
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 50

Human world - Japan - Kyoto - Yasaka Shrine - Living Room.

In this you can see the Leader of the F action yokai herself, Yasaka sitting comfortably in an armchair while one of her servants serves her some tea, which she kindly accepts.

Next to the Yokai Leader sits a beautiful young silver-haired girl who wears a beautiful secretary outfit fitted to her beautiful figure, this being none other than the representative of the Asgardian Faction , Rossweisse , who not recently arrived at the Yokai Faction with the Leader. of these and is waiting to be sought by the Leader of the Sky Faction with whom he will discuss some points of his Alliance with Asgard and about his presence.

But in front of the two beautiful women on the Other side, in Another armchair, a beautiful blonde with golden eyes sits comfortably, but these look like two beautiful flames that stand out like her almost divine beauty, with this Other not being present except Amaterasu , The Leader. of the Shinto Faction and to some extent the superior of the entire Yokai Faction, since This is her protégé.

These feminine three calmly drink their tea in a comfortable silence.

Amaterasu let out a sigh of pleasure at how soft and delicious the tea that these Yokai girls prepare tastes, although she was not able to thank the Maid, since she had left the room giving them privacy.

Amaterasu turned to see Yasaka calmly placing her tea on the small table in front of her.

Amaterasu:kunou... is with Naruto, right?... - she asked specifically, addressing Yasaka, who nodded to her question, leaving her tea on the table in front of her that separated them.

Amaterasu smiled.

Amaterasu: So she is weak to her father figure and daddy's girl, Eh... - the "Goddess" commented somewhat amused, looking at the Young Yokai and her Friend.

Yasaka sighed and pouted slightly with a huff.

Yasaka: Yes, as Lady Amaterasu-sama knows, before it was a little difficult for me to be able to share with Kunou because of my position as Leader, something that made her feel a little alone and without a father... you must understand how Affection ... Amaterasu Nodded ...she is a girl and well now that Naruto appeared and is more open to sharing with Her as his father figure... well, it seems that She became Attached to Him and is recovering that part that was missing, Him have a father figure... - I explain more or less what she sees and the point of Kunou's actions with her partner who does not push her away and actually behaves like what Kunou needs, which apparently makes her happy. daughter and Ella... but... like she's very... attached to Naruto no matter how cool she sees him... She should be his favorite in his eyes, not Naruto, although he didn't mention the last thing he thought.

Amaterasu nodded slowly, Little Yokai is still a developing child after all, her Action is not out of context, nor Place and without a father in her life before..., It is obvious that she would become attached to Someone who will show her what that he lacks or will Inspire him security, Although that Angel, He is literally the same security incarnated with what is happening Lately and the Heaven Faction has not been affected in any way by what it began with his sole presence.

Rossweisse did not comment, she just remained silent, letting the respective Leaders speak, although she wondered why they let her be present in their conversation that revolves around them as friends?

Amaterasu: I see... Apparently you didn't make a bad choice this time with your partner, although you will take it more for animal instinct and you almost made my heart stop... Yasaka blushed a little embarrassed and Amaterasu smiled ... Also, although He proves to be a little crazy with everything that is currently happening because of him... but anyway, it was a good decision you made in the Election... - He told her calmly, grabbing his tea again and taking a drink. little of this.

Yasaka nodded gently.

Yasaka knows what Amaterasu-sama means by the first but she doesn't want to remember her past about her choices and about Naruto being a little crazy... her Council sees him as a total madman along with his Faction, a threat to him. Supernatural and human world that the only reason the Angels don't attack Them is because of Her and her tails that Naruto likes, which She reaffirmed to her council before they try to do something stupid under her radar that could bother them. Naruto, since Naruto can simply take Ella and Kunou and does not believe for a second that the Yokais would stand against him and the Angel Faction and if in some hypothetical case Amaterasu-sama intervened on his side, they could well She and Naruto take the Yokai territory as a battlefield for both of them, and on either side the consequences would be devastating for the Yokais if they try to conspire and act without her order or betray her due to the current situation that can make them act. as Irrational fools and She knows it, since the factions were not constituted by internal betrayals of the Leaders in power.

Amaterasu: but hey, it doesn't matter, I comment, attracting attention ... your Union or what Naruto does does not affect us at all... Some gods of my Faction are worried about the current situation, yes, but they will not do anything , they are weak and stupid... I pushed them to attack when they believed that they could make decisions without my permission but they would be Exiles... they did not do it because They only expected that the one who would move worried about everything would be me... since they The strength that the Angels are Showing and all that nonsense is worrying... fools... nego ... The weak are the ones who always create the problem where there is none... we live and we don't have problems... that's what It matters, not being the hero of others or seeking to maintain a Balance that does not exist... - the "Goddess" commented disparagingly without Interest in the Current situation or the concern of Others about what the Angels or The "Balance" do. ..without Naruto or Los Angeles well, another foolish Faction Leader could wake up on the Wrong side of his bed and start a war at any moment, hour and day, there is no Balance, or anything like that... they just haven't There have been wars before because there were not many supplies to maintain it, it's that simple and that Others could Get Involved like fools... but apparently it was just Paranoia of fools, since no one has Actively Involved against the Angels but they talk and fight. They hide... Although the Egyptian Faction was very talkative and is now resting, Those Angels are brutal.

Yasaka and Rossweisse who listened to her in silence, contemplated her words.

Amaterasu: but at least my little kittens... smiled ... they were smart to leave the Underworld when I asked them to or they would be in the crossfire foolishly and possibly be attacked... - commented the Goddess, since She also moved that to not have problems with Naruto, since in reality the small Nekomata Clan is her favorite clan along with Yasaka who is her friend, for these two she could well set the world on fire so she avoided it and did everything so that her interests and those of others Naruto, they will not collide... She was not actively looking for a fight against Him, no, He was like a little dangerous for Her... her Instinct told her so and well, her Instinct was never wrong and there is the Shiva thing but she doesn't want that say that I fear him.

Yasaka: I see, but aren't you worried even a little about the current situation in which the world currently finds itself?... - He asked with genuine curiosity to his superior who smiled and denied.

Rossweisse raised a curious eyebrow at his quick response.

Amaterasu: previously in the times when I Appeared everything was worse unlike what is happening currently. At least, Naruto takes things more calmly and without less Opposition, since being unknown paralyzes the Actions against him and of course he is looking for peace... there are no problems because he doesn't have to deal with the chain reaction of his actions or "explain" how powerful he is or that he has to be "watched"... he does what he does because he wants to. without further reasons... which works for him... Actually I'm just curious about what He will do in the end... if He will seek to kill everyone or just fix The World for a better one... I don't worry about me comes to Murder at some point... I will fight... One of us will fall and it's that simple... The strong see life from a different perspective than the weak... if I saw life as the weak see it , I would already be conspiring against you... Something Blasphemous... God, no conspiring... - The Goddess said calmly to both Yasaka and Rossweisse who took her words with some Impact... So, do you see the Strong things and the current situation?

Amaterasu smiled, seriously, at least Naruto doesn't have a whole mess, if he were powerful and would seek peace... to dialogue with the weak, it would make everything worse and also this than in his times when she was strong and tried to dialogue... .horror...too many troublesome centuries until her parents appeared and the Attention of the weak went to Them...remembering her Mother, She ran away and Susano'o vanished..fool...resuming in reality She Doesn't Care nothing the Current situation, since her Only Interests are in the Yokais that are well... the humans?, well She can burn them to Naruto in favor, from strong to strong, since they are not her Interest and her Faction... that is only a means of control that I created together with her brothers but more so that she would not leave their radar, for something she is the leader and the most powerful after her parents, her brothers know it but they do not know her. They wanted it because there is, there is why the Shinto Faction was created.

Rossweisse [ Is Odin-sama strong? He seemed worried about the current situation unlike Lady Amaterasu who seems so calm and uninterested in everything ]... - thought the Valkyrie with curiosity and interest in Amaterasu's perspective of seeing things, A true Goddess or... fool?, She does not know, Although Her perception of seeing life and the Current situation may also be due to how much She has lived and the Conflicts She has seen that of Seeing them so much may not even make her move.

Yasaka [ it almost sounds like Naruto... but she has a little more judgment and Naruto ...]... - the Yokai thought, remembering Naruto a little when he didn't lose his judgment in her presence. He seemed a little detached from the situation. Current modern era and common sense, if you are not mistaken.

Amaterasu: well... let's leave that aside, I came to spend the afternoon and talk like normal women... - said the Goddess with a cute smile.

Yasaka paid attention as Amaterasu looked at her with a suggestive smile.

Amaterasu: And Yasaka, have you already fucked Naruto?...

"Lady Amaterasu!"

Rossweisse blushed.


Nearby there is .

Outside the temple in one of the Trees Around the Yasaka Shrine you can see on top of one of these in its branches a certain Yokai Veteran smoking a pipe, this being none other than Sun Wukong who looks at the City of Kyoto and the tranquility Which it has unlike the rest of the World... It is literally the Only City that has not gone through any Angel Attack or has recorded seeing any Angel.

The Yokai blew the smoke from his pipe contemplating what Yasaka could have done so that They were the only ones who are not in the sights of the psychopathic Angels . He will have to update himself on what is currently happening within his Faction even if he does not want it and wants to continue. his nomadic life but this is more important, he actively does not seek to do anything to mess with him... no, he is not a child, if what is said about him is true... this Naruto, son of God, may well be much older than Him.

Sun Wukong [ I hope it is only an Alliance with the Angels or the Demons, they will not have support, nor their beloved base in Japan ]... - thought The Yokai who had already spoken with one of his Maous Friends to reinforce a good Alliance and Friendship with the Yokais in the middle of this whole situation but if Yasaka did something different and that Unites the Yokais more with Heaven... well She is the Leader and Bad for Ajuka since She is Amaterasu-sama's favorite and will be more Heard than Him, since with only the word of Amaterasu there is no Opposition.

Sun Wukong: Elohim... you foolish old man... you left a big problem for The World and your humanity... your children, look what they do ...

The Yokai denied, disappointed by all this Madness of Death and despair, The Angels have simply gone too far, Judging and so on, no matter how sons of Elohim they are, The Ancient One was more...

Sun Wukong denied again and disappeared.

The next day - Morning - Heaven - Main castle - Throne Room.

In this you can see Naruto, Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer and Samael with these Last Ones standing looking at Naruto who is leaning comfortably on his Throne, being that he wears his usual toga that makes him look Imposing and even more so when he Bows on his fist where his Cheek rests while he looks at a small sphere similar to the planet Earth that is in front of him.

The Others present see the same thing in silence, Although Lucifer swallows a little at the Imposing Image that her Elder brother projects, she does not feel so safe knowing that this one or Gabriel could at some point jump to Eliminate her if they just feel like doing it and Even if he tries to win them over he can't, those two are simply Intractable by Modern Means... they are too old-fashioned and this The fact of their Apathy and common sense... simply The bonus to have The worst Evil that can Exist, worse than She who at least knows what The Limit is, since the same is not true with Gabriel and Naruto.

Lucifer and the others paid attention when they heard a click from their brother.

Naruto: fools... they plan, conspire and make Alliances... all without knowing that they can't do anything in My World without me knowing ... -He murmured calmly looking at the sphere in front of him but everyone could hear his words.

Lucifer hissed internally, that is pure and raw dominance.

Michael did not give an opinion, nor did he flinch, everything God says is true and a fact.

Samael listened to his brother in silence.

Gabriel nodded.

Gabriel: you are right, Big Brother, they are a real disappointment, sinful beings and on Olympus, their power has already been consolidated... Rhea has been in charge of managing it the way you want and eliminated some sinners... the rest They serve but soon I will visit them and see everyone. Those who fail the test will be purified... - He commented gently to his Elder brother.

Naruto nodded.

Lucifer sweats, Someone who Hates literally all of non-Angel life, is going to test some non-Angels no matter how protected from Heaven they are... She is going to Exterminate them.

Samael, looking at his sister's opinion about what he controls, decided to give his opinion about his tasks.

Samael: The Celestial Kingdom is still going the way you want, Elder Brother... The races you have brought are adapting to their new life... Metatron, Sariel and Penemue have been helping me in the Administration of the Kingdom and so on together to Medusa , She is very Capable... - I told Naruto who nodded calmly, later he would visit this Medusa.

Naruto: excellent, and about those Pavarti Girls, Durga and Kali ?... - I ask them with general curiosity, since He doesn't look at them, he could but he doesn't want to.

Lucifer took a step forward being that he now wears a beautiful white toga similar to Gabriel's that highlights his beautiful figure in his own way with two pairs of black wings on each side of his waist, which gives him an exotic and somewhat exotic appearance. demonic.

Lucifer: They...they just want a little affection, Big Brother... he smiled ... they won't adapt until they have it... - He responded, having seen the obstinate and stubborn "Goddesses" who want Shiva back with They have been being problematic... so much so that they are locked up in the castle of the New Kingdom... Although they may need some kind of punishment to walk to Order... but... having their brother fuck them will be more funny, since they will also be able to rub that into the World and how shitty the Biblical Faction is, as it should be... they are the parents of the World and all the Factions must submit... And Well Even if She wants This to happen with the Demons, seeing the Demons strong but well... She couldn't Escape from Naruto and Lead against Him... Hah... It was better to go against her father.

Naruto: hmn, I'll look at that later... - she responded calmly, having noticed that Lucifer told the truth to Medias and reviewing her mind, She wants Him to have sex with those Women for some apparent reason that would satisfy Lucifer in some way. , "Strange".

Lucifer nodded with a bow before asking another question.

Lucifer: Big Brother, excuse me, but I'm curious about what will happen to the Demon Faction... - I ask him with The Major respected Naruto, while Gabriel snorted.

Naruto: Oh, They... are so tiny that they had gone a little too far... I will give that Kingdom to Satan, I will personally go with Him to take it from those so-called Leaders... They Oppose, I purify the necessary ones, now that in some way they are related to My children... - She responded to Lucifer who nodded slowly, apparently she would not win her Kingdom unless Satan decided that he did not want it, She knows that it would be easily taken by her brother... already that She was the only most powerful demon that existed in the Demonic Realm, there were never any comparables and even if she " the progenitor " of the Demons was nothing before Naruto, no other ancient or current demon was.

Gabriel refrained from asking for purification for The Demons, remembering that to some extent some are related to his beloved Elder brother... but the most lost would know the Light.

Naruto: well... the next thing will be about what kind of "Hope" we will give to humans so that they...

Naruto did not finish when He, Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer felt a very familiar spike of sacred power of Light, not for nothing are they the most sensitive beings of Light of all, there was no Other being of Light that could simply escape from Them Including Lucifer being the latter for being too close to her Father in the Previous War, Literally his presence made her senses of perception sensitive to the Light even though She was "The Demon" firstborn.

Naruto: that was sooner rather than later... - he commented calmly.

Lucifer: wow... father...

Gabriel grimaced.

Human world - City of Rome - Wallenstein House.

Arriving at this one you can see a simple normal house, being that Entering is in Specific in a room you can hear grunts similar to screams being that you can see a beautiful blonde somewhat agitated and covered in sweat, being that she wears a white vata and shows the Last Stages of her Pregnancy while an Intense but pure Light surrounds her.

"Come on, My daughter... This is the Last Hope of humanity...

A soft and Imposing but kind voice came from everywhere in the room, with no Specific Place as the Woman gritted her teeth due to the strong contractions she felt.

"MMM... *gasp*... IT'S.. AHHH...

The Woman grunted from a contraction when she suddenly gasped in surprise when she only closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them, there were some strangers in her room who didn't c... Wait... that's not...

Naruto looked over his robe at the human woman who has her legs bowed, apparently in labor.

Naruto: Lucifer, take care of it... - He ordered the devil who quickly approached the Woman even though She didn't know anything about how to help bring a baby into the World... but well, it was better to just obey when He Orders it. .

" Don't Come Close Lucifer ."

An imposing but firm and serious voice was heard throughout the room, making Naruto smile, a grimace at Gabriel, Michael did not flinch, Samael only remained on the sidelines.

Lucifer Ignored the Order coming to the side of the human Woman.

Naruto: father ... A chill ran through those present, including the human woman ... I knew that you had not died and so... giving hope to dirty humanity... Let's see what comes out, I'm curious, I must have At least having called knows... - he commented calmly, looking at the human Woman who looks at him with Fear and Adoration before grunting again due to her contractions.

Gabriel: Another Pregnant by The Spirit?... - commented with a mocking but Hateful grimace in general so that her father would listen to her, She of course does not forgive having been locked up and changed to that weak Angel... That blasphemer who is She tried to befriend that Demon in the war and spared some dirty Fallen and Demons... That's just too much, it made her feel Disgusting as soon as she regained her body and senses.

"My sons".

The voice spoke again, this time materializing as a small sphere of translucent Light, without any body or form in front of Them.

Naruto: wow... - I commented with curiosity.

Samael and Gabriel frowned at the Sphere both for different but similar reasons.

"My children... what you do is not right... you should not harm, nor cause Death... You are beings of Light... good beings that are part of Me... you are to guide man, not Kill it... don't impose on them... just guide them and let them learn... what you've seen them do... they've disappointed me.

God told his children with his Kind voice and to some extent sad and disappointed by their Actions with the World and the face they are showing of the Angels, which he does not approve of.

Samael frowned at his words.

Michael just looks out the window calmly.

Lucifer did not give it any importance but he turned to see Naruto and Gabriel with a smile, since those two did not seem fazed, nor as if they had taken his words, apparently his father was also unaware of the problem that those two have had since before, explain to them. to them about good and evil, it's like trying to teach a rock to talk.

Naruto:Oh, well... - He nodded without understanding anything.

Gabriel frowned, okay? What is that?

The Angel asked herself before not giving it any importance and letting her brother take care of the strange words.

Naruto: then let's look at the salvation of humans... Perhaps, Gabriel could train her to purify them... - She commented calmly as Lucifer pressed his lips to keep from laughing, She knows what purification they are talking about but apparently not They understood nothing their father said, The salvation their father wants is different, not the carnage They seek.

"What are you talking about Naruto, that's what I want you to stop... your Methods are Wrong, they promote Death and...

God did not finish when he saw Naruto, take his hand to his Toga and withdraw it before putting his finger to his mouth in a form of silence to Him... He asks silence from Him who is his father... his Creator, His God and...

Naruto: Here father... Now I am the strong one, I told you before, no... you are the strongest that's why you order... but now I am... - He said with a somewhat frivolous smile in the direction of his father who was surprised by his words.

Lucifer and Gabriel could feel their skin break.

Samael and Michael stood straight before such forcefulness and words loaded with so much Authority that their bodies reacted before They could Order Him.

" Naruto ...

Naruto: I will cleanse my World of the Dirty Sinners... - He told him simply as a matter of fact.

God denied, He... at what point did He get so far away but that doesn't matter now. He doesn't have the power to order or command... maybe, if he got hold of Naruto's body that gives off the purest energy similar to His could come back and stop all of this... but the problem is that Naruto is the dominant one of his own Body and if he does not offer it to him, the process cannot start... and about this human that he blessed, she is already in the Hands of his wayward children together with the salvation of humanity that The decree... He will have to look for Another before...

God didn't finish thinking when he felt how his small fragment of Soul was held, Something Impossible... wait, Naruto.

Naruto: your knowledge, It was what I lacked to be complete father... I will take it but don't worry, it won't affect you in any way... - He calmly told his father that he felt like part of his knowledge was being taken away from him and essence and he could also see a little in Naruto.

"You do this to Me... your Father Naruto! You fail so much that you disappoint Me just as your Actions that I do not approve of... are Wrong, not even Lucifer did what you do and promote, Lilith, your union with that sinner that I Punish and Expel from Eden... the first Demon that went against my word, having physical Intimacy, creating beings, playing with life and Death and Now this... Naruto... YOU ARE MY GREATEST DISGRACE!

God bellowed with great disappointment, what He has seen Naruto do goes against everything He Created and transmitted.

Naruto: Thank you?... - he said when he felt the knowledge coming, It was the only thing he was missing, apparently he would no longer have to plan until his father appeared at some point doing this same thing Now, giving hope to humanity that He would try, her father would appear to save her and the same thing would happen as Here. A shame for her father was that simply, A being of Light could not Act without Other more sensitive beings of Light realizing it like Him and specifically Him.

Naruto: well... Later, I will assimilate your knowledge now let's see The Birth of " the salvation of humanity "... - he said calmly holding the fragment of his Father's Spirit that remains.

Unknown place .

In a completely dark place, a gigantic eye with a dragonian slit opened.

"Foolish Elder, you went directly to the Wolf's mouth... your prophecy is being fulfilled... I just need to keep what you gave me to keep if this case happens... do I do it? Hmhmhm HAHAHAHAHA...












"Well... Seriously, I just don't believe that the God of DxD is dead, Lucifer is... but we're talking about God.

Naruto and the Angels have their own Agenda... They planned their Day to be carried out and Naruto's plan but... God's mistake is to be Light and Try to Hide from This and Specifically, The first Existence.

Amaterasu, Millennial Goddess... She only sticks to her interests and here is the representation.