
Poison dose

A few more days had passed since the last mission in the village that had caught fire. Ryo had participated in a few more missions with his team since then, all around Konoha, none of which involved much action. Ryo and team 13 were starting to work much better as a coordinated team. Of course, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary yet, but even Denji was fitting in.

Ryo was now sitting on the roof of one of the houses in Konoha. He had three coins in his hand, moving them from one hand to the other. The golden coins reflected the day's sun, and soon Ryo took a deep breath. 'After these last few weeks, I see that being a ninja is nothing like it was at the beginning of the manga.'

Ryo had killed a few more people, and the body count was slowly increasing. At night, when he looked into the dark, he could see the faces of some he had killed, faces filled with anger, sadness, others with fear, and many more. He knew it was something in his mind, the peaceful times from which he had come from his past world, were not compatible with the current world he was in.

'I know that if I don't kill, I might die. I'm not hesitating because of this, and I never will, but sometimes all of this seems wrong... Damn, I can kill people just as easily as I used to step on ants in the past, it's that easy now...'

He then looked up at the sky, closed his eyes, and took another deep breath, standing up and then jumping down. The building was two stories high, and the fall wasn't too high, so he landed softly on the ground, putting his hands in his pockets and started walking through the city for some time.

Ryo passed by some stores, bought some food, ninja items of all kinds, and also acquired some poisons. With his medical studies, he could administer some lethal poisons in non-lethal doses, or make them even more effective.

Poisons generally had good applications, and their variety was very useful, but a bit tricky to handle. Ryo had managed to buy some paralyzing poisons, which, in a high dose, could kill, and in a small dose, could reduce the pain of a wound.

After some time walking, the boy then returned home. As soon as he entered, he immediately closed the door and walked towards the table, placing the purchased items there. "Let's get started then." He made a hand sign, and a shadow clone appeared. Ryo began handling the poison while the clone started to pick up some small glass vials of different sizes.

"The bigger, the more lethal, and the smaller, the better for the body." He took out a large clay pot, which had some inscriptions on the front warning to be careful and all, it was the pot of poison Ryo had bought. As he opened the lid, he could see the dark liquid inside the pot.

"I'll start." The clone had already arranged the test tubes on the table, and then Ryo, with a type of larger syringe, extracted the poison from the pot, starting to place it inside the test tubes. After some extractions, Ryo was left with 10 test tubes, of which 3 were larger, 3 medium, and 4 small.

As he was doing this, the clone quickly took out three storage scrolls, opening them on the table. "Here." Ryo said, tossing a small bag with some caps to close the test tubes. And then, after everything was ready, the clone disappeared, and Ryo had in front of him three scrolls containing the poisons, each separated in their way of use.

The largest was for killing, the medium for paralysis, and the smallest for treating pain in wounds or injuries. Ryo clapped his hands together with a satisfied expression. "Great, now that I have this, I feel more prepared. Ever since I started studying and applying medicine, I have to constantly study it, seeing that changes are happening all the time."

And indeed, they were, especially in a world like Naruto's, scientific discoveries were booming and would explode in the pre-Boruto period, which was left off in the original manga. But until then, Ryo still had plenty of time to try to learn and create new things in medicine and new methods.

And with that, another day passed. On that day, Ryo didn't have a mission. Tora had told them to rest a bit as they would spend some time training more basics and maybe new moves. Ryo wasn't sure what Tora could teach him beyond Fuinjutsu but was happy to return to training for some time. Lately, they hadn't done anything beyond rank D and C missions.

The next day, training location;

Ryo, Denji, and Haruka were in an open field, surrounded by trees, a spacious

location great for training. The three of them were wearing training clothes, not their ninja gear, though, of course, Ryo still had a belt with some scrolls at his waist, containing everything he might need in case of an unexpected event, because even in training, accidents could happen.

It didn't take long for Tora to appear at the site, flickering in front of them. "Good morning," he said in a calm tone as he took out a scroll, opened it, and threw it to the side while making a hand seal. The scroll exploded into a large cloud of smoke, and a few seconds later, a table with some chairs appeared from the smoke.

"Let's sit down. I'm going to talk to you about the last few weeks of missions we've had together." Then, the four of them sat around the table, waiting for Tora to begin speaking. It didn't seem like a very serious matter, but if he was taking the time to do this, he must have some points to help the three young ninjas.

[ Author here!

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