
Naruto: Gravity Manipulation

Dai, an Otaku, died from an unfortunate event and reincarnated in the world of Naruto. Follow him on his journey where he purse to be the strongest. ———————————————————————————————————————————— I do not own the picture or any character other than from my own creation. If you want it to be taken down, so let me know.

Akashi1 · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 6 - Nara clan

Pov – Dai – first person.

It has already been 3 days since my first meeting with sensei. Currently, I was in Nara clan. Nara clan is one of the many clans of Konohagakure. They are known for their high intelligence and the ability to manipulate shadows through the use of Yin Release.

Shikamaru had invited me to his house. In past, I would often visit his house when i was child to play shogi. It was our mutual interest in Shogi that led to us being friends.

"Dai Chan do you want more snacks" Shikamaru's mom, Yoshino Nara asked kindly.

"Of course, your hand made cookie is the best" She smiled at my response. From the time I spent here, I noticed Shikamaru had a loving family. His mom was beautiful and loving and his dad was also very understanding. Unlike most of the parents, his dad did not stop him from playing with Naruto.

However even with his loving family, it didn't change his personality. He was unenthusiastic and lazy kid, who if had the opportunity would gaze at cloud and say, 'what a drag.' From my perspective, his laziness came from his blessed intelligence. This made his life way easier for him, unlike other children his age, he did not require effort to do better than anyone in a test. So over time, this made him lazy as any actual real effort makes him feel like a drag because he has never really give his all in anything.


In Nara compound, two boys could be seen playing shogi. Several minutes passed, but to them it felt like seconds. Their match was very intense and the fact that it lasted this long showed Dai's massive improvement because in past this would have ended already. Both Shikamaru and Dai had a stern face, showing us how deep their focus was. However, it was like always, Shikamaru won, with much difficulty this time.

"Good game." Dai smiled, he wasn't frustrated, instead he was satisfied with his progress.

"You have gotten much better" This applied too Shikamaru as well. He was happy to see Dai's improve at a fast pace. The better he became, the more Shikamaru enjoyed playing with him.

Dai stayed at Shikamaru's house until afternoon. He then headed to the forest of death. It was time to meet his Sensei


Forest of death

Dai quickly arrived at the destination, and Anko was already there.

"Alright kid, before we do any real mission. We will focus on improving your physical ability. Follow this regimen" After seeing it, Dai was in disbelief.

"This is insane" she smirked at my reaction and he couldn't be more right.

It said to do 200 pushups, 200 sit ups, 200 squats and 20 Km running. What was even worse was he had to do this with three times the normal gravity. This was basically Saitama's workout on steroids as he also he to do this within 3 hours.

Even with all the complaining, Dai still did it as he knew he had to get stronger. He wanted to be at peace and did not wanted to threatened by anything.

The sun was setting and after nearly 3 hours, Dai could be seen panting like a dog while lying on the ground as his sweat continued to drip from his forehead. His breathing was short and rapid, and he had already taken off his shirt as he was sweating unlike ever before and his refined body that did not fit his age was exposed in all glory.

"Alright brat stand up. It's time for round 2. Always put in mind that we will spar at the end of training. Always." Anko said casually.

However, Dai's eyes opened in disbelief and felt he was daydreaming. "De demon. Are you serious right now?" To Dai at this moment, she really looked like a demon.

Anko only gave few minutes to rest before attacking him. Dai gritted his teeth to force his body to stand up. He raised his hand to guard with all his effort, but it was a futile effort. The spar went only for a few moments before Dai collapsed due to exhaustion.

Although she did not show it, Anko was deeply shocked. Even she did not have the confidence to complete the regimen. Dai's willpower left her a deep impression.

Anko picked up Dai's small figure and took him to his house. After all the effort, she could not leave him all alone on the chilly night. She wasn't that heartless.

After a few hours when darkness had already engulfed Konoha, Dai slowly opened his glistening silver eyes, which could make anyone mesmerized. Dai checked his surroundings in confusion. He noticed that he was already in his bed, alongside a letter that told him when there would be more training. Looking out the window, he felt at peace while appreciating the view Infront of him. There was a full bright moon floating in its glory. Even in darkness, one could see their surroundings due to its ethereal light.

Putting aside the letter, Dai jumped out of the window and went out for a walk

Enjoy! Don’t forget to leave your review.

Akashi1creators' thoughts