After all he’s been through, all that he did to save the world, he couldn’t fulfill his promise to bring Sasuke home. As he was welcomed by death from an attack not meant for him, he didn’t expect to ever wake up again…only he a world where his mother was alive...and a world where he wasn't. !AU Elemental Nations. R-Rated. NarutoxKushinaxMore. At least 3000 words per chapter. Posted at least twice a week (though preferably three times if my schedule allows me).
Naruto needed no further encouragement.
"Gladly," he said.
Then he rushed her and she could only gasp as he manoeuvred her back under him.
She looked cross at being able to take the lead.
"Trust me for your first time, it's better this way," Naruto said.
"It's not my–" Mei tried to say before Naruto alighted his cock and stuck just his tip inside of her.
"Ohh Kami!" Mei yelped.
She looked down, down at her spread legs, down at the massive cock about to enter her, down at what is now the most sought after pussy in Kirigakure being taken by this foreign nin.
She looked back up at him and was surprised that he didn't wear a teasing smile, nor a face of triumph as if he'd conquered a mountain no one has done so before.
Instead, he stared back at her with love, an incredible amount of love that left her suddenly breathless.
"You're mine now," he stated and he entered another inch into her.
Her eyes fluttered and she moaned once more but her sight was still locked on his.
She would look at him as he took her.
She would accept him and whatever this was in its entirety.
She wanted him to know that.
Naruto leaned in to kiss and with it, more of his cock entered.
"MMmmm," she moaned into his mouth.
He leaned back, retreating a tiny bit before pushing once more, going in deeper. Thankfully her hymen had ripped long ago from training but there was still a bit of pain of having something so big inside of her for the first time.
"You feel amazing," Naruto whispered as they separated.
Mei, surprisingly, crossed her legs behind of Naruto, indicating something that very much excited her.
Naruto looked saddened for a moment.
"I'm not going to give you a child today," he said.
Mei nodded.
"I will give you a child eventually," he said.
Mei nodded again, more hopeful this time.
"When I do, I'm going to be a part of his or her life, as well as yours," Naruto said, "if you'll have me."
Mei's heart leapt. "Of course."
"Good," he responded.
Then he moved.
If Mei had thought she'd experience great pleasure for the past couple of minutes, then this was astronomically more pleasurable.
She felt herself being sent across the sky with each thrust, her body not being able to keep up with the intensity and it felt like she was climaxing every time he hilted himself inside of her.
"Ahh–ahh–Mmmph–ah–kami!" She said between each thrust.
The world was spinning.
The earth was trembling beneath her.
If the world ended right then, she wouldn't have noticed.
She felt too good. Everything felt too good.
Naruto's pace began to quicken and she felt like she'd stepped into heaven early.
It was no use trying to fight it.
The next orgasm that came she rode hard, and then it led into another, manifesting into another even bigger one, and then a bigger one than that.
If he kept this up, she'd never be able to cross him. Just for this sensation alone, she'd do almost anything.
"Oh my god!" She screamed as she soaked the bed with her love essence.
Naruto, too, felt like he was in heaven.
The sensation of her pussy was so different to the tightness that was Sakura's despite also being a virgin. It was still tight, don't get him wrong, but it was like he was sticking his dick into a warm gooey furnace. There were no words to describe it. Mei Terumi was just hot in every sense of the world.
It was incredible.
He felt himself almost reaching there.
"I'm–I'm gonna cum," he warned.
Mei tightened her legs around his hips even more.
That was her answer.
He erupted inside of her and she let out a scream of ecstasy just like Sakura and Tsunami had…and it made his orgasm last even longer than his usual ones.
He knew what was going to happen next.
Sure enough, Mei's skin glowed, flickering, changing.
Yet it was somehow different from the transformation of others. While any unwanted fat–there wasn't much–evaporated from her body, it didn't go to her other…noticeable assets. Her boobs and ass remained the same and yet…something was happening.
She was getting warmer…too warm…way too warm. Naruto quickly started to leave her from the bed when he saw that the sheets began to smoke.
Something was happening with her chakra.
Naruto activated his rinnegan eyes, throwing caution to the wind and observing her chakra. Fire release, Earth release, Water release. It was understandable as her two kekkei genkai of Boil and Lava release subsisted of those elements.
She also had a lesser affinity for lighting.
The only one that she didn't was…wind…
Wind chakra which now flowed within her like a storm of knives. Naruto immediately motioned to set it at ease before he realised that…it wasn't harming her.
It seemed that his wind nature chakra affinity, which was his primary one before he had the Rinnegan, had somehow manifested within her.
She was scorching hot now, almost burning.
Naruto dashed towards the bathroom and placed her in the bathtub, his created subspace already with the tech and fuinjutsu-based plumbing system to have water running through the pipes.
With a small water jutsu, he quickened the process to fill it up.
Once it was filled, he placed her in and watched as the initial contact created water vapour and steam to mystify in the air.
Mei's temperature stabilised but Naruto still watched closely for any complications. He was a hair's breadth away from signalling Sakura before Mei began to physically change again.
Her hair smoothened, her face perfected itself just as Tsunami's and Sakura's had, yet the scar…was still there. However, it no longer looked to be one of wretched burn marks but more of a…slight blemish which somehow enhanced her overall beauty.
Her eyes snapped open and azure gems clearer than it ever was before stared back at him.
"Mei?" Naruto asked worriedly.
"Hm?" she responded, dazed, then she felt the water around her, and where she was. "Where am I? What happened?"
Naruto breathed out a sigh of relief. Then he blushed when having to explain to her about the situation. "When I…climaxed inside of you, you went through a reaction which never happened before with the other two girls I've been with. You were burning up so I carried you here to the tub to cool down."
Mei blinked. Then she closed her eyes and felt within herself.
She gasped.
She'd felt an element where she had no affinity before within her. "Wind! How is this possible!?"
She looked to Naruto for the answer and all he could give her was a sheepish shrug and the words:
"Magic cum?"
She didn't look very impressed.
"Look, I'm not sure how this works nor do I have any control over how my seed…enhances someone. I just know that it does," Naruto said.
Mei then caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and gasped once more, getting out of the bath tub in all her nude glory to get a closer look.
Her scar was made…pretty. One that she could show off to others without shame. One of pride and a reminder of her humble past.
She loved it.
Then there were the other changes. Her hair was never this silky…ever, her skin glowed with such a healthy gleam that it was like it belonged to a baby, and her eyes…Kami, her eyes had never been so piercing, so…beautiful.
She turned to Naruto, stunned.
"Do you…like it?" He asked, hesitantly. The girls normally did but he was still afraid nonetheless.
The resulting kiss that Mei gave him showed all the gratitude that she felt…as well as the growing love that she was feeling for him.
She pushed him to the bathroom wall placing a hand on the smooth white tiles, enjoying his taste, his sensations, his…
She yelped as she felt her hands go through the wall.
When she regained her balance she looked up to look at the hand-shaped hole in the wall, then her own hand which caused it.
What she saw made her jaw drop to the floor.
It was…
…Scorch release.
A third Kekkei Genkai granted from the wind natured attunement she now had.
She looked to the hand, then to Naruto, then to the hand, then to Naruto.
Then she stopped circulating her chakra, disabling the technique before she jumped him again, with even more fervour than before.
They'd fucked in the bedroom. They'd fucked in the bathroom. Now they're fucking in the kitchen because Naruto got hungry and Mei couldn't leave him alone.
She was currently taking his cock in her mouth like it was the most delectable thing she'd ever tasted.
"Mmmpph–mmmphh–mmphh," she moaned with each head bob.
Naruto, meanwhile, was sitting on the one of the dining room chairs, trying to enjoy his food and more than a little mortified that Mei was doing this.
Perhaps he'd created something that he would have trouble dealing with.
…Not really, even now he was still rearing to go for the rest of the night.
Then the front door opened.
"We're home!" Kushina said, followed along by similar greetings from Sakura, Haku, and surprisingly Miyu, who was in her company.
They all froze when they caught sight of their blond-haired housemate getting a blowjob from the now leader of the very village they were staying in.
Sakura looked annoyed, Haku looked…excited? Miyu looked mortified and Kushina only blinked, before nodding her head impressed as if to say 'well done.'
"Uhhh," Naruto greeted awkwardly, "Welcome back?"
Then he immediately Hiraishin'ed Mei and himself to his room, leaving the partially eaten ramen on the dinner table.
He could hear Kushina's laughter from outside.
Mei, meanwhile, still had his dick in her mouth, though she separated a moment later with a blush of embarrassment.
"That…wasn't a good impression," Mei muttered.
Naruto chuckled, red tingeing his cheeks, "No it wasn't, but I don't think they cared too much. My lust is a…medical condition."
Mei blinked before shaking her head amusedly. "Only you, Naruto."
Then she went back to work.
"Unbelievable," Kushina said to them at breakfast the next morning, "at least you remembered to use the privacy seals this time."
Naruto and Mei both blushed, despite the latter being over 30 years old, she felt like a kid again.
Kushina was slightly older than her, though she didn't look like it, so she had seniority even with her new station as Mizukage. Plus this was her house, and as Mei recently discovered, Naruto was sort of her surrogate son.
"I apologise," Mei said, "I didn't know what came over me."
To her surprise, Kushina chuckled before laughing. "Trust me I know what you mean. My son is a menace to society and its women."
"Kushina…" Naruto muttered, embarrassed.
Sakura meanwhile, was sitting in front of him, arms crossed, huffing and glaring at him like she was trying to melt him into a puddle with her sight alone.
Naruto could get the feeling.
He enjoyed sleeping and making love to Sakura and if he caught her laying in bed with another man…
Oh he'd react much worse than she was now.
Much, much worse.
As in, he might accidentally sink the entire nation to the ocean floor worse.
"Sorry," he whispered to her.
Then to his own surprise, she huffed one last time before giving him a small smile, playfully kicking his leg from underneath the table.
"It's okay," she whispered back.
Kushina pretended not to notice their interaction as she continued to chastise Mei.
"You're the leader of the village now, what would the people think if you were missing for an entire night only to find out that you were in bed with a foreign shinobi?" Kushina scolded.
Mei nodded to the point but then she shrugged a bit. "Well, if it's Naruto…"
Kushina rolled her eyes. "So you're the one who's going to bare Naruto's child in the future?"
Mei blushed deeply but her expression became wistful. "If he'll have me."
She glanced towards Naruto.
Naruto smiled at her. "Of course. I'd be honoured."
Another kick from Sakura came from under the table, a lot harder this time than the previous one."
She was back to huffing again.
"Ah–Ah–Ah!–Yes! Right there! Right there! Naruto-KUUUNNNN!" Sakura screamed into her pillow as he ploughed her from behind.
It seemed that to truly earn her forgiveness, he'd have to do this until she was satisfied.
With her newly gained stamina, it would take quite a while, well that was unless he tried with the full breadth of his abilities. Then he suspected that she'd go catatonic in a matter of minutes, but he enjoyed spending some time doing this with her.
Then both Naruto and Sakura felt a set of eyes on him.
They both glanced at the door, which had opened a crack.
It was…
…Haku, staring at them with such intense lust that it surprised them.
"Should we…" Naruto whispered.
"No, let her be," Sakura chuckled quietly back, "she can watch."
So Naruto continued, and Sakura's moans rang throughout the night…along with the sounds of Haku's pleasure.
It took another month, surprisingly, for Kiri to stabilise and for Naruto to finish his shrine, introducing Ninshu to the masses, civilians and shinobi alike. With the backing of Mei Terumi, many showed up to his demonstrations and his popularity soared even more from there.
Now he could walk around town and instead of respect and a hint of fear on most people's faces, smiles greeted him instead.
Today was the day where they would return to Konoha.
It would be a quick journey, over in the blink of an eye, but Naruto had other plans to accomplish before returning.
He planned to finally meet up with Kuruma once more and check how the old fox was doing.
Kushina and Haku were coming with him. Sakura, despite her protests, was gently reminded that she had the chuunin exam to prepare for though Naruto doubted she would have any trouble passing and crushing the competition as she was now. Hopefully his other student's reaction to her growth and sudden change wouldn't be too bad…
He'd return Sakura and Miyu, help the latter set things up and let her stay at his home as Haku did before returning to Wave and making his way to Uzu. Naruto had something planned that he would need Kurama's help with.
Arms hugged him from behind, bringing him away from his musings.
He turned to see long brunette locks styled in a waterfall braid, displaying the scar on her forehead and eye with pride.
Mei smiled back at him with azure eyes. They were slightly glassy.
"I'll miss you," Mei said.
Naruto chuckled. "Didn't you say that you'll be in Konoha for the chuunin exams? It's like a month away."
"Even still," Mei said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
It was a good thing that they were in their tent and not outside, else the masses of Kiri would know that Naruto's choice of a kunoichi partner was fixed from the start. Mei had told him not to disclose their relationship to make the Kunoichi's more…determined to improve themselves.
Though Mei still looked a bit jealous everytime a kunoichi approached him. Sakura was too, for that matter.
"I'll return with Sakura and be back here in a bit. I want to check out Uzu," Naruto informed her.
Mei raised her eyebrows. "Any reason why?"
"It's Kushina's homeland," Naruto said, telling her only the partial truth, "I wanted to see if there was anything left of Uzushiogakure."
"I see," Mei shrugged, then she proceeded to move her hands to his groin area.
Naruto stiffened as she smiled, placing another kiss on his ear, then cheek, then neck before saying:
"Do you have a minute for a quick round before you go?"
As if Naruto could say no to that.
He turned around and pretty much ripped Mei's dress from her body, ninja mesh and all, as she gave an amused laugh.
"How many of my dresses are you going to destroy?" she asked though she was already backing up to the wall, suggesting for him to take her right there.
"You have plenty of spares in my room," Naruto breathed out, blood pumping. "I'll buy you more."
It was a good thing that Kushina, Sakura and Haku went out for breakfast early today while he slept in. He'd had a long night of ninshu demonstrations the night before.
Now…he had a nice window of time before they returned where he could…indulge in morning activities.
Mei gave a rueful smile as she turned around, sticking her butt out and pressed her front to the wall.
She even gave a tiny wiggle of her rear as if to say: 'What are you waiting for?'
Over the past month, they'd shared these intimate moments over a dozen times. Each time, Mei came back even more hungry for him, and consequently him, her.
Her inexperience in the art of making love didn't last long at all. She was a very quick learner, she wouldn't have made it to Mizukage otherwise.
"No," Naruto said, "Turn back around. I want to see you as I take you."
Mei did as she was told, a bit red faced at the compliment. Naruto closed the gap and his lips found hers. Her own arms snaked to wrap around his head and pulled him in even closer. Even more contact. Even more intensity.
He quickly removed his pants and ripped Mei's pants once again, which earned him a huff of faux displeasure. Mei could hide the smile she had as she kissed him again though.
He inserted her, right then and there.
"Mmmph!" she moaned into his mouth.
They went at it like that until they both climaxed before switching to the position Mei wanted to be taken in initially.
Naruto obliged this time, ramming his cock deep into her as she moaned even louder than before. It seemed that this was her favourite position, though she enjoyed them all. Naruto would be lying if seeing the leader of a country, daimyo's excluded, being screwed like this didn't excite him.
Mei, so respected and admired by the masses of Kiri, making such unbecoming sounds for one of her station as he rammed into her from behind…
It didn't take long for him to cum again.
Mei matched his climax with her own, standing on tiptoes and leaning forwards, arching her back and moaning into the air.
She was so incredibly beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, perfect, there were no amount of words that could describe her.
Naruto was making room in his heart for her, slowly but surely. He was falling for this woman, one way or another.
While he'd liked Tsunami and wanted her in every way, his feelings for the wave mother didn't compare to what he felt now for Mei. She was just so incredible, so powerful of a woman that it left him breathless.
And the fact that she was incredible in bed, or anywhere for that matter…was just icing on the cake.
"I'm going to cum inside of you," Naruto said into her ear.
"Do it! Give me a baby!" Mei responded back.
He couldn't, but he would eventually. He knew she was just making sex-talk though.
He erupted and her knees gave out.
He held her in place.
They both chuckled as this had become a routine with them.
He'd fuck her until her legs gave out, then he'd catch her before she fell.
It was awesome. It was incredible. It was more than Naruto could have ever hoped for with her.
He leaned in and gave her a loving kiss, one which she returned eagerly.
"I care about you, Mei Terumi," Naruto said. "It's weird to say it so soon…but I promise that I'll do my best to make you happy. I love you."
Those words made her cry.
A/N: I'm back and alive. Sorry for the three month break-it's the first true break I had since the start of covid and needed a bunch of time to decompress, especially after what happened to my friend (he passed away from cancer, for those who are unaware). Now, with a new wind behind my sails, this story will be moving forwards once again. Thanks, you guys. All the best.
As always, you can read ahead on pa-treon. It is now unpaused and back in action.