
Naruto : Gold List Exposes Me

Yasao found himself transported to the world of Naruto, equipped with a unique deduction system that granted him the uncanny ability to analyze and acquire the powers from any anime. In this new world, he had the power to summon and nurture various creatures as his companions. Among his chosen allies were Kumoko, Beerus, Fox Demon, and even Godzilla. What set Yasao apart, however, was his unparalleled craftsmanship. The weapons he forged by hand exceeded the quality of even the legendary weapons of the Sage of Six Paths of the ninja world. Gradually, he established enigmatic factions, each one more secretive and powerful than the last. His personal strength grew to rival even Kaguya Otsutsuki. But one fateful day, a live broadcast emerged, unveiling the taijutsu skills, weaponry, pets, and apprentices from every corner of the ninja world. And in that moment, Yasao, who had been shrouded in secrecy, was revealed. It was then that everyone realized that he was the enigmatic mastermind behind the scenes, the true puppeteer pulling the strings in the ninja world!

PirateKing24 · アニメ·コミックス
302 Chs

Chapter 159 : Resurrection of Senju Hashirama!

Before long, two reward items manifested on the screen.

The first was the golden light of merit. While not as impressive as the runner-up, it still held a significant value.

The second reward was a vial of cyan liquid.

[Wood Essence Elixir: It significantly enhances wood-based abilities, ideal for Wood Style ninjas, and can even fortify the body, cultivating an innate wood physique while greatly augmenting Chakra.]

[Senju Hashirama: Hahaha! I've got the golden light of merit. That's my pick. Yasao, can you bring me back with it?]

[Yasao: No problem!]

[Senju Hashirama: Great! Once you've brought me back, I'll promptly extract the golden light of merit for you.]

[Uchiha Madara: Hashirama, you lucky guy!]

[Tsunade: Grandpa, you're returning to us. Fantastic!]

[Senju Nawaki: Grandpa's coming back! Amazing!]

[Third Hokage: With Hashirama-sensei back, Konoha's strength will rise once more!]

[Senju Tobirama: Congratulations, brother!]

In Konoha, now, Tsunade assembled a group of ninjas, each eagerly anticipating Senju Hashirama's resurrection.

The anticipation was palpable. Senju Hashirama, the First Hokage, held immense significance for Konoha, and everyone awaited his return with bated breath.

And then, it happened.

The sky above Konoha split, and Yasao emerged.

He had chosen to resurrect Senju Hashirama here, in Konoha. After all, resurrecting him at his own residence would only reveal his whereabouts.

Without delay, Yasao produced the Angel's Scepter, ready to wield its power in bringing Senju Hashirama back to life.

Though the scepter had the capacity to resurrect three individuals, Yasao had never utilized it before.

With a determined hum, Yasao invoked the scepter's resurrection light, channeling half its energy to revive the chosen target.

Resurrection: "Senju Hashirama!"


The Light of Resurrection beckoned Senju Hashirama's soul to Konoha, immediately initiating the reconstruction of his body, bringing about his complete resurrection.

Before long, Senju Hashirama stood before them, his form fully restored, revitalizing Konoha.

"I am alive!"

Surveying the familiar yet altered landscape of Konoha, Senju Hashirama's heart swelled with excitement.

"Thank you, Yasao," he expressed his gratitude.

"You need not thank me; simply bestow upon me the golden light of merit," Yasao replied.

"Of course," Senju Hashirama readily agreed.

Knowing that Yasao held the power to revive, obliterate, or even erase his very soul, Senju Hashirama willingly relinquished the golden light of merit.

"Goodbye!" With the golden light of merit in hand, Yasao departed, tearing through the fabric of space.

Shortly thereafter, Tsunade and others arrived.


"Lord First Hokage!"

"Lord First Hokage!"

"Lord First Hokage!"

A multitude of ninja spoke respectfully.

Word spread swiftly throughout Konoha: their revered First Hokage, Senju Hashirama, had returned from the Pure Land.

On the other side,

Yasao infused Senju Hashirama's golden light of merit into his own golden wheel of merit, causing it to expand slightly.

"Not bad, there's been a slight improvement in power," Yasao remarked with satisfaction.

In the Golden List live room,

[ Fourth Raikage: The First Hokage has truly returned! ]

[ Second Mizukage: Envious, I wish I could come back too! ]

[ Second Tsuchikage: The golden light of merit can grant the chance of resurrection. Anyone can acquire it. Unfortunately, my ranking is a bit low, so I fear I won't obtain any golden light of merit. ]

[ Senju Tobirama: It's all about luck. With some luck, you might still obtain the golden light of merit! ]

Soon, it was the turn for the seventh-ranked merit holder to receive rewards, which went to Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

Two reward items appeared on the screen.

The first item was a short blade emanating black and gold hues.

[Soul Blade: This weapon enhances one's speed twofold, possesses the ability to slice through anything, and inflicts damage imbued with ghostly energy, capable of harming even souls with ease. ]

The second reward was a Rank Four Jindan.

[Rank Four Golden Pill: Significantly boosts Senjutsu Chakra, refines one's physique, extends lifespan by 300 years, and offers healing properties. ]

Faced with these choices, Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato deliberated.

"Should I opt for the ghost blade or the Rank Four Golden Pill?" Namikaze Minato pondered.

Ultimately, he made his decision.

"I'll go with the Rank 4 Golden Pill! While the Soul Blade is tempting, with a Rank 4 Golden Pill, I aim to ascend directly to the Six Paths level!" Namikaze Minato decided quietly.

Becoming a Six Paths tier far surpasses choosing the Soul Blade.

For one already at the Six Paths level, the power of Soul Blade becomes nearly useless.


Namikaze Minato extracted the Rank Four Golden Pill, swiftly consuming it to initiate the refining process.

Once fully refined, his potential to ascend to the Six Paths level greatly increases.

Shortly thereafter, the reward for eighth place on the merit list was unveiled, awarded to Jiraiya.

Two items appeared on the screen as his rewards.

The first item was the Rank Four Golden Pill.

[Rank Four Golden Pill: Significantly enhances Senjutsu Chakra, refines physique, extends lifespan by 300 years, and possesses wound-healing properties...]

The second item was a bottle of cyan water.

[Longevity Water: Enhances certain aspects of Chakra and extends lifespan by a thousand years.]

"Extending lifespan by a thousand years? It's excessively long. What would I do with so much time? I should opt for the Rank Four Golden Pill. It not only enhances strength further but also extends lifespan by three hundred years. Yes!"

Jiraiya pondered.

Without hesitation, he claimed the Rank Four Golden Pill.

Swiftly, he consumed the pill, commencing the refinement process.


Under the influence of the Rank Four Golden Pill, Jiraiya's Chakra surged, his body underwent constant tempering, and his strength grew exponentially.

Furthermore, with the Fourth Rank Jindan being refined, his lifespan increased, and his appearance transformed, regaining youth with each passing moment.

"The Impact of Prolonged Life!

Soon after, the ninth position on the merit list also made its presence known.

And this reward went to Uzumaki Naruto.

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto eagerly awaited, hoping for a valuable reward.

Two reward items promptly flashed onto the screen.

Uzumaki Naruto's face lit up with joy as he beheld one of the items.

"The golden light of merit!

This is excellent! Even if he doesn't need it, he can trade it with Yasao!"


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