that could benefit the Hanma Clan.

Just like how I'll impart to you several techniques that'll be helpful to your clan."

Jagan recognized the potential for mutual growth and nodded in agreement.

Continuing with his terms, Yujiro said, "Next, we should also encourage the exchange of artistic and craftwork traditions. This will promote cultural appreciation and artistic enrichment within our clans."

Yujiro's eyes gleamed with a hint of excitement as he continued, "This will lead to the creation of unique works of art and advancements that can benefit both our people.

This in turn will create with variety of talents in the future, I want to enjoy a lot of arts in different categories in my leisure.

Your people need to enjoy your lives more, Jagan. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Yujiro's words of wisdom astonished Jagan, he nodded and smiled, "I'll try enjoying my life more after we come out from seclusion, Yujiro-dono!"

"Oh, I'll also spread a belief in the future, and I want the Obake Clan to follow that belief without a shred of doubt," Yujiro said, his severe demeanor softening somewhat.

I'll tell you more about the belief at a later time."

Jagan nodded in accord as he appreciated the admission of a necessary belief.

"Now," Yujiro said, "as a sign of recognition and authority, I will grant specific lands and titles within the Hanma Clan to the leaders of the Obake Clan.

In the future, I'll go annexing some lands for my Hanma Clan, the Obake Clan will get a priority for those conquered lands.

This will ensure that your status and authority are not only preserved but also recognized inside our hierarchy.

I'll lend you guys the land but I'll send someone to oversee the development to make sure the land develop in a steady manners.

You guys won't be just a monster clan that hide themselves anymore. You'll be a noble under my Hanma Clan!"

Jagan appreciated the acknowledgment of his clan's lordship, "Thank you, Yujiro-dono!"

He waved his hand dismissively, then added, "Then, to promote the smooth integration of our clans, members of the Obake Clan will have specified rights to resettle in Hanma Clan's territories.

This will facilitate the blending of our people and strengthen your clansmen loyalty."

Yujiro pressed on, "While the Hanma Clan will have authority over certain matters, the leaders of the Obake Clan will retain a degree of autonomy within their territories.

This autonomy will allow you to govern your people in accordance with your customs and traditions."

Jagan was grateful for the acknowledgment of his clan's customs.

Yujiro continued, "Then, the legal system of the Obake Clan will be incorporated into the Hanma Clan's legal framework.

This will ensure uniformity in the application of law and justice throughout our combined territories. It is imperative that our people are governed by a single set of laws."

Then, Yujiro glinted his eyes and said, "Hanma Yujiro's Law."

Then, he said, "Other than that, to ensure peaceful coexistence, we must establish clear mechanisms for resolving conflicts and disputes that may arise between our clans.

This will be vital in maintaining harmony within the subsidiary clans in the future. This position will be held by one of the clans in the future.

For now, you can just monitor your own clan, but there will be a Jurisdiction Department reigned by members of Hanma Clan."

"Additionally," Yujiro said, "a long lasting trade agreements that allow for the exchange of goods and services between our two clans. This will promote economic cooperation and prosperity for both sides.

You'll be wealthy man, and I'll be an even wealthier lord, do you understand?"

Jagan could see the benefits of such agreements and nodded in agreement, " I understand, Yujiro-dono!"

Yujiro's voice remained commanding as he proceeded, "We will also set the terms for tribute and taxes.

The Obake Clan might be required to pay tribute or taxes to the Hanma Clan, contributing to the financial strength of the ruling clan."

Jagan immediately asked, "How much will the tribute and taxes will be, Yujiro-dono?"

Yujiro contemplated for a second and then said, "Your tribute will be in the shapes of alcohol, sake, wine or anything rare that can interest me. While the taxes will be briefed on you at a later date."

Jagan sighed with relief as he found Yujiro wasn't demanding too much for the tributes.

Yujiro continued to lay out the terms of the vassalage with precision, "Moving on!"

Yujiro's face then took on a more serious tone as he declared, "The unique ability of the Obake Clan to transform into monsters using natural energy will be taught to myself.

You guys can decide if you want to teach other people or other clans, I don't care about that."

The room fell silent for a moment as the weight of this condition settled in.

Jagan contemplated the implications, "We can teach your descendants Yujiro-dono but it'll depends on their talent. For the others, I don't think we'll divulge our secret technique.

Although, the techniques will suboptimal if they are practiced by others, as they don't have the innate talent to wield natural energy.

It'll be still a disadvantage to the Obake Clan. I hope you'll understand our plight, Yujiro-dono."

Yujiro continued, his voice unwavering, "Of course, you'll teach them if they want to, but if they can't learn it, that just means they don't have talent for it.

And, as I previously stated, you may choose who you wish to share your techniques with.

Oh, and the Obake Clan may be obligated to provide troops with their unique transformation abilities to serve in the Hanma Clan's military, thereby enhancing the army's combat strength significantly.

I will expect the members of the Obake Clan, especially those who possess this unique ability, to provide military support.

You will serve as a vital part of the Hanma Clan's forces, and you will contribute to our strength in times of war and conflict.

This is for when I disdain in partaking any dumb war that you want to participate."

Jagan listened carefully, recognizing the significance of military support in a vassalage.

With these comprehensive terms, the vassalage between the Obake Clan and the Hanma Clan was founded on a multitude of agreements that covered various aspects of their coexistence.

The fate of the Obake Clan now rested on Jagan's decision to accept or reject these terms, and the path he chose would determine the future of his secluded clan within the dominant Hanma Clan.

As Yujiro concluded, he fixed a piercing gaze on Jagan, "These are the terms I offer, and they must be adhered to without question. The choice is yours, Jagan.

Accept these terms, and your clan will become an integral part of the Hanma Clan's rise to power. Refuse, and I assure you, the consequences will be severe.

Choose your pills, Obake Jagan!"


After Hanma Yujiro had laid out the extensive terms of vassalage, Obake Jagan carefully considered each element.

It was evident that these terms held the potential for a strong and mutually beneficial relationship, but he also saw an opportunity to secure the Obake Clan's standing within the Hanma Clan.

With a firm and unwavering voice, Jagan spoke, "I find these terms acceptable, and they represent a foundation upon which my vassalage towards Hanma Clan can thrive.

However, to solidify the Obake Clan's standing under the Hanma Clan, I would like to propose an additional term, Yujiro-dono."

Yujiro raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Jagan's own proposal, "Go on. What additional term do you have in mind?"

Jagan continued, "In addition to these terms, I request that the Obake Clan be granted representation within the highest council of the Hanma Clan.

Ensuring that our voice is heard and our interests are taken into account in the decision-making processes of the clan."

Yujiro considered this carefully. The proposal showed that Jagan was not just interested in a subjugation but in securing a respected position for his clan within the dominant Hanma Clan.

After a moment of contemplation, Yujiro nodded and replied, "Your request is granted, Jagan."

Jagan's expression displayed a sense of satisfaction as he acknowledged the acceptance of the additional term.

"Furthermore, Yujiro-dono," Jagan spoke with conviction, "we seek to secure a prominent position within the Hanma Clan's future Hospital and Healing Department.

The healing abilities within our clan are unparalleled, and we have individuals who can perform extraordinary feats of recovery, including the reattachment of missing limbs and organs.

Among them, my daughter Orihime, who is also your betrothed, stands as one of the most skilled and gifted healers our clan has ever produced."

Yujiro took a moment to absorb the significance of this request.

He recognized the tremendous value of having access to a group of healers with such remarkable capabilities, "Your proposal is not only reasonable but highly beneficial, Jagan.

It aligns with our vision of establishing a Hospital and Healing Department within the Hanma Clan, and your clan will rightfully hold a leading role in its operations. Granted!"

With this additional agreement, the terms of their vassalage expanded to encompass the creation of the Hospital and Healing Department.

Further strengthening the Obake Clan's crucial position within the Hanma Clan and cementing their status within the burgeoning vassalage.

Jagan continued, "Yujiro-dono, there's one last term we hope you will consider."

Yujiro raised an eyebrow, "Sigh. Go on. What term would you like to add?"

Jagan began to list his conditions, each word measured and deliberate. "In addition to the two previous terms, we request that our clan's unique ability to transform into human form remains a closely guarded secret.

It should known only to those within our clans and no more. It is a part of our identity and culture that we wish to protect."

Yujiro nodded in agreement, showing his willingness to respect the Obake Clan's privacy, "That is acceptable.

I'm thinking to use your innate ability to use natural energy to create a new technique of mine. So, you don't have to worry that much."

Jagan replies solemnly, "Thank you, Yujiro-dono."

Now it was Yujiro's turn to seal the agreement, "In return, I trust that you and your clan will be loyal to the Hanma Clan, and that your loyalty will not waver."

Jagan nodded in agreement, recognizing the implied reciprocity, "We pledge our loyalty to the Hanma Clan, and our commitment to this vassalage is unwavering."

Yujiro continued, his voice firm, "You will agree to adhere to my orders and requests, with the understanding that my judgment and decisions are final."

Jagan accepted this condition as well. 

Yujiro's eyes gleamed with a sense of dominance as he addressed the final condition subtly. "And, Jagan, I trust that your family will ensure the safety of my interests when I'm not there."

Jagan nodded, recognizing the responsibility that came with this condition. "We are committed to safeguarding your interests and protecting the Hanma Clan, even in your absence."

With these conditions and commitments, the terms of the vassalage between the Hanma Clan and the Obake Clan were established, setting the stage for a unique and powerful partnership between the two clans.

The negotiation had reached its conclusion, with terms that would bind the two clans in a vassalage.

As the two leaders rose from their seats, they had laid the foundation for a vassalage that was both powerful and complex.

With unspoken expectations and hidden undertones that would shape the future of the Obake Clan and the dominion of Hanma Yujiro!

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