
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · アニメ·コミックス
384 Chs


[ Uchiha Izuna: @ Senju Tobirama,

Orochimaru is right!

Can you put away your smile first!

I know it's nice to be recognized,

But it doesn't have to be that way!

The mouth is grinning to the back of the ear!

And Orochimaru is right,

In the witness of all,

beat you,

I can prove myself better!

(stand hand.jpg)!

So quickly turn your attention,

Focus on the next battle!

I'm afraid you won't last a minute!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Izuna saw Tobirama's smile,

I thought I was being ignored again,

Can not help but sarcastically said!

And Tobirama faced Izuna's provocation,

It's not false either!

[ Senju Tobirama: You have to have a limit for bragging!

You say it's okay to beat me,

What a minute to blow!

But don't forget,

You were killed by me at 420 while you were alive!

(Pick nose.jpg)!

And I remember,

The last one was as crazy as you,

People who talk nonsense in the group,

At this moment, he is already in the underworld!


[ Uchiha Madara: …

[ Uchiha Izuna: What am I,

you don't because of me,

And keep slandering my big brother, okay!

If you do this again, I'm in a hurry with you!


[ Senju Tobirama: Izuna, have you lost your mind?

you are not already,

Are you going to hit me?

Won't let me say something nice?

And this time,

You shouldn't think about it anymore,

Back to the world of Hokage,

Add Chakra to the surface,

Actually to get Three Tomoe Sharingan,

(bhei) Are you planning to cheat?


Tobirama paid no heed to Izuna's warning,

Still taking Madara on Izuna!

But he did not expect

The big pillar that has always been silent,

This time, I will slap him out!

[ Senju Hashirama: Shut up Tobirama,

It's about you and Izuna,

Madara never took the initiative to attack you,

You don't always insinuate sarcasm!

What's wrong with Madara?


[Hero Garp: It hurts, isn't it?

He also said that you two have no relationship!


[ Senju Hashirama: Get out!

I speak justice!

Righteousness kills relatives, do you understand?

As First Hokage,

Status equal to Marine Marshal of Sengoku,

Sitting in such a high position,

Can I realize this?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

[ Whitebeard: Speaking of Justice?

I don't believe it anyway!

And Sengoku doesn't have much consciousness either!

Willing to be a tool for Celestial Dragons to rule the world!


[Buddha's Sengoku: My Interpretation,

You just pretend you can't hear it, right?


[ Golden Lion: Me too!

Who believes who is stupid 13!


[ Senju Tobirama: @ Senju Hashirama,

when your brother,

What the hell did I do in my past life?

did not destroy the world,

I'm so sorry for what's happened to me now!


[ Senju Hashirama: Second brother!

Don't say that!

Although Madara is my good friend,

But I really,

It's on the right side!

(Small beep.jpg)!]

[Buddha no Sengoku: This person, Dazhuzi,

Just not honest!

No wonder Tobirama is so depressed!


[Senju Hashirama:…]

[ Orochimaru: Can you get to the point quickly?

Let Izuna and Tobirama fight first,

And then we chat again?

I'm so happy I'm almost full of water!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Orochimaru hiccupped a few times,

said impatiently!

[Hero Garp: Yes,

If you don't hurry,

The sun is about to set!

I may not have waited for them to finish,

already fell asleep!

Getting older,

Can't stay up late!

(Stand Hand.jpg)!]

[ Uchiha Izuna: It's okay!

The duel between us ninjas,

It's not as troublesome as the people in your pirate world,

The strong one fights for several days!

Instead, we're done quickly!

And in order to block the broken mouth of spicy chicken Tobirama,

I won't go back to the world of Hokage this time,

Added Chakra or something!

Lest he say anything,

Cheating with Izanagi or something like that!

(Pick nose.jpg)!]