
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 8

Days after.

Time began to pass "quietly" around the world and Naruto had not yet told Eve that he could no longer return to Eden with Adam because she had interrupted him when he was going to tell her and asked her to stay with him. Lilith and the others asked that I accept for the second Woman's happiness and Naruto did not see why he could harm her happiness with what he had to say to her so he left Eva in the dark on that part and decided to just make her happy.

Lilith did not object to the inclusion of Eve and Mnemosyne. In fact, she is happy to have more company with her besides her children and Naruto, although she also learned what really happened in Eden after her expulsion and what followed with the creation. of Eve where I snort a little mockingly at how God created his "Equal", Eve who is more "dumb" than She was in Eden, Eve is easy to submit and follow Others something that She would not do and that is why her own Expulsion for not wanting to be the one below Adam but above him or in the same places... but she knew that God would not do that. Lilith is sure that God made Eve different from Her in that way because she would submit. easily to Adam, she would not speak, she would not give an opinion and all the decisions would be made by Adam but Eva was saved from that by Naruto who is the Best, She has no doubts, He places her by his side and gives her his respect, he does not ask her to follow or anything for the same, he also listens to her and gives her her place at his side even with how tall he is and his decision to accept Eva's request to stay with them I reaffirm how much better Naruto is before Adam, since even I talk to Ella about Eve and Mnemosyne.

Lilith thought that Naruto should actually be God in her father's Place, He is Someone Better and She knows it.

Mnemosyne who was included in The group actually found it pleasant and fun, A New Air, A New Wind and destiny away from her blood "family" that is too Barbara and stupid, without brains and who spend their time fighting each other or submitting for some silly reason to fill his Ego, which does not happen with his New group, This is warm, Harmonious, fun and carefree and The Angel who stood up to his father and "won" her, Naruto does not Act like an Idiot or how his own brothers and parents do... He acts more like a true father to everyone who teaches them just like Lilith who acts like a "Mother", a Strange Mother... Eve is already... A Spirit free and the one that tries to get everyone to Play Instead of Learn.

Mnemosyne felt a little upset about the same thing, Naruto has so much knowledge that She doesn't know or knew that Existed but when she tries to teach it to Her and her children are " corrupted " by Eva who takes them all to play, leaving her with doubts. and without Learning what he likes the most, but since Naruto also likes to play, he is easy to convince and never refuses when Eva invites him.

Relatively things are going normally for their group.

News - Terra.

Mnemosyne, who is leaning against a tree, sitting on the soft green grass, smiled remembering how Eva always damages her plans to learn and Naruto's plans to teach by playing and does not include the children since they always follow Naruto and even Eva in its fun.

Looking calmly in the direction of the aforementioned duo, Mnemosyne looked at Naruto in his usual royal toga Playing with his children who knocked him down between 7 against The soft grass and 3 who were waiting for him quickly climbed on top of him when he fell for his amusement and that of the others. Children.

Mnemosyne noticed that Naruto does not show his face and for good reason, He is the most beautiful being she has ever seen in her life, such Unreal beauty froze and stunned her when she saw his face for the first time, her cheeks heated up and Bad desires filled her heart when she saw her two beautiful and sweet golden eyes. Something in her wanted to dominate that look but well, the daze didn't help, much less that she couldn't get out of her State of Adoration until later. She... A Titanes, That never happened even with his father.

Mnemosyne is sure that if her sisters had seen him, his face and appearance that he has under that toga they would have fought among themselves to have him only for themselves without a doubt but they would still have him if just seeing his face would stun them and make them worship him. Like the Most Beautiful thing, He is Something that one can see all the time and never get bored of doing it.

Mnemosyne suddenly heard Naruto's soft, Heavenly laugh... a total delight.

The Titaness did not deny it and noticed how Naruto took off the part of his toga that covers his face, causing the children's gaze to change to Adoration and Escape from them, covering his face again as he fled laughing only to be captured by Eva and others. of their daughters with everyone giggling as they fell on the soft grass.

Looking in another direction he saw Lilith on top of a rock with several of her daughters around her while playing with Some's hair.

Yes, a better family than Blood's without a doubt and he had gotten rid of how hostile his father was becoming.

The Time Loop continued to pass relatively calmly and without anything "new" that would attract attention other than the apparent arrival of more humans to Earth to whom Naruto did not pay attention because of his father. Being close to watch them but they did give them a little out of curiosity as to how there were more but he put it aside to enjoy the company of his growing children.

But all This passing peace and tranquility would soon be Shaken by the desires of One.

3 years later - Present - Heaven - Second floor.

In one of the many large rooms in the second Heaven, Lucifer could be seen checking some Strange Metal devices that his father brought him when he felt that Naruto was leaving Heaven as he always does from time to time and his father was not there.

Lucifer[ it's time, Naruto always takes his time ]. .. -he thought, leaving what he was doing and looking in a corner of the room at his pupil who was meditating in the corner of the room, he had aged to look like a teenager like all of his brothers. time of him.

Lucifer: Beelzebub... It's time... - he said calmly as a glow covered him and a Strange golden Armor appeared around him, covering him, having left his toga behind and now showing his face that, although it is a little as beautiful as the by Naruto The mocking and Strange Grimace that he now shows does not make such beauty shine, not even that of his Halo, which looks Opaque.

Beelzebub opened his opaque greenish eyes at the signal while a shine like Lucifer covered him and his own silver Armor covered him, revealing on his Back three pairs of opaque white Wings where their whiteness shone before.

Beelzebub: I am... Ready... My lord... - He said seriously to his Leader.

Lucifer smiled with a strange glow surrounding his crimson eyes.

First floor .

In this one you can see Michael walking calmly while greeting his brothers when suddenly he heard the sound similar to an explosion that he knows, since in some training he was familiar with these but this one now is different.



Michael was alarmed by the sound and opened his eyes in surprise when he saw some of his brothers in armor attacking others unsuspecting and not in a game or anything similar.



Screams were heard when some of Michael's brothers wounded others with Spears of Light, drawing blood, so it wasn't some kind of game. This is serious.

Acting quickly, Michael was covered by a powerful glow that caught the attention of the attackers when seconds later Michael could be seen covered in golden armor with four pairs of shining white wings on his back that began to illuminate the place in an overpowering light.


One of his wayward brothers screamed, only having one pair of Wings and two other pairs, but no one else had a Number of Wings greater than two pairs, of course not counting Michael.

"Lower your weapons and surrender, I will take you to father, He will decide your punishment!"

Michael told them with a Terrifying calm, leaving everyone also stunned by his Imposing and powerful voice while a Spear of Light appeared in his hand.


Michael diverted his Attention to various parts of Heaven, his brothers on other floors too...

"Metraton, Raziel, Uriel, Zadkiel protect the Innocent."

Michael said softly being heard by everyone present who did not know that Michael possessed the ability to communicate with a Limited number of his brothers by releasing his power.


Michael received the answer but raised an eyebrow as he couldn't communicate with Naruto, Lucifer or his father but if They're not there, He's going to take charge.

Michael was going to speak again with his rebellious brothers when he saw how one moved to attack an unprepared and scared one of his sisters who did not know what was happening and acted.

The Archangel disappeared from his place and appeared in front of his rebellious brother, connecting a fist to his abdomen above his Armor, which he pierced, causing his brother's eyes to turn white while he fell unconscious in his arms and Michael caught him.


The rebels could not scream when a flash passed around each one and they began to fall one by one. Unconscious with their Armor completely destroyed, they could be stronger than some of their Angel brothers with fewer Wings but in front of the first "Archangel" they were not rivals and even less if he had four pairs.

Michael moved quickly, since he knew that this was not the only floor attacked and there were only a few on this one, he needed to move to the upper floors.

One by one of the rebels they fell silent before they could react, they could not see or follow what was attacking them.


One of the rebels spat out blood and saliva when a fist landed on his abdomen and he fell to the ground limply.

Michael watched the last of his rebel brothers fall, it only took a few minutes to get them out.


Michael heard another explosion that came from the second floor but this one was more powerful, turning to his stunned brothers he spoke.

Michael: Attention brothers, We are being attacked by Our own rebellious brothers, Something that causes us pain but we cannot let Father's heaven be Affected, we have to stop them !... - He said with his imposing and powerful voice to his brothers who look at him and they nodded when they mentioned their father in the middle.

Michael smiled.

Michael: Some keep an eye on them and the rest come with me to protect Heaven, Father !... - he said and his brothers quickly recovered from their shock, just Minutes Before they were walking with some of their brothers who attacked them but they had to protect Heaven heaven for his father.

Michael created several chains of Light for the rebels, he needs to know what is happening and what led his brothers to do this.

Second floor .

In this you can see Lucifer looking with an amused smile at his brothers subjected by chains of Light while his other followers chased those who try to flee to other floors, surely with the help of his father who is not there.

Lucifer: so weak.. - He muttered with a smile to the horror of his captive brothers who are supervised by Beelzebub who looks at them with equal mockery, they were easy to defeat even with The Element of Surprise on their side.



Explosions were heard coming from the upper floors to Lucifer's amusement. He was close to his target.

Lucifer: take care of them Beelzebub, I'll go finish the next floors... - He said calmly to his pupil and he nodded in response more than sure that his master could subdue the Angels of the Other floors, not for nothing. Sir, He is one of the most powerful Angels in Heaven.

"My Sir".

The Archangel raised an eyebrow and watched one of his followers come towards Him, stopping his departure.


Belphegor: My lord Some Angels have Moved on the other floors to protect the others from us and The first floor could not be taken because Michael is in This... Our forces on the first floor were subdued by Him... The Other fights on the Other floors against the "Opposition" continue. Some of our brothers do not want to surrender and others managed to react to our seizure by placing themselves on the defensive and we have not been able to go up to the Seventh floor... - I inform your Leader how things are going and he nodded.

Lucifer: Inform our forces that they must stay on the other floors and subdue my brothers, stop trying to invade the seventh floor, which is for me personally, as well as Michael, who will not be a problem, I myself will take care of my little brother. .. - He told his follower who nodded and Lucifer disappeared in a flash to the next floors, Michael is still on the first floor from what he could feel but he is still weak, at least he would take the fourth floor before returning for it, in On the fourth floor there are some things you will need.

Earth .

In this you could see Naruto sitting on the soft green grass having one of his little daughters sitting on his lap while his other children are around him with Mnemosyne in the center of everyone, since the Titaness is telling them a little about She and hers, the Titans for everyone's entertainment, including Naruto.

Mnemosyne:And that is why the " Cyclopes " were created..- He said calmly to all those who listen to them attentively.

Belial: Are those the ones who have only one Eye?... - the Girl asked and pointed to one of her eyes, being a beautiful silver-haired woman with Blue eyes, who is currently sitting on Naruto's lap.

Mnemosyne: Yes, I don't deny that they are ugly... - He responded to the Girl and she laughed like the Other Children because of how she called them the Cyclopes.

Naruto raised an eyebrow but let them be happy, being Ignorant of what is currently happening in Heaven, as he only pays attention to Gabriel who is currently sleeping under one of the Trees of Eden peacefully.

Naruto: One eye... - he whispered inaudibly and continued listening to the Titaness who seemed to not love her own family or, well, part of her.

Heaven - Second floor .

Michael had reached the second floor with some of his brothers behind him, only to open his eyes in surprise when he saw fire in various parts of Heaven and other rebellious Angels who had subdued a part of his brothers, being next to them. .. Lucifer.

Welcome Michael, I've been waiting for you!

Lucifer said with a smile when 5 pairs of Wings appeared on his Back, slightly overshadowing the Light that came from Michael, since Lucifer's seemed to be an Opaque white now, different from the one he showed before.

"Lucifer? What does this mean?!"

Michael almost roared Waiting for an answer because of what he sees and more so who he sees smile at him in a way that he had never seen before in Him, in fact his aura seemed to be, no... it is... corrupt and his Wings, Michael kept in Him back of his mind His brother's pair of Wings or he would not be able to Assimilate this, He arrived with intense training and help from his father to just the fourth pair of Wings, it was Intense and he almost thought he would not achieve it... but now Lucifer possessed 5 pairs no less something that He believed Impossible but that was not the worst, but that He never saw Lucifer train, always next to his father or Studying more never training then how? Wait... Lucifer never showed his Wings ...neither Naruto and...

Michael denied, he needs concentration now, not to analyze in his mind his brother's Wings and his apparent Oppression that was beginning to slowly fall on everyone including him who could feel it.

"Well little Michael... as you see, I'm going to take the Father's Throne."

The deep and imposing voice of Lucifer traveled through all the Angels in the area who shuddered for the same thing, including Michael, so much power and alone in his voice.

Lucifer smiled looking at his brother and his Wings, he might have a couple less than Him but in power, strength and skill, Michael is nothing if his voice alone makes him Shiver but after all, He is the Only One Waiting.

Lucifer: give up... you are no rival and you know it... always trying and believing that you are by my side... that you are at my level when you are nothing... just another angel... can you believe that you have those Wings bring you closer to Me, having the Title of Archangel when I first had it... but here's a secret... I was created differently from you and everyone... - He said mockingly before letting out part of his thoughts. power out.


It was almost Instantaneous when the second Heaven began to tremble and an oppressive presence sent all the Angels to the ground, even the followers of Lucifer, except for Michael who tries to resist the terrifying power of his brother while his body tries to give way.


Some Angels moaned from the pressure that was beginning to Suffocate them, including those on Lucifer's side who had a pair of Wings. At least those with two pairs and three being The Only Beelzebub could breathe, although with difficulty.

Beelzebub, more than trying to breathe, is amazed by the level and greatness of his lord, looking at his back and how he is the only one standing while oppressing the others... He wanted to be that big.

"Do not resist".

Lucifer mocked, so weak, if he was going to get this he would have struck his blow long ago although he couldn't because of the punishment of Samael whom he obviously betrayed and let all the blame for his sin fall on him, it's close... just subdue Michael and he would replace his father and take his Throne, He could... no, He will be better than his father besides The Throne goes with Him.

"So you have taken your path Lucifer."

Lucifer opened his eyes for a second at the voice before returning them to their usual calm and mocking self.

"Get up My son."

Michael He heard his father's voice when he no longer had any strength left, resisting the pressure that Lucifer produces is like being in a more than intense training, there is no comparison.

Michael sighed as he began to recover and Lucifer opened his eyes.

NO ! .

Lucifer roared, leaving behind the pressure of his power and appeared in a blink of an eye in front of Michael, lowering a spear of Light against Michael's neck only to be... Pushed back!

Lucifer opened his eyes at that but quickly recovered, watching in surprise as Michael gained another pair of Wings and his Light is...


"I will help you My son."

Michael listened feeling more than strong, he could feel his father's power overflowing from him and he looked at his back, another pair of wings and they are whiter and...

Michael: Incredible... - He murmured, no longer affected by the pressure of Lucifer that He had raised.

Michael returned to focus his gaze on his brother who is a few meters away from him, looking at him seriously where before there was mockery... Now with his father he feels strong... he feels capable of anything and surely capable of defeating Lucifer.

Michael: Your rebellion ends now brother ... - Michael said creating a Strange Weapon in his hand that Lucifer imitated, already knowing who helps his brother.

Lucifer: " I will take the Throne father and you will not be able to do anything "... - he growled as he began to Raise his power more Oppressive than before.

Michael: retire My brothers... - He said to his brothers in general while Equal Raises his power and grabs his new Weapon with his two Hands, being nothing less than a Sword.

Beelzebub and Lucifer's followers stood back in expectation as background explosions could be heard from the other floors.











Well, the Days and Years before Christ are different, so the concept of time is still wrong.

Lucifer has 5 pairs of Wings and is more powerful than if Michael will gain the 5 Wings even with Training, Lucifer as he said was created differently and his obvious power is different with a single pair he can subdue Michael and generate the same pressure as now. but The fact is that Muto has 5 Wings and is not going to show 1.

Michael in The Angel rank is the strongest but neither Lucifer nor Naruto fall into The Angel rank because they are different.

Why did Lucifer subdue the second floor so easily? I don't think they'll ask that...