
Naruto: Gojo Satoru Template System

Travel through the world of Naruto and become Kakashi’s brother Hatake Satōru. On the night of his father suicide, when he is on the verge of death he get the template system and acquired the character--Gojo Satōru from jujutsu Kaisen anime. let's see how he change plot of Naruto World.

Kazuma_trash · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Reminding Itachi

Itachi watched Hatake Satōru fall into deep thought with a depressed expression for a while, and he knew that he had made a mistake asking such a question, no matter how careless Hatake Satōru usually is, that question involves the death of his father, he asked too rashly without thinking.

According to the rumors heard by these some people, after the death of White Fang, Hatake Satōru became seriously ill, at that time, Kakashi was alone, After that, the two brothers moved in a completely different directions of their life due to their physical fitness and talent, and their personalities also greatly different from each other.

Hatake Satōru and Kakashi are two orphans whose parents have died, and there is still a gap between them, Although they live in the same house, but there is always an great distance between those two.

"I understand, I known it not your fault, either." Although itachi thinks a lot on weekdays, he is more mature than his peers, but in the final analysis, Itachi is also someone with a father and a mother, and his relatives are harmonious, and he can't empathize with these two brothers, he can only barely comfort him with a few words.

"Oh? I didn't think it was my fault either." Hatake Satōru raised his face with a regained look, and once again showed a familiar smile, with blindfolds over his eyes, he still couldn't see or think, what is in his mind.

Hatake Satōru put his hands in pockets, leaned a little to Itachi's ear and whispered softly: "However, you have done so much for Konoha in the dark, you should also understand what is underneath this place."

"When standing in line, it's better to think about which way to go~"

The suggestiveness of this sentence was not weak, and Itachi took a sudden step backwards, he is not a naive person, he understand what Satōru said, it is enough to drop this seed in Itachi's heart for now, It doesn't matter which way he goes.

Obviously he likes sweets so much, there is no need for him to survive in bitterness all his life, Hatake Satōru straightened up and disappeared from Itachi's side in an instant.

The air was still filled with a faint sweet fragrance, and the breeze moved by the Satōru quick disappearance (his teleportation skill), and wind blew on Itachi cheeks.

He turned his head thoughtfully and looked in the direction where Hatake Satōru had left, the sun has completely set, and only a little afterglow is still shining on the ground.

Root and Anbu.

To be honest, Hatake Satōru has no good impressions of these two direct units, After all, Hiruzen and Danzo, one is hypocrite who uses his good words just for his use and if anyone threatened his position he will do everything in power to remove it and one is pure evil who thinks that everything he is doing is for konoha.

Don't talk about anyone.

Anbu is still solving some other family affairs, and his family is not merciful.

But no matter how excessive Danzo's orders are, Hiruzen keeps one eye closed most of the time for him, to put it bluntly, Danzo is his is his another side who do every evil thing for him and himself.

But these upper-level executives are too many, too parasitic, and there are many useful and many useless people, especially the group of elders in the administrative department, except for influencing decisions and sitting and talking, they basically have no ability or strength!

The most annoying thing is that the more this kind of person is, the more I hate them, except political they have no ability or power, I think they can't even wipe their asses after bathroom.

Hatake Satōru clearly realized that it was useless to kill these upper level executives, those people kept stacking up one after another, If they do not change from the foundation, this will always be like this.

So start with the education of these juniors, Hatake Satōru wants to cultivate these people step by step, the world is always in the hands of young people, they will grow up and become reliable partners for each other.

As Hatake Satōru's thoughts fluttered, a mechanically synthesized sound suddenly sounded in his mind.


[Congratulations to Host for successfully progress to -- 22%]

[Short-distance teleportation is promoted to medium and long-distance movement]

[Six Eyes sensing range increased]

[The template progression exceeds 20%]

[ A small reminder: Host can unlock the new character template when the progression exceeds 90%]

Ah, this is similar reason why Gojo Satōru is a teacher in "Jujutsu Kaisen" Anime, I originally set my goal to be like him, which can also improve template progression.

Hatake Satōru looked at the template system with interest, and his movement distance also increased, compared with these improved skills, Hatake Satōru's attention is more on the reminder.

New template? !, This reward sounds a bit interesting, maybe it will be replaced with more interesting characters at that time.

Yes, so let's cultivate more reliable partners while looking forward to new template characters!, Hatake Satōru put away the system panel in his mind, and landed steadily at the door of his house.

"I am back." Although no one would answer, Hatake Satōru habitually said something.

Hatake's house is also considered a marginal area from the center of Konoha Village, which is almost a residental location, although the house is big, it was empty, and most of the rooms were empty.

Satōru and Kakashi basically do everything from cooking to resting in this largest room, accompanied by the sound of stabbing, a burst of fragrance floated out of the stove.

Kakashi is wearing white pajamas and is standing in the kitchen and frying the fish, his expression is serious and his eyes are firm, as if he is frying the fish with Sharingan.

Death-like silence spread between the two, and the embarrassment visible to the naked eye permeated the air, Satōru sat at the table, looking to the other side a little weirdly.

Using the table as the dividing line, Kakashi's clothes are neatly placed on the opposite side against the wall.

"It's amazing, you actually come back for the night."

"Is there no task tomorrow?".


Thank you for reading this story.