
Naruto: God Of The Moon

I can't access my other account that had Naruto: Crescent Moon and Fairy Tail: Goddess Of Darkness so yeah... This novel is currently on break so don't expect any updates since I'm starting school in like a week. :(

Whatupmyfellowkids · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter 1: Arrival In A World Of Chakra

Chapter 1: Arrival In A World Of Chakra

(General POV)

"Wake up Aikaga and tell me what the answer to the question on the board is."

A teacher wearing a leaf headband and a chunin vest yells out at a young boy.

The boy wakes up with a confused expression and emotionless calculative eyes that no one notices as he immediately replaces it with an awkward smile and sweet and goofy expression that has a naive charm that draws in the attention of others.

"Of course I'll answer the question sensei just give me a second."

Aikaga rubs the back of his head as he 'nervously' walks to the board before answering the question perfectly as he reads out loud.

"Chakra is the combination of physical energy and spiritual energy that allows shinobi to create illusions, control and create jutsu, and increase physical strength as well as much more."

The teacher sighs as he can't find fault with Aikaga's answer and the young boy walks back to his seat as he evaluates his current situation.

'It seems that I've transmigrated into the world of Naruto, despite how unlikely something like that happened it's the most logical explanation. The leaf headband, the chunin vest, the question on the board, the references that the teacher made to Konoha, the strange pool of energy I feel at the pit of my stomach invigorating me with strength, all this leads to one conclusion, I am in the world of Naruto.'

Aikaga focuses on the lesson being taught by the chunin teaching at the board as he had no information on what time period he was in or any information on how to use chakra other than the half-assed explanation he remembers from watching the anime and reading the manga.

"To efficiently cast a jutsu you must perform the handseals correctly, while you may be able to cast jutsu despite not completely doing all the handseals correctly it will be less powerful and take more time to use of you chose to do so. The reason for this is that handseals help guide and focus the necessary chakra to perform a jutsu at a certain speed to perform the jutsu. The reason the famous sharingan of the Uchiha clan is able to copy jutsu is because of this, they can use their eyes to memorize the flow and speed of chakra to perform jutsu and thus they can copy any jutsu they see with their sharingan."

'Ah I see then if I was to say, memorize the flow of chakra everytime I perform a jutsu I would be able to use jutsu with no handseals, although this would probably take thousands upon thousands of attempts due to not having a sharingan. But then again even if I did have a sharingan I would still need to use handseals due to my chakra control being dogshit, even if I memorize the chakra flow to perform jutsu I wouldn't be able to control my chakra to get the same results as I would with handseals helping me.'

'Then what's the next step? I don't know how old I am but considering that the kids around look to be around 6 I'll assume that I'm also around that age. If this is the case then I can't resort to brutal physical training like Rock Lee, I can't afford to destroy my body for results at the moment so the next best option is extreme chakra control training and element training. If I start at the age of 6 I should be able to master one of the elements before graduating from the shinobi academy and I might be able to get my chakra control far enough that I can use the three academy jutsu without handseals with no disadvantages. Well I believe that will be my training for the next few years untill I'm able to get access to more jutsu, a sharingan, or a strong sensei. After all even Sakura was able to become Kage level through the help of Tsunade teaching her S-Rank jutsu and techniques so if I'm lucky enough I could greatly advance in strength quickly.'

The chunin teaching the class eventually stops as the bell rings and Aikaga goes up to him with a bold plan.

"May I see my grade scores sir? I want to advance in my studies but I don't know where I can start."

The chunin gets excited at the fact that someone is actually trying to better themselves and he goes to his desk, picks out Aikaga's file with all of his information and he hands it to him.

"While you were only a bit above average in the last test I believe you have the potential to be far better, what I saw from you today was a nice change of pace so I'll give you a bit of advice. If you go to the school library to the left of the cafeteria and ask the librarian their nicely you can get some D-Rank elemental jutsu as well as many books documenting the history, use of, and theories on chakra as well as some non-elemental jutsu that don't require you to have any type of chakra affinity."

Aikaga bows to his sensei three times in comedic fashion that makes him laugh before running off as he says his goodbyes.

On his way to the library he goes over what he saw in his folder, mainly his home address, parents, test scores, and information.

'Now that I know where I live I only have to ask a random person for a map of the village to guide myself around without seeming like an imposter. I also now have a good reliable way to get access to information, jutsu and chakra exercises as well as an excuse. With new connection I can start my hunt for power, in the original series many intelligent and amazing people existed that sought power but all of them failed. I swear that I will succeed, I don't know what the end goal is but I swear that from this day forward I will strive to better than I was the day before that.'

And with that final thought Aikaga walked in the library for his first step towards power.

This man is going to be somewhat weak for a while but eventually he will be op

Whatupmyfellowkidscreators' thoughts