
Naruto: Going back in time!

In search of a very dangerous alien, Yato Ken, a Tokubestsu-jounin from Konoha were It's assigned to help with the search. But, an unknown technique of the same opens a portal in Konoha, and sucks Yato Ken back into his past where everything is yet to happen! see how he lives his second life, and makes choices he didn't make in the past.

FanFics · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Where I am? ...

1st Chapter!



"W-where is this? …W-wait…this is my childhood room!!" 'A young man of six or seven woke up and muttered in alarm.

And no wonder… In fact, he had already lived most of his life! And with his constant efforts, he finally managed to become a Tokubestsu-jounin on the part of being a good sensor.

But this… It all started when all the ninjas in Konoha were looking for the alien being who had disrupted the chuunin exams. 

And since he was a good sensor, he was also designed to help with the searches. However, when he sensed that he might be too close to the alien, a space-time distortion appeared in front of him and sucked him into his past again.

"Uh, so that was it… but it looks like there's no turning back now… I don't have space power, and I don't even know anyone other than Sasuke-San who does. But currently he's not even close to having that same power. ." the young man muttered to himself.

The young man was called Yato Ken, he graduated from the academy when he was fifteen years old. Well, he had no family as they all died in the Kyuubi's attack, and he only had a small AP given by the hokage.

His appearance was not the best, but it was above average. Yato Ken at the moment has spiky black hair, a slender body and a childlike face. He also had crystal white skin, which made him kind of cute. But now, her yellow eyes have taken on a new shade of depth, something a child shouldn't have anytime soon. And that was something that made him a little more attractive and mysterious.

"Since this has happened to me, maybe I should take this new chance to change the course of my life… Even if it might alter the flow of future reality" — The young man said. Her eyes going steady as he decided that.

Then, with a jump from your bed. He started cleaning his room. As he was a boy and didn't have many habits of cleaning his room, it was obvious that he already had some bad odor.

"Uffa" —Two hours later he finished! It was now an almost unrecognizable home compared to before.

"Maybe I should start my training… as I also want to get into the gym better prepared than before." - The young man said excitedly remembering his colleagues. In his past, he should have graduated with the other nine genins! But because of his team, he was forced to redo the year again, and again...

Thus, he hardly had time to experience battles when he was sent to the Fourth Great War. However, luck seemed to be on his side preventing him from dying in every confrontation with his enemies. However, his teammates were not so lucky and died very early.

But now it was different! He had more experience, and also the knowledge of what was going to happen in the world in a few years. This gave him good scope for training and improvement.

Coming out of his house, Yato looked at this ancient village of Konoha, and his eyes filled with reminiscences.! The village of the future has undergone major changes, both technological and architectural. Looking at the old konoha now, a faint glint appeared in his eyes before quickly disappearing.

"…So that's what it means to say that the years pass…" 

Without waiting any longer, Yato started running around the village. His body was healthy, but it was still very weak! So if he wanted to start a change in his future... First he had to start with his body!

Before completing twenty minutes of running, a person appeared in his path... 

"Hey Yato! What are you doing?" A delinquent-looking boy appeared in front of Yato and asked him.

Stopping his run, Yato stared at the boy for a few seconds before remembering who he was.

"Tenshi! I think you can tell I'm running, right?" he said in a mocking tone.

"Ah- Y-You!!" "The boy named Tenshi was speechless at this. Never had he expected the silent boy in front of him to answer him like that.

"What's up? Stop stalling and speak fast ! What do you want?" Yato said with an irritated expression. This boy is what would be part of your team in the future, and your friend would die because of him not long after they graduated.


Seeing that Tenshi didn't speak a single word, Yato passed by his side and kept running... Halfway there, he started to feel like an idiot having said that. Tenshi was still just a six-year-old boy, and even though he already had a tendency to be arrogant and delinquent, he still hadn't become that.

"Maybe my body is affecting my mind? …. No, that's not it! It's just me that's irritated about something yet..." — Yato muttered to himself.

Tenshi just looked at Yato who was running without paying attention to him, before an evil look appeared in his eyes. "Humph, just wait… You'll pay for this!"

Yato didn't know that. He continued with his training and didn't care for anything that was around him. He knew that his first difficulty would be the Chuunins exams that would take place in the future, so he would train as soon as possible.

"If…no, maybe I shouldn't change too many things…" 

"Or maybe… Yes, they are living people! So they have their right to continue living…."

_-- Sigh --_

"Let fate decide what to do…Or rather, let future consequences happen to see what I should do!"

With that thought in mind, Yato turned his attention to his training. First he would start increasing the resistance of his body that was kind of fragile. Only then would he start to relearn some jutsus from the past.

There were already some jutsus he knew from the lightning style that was his affinity. The area he focused most on before was his sensory ability, which gave him the rank of Tokubestsu-jounin.

But now he was determined to practice his lightning style when he felt he was ready. In the future he saw how powerful the lightning style could be, and it made him rethink his past choices over and over again.

As he ran and thought about it, he lost concentration on the way for a few moments and then…

_-- Bang !! --_ _-- Kyaa !! --_

"Ah, Sakura-Sa- … I'm sorry! Are you alright?" - Yato hurriedly hurried to extend his hand to the girl lying on the ground. 

(… Cof! Cof! Cof! ...I must be more careful with my words, or I will end up being called and interrogated by he, old the Bakage... hehehe …) — Yato thought mocking. 

"Hey, look where you're walking!" - The girl replied irritated. Rising from the ground, she dusted off her clothes before taking one last look at Yato and going back to walking. It looked like she hadn't heard what he said.

(…Sigh… It's not like you're hurt! Angry girl!…) — Yato thought.

Then, with one last look at the little pink haired girl, he smiled slightly before back running!