
Naruto : Gojo Satoru Reborn As Kakashi's Brother

Synopsis: As the eldest son of the Hatake family, Kakashi's brother, Hatake Satoru, has a more terrifying ninja talent than Kakashi. Not only that, he also has an innate golden finger, all the inheritances of Gojo Satoru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. As a person above the ceiling in the world of Jujutsu, he is naturally above the ceiling in the world of Naruto. Although he doesn't have Kekkei Genkai like Sharingan and Byakugan, he has the most unique Six Eyes· a.k.a Rikugan. "My adorable little brother, your brother is the strongest." Satoru touched Kakashi's head and said this, the slightly raised corner of his mouth and the strong confidence in his words made Kakashi feel extremely at ease in any desperate situation. ======= You can read 30 advanced chapters at my patreon*com/YeyeQiu

Yeye_Qiu · アニメ·コミックス
280 Chs

Chapter 127: Cult.

I don't know what Sasuke said when he went home, but Fugaku didn't come to settle accounts with Hatake Satoru, he probably thought his younger son should be educated.

Just as Hatake Satoru was preparing to be a salted fish for another day, a ninja wearing a cat face mask suddenly appeared next to Hatake Satoru and said.

"Hatake Satoru, Hokage-sama wants you to come over."

The Anbu ninja said very respectfully.


Hatake Satoru stretched lazily.

"It seems that I can't be a salted fish today, I know, I'll be there soon."


The Anbu nodded, and then his figure disappeared in front of Satoru.

"It seems that there is a formidable task for me to do."

In the past year, the Fourth Hokage has rarely sought him out. Whenever he does, it's definitely a very troublesome matter. On the contrary, Hatake Satoru is very interested in these troublesome tasks.

Although Hatake Satoru sometimes appears very lazy, that's entirely because those tasks are too boring. Even S-rank tasks rarely interest Hatake Satoru. He now prefers those quirky tasks. Although sometimes these tasks turn out to be very simple in the end, Satoru still enjoys the feeling of brainstorming and adventuring during the task.

After stretching his muscles and bones, Satoru directly teleported and arrived in front of the Fourth Hokage.

"What troublesome task needs to be given to me?"

Looking at Minato who was dealing with documents, Satoru directly spoke.

Upon hearing this sudden voice, Minato's body trembled imperceptibly, but it was clearly observed by Satoru's Rikugan.

"Fortunately, it's not the Third Hokage in power now, otherwise he might have had a heart attack because of you."

As soon as Minato finished saying this, the Third Hokage, who was smoking at home, suddenly sneezed.

"Who the hell is talking bad about me again?"

The Third Hokage wiped his nose and thought to himself.

Nowadays, the Third H can be said to have no power at all. What he has in the village now may only be the status of the previous Hokage and the respect of some people.

He has now let go, perhaps because of his age, he no longer covets those powers. What he thinks now is to live a stable old age, and then see Konohagakure village become stronger and stronger, he is already content.

"Maybe I can scare him a bit."

Upon hearing Satoru say this, Namikaze Minato directly had a black line on his face.

He mourned for the Third Hokage for three seconds in his heart at this moment.

Hatake Satoru is the kind of person who makes the leader both love and hate. He is strong in work ability, but disobedient, quite naughty.

If he meets a magnanimous leader, it's okay, but if he meets a narrow-minded leader, he can't avoid being given a hard time.

"Recently, a religion called 'Fire Sect' has appeared within our Land of Fire."

Minato didn't continue to pull with Satoru, and directly entered the topic.

"'Fire Sect'? Isn't there a lot of religions within our Land of Fire? The emergence of a new religion is a very normal thing, it's nothing more than wanting to scam some villagers for money."

Regarding the proliferation of religions within the Land of Fire, since the Daimyo of the Land of Fire doesn't want to manage it, their Konohagakure village naturally can't overstep its bounds. However, in some special cases, their Konohagakure village still needs to take action.

"But this religion may be different, it is very likely to be a cult."

Minato said with a serious expression.

"A cult?"

Upon hearing this, Satoru's expression also became very serious. You should know that the cults in this world are not ordinary cults.

The cults in this world almost regard human life as grass, and the leaders of these cults, without exception, are all those who practice evil arts.

"At present, many villages have suffered. As long as the activities of the 'Fire Sect' appear, it won't take long for the village to become a deserted village."

When he said this, a murderous aura rose from Namikaze Minato.

Those who disappeared, think with their butts, and they all know how big their chances of surviving are.

"I really didn't expect that the cult would dare to run rampant in the Land of Fire."

As early as half a year ago, it was when the cult was most rampant within the Land of Fire. Almost everywhere, you could hear legends about the cult. At that time, Hatake Satoru received the task of dealing with these cults. That time, Hatake Satoru alone cleared no less than ten cults.

Originally thought that the cult would quiet down for a while, but didn't expect that after only half a year, there were signs of revival.

"I didn't expect it either, it seems I have to propose to the Daimyo to suppress the development of religion.

This time, take your squad with you on the mission, let them also see what a cult looks like."

Namikaze Minato had also done some tasks about clearing the cult. Now recalling the scene inside the cult, his brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

The creatures inside the cult can no longer be described as humans, their actions are even worse than beasts.

"I understand, it's also time for them to see the world outside of Genin."

Before, Satoru led Itachi and others to do all the tasks, almost all of them were to tell them how cruel the ninja world is. But sometimes, the intrigue between ordinary people, the degree of ruthlessness, is stronger than the ninja.

"Although your strength is very strong, I still have to remind you to be careful. The evil arts of the cult are generally evil Ninjutsu that have been sealed for a long time. No one knows what these Ninjutsu do, but they are definitely not simple. You must be careful."

Then, Minato reminded him with a serious face.

"You really are different from other leaders, Namikaze Minato."

This time, Satoru directly called out Minato's full name. This is not disrespect to the Fourth Hokage, on the contrary, this is Hatake Satoru's respect for him.

For Minato, Hatake Satoru should be the person who poses the greatest threat to him in Konohagakure village. But every time before going on such a serious mission, Minato would remind Satoru in advance.

"After all, as long as you are still a person of Konohagakure, you are my subordinate. Isn't it a very normal thing to care about your subordinates?"

Minato said to Satoru with a smile. Seeing this smile, Satoru couldn't help but sigh that the title of Little Sun really deserves its name.

In an instant, even Satoru felt as if he had been somewhat healed.

Minato's ninja talent is a rare genius in decades, and there may not be another person like Minato in the future.

And besides talent, Minato's character is also very good. It can be said that there is almost no stain on Minato.

Hatake Satoru is a person who is perfect in everything except for his personality, and it is not too much to describe Minato with the four words "perfectly flawless".

(End of the chapter)



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