
Naruto: God Of The Moon

I can't access my other account that had Naruto: Crescent Moon and Fairy Tail: Goddess Of Darkness so yeah... This novel is currently on break so don't expect any updates since I'm starting school in like a week. :(

Whatupmyfellowkids · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 8: Passing The Written Test

Chapter 8: Graduating From The Academy

(General POV)

"I'm glad that you've decided to graduate early Aikaga, you certainly have the potential to become a splendid shinobi."

A chunin teacher writes down Aikaga's name on a list of people who want to graduate early. At the top of this list is a few names that many people reading would recognize like Obito Uchiha, Gai Maito and more importantly, Kakashi Hatake. Looking down at this list of people the creeping sensation of danger comes over Aikaga gripping his shoulder in a painful squeeze as if it wants to remind him how weak he is.

'So it's already that time, in a few months the 3rd great shinobi war will commence. I already knew it would come this year but I was hoping it would be delayed untill next year. I do have a way of mutating my cells to gain my own kekkei genkai but it's far too risky. If I had more time to perfect the process than I would gain an invaluable weapon I could use to potentially save my life.'

The chunin teacher guides Aikaga to the room where the people who want to graduate early are lined up to take the exam.

"All of you here have decided to graduate early, now you must pass the exam to become a genin. The exam will be split into three parts, written, jutsu, and physical. The written part of the exam will require you to get a certain amount of questions correct in order to pass, none of these questions are multiple choice. The jutsu part of the exam will require you to perform the 3 academy jutsu in order to pass, if you know any other jutsu you can perform them for extra points. The physical part of the exam will require you to fight against a genin for five minutes, extra points will be awarded if you are able to beat said genin. Now that I've gone over the rules you may start the written portion of the exam, I wish you the best."

An assistant passes out a packet to each individual student and the exam begins. People like Gai and Obito panic at the questions difficulty while Kakashi and Aikaga easily answer every question. After 15 minutes both Aikaga and Kakashi finishes and they both turn their papers in.

'Who is this guy? I didn't think anyone would be able to match me considering the amount of studying I've done,' Kakashi thinks as he stares daggers at Aikaga's face.

Aikaga directly looks at Kakashi with a kind smile and he goes up to him with hand outstretched.

"You're Kakashi Hatake correct? I'm happy to meet you, attempting to graduate from the academy at such a young age is something never seen in Konohagakure."

Kakashi ignores his outstretched hand and he walks back to his seat without saying a word. Aikaga's smile widens when he sees this as the feeling of excitement courses through him.

'Kakashi Hatake, it appears that the timeline is currently still the same. Your father has died due to Danzo and Hiruzen so now you're dedicating your life to becoming the best ninja. I'll be putting an end to that Kakashi, in the future you would become the Hokage but unfortunately your career will never reach such a point. One of my goals in order to come to power and hold a leash on the nations is to amass an army of shinobi. This means that I must recruit and bring shinobi to my side by whatever means necessary, be that money, forbidden jutsu, sharingan, or whatever other type of benefit I can offer them. Loyalty is bought and keep through benefits, it's necessary of me to get a military force separate from Konohagakure but for now I will simply build up my own personal strength.'

Once time runs out the teacher collects all the papers and gives them another chunin to grade. With a dramatic cough the teacher once again addresses the students.

"Now that you've all finished and turned in your written exam we will now begin the jutsu portion. As you all know the jutsu portion of the exam requires you to perform all three basic jutsu, the transformation jutsu, the body replacement jutsu, and the clone jutsu. I will call you each one by one into another room where you will be judged by three chunin."

The teacher individually calls out every student in the group and almost all of them fail the test.


A cry of agony and pain is heard as Obito falls to the ground crying with a snotty nose.


Kakashi throws a rock at his head before berating him for being annoying.

"Can't you be quiet you stupid turd, why the hell are crying. Who the fuck even let you take the graduation test early anyway."

The teacher writes down something on his clipboard as he disappointingly looks down at Obito.

"Aikaga is next, please follow me to the other room where you will be tested for your jutsu prowess."

Aikaga walks out of the room with the teacher and he gives him a pat on the back before opening the door to the room.

"You've been consistently in the top five every year so give it your best shot Aikaga."

Aikaga blushes while scratching his head in an embarrassed manner.

"Thank you for having faith in me sensei I didn't think I would even be able to apply for early graduation because I'm not from some famous clan."

The teacher gives a soft smile before leaning down to meet Aikaga's face.

"Don't worry kid, even though you aren't from a clan I'm sure you'll done fine. How about this for a proposal, if you pass this exam I'll teach you how to you Konohagakure's standard fighting style, Flowing Leaf."

Aikaga face lights up in amazement as he schemes how he could use this.

"Really? I promise I'll do my best to pass this test sensei, believe it."

With that last confident statement Aikaga walks into the room.

I got fucking covid

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