
Chapter 37

Naruto watched in confusion as Tsunami's skin glowed, not unlike Kushina's did that one time, when he erupted inside of her. Except that with Tsunami, it was more intense than it ever was with his mother.

He…couldn't pull out as it was like her pussy was vacuuming every bit of him it could, latching on to his appendage for dear life. Naruto could only provide, chaining his release into another, then another, as her womb was overflowing with his seed. When it was over, he still couldn't pull out, her pussy acting like a vice grip on his cock. As a consequence, not an ounce of cum leaked out, allowing a slight bulge of her tummy as she contained the bucket loads of his release.

Naruto could only grit his teeth from the intensity and hold this position until she released him.

To his shock, however, when his eyes met the lonely mother beneath him to check whether she was okay, he found that Tsunami was…changing. Her skin glowed and dimmed and glowed and dimmed like the flickering light of a candle. Her midsection that was still slightly chubby, somehow started to become taut, the small amount of fat evaporating into the air as her abdominals revealed itself from below, revealing twin glorious hills of firm muscle. Then he realised the fat that was on her tummy didn't disappear but…relocated…into her already massive tits. It went from D to bountiful DD cups that seemed to not concede the laws of gravity. It wasn't the only place the fat went to as her generous rear also became a bit more filled out in volume. Even the creamy thick thighs somehow became more muscular yet even softer to the touch as compared to before.

Her face…whereas before, despite still being absolutely gorgeous, was incomparable to that of Mikoto Uchiha, she could now almost rival the Uchiha matriarch on all fronts.

If it wasn't for the differences in aura, the colouring of her features, and the more…bountiful nature of her assets in contrast to Mikoto's graceful, deadly body, Naruto would've believed that Tsunami was Mikoto's long lost sister. Tsunami's aura, which now practically exuded from every pore in her body, was less aristocratic and more…homely than Mikoto's ice-queen natured self. She was like the sweet counterpart–a welcoming and warm type of beauty that would envelop you in a hug from a tough day.

…Good kami, what just happened?


"Do you…hate it?" Naruto winced as Tsunami stared at her reflection in wonder.

Tsunami shook her head.

She looked so…beautiful. Well she was beautiful before, she knew that, but this was leagues above entirely. Everything was so…perfect from the smoothness of her skin to the hairs of her eyebrows to the new…strength of her body.

"How could I ever hate this?" She wondered aloud, her breath still taken away from what she saw in front of her.

Naruto sighed in relief, "I didn't mean–I didn't know that this would happen. I was afraid that you would hate me for changing you."

"You have changed me," Tsunami said and Naruto froze, "I'm…stronger, more beautiful, more courageous than ever before. You've changed me for the better, Naruto-kun, and…I love it."

Tsunami turned back to him and smiled.

Now that their…session was over, they were back to their own normal personalities and Naruto found himself slightly mortified that he became so…demanding in his persona. It was like something had come over him in the heat of the moment, seeing Tsunami acting the way she did. Perhaps it was his empath abilities that encouraged his…domination to suit Tsunami's preferences.

"Listen…" Naruto said, "about that last part of our session. You don't have to–"

Tsunami dropped the yukata that she just had over her shoulders and turned to him, the view of her now bare, mind-blowing, perfect body making the words dry up in his throat. She smirked, finding that she loved the effect she now had over him.

She simply laid back on the sink, and spread her legs apart. She blushed a bit from the action, never being so assertive before.

Her voice was breathier and far more sensual than usual when her next words came.

"I don't regret anything…Naruto-kun," Tsunami said, then she gave him a sultry look, "Father and Inari were going to have lunch in the village today so…it won't be evening until they come back…"

She spread her pussy apart with her fingertips, blushing harder but smirking at him. She loved how he gaped at her.

"I…wouldn't mind going for another round."

She didn't need to say another word.


Tsunami's bedroom was…contaminated by dinnertime. It was a good thing that she slept alone, with the house being big enough for Tazuna and Inari to have their own rooms as well as the guest bedroom Kushina, Naruto and Haku were sleeping in. Else, they'd had to explain why everything was misplaced and smelled like…sex. Lots and lots of sex.

Tsunami had initially offered that one of the girls come to sleep in her room due to the worry of size constraints in the guest bedroom but all three ninjas had refused.

Naruto and Kushina had more than enough space to be comfortable.

Haku was just…attached to the two Konoha-nin.

Almost like a lost puppy.

In hindsight, it was lucky that the sleeping arrangements didn't change as Naruto had only gotten to clean the kitchen and dining room to make sure that no trace of their…intimate coupling remained.

Kushina gave him a knowing look the entire time though, an amused smirk permanently on her face.

Inari and Tazuna had been stunned at Tsunami's change in appearance and she chalked it up to receiving special training today and reaching a new…threshold in her abilities, transforming her to look like how she did now. Ofcourse, that led to Kushina handing to her the averting eyes seal that she used now that she was well in the category of being one of the most beautiful women in the world.

"So…how has your day been, Naruto?" Kushina asked as she took in a bite of deliciously steamed crab. "Any…growing problems lately?"

Naruto choked on his own food as he coughed and sputtered at the unfortunate timing of Kushina's question.

Kushina only had that foxy smile that Tsunami said was so similar to his own. Perhaps it was because they were both former containers of Kurama.

"I've been…training, with Tsunami of course," Naruto said, giving her a slight glare at the end of his coughing fit.

Kushina might as well as heard: "I've been fucking her all day…and didn't still until you lot came along" as her foxy grin stretched even wider.

Haku, on the other hand, was oblivious. "I must participate in these training sessions as well to be of more use to you, Naruto-sama, Kushina-sama."

Naruto choked again and this time he almost died from the embarrassment.

Haku…Pure innocent Haku.

Well, pure in this aspect at least. She had no trouble bloodying her hands to complete a job. Terrifying how someone so deadly can be so…oblivious.

Kushina smiled. "You can join them tomorrow, Haku. I'll take over bridge watching duties."

"Ara~" Tsunami added, chuckling at their antics, before deciding to add her own fuel to the fire, "but I prefer it if my training is more…personalised. It's a good thing Naruto has clones to multitask…"

She and Kushina laughed as Naruto wished the earth would bury him whole. Tazuna and Inari only looked confused at the interaction before chalking it up as nothing and going back to their food.

If only they knew…


On the day of Naruto's lust release, as they've now dubbed it after seeing what it did to Tsunami, Kushina, for the first time in a long while, found herself not accompanying him.

She…didn't know how to feel about it.

Of course, she had encouraged her son to participate with more partners but…she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy their sessions…probably a lot more than what was considered healthy in their relationship.

In her mind, her thoughts ran rampant with the images of Tsunami's sudden…enhancement. She didn't realise that having Naruto's seed in one's womb could change a person this much. It was far and above more effective than ingesting it orally. A night and day difference.

If Tsunami had changed this much from what she was, how much could Naruto change her–

–no she had to stop that train of thought.

It could never happen between them. They were mother and son, surrogate or otherwise.

Yet, there was that feeling that arose once more. A feeling that she'd swore to bury at any cost. The green eyed monster.


She shouldn't be jealous. Why would she when she was the one who encouraged him to explore his sexuality in the first place? Was she a hypocrite?

She was beyond secure of her place in Naruto's heart but…

…but she hated the fact that she, out of all the women in the world, was the only one who couldn't give him everything.

She couldn't.

Their relationship forbade it.

She sighed, preparing to go to sleep before a voice interrupted her turbulent thoughts.

"Lady Kushina?" Haku asked from her futon, "Why did Naruto-sama choose to join Tsunami-san in her bedroom today? Was there…not enough space here? Or…was it because of me?"

Hearing the self doubt in Haku's voice, Kushina's heart melted.

"Oh Haku," she said, coming over to give the girl a hug as she so often did. Haku was still unused to it though she didn't hate it. "Naruto loves you, you know? Not romantically but as a friend."

Haku blushed and looked at her now mentor's eyes. "Really?...why? Why does he care about me so much?"

Kushina stroked Haku's hair. "He…knows things. Things that no one else knows, not even me. His eyes may be covered but they see more than any out there…and he saw you as someone precious, not only to him, but to the world. He deemed you important enough to meticulously plan our mission in Wave such that you would have the opportunity to live your life as you please, not as a weapon but as a woman with your own autonomy."

"How…how could he know about such things? About my situation?" Haku muttered, "I'm not special and…I don't want to disappoint his expectations…both of your expectations."

Kushina smiled. "You know what he told me when Zabuza left?"

Haku tilted her head, which looked adorable in her arms.

"He told me that he was beyond relieved that you're free. Else, he'd have to hunt both of you down to try again." Kushina said, laughing a bit, "He doesn't expect anything from you other than for you to be happy–to be truly happy, not the happiness you gain from being taken advantage of as a tool."

Haku's stoic demeanour cracked after hearing those words. Tears dripped from her eyes and stained Kushina's green blouse.

"I'm sorry–" Haku tried to say but was interrupted.

"–Don't be," Kushina said, combing through Haku's silky hair.

"So if it isn't because of me that Naruto-sama left, then why did he?" Haku asked.

Kushina let out a short breathy laugh. "Well…let's just say that he has a special training session with Tsunami tonight…"


"Ah–Ah–ah–so–good!" Tsunami said as Naruto was taking her from behind.

She was on all fours as she was being sheathed by the ravenous beast that was Naruto's cock.

"Look at how different you are from your normal motherly self," Naruto commented, smiling into her shoulder as he upped the intensity once more. "What would Tazuna and Inari say? What would…Kaiza say?"

Tsunami's snatch only gripped him tighter when he mentioned her former husband. "Don't–Don't speak of–such–things–when–we're–AHH!"

She came onto his cock, flooding him with her juices.

Tsunami…liked being a bad girl when she was with him. She was still sweet and caring as she always had been with her family, but inside the bedroom…there was a whole new side to her. A side that he suspected that she had never shown even to her late husband.

He came inside her and her climax jumped up a level once again. She screamed into her pillow but even her muffled voice echoed around the room.

Naruto laid beside her to rest for a moment, though he was still rock hard.

"That was…so good," Naruto said to her ear.

She shivered and turned to face him looking…disappointed?

"Is something wrong?" Naruto asked, fearing the worst. While his cum may be magic, he was still very new to this whole…sex thing. With his subtle empath abilities during sex, he was improving rapidly, no doubt, so he knew what to do to hit the right spot everytime, but he was no expert…yet.

"Hm?" Tsunami said, "Oh! No, nothing is wrong. It's…perfect actually."

She tentatively put a hand on his chest. "I…I like this, what we have, what we're…doing. It's just…"

She peered at him, through his blind fold this time due to his lust sessions lasting the whole night, and her eyes held so much emotion that it stopped Naruto's heart.

"You…have to go back to Konoha, don't you?" Tsunami muttered, almost afraid of saying it, "the time we have here seems so…magical. I don't want it to end."

Her eyes dropped from his, knowing the inevitable, anticipating the disappointment from his answer.

To her surprise, he chuckled.

"Oh Tsunami," Naruto said, "My words weren't empty, they never really are if I have anything to say about it. When I said that I'll take care of you for the rest of your life, I meant it."

Tsunami's look of expected disappointment turned into hope. "What do you mean?"

"I'm working on a project here, one that'll…allow me to be with you and at Konoha at the same time," Naruto said. "Although your physical needs will still have to be dealt with by me personally, on occasion."

"Like your clones?" Tsunami asked.

"No…this is more than that. You'll see. I don't know if I'll be able to finish the jutsu before I return but trust me, I have…other ways to came back to you," Naruto elaborated," the only reason our travel from Konoha to Wave took as long as it did was because we wanted to get a feel of our client, your father. We could have gotten from Konoha to here just…like…"

Naruto snapped his fingers together. "...that. It's a very, very fast jutsu."

Tsunami looked at him wide eyed. "That's…incredible. Would you be able to teach it to me?"

Naruto smiled at her enthusiasm but teaching the Hiraishin, a terribly complex space time jutsu, to someone who was as new as her to ninja techniques was probably not a great idea. "Maybe one day, but what is important is that I'm able to come to you, at any time, any place, that is if my new jutsu fails to be completed. We'll be together a lot more than you think…especially at night."

Tsunami blushed but her heart felt…warm. "I…I'm glad…"

Naruto smiled and kissed her. There was more passion and care than lust and need this time. He then began to lift her thick thighs with his arms and spread them apart, like opening up the petals to a flower.

She blushed and looked at him bashfully. "Take me, Naruto-kun…"

He kissed her again as he slid inside her.

This time they didn't fuck, they made love.

As corny as it sounded, it was a whole new sensation, and a whole new experience for Naruto.

It was slow and sensual, entirely different from their rapid pace beforehand. Naruto loved it just as much. Tsunami rolled her hips in accordance to his thrust and together they danced in the flickering candle light.

Naruto released himself from their lip lock to look at her.

This…he didn't want to admit it, the new Tsunami, the one that he created was…extraordinarily gorgeous, and wouldn't lose face standing next to even Kushina. He really did love the way she looked now as compared to before.

"You're beautiful," Naruto said. "I can't believe that you're mine."

Tsunami blushed crimson as she gulped. Even blindfolded, she knew that he was looking at her. His sight was intense and she felt almost unworthy of it. She felt herself squeezing his cock even tighter. Her own body's reactions couldn't lie in how much those words aroused her, how much they made her feel…loved. In a way she hadn't been in so long.

Then his attention seemed to catch onto something else.

"Your wedding ring…where is it?" Naruto asked.

Tsunami looked away in embarrassment. "I…I never took it back from where you placed it…"

Naruto looked surprised…then he grinned.

He came back and reunited his lips with hers, this time more intense but still passionate, still loving. His hands groped her sacred spots and she couldn't help but moan and enjoy it.

As he went deeper and deeper, somehow feeling bigger inside of her, she accepted him, her heels that were open and apart now locked together behind his waist, trapping him in where he belonged.

He grunted as he bit her bottom lip, playing with it.

This was heaven to her. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt before, unlike anything she could've ever imagined.

"I'm–" She got out between breaths. "I'm yours–Give it to me–your–your seeEEEEEED!"

Both of them came at those last words and both were lost within the stars.


It was three AM at night and Kushina felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Her eyes snapped open and awake before she assessed who it was that woke her.

It was…Naruto.

He looked…shy…

"Naruto-kun?" Kushina whispered, not waking Haku.

Naruto gestured for her to come outside and she nodded.

It was easy for the two experienced ninjas to relocate without a sound.

"What's wrong?" Kushina asked once they closed the door of the guest room behind them.

"Ummm…I…I sort of put Tsunami into a…pleasure coma," Naruto said. "And I'm still…"

He gestured to his terribly hidden erect cock underneath his pants.

Kushina stared at him, wide-eyed before she clamped her jaw tight, trying her best not to burst out laughing.

Naruto just stood there like the embarrassed teen he was.

Oddly, when Kushina responded, she looked…relieved?

"Let me take care of you, Naruto."

They smiled at each other.


Over the next two months, Naruto had worked on his jutsu, built the church…then expanded it from how high the demand was from everyone in Wave. He also learnt carpentry and helped Tazuna with his bridge building, trained Tsunami, trained Haku, and exchanged pointers with Kushina.

Kushina was well on her way to fully mastering Sage mode, a feat accomplishable ever since he found out that he could absorb the nature chakra before it was too much for her to handle, preventing her from becoming petrified in stone.

Haku had grown closer and more comfortable with the two Konoha ninjas as well as improving by leaps and bounds under the surprisingly intuitive instructions from Naruto. He was a much better teacher than he said he was.

And Tsunami…she improved by a rather insane margin as well. So much so that it confounded Haku. She was around…chuunin level now in terms of deadliness. A prodigious rate of progress unheard of from one starting so late in the art of the shinobi.

Well, when Naruto said he trained Tsunami, he did mean shinobi training…just that everytime they had a break, they locked hips with each other whilst evading the sometimes curious check ups from Haku.

During the last week, Naruto was finally reaching a breakthrough with his jutsu. It seemed that he got everything just right, from the fuinjutsu seals to the soul and chakra extraction, to the blood and DNA implantation.

He was currently inside of the newly built church. It was night as the moon shone in the blanket of the night with its ethereal light. The premises were locked up and secured by Kushina, ensuring him that he would not be disturbed. Tsunami and Haku had stayed at Tazuna's house, being told that he had a secret project he was going to show them as a surprise once it was done.

"Are you ready?" Kushina said, "With…whatever it is you're doing?"

Naruto nodded. "I'm sure it'll work this time. I tested it extensively. Nothing should go wrong."

Kushina smiled. "Your first original jutsu, hm? I'm excited for what you have to show me."

Naruto smiled. Then he uncovered his eyes, bit his finger and held his hands forward, almost like he was pushing something gently.

"Creation of all things: Human Clone no jutsu."

Kushina's eyes widened at the name and she could only watch with astonishment as for the next twenty minutes, each part of a human's anatomy was formed in front of her, with Naruto's blood flowing into it like a floating geyser.

First came the construction of the skeletal structure, then came the necessary organs of the heart, lungs, and brain, tendons, inner tissue, nerves, blood vessels, muscles, skin…absolutely zero private appendages…it was almost like he was creating a doll but…fleshy and human-like.

Kushina had seen many extraordinary things in her life, from the time when her husband created the Hiraishin to when the fox was released in the village, as terrible as the event was, but this was entirely an entirely new level.

Naruto was creating what seemed to be a fully functioning biological human body…from nothing…well, nothing but blood.. Kushina had been worried initially, but she trusted her son to not put himself in danger. Thankfully, his blood only flowed into the clone for the first five minutes before it ceased. It was probable that the jutsu was designed to require only a certain amount for it to work.

Naruto, on the other hand, feld almost light headed, ice in his veins and a fleeting sensation of drunk dizziness plaguing his mind. He still retained control of himself, but since this was the first time in attempting the jutsu in its full capacity. He would succeed, there was no doubt, but he still hadn't mastered it, thus was inefficient in using his chakra.

But in the end, he did succeed, as he believed he would.

A new organic body, almost identical to his own asides from the lack of the rinnegan eyes and the…male genitalia.

He let out a gasp of relief, as he watched his mother take a step toward him in worry.

"Hold your horses, mom, I'm not done just yet," Naruto said.

Then he grabbed a fuinjutsu brush from his waist pouch and walked over behind the clone, who looked as lifeless as a doll, flouting upright as it was in mid air.

Naruto spent the next ten minutes etching intricate seals into the clone's back before he surgically removed a piece of his soul and implanted it within the array he'd conjured up.

Kushina gulped as the clone's eyes blinked for the first time. Then his pupils dilated.

Naruto, too, looked shocked.

Still though, it couldn't keep him from shouting out:


"It worked!/It worked!" Both he and the clone exclaimed at the same time.

Kushina just stared at the two…two real humans. Two proper, living, breathing humans.

She fainted.



Thanks for reading! Read up to 15 chapters ahead on P-atreon!

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