
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 49

Previously .

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Miles away from any civilization in the Middle of the Sea, a large Monstrous and Imposing Serpent could be seen emerging from the water and slowly rising to the surface.

Looking at such a fact, This is a beautiful blonde who holds the closest thing to a Trident, She above the Stomach of a large shark that is missing its Head.



Current events .

Posedeia looked with her Apathetic gaze at the Legendary Sea Monster from the Bible itself Leviathan who has been claiming his dominion belonging to Her Lately, a fact which He will not allow to continue.

Posedeia slowly got up until she was standing in the stomach of the dead shark that she removed and was sitting, although the term shark is too small for this monster, whose specific name is " Megalodon " due to its titanic size compared to the normal sharks that are smaller, this species of shark should not really exist in these times, since they were supposed to have become extinct centuries ago but apparently that was not the case and they returned and this species is literally destroying marine life by There may be many and because of their great voracious appetites but even so they do not compare to this Monster that She has in front of her " The Leviathan " that has been eating Them in a single bite and is still destroying all Marine life but still at a completely higher level. to the Megalodons, it is simply a carnage under The Sea that She cannot allow to continue, especially when they are taking what is theirs.

Posedeia squeezed her Trident and began to release part of her power as a golden aura began to surround her, maintaining an impassive gaze.

Leviathan looked at the blonde in the same way while the atmosphere began to become tense between the two.

"Well, well... I think they should stop there...

Both Sea Queens heard when a flash of Light from nowhere came down from the gray Sky and appeared in the middle of both Leviathan and Posedeia, and both Sea Queens felt something in common and that was their Instincts alerting them of danger.

A beautiful, almost divine Woman appeared from among the flash of Light that disappeared, leaving the Woman suspended in the Air.

Posedeia frowned slowly at the Interruption while also being curious about the unknown Woman who Appeared Thousands of Kilometers from any civilization or land, They are literally in the middle of nowhere and her aura... An Angel.

Posedeia: Who are you?... - she asked without transmitting anything in her voice but looking attentively at the stranger whom she recognized by her aura as an Angel, but she does not know who she is...

Although Posedeia wondered why she has a ribbon that covers her eyes, is she blind or sensitive to light when she literally expels light?

"Well, since you address yourself with respect I see no problem in answering you, I am Gabriel , The Sub-Leader of Heaven and about my presence Here, it is simple... I cannot let you Attack God's creation, She has a purpose."

The unknown Angel introduced herself as Gabriel and also gave her point as to why she interfered in the possible fight that was going to start.

Posedeia frowned at the last part of what Gabriel said, he is literally protecting this Monster.

Leviathan did not flinch, nor roar, She knows about her creator who also gave her Intelligence and knowledge, She knows that her duty is to this "Heaven" and anyone belonging to It... her Creator only Ordered her to remain in The Sea for the time being. until she is called nothing more, she did not place restrictions on him, or anything, so she is simply taking it until her call but she felt... This sandwich that is trying to take her domain and she was not going to allow it, being that little did both Queens Marinas know It was that The Sea already largely belongs to Naruto and is his... domain.

Gabriel looked calmly at the blonde of Trident, Posedeia , the daughter of that Poseidon that her Beloved brother Eliminated, hmn , according to Rhea's Report, This Girl can be a good Addiction to Olympus managing The Sea of ​​those sides instead of Amphitrite, Since the latter, no matter how Ex-Wife of Poseidon she may be, is not in true harmony with Atlantis or that part of the sea since the loss of the Greek, only her direct sons could relieve her of her position and Here is her only remaining daughter, since the other children of the Greek were eliminated for being too problematic and the Titan Ocean, no... his brother has not yet decided what to do with them, he will wait for his orders but this girl can serve for now and also his brother does not want to place a No Angel in charge of that Kingdom Atlantis and Rhea now controls more territories than she can see as Queen of Olympus.

Gabriel: Leviathan returns... - She calmly ordered the Sea Monster that began to slowly submerge under the watchful gaze of Posedeia, who did not avoid it, nor did it move... Something in her simply does not let her try to turn her back on this one. Gabriel... "almost as if Ella could actually stab her in the back if she lets her guard down."

Gabriel: I would like you to accompany me to Olympus to talk... - The Angel proposed calmly without giving her any specific or valid point for which he should follow her to Posedeia who looked at her with her impassive and disinterested gaze.

Posedeia: Should I?... - he asked.

Gabriel: did he force you?... - I ask him back.

Posedeia stared at Gabriel for a few seconds, not knowing if Angel could see her eyes, but seconds later she let out a sigh.

Posedeia: guide The Path... - she said when both disappeared in a flash just like Leviathan who had left the Place chasing Some Megalodons that were nearby and are Now Escaping from Her.

Heaven - Eden - Center of Eden - Pendragon Mansion - Kitchen.

In this you can see Naruto looking in the refrigerator looking for some juices for Kunou who had been very agitated in her games and was thirsty.

Naruto looked at a packet of Apple juices and grabbed them before he sensed a certain sinful devil awake.

Naruto made the package of juices disappear that went directly to Kunou's hands while he decided to go see the devil Mother of his two little daughters.

Grayfia's room .

Naruto instantly appeared in the room. He was calmly looking around, he saw the organized room but the devil was not in bed, but looking out the window.

Naruto: Grayfia... - he softly called to the silver-haired girl who was startled because she had not felt him enter, nor did she feel his presence, in fact she still does not feel it and looked in her direction with some apprehension, nerves and sadness, strong emotions They danced in her beautiful silver eyes.

Naruto was not fazed by that, he just looked calmly at the mother of his daughters, she wears a simple white bodycon dress that reaches to her knees and highlights her beautiful figure, wearing her beautiful silver hair loose that falls down her back, she had no There was nothing on his feet, which suggests that he was not going to leave the room and only got out of bed to get some air or something, look out the window.

But while Naruto looks at the silver-haired girl, she doesn't see him, but instead has a small crisis in her mind.

Naruto suddenly appeared in front of Grayfia who tried to take several steps back in surprise, but couldn't when Naruto's hand went to gently rub her cheek, keeping it in place because of the soft contact and also because she didn't feel danger in any way coming. from Naruto.

Naruto: How are you?... - He asked her softly, making Grayfia look up a little, since He is a little taller than She.

The silver-haired devil frowned when she felt endless emotions that wanted to burst out of Her, wanting to scream at her, complain, hit the Angel in front of Her and so on for her stupid question but... but... He... no. He is treating her badly and... and... he worries and...

Naruto: our daughters are having fun there with their sisters... they are beautiful, huh... - He said suddenly when Grayfia found a smile breaking through her lips at the mention of her two little Angels.

Naruto smiled.

Naruto: you look more beautiful when you smile... - He said softly when they both found themselves looking into each other's eyes while rays of sun enter the room, implying that it is afternoon and the sun will slowly set in a few hours.

Grayfia looked at how those beautiful golden eyes shine in the sunlight, just like one of her daughters who inherited such beautiful eyes does and these... have a nice crimson dot in them and...

Grayfia looked away with doubts, " What is she thinking? " She is feeling so many emotions at the same time that she doesn't know it, she feels so weak, this is the same reason for ruining her life with Sirzechs but... it's also who gave him two beautiful daughters... He... cares about Them and Herself... and...

Naruto slowly brought his face closer to that of a stunned and doubtful Grayfia until he gently claimed her lips with his, making the demoness feel safe.

Grayfia closed her eyes and thought " forgive me Sirzechs, Millicas ", before still hesitantly reciprocating the kiss. She feels so weak, scared and tired of everything, she just wants to feel safe, loved, loved even if it's in the arms of someone. He originally placed it in This situation...

Naruto raised an eyebrow curiously, " Who was Sirzechs and Millicas ?" he wondered for a second before brushing it off and began to roll his tongue alongside Grayfia's, who began to let herself go and ran her soft, delicate hands over it. Naruto's bare chest, the only thing he wears are his pants, since he was bathing in that lake with his daughters and it was assumed that he had only come for some juices for Kunou and would return but oh well.

Grayfia broke the kiss before taking a step back and putting her hands on her dress and began to lift it until she took it off and threw it aside on the floor, leaving herself completely naked for Naruto's view but still keeping her gaze so... vulnerable that if Naruto understood her, he could point her out and perhaps comfort her in another way.

Grayfia: and... I... I want to feel... safe... dear... - Something never seen before in her stammered slightly before approaching Naruto again, pressing her breasts against Naruto's bare chest, she had doubts but... . but...

Grayfia: please ... - she whispered when Naruto hugged her gently and began to slowly kiss her neck while Grayfia shuddered and slowly let herself be carried away by the pleasure.

They both approached the bed until they fell, Naruto doing so on top of Grayfia, who blushed a little, beginning to see the beauty that Naruto is, her beautiful platinum hair that almost looked like hers but more intense, the exotic shape of her face. with those beautiful golden eyes and...

She didn't finish when Naruto took her lips again, while his hands went to her breasts and grabbed them gently.


Grayfia moaned in the middle of the kiss with her tongues rolling around the Other's in a hot but passionate kiss that began to moisten Grayfia's lower part because of the heat that was beginning to accumulate and made her feel... Woman but She... it I wanted Him...together.

After a few more seconds they broke the wet kiss with Grayfia licking her lips.

Grayfia: give it to me... - She asked Naruto in a cute way with her eyes shining with desire.

Naruto understood her and made his pants disappear while he settled on top of Grayfia.

Naruto grabbed his male part with his hand guiding it to Grayfia's folds until he found his place and aligned himself as he began to apply a little pressure slowly entering the devil.


Grayfia pursed her lips and closed her eyes feeling Naruto enter her slowly, as... hot and big as she remembers.

Naruto began to feel every part of the devil as he entered her until he touched something and began to enter a little there...


Grayfia let out a prolonged but pleased moan, which Naruto took advantage of to claim her lips and began to move inside the she-devil, while her breasts were pressed against his chest and Grayfia's legs surrounded him, capturing him so that he would not Get away from her.

"Mmmm... mmm...

Grayfia began to moan into the kiss until it broke with saliva dripping from both of their mouths, and Grayfia hugged Naruto with her hands caressing his wide, soft back.

Grayfia [ Ahhh... He... He... is making Love to me ]... - thought the devil, throwing her dark and depressing thoughts aside because of this satisfaction she is feeling, it makes her feel loved, safe, loved What She Needs Now.

Naruto leaned on his elbows without stopping moving gently but consecutively while he looked attentively at Grayfia who looked at him agitatedly, releasing light sighs as they could both feel the breath of another mixing with each breath.

Grayfia closed her eyes for a second before rising slightly and claiming Naruto's lips of her own volition with Naruto reciprocating the demoness's passion.

The minutes passed .

Sweat began to appear on Grayfia's body, which she shared with Naruto as well as her scent, since Naruto does not possess either of these two.

Naruto rolled on the bed with Grayfia remaining on top of him in a cowgirl position, this time she being the one who moves on top while Naruto's hands hold her by her wide hips.

Grayfia began to ride him without sudden movements, if not in a more passionate way while her large breasts shake before Naruto's sight but both do not break the contact of their eyes with the Other, which Grayfia likes.

Grayfia: Ahh... I'm... close... - the devil said between moans but cadently while her hair was messy with every movement giving her a wild image.

Naruto did not respond but his tension did as they both continued to satisfy themselves for a few more minutes when Grayfia closed her eyes and pressed her lips tightly as she spasmed and Naruto attached her more to Him, while he came inside the devilishness. , in the deepest part of Her that she could feel how her Womb was filled by such a Warm Essence.

Naruto sighed after a few seconds, he liked that but he also saw it, The devil is pregnant again, the process is happening Same as the previous time in Her.

Grayfia, after a few more seconds in which the orgasmic relief passed, fell into Naruto's chest breathing a little hard but happy, she could feel the satisfaction of being filled completely, that... is something that she once thought was unreal or nonsense from perverts who make meaningless videos about sex but apparently they're wrong and being filled completely is so... satisfying.

Naruto hugged her, still not getting out of the devil, although he doesn't look agitated or sweaty like he is.

Naruto [ Apparently Amy and Silly will have some more siblings ]... - he thought for a second before contemplating what he expects from the World and depending on how it turns out he will erase everything and recreate it in Something new... although he may have to give her something to humans so that they believe they have hope and everything goes as expected, sooner or later he will have that.

Naruto contemplated in his thoughts for a few more seconds before rolling over with Grayfia remaining underneath him looking at him curiously, according to Lilith, her companions are only satisfied, including her, when they are unconscious from so much affection, so...


Outside the room .

Vali crossing the hallway quickly walked away from the room that is or should be the wife or Ex-wife of the Current Maou Lucifer of the Underworld, Sirzechs Lucifer.

Vali [ is fucking her ]... - the silver-haired girl thought as she went down the stairs to the floor below.

Albion[ Surprising, right?, with the strongest Queen of the Underworld and no less than the Wife of the Maou... be careful where you walk or you may be next ]... - I commented with irony on The Dragon and the Last in Kind of mockery.

Vali[Albion! What do you think you're saying? He wouldn't do that... I'm a man, a man and...

Albion [ If you believe that because you ran quickly down the hallway when you heard that devil's moans? You shouldn't have anything to fear? Right? Naruto wouldn't call you to his bed ]... - He interrupted and He commented to his bearer who froze, That Angel, knows that She is A man, Wouldn't He do it?

Albion [ Hahaha, calm down vali, it was just a joke...Hahaha I don't think he's so sick, maybe, that Lilith does but... what if He gets you pregnant ]... - The Dragon said, laughing out loud to his carrier trying to lighten it a little with jokes that little does He know. In reality, Vali, he is not taking them as jokes, but rather he thinks about those different scenarios.

Little did Albion know that the Dragons are not good at making jokes and their sense of humor did not allow them to understand or contemplate what They joke with.

Vali imagined herself with a pregnant belly which left her blue and she quickly returned to her room.

Albion had already traumatized her without knowing where he tried to cheer her up with his jokes.

Underworld - Lucifer Castle - Maou Lucifer's Office.

You can see Sirzechs behind his desk, he was upset about everything, everything... Everything has simply gone wrong, nothing has worked or worked for him, every time, a new problem comes up that is already driving him crazy and there is no solution, " Al devil with everything ."

Sirzechs cursed, The last big news he just received from Serafall was that The Sekiryuutei was beaten by the Ace of Michael's bastard, Irina Shidō, the wielders of those Dragons are supposed to be strong but Now There's That Useless Pervert Without Any Use ...yes, he could have served when He had all the cards in his hands even with his perversion and that, but now what use would that Useless Man be to him, if he does not have great control of his powers and simply cannot handle even an Angel, This I'm sure that if He sends him to attack somewhere, The Idiot may only go to his Death.

Sirzechs:tsk, and there are those fools who do not support an attack on Heaven ... - He muttered Angry with his companions who did not approve of his Idea of ​​Attacking Heaven all together, He is sure that at least they would do Some damage and He would take revenge on the bastard Angel who messed with his "Ex-Wife" who began to have bastards for him, something that the entire Underworld knows even the Lords of the different demonic Houses but the Current situation in the Whole World has covered much of the news about The as Cuckold by a Damned Angel of all Beings.

Sirzechs felt hurt, hateful and very resentful of everything, everything... He had never before in his life when he was younger, been mocked, betrayed and no one ever denied him or his demands but now... These Angels gave him literally The complete package of what has never happened to Him before... The Great Sirzechs Lucifer, The Crimson Satan, The super demon.

Sirzechs gritted his teeth in anger... Heaven is going to pay for this great offense towards him without a doubt. He will make sure it happens but now he must calm down his useless population who are paranoid... as if those angels If they dared to enter his territory... if they did, they would only make everything easier for him.

Sirzechs: you'll see... Naruto... your time will come soon... - The Maou murmured with the purest Hatred, little knowing that at the same moment Naruto is enjoying his Ex-Exposure even though they are not legally divorced.

Human World - Unknown Place .

Among some Mountains far from any Civilization you can see two long-haired demons walking calmly through The Place but One of them seemed worried and the other one in front seemed to be looking for something.


One of These spoke addressing the silver-haired man in front, Now known as Rizevim.

Rizevim: Yes?... - he asked without turning to see his servant Euclid, while he tried to remember where he kept what he was looking for.

Euclid: What are we going to do with the current situation? The Angels are proving to be a threat to our Organization... different bases have been attacked in just two days by them, causing us great losses in both technology and supplies... - Le He informed his Master seriously.

Rizevim: Oh, that... let's let Ophis appear and take charge... surely if she does we will help her with her Objective... - He responded to his servant and finished it with obvious sarcasm while looking around.

Euclid: That also worries me. She simply has not been seen by any of the members of the Organization and Vali's group, nor has she been seen since the latter followed CaoCao in his attack on Kyoto, which did not work according to our Spies and Himself He is missing along with CaoCao and his members... - He told his Master.

Rizevim:Unfortunate... - he didn't give it any importance.

Euclid sighed and decided to keep silent, apparently his Master must have some kind of plan, since he seems very calm with everything and the situation.

Rizevim: we've arrived... get to Excabar Euclid... our Weapon simply won't unearth itself... - He told his Servant, invoking a shovel which he threw at him and he caught, looking at his Master in disbelief.

Rizevim: begin... - He ordered, pointing to The Place and Euclid with a sigh did so, he began to Excabar.

Rizevim: Did you hear the latest news that is circulating in the Underworld? According to your sister, she changed her faction leader and got involved with the Leader of Heaven who made her pregnant and congratulations, you are the uncle of the two Miracles of the Underworld, Hahahaha ... - Le He commented to his servant who froze and began to laugh out loud.

Rizevim: continue... - He ordered and laughed again at the happy news that the Image of the Gremory is stained and no less with an Angel in the middle... Barbaro ... maybe, There is Grayfia if she is a true demon and that Angel is simply crazy.











Well, about Grayfia, she's just vulnerable about the situation.

Leviathan, the two from the Bible perished... This current Naruto revived it, being the one that his father gave to feed the humans when they had their crisis... this is the female, the male Leviathan... it was the one that followed to Lucifer and Died in the war, do not be confused.