
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 43

Human world - Romania - Unknown location.

Somewhere in Romania hidden between the thick and tall forest you could see an old-fashioned looking castle hidden among the large trees, going to this you could see nothing around besides trees, there were no signs of life anywhere until Entering The Castle you could see its clean interior without any dirt, which suggests that someone lives in said mostly lonely place or keeps it suitable.

Walking through the place, one could not see anything due to the darkness, nor anyone until reaching the top of the Castle, voices could be heard. Specifically, two voices were heard coming from a room. Entering this one, a silver-haired man could be seen. Noble Appearance sitting in an armchair comfortably near the window that shows the view outside, while near him another silver-haired man could be seen standing who also observes the surroundings outside through the window, these two not being Others than Rizevim Livan Lucifer, The Firstborn son of the Original Lucifer and "Lilith, The Mother of Demons", being at his Side is his Steward and Right Hand, Euclid Lucifuge, A Demon Belonging to the Almost Extinct Lucifuge Clan, The Closest and Only Clan of trust of the Original Lucifer Clan, Although one of their own has become rebellious.

Both silver-haired men contemplated The Outside Environment as they continued their conversion.

Euclid: Rizevim-sama, how do you think we should proceed? Although it is not said out loud, everyone in the Khaos Brigade is beginning to accept that this son of his, Naruto, is becoming a problem... - Le He commented calmly to his Master who was still calmly looking at the Outside Environment that although it doesn't show him anything besides Trees, it calms his Mind a little.

Rizevim:A problem... - I mention calmly.

Euclid nodded even when his Master did not turn to see him.

Euclid: Yes, he has Alerted all the Factions of the Supernatural World something that I must admit surprises me and this The fact that he destroyed or gave the Order to destroy, The Fallen Angels Faction completely something has many worried, since I never know I hope that came from...

Rizevim: on behalf of the Angels... - He finished telling him for Him and Euclid nodded, since even He is surprised and somewhat Shocked by that, The Audas and brutal Attack of the Sky Faction, The supposed kind beings and the best branch in the entire world, according to what was done to the Hindus.

Rizevim: heheh ... I see... many are surprised by this, but I'm not, I ever expected it,...This is what the Angels must be like, this is how they must have been before... Father Ever He once told me that the Sky Faction was the most Monstrous and Terrifying of all until the demonic one when it was barely in its beginnings but all that happened and the passage of time came that hit them and began,... Their Image began to decay Imposing for some reason that I don't know and he began to give the silly Image that he was known until a few days ago he returned to being the Faction that he should have been... he smiled madly.. Do you understand!... his eyes shone crimson . .. THIS IS WHAT I WANTED... THE PERFECT SCENARIO ANGELS AGAINST DEMONS... THEY SEEK OUR ERADICATION AND EXTERMINATION AND WE THE DEMON OF THE WORLD!... IF THEY HAD HAD THESE BALLS FROM TODAY IN THE PAST, THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE HAD ABANDONED THE UNDERWORLD, I WOULD NOT EVEN GIVE IT TO THOSE CURRENT FOOL MAOUS... But... They were so stupid at that time...

Rizevim went out for a second as did his passion while Euclid contemplated his words that surprised him. Must the Angels also be like that? Ruthless and brutal like the Demons? He didn't understand and what was it about them being Worse than Demons? He never heard any of that.

Rizevim: this... this that happens is what should have been... but Now the Angels are what they should be but... The Demons are not, they are not and they are going to be hit hard against reality... The Angels, if they went back to being what they should be... Everything that is not Angel for them will be... Hehehe ... - he commented laughing but also thinking about that, and an amused smile made its way onto his face again , Oh, This is going to be fun and poor Fallen who did not see The Attack of the Angels coming, if their father is right, the Angels are now The Monster that many will not believe and the most sons of bitches with the non-Angel and if not there is God...Oh...


Euclid Ignored His Master's Normal Insanity Attack and told him of his concern.

Euclid: but we are also affected by their apparent return to how Rizevim-sama should be... Olympus was attacked by them and they eliminated Zeus, Poseidon and the Other Greek Gods... A problem for us and our future plans, now that although Zeus was strong and a possible nuisance to us and the plans, he was also someone who served us because of his paranoia and how he maintained Olympus, something that would make it easier for us to attack him and recover what we will need from them in the future, since the The only Threat was Zeus and we knew how to treat and Neutralize him... - He told his Master who raised an eyebrow curious about his words, He knows what they need from Olympus in the future and the problem that Zeus represented but how He Helped them when I lived?.

Rizevim: Explain... - He ordered and The demon nodded.

Euclid: Look, Zeus, although he was Leader of Olympus and a strong God, was not Leader Material. He was Stupid and paranoid, bad qualities for a Leader, which served us and played in our favor... He gave all his people the Image that if someone stronger than Him appeared, said person would be Killed and his parents punished... If a God showed too much potential he would still be Killed or perhaps sealed and if he was a Half-Blood it would be worse... he understands... What he did with the Titans, The Closed Ones and Those Who Are Around... He limited and prohibited them from using their powers and developing their potential or they would be considered Threats by Him... he kept all his people at a point that they had to being shorter and weaker than Him and that was what was no good, He would be the only problem we would have in El Olímpo and we would know how to deal with it and neutralize it since for us He was in charge of screwing up all the strong ones in his Faction, weakening them The Long and did not allow others to develop or develop their own powers for fear that they would betray him or conspire against him as he did and try to attack him. Rizevim began to understand ... Literally Zeus was an Idiot who oppressed all the potential of his people and kept them on the floor and under him but now that he died... the other Olympians will no longer be afraid to show their potential. ...This Rhea, The Current Leader of Olympus, we know literally nothing about Her, nor her powers or forces... Which makes her a Worse Threat than Zeus and She is a pure Titanides, also Hear that the Gods, demi-gods among Others are allowed to train, Show their potential among Others... She is different from Zeus and with a stronger Olympus there will be more problems for us when We try to move against Them... - He told him and Rizevim nodded understanding everything Literally, Olympus will recover now that the senile Idiots have been removed from power.

Rizevim: I understand but we have Hades inside, we can recover with Him the Trident of Poseidon or we simply go for The Original who has his daughter that He Expelled to save her from Zeus and Now I understood why... - He told his right hand that He nodded and internally sighed at not having that Idiot Zeus still alive.

Euclid: I think it will be the second option, going through Posedeia..., since we have lost connection with Hades and his domain. It is closed to us and The Outside... Apparently he is not playing them and was left with The Body of Lilith- sama... - He told him and Rizevim snorted in disgust at that Skeleton.

Rizevim:He wanted our Help and deals...it was all for the Elimination of Zeus, Sirzechs and some Other demons but with the Fall of Zeus, he may be satisfied... - He growled and Euclid nodded reaching the same reasoning as his Lord for what Hades did.

Rizevim: Do you have the Location of that Poseidon Girl?... - He asked curiously to his servant who nodded.

Euclid: She moves constantly but I have her Exact Location for when the time comes to go for the Trident and... on the Seraphim Gabriel? She is also important for all of this and how the sky is currently... - I tell him to her Master who smiled Maliciously, little knowing both of the latter's change and that in fact She was the main promoter who made the Sky Faction known as the most Terrifying and brutal of its time over the Other Factions.

Rizevim: patience my dear Apprentice, for the moment we will only observe everything, I will point out to you the moment to begin even if the sky is showing thorns, it is still stupid and it is only the beginning... we just have to wait for a fool to turn on the lights. flames of War and we can begin to move... - He told his servant who nodded, refraining from commenting that with everything that Heaven has done and is doing, it was time for war to knock on his door but something must happen. happen Here, since with the Monumental Fall of the Fallen Faction, The Supernatural World would not let That and This Threat pass but still it does not move, Stranger.

Rizevim just looked out his window happy for what's to come, Oh, He knows a little more but he's not going to share it and This The fact of Hades, he's going to give it to his dogs and Cerberus when he places his hands on Him.

The Demon duo remained silent in their own thoughts, About how Heaven can Affect them and Euclid was a little lost in his Master's words... Are Angels really Evil? So wouldn't they be Fallen or what happens here? He never delved into anything about Heaven because of how weak and stupid he was with his kindness but apparently he was wrong about that, since said fools literally destroyed 2 factions in a short time and this is what many believe about Shiva. Which is luck or they reached treaties or who knows... since all they heard was speculation.

Kyoto - Yasaka Shrine - Interior - Living Room.

In this you can see Naruto sitting comfortably in an armchair with Yasaka sitting on his lap while he wraps his arms around Esta's waist as she leans against his chest.

They both chat after having given Shirone and Kunou permission to go out and play together. Outside 1 hour ago, of course, Naruto is watching them.

Naruto: then you have no problems with your advice... if they become a nuisance for you, I will eliminate them... - He said calmly to the Yokai who sighed slightly, internally happy to be in this position with her partner who hugs her so warmly. and with love for your taste and pleasure, perhaps, your Instincts were not wrong when choosing it.

Yasaka: don't worry, I...I will know how to treat them, They help me with some advice and the Administration... you don't have advice in Heaven?... - I ask him with curiosity, smelling something of his companion's aroma alone to raise an eyebrow, Now, She knows her own Aroma and is smelling it on Him, but not His...

Naruto: I am God... I don't need advice... - He answered simply.

Yasaka: and... I... uh... - She literally didn't know how to counteract his response, since He is God... but...

Naruto smiled softly as he watched the Yokai think about what to say to his response or comment but he had nothing.

Naruto looked at Yasaka's fluffy tails waving to the side gently, that's interesting to look at.

Yasaka in the end, pouted a little as she had no response, nor anything to comment on, to Naruto's response who smiled under his toga which he moved back for Yasaka's view.

Yasaka, who was going to sit down to contemplate, since she had not been hit hard by her Instinct, suddenly, in reaction to the unreal beauty of her partner, felt her heart rumble when one of his hands went to her chin and made her lift up. his gaze fixed on the beautiful and exotic eyes of his companion.

"You look beautiful".

A healthy and soft blush began to fill Yasaka's cheeks as she looked at the closeness of her partner who suddenly claimed her lips.

Naruto and Yasaka joined in a kissing session that increased in intensity on the part of Yasaka who moved to sit Orkney on Naruto's lap who grabbed her soft and fluffy butt with both hands making the Yokai moan something that she took advantage of. so that their tongues would join together in a soft dance, while traces of saliva began to run down their mouths before the hot but careless kiss they were having.

Yasaka's eyes slowly began to tear, Oh, She has too much pent up frustration and A companion, A companion who is going to help her treat her.


Yasaka froze for a second before moving to Naruto's side wiping her lips with her sleeve as Kunou entered the room followed by a calm Shirone.

Naruto smiled remembering a similar scene with Lilith but the latter "slept" Satan.

Yasaka: Musume!... - She exclaimed with a smile opening her arms for her daughter who very happily reached into her arms and hugged her and began to tell her how she played with Shirone for a while which made her very happy and talking about the Nekoshou She went and sat next to Naruto who rubbed her head like a father would a daughter which made her happy.

Being that when Kunou finished telling her Adventures, Yasaka asked Naruto if he would stay for dinner and spend the night, which he accepted to the happiness of the two Yokais, both daughter and mother are very happy to have him with them.

Shirone also agreed to stay with them and so they shared the rest of the day quietly with the group until it was time for dinner, which they calmly ate until it was time to "sleep", which was when Yasaka thought she could resume the dinner thing. afternoon with Naruto but a Kunou and Shirone with their own pajamas at the door of her room told her no, and she didn't have the heart to take away her daughter's smile of pure happiness so the four of them shared the bed.

Already in bed, you can see Naruto calmly passing one of his hands through the soft hair of Yasaka who is lying on his chest while Shirone and Kunou, already asleep, are at their sides.

Yasaka:My season is approaching, it will be that day... - I comment softly to Naruto.

Naruto: it's okay... - He responded when Yasaka raised her gaze and looked at the gold that shines Magnificently in the Dark, not even her eyes are that Intense or so and that they share the same color.

Yasaka: but that doesn't mean you can't play... - He purred at his partner with a smile.

Naruto: touch?... - he asked with slight curiosity, Lilith didn't teach him anything about touching at night besides that it was to have that thing called sex.

Yasaka: yes... - He responded, missing his curious voice before approaching and capturing his partner's lips in a soft but chaste kiss before stepping back and sighing, proceeding to calmly close his eyes on Naruto's chest, there could be He continued joking but before Naruto arrived in the afternoon, he had a very Exhausting day.

Naruto: strange ... - he murmured when he felt that his other companions were still sleeping next to him, not physically because He is with Yasaka, but in a Spiritual way which calmed them down, specifically Mnemosyne, Lilith and Eva who did not. They know how to sleep without Him by their side, their Spiritual form solves that for them, just like Gabriel, only when She sleeps, since it is not necessary for Her to do so but the few times she does, she wants part of her Spiritual form or Him. same with Her.

Naruto sighed and closed his own eyes quietly.

And so a new day arrived quietly for the entire Supernatural World that has its own problems although from the demonic faction, a news had spread quickly in this and it was about the pregnancy of Maou Lucifer's wife, Sirzechs Lucifer, but that It should not be a surprise, since She has already had a son and all the Demons are happy that She has Another if it were not for the fact that never before in the entire history of the Demonic Faction had the Case of a devil having Twins arisen. .. or present two children at the same time and at the same time, not even The Original Maou Lucifer, had this very special case in which his wife "Lilith", had twins no less.

Made By Which The demons Are happy for their Leader and curious about what will come out, will the Twins live? Will they be born as normal babies? Will something surprising happen? Will they be powerful? Will they die? Etc... These were the doubts and questions that the Demons in general asked themselves now, more interested and curious about this historical fact than what is currently happening throughout the world. Supernatural and the Angels that have them worried.

Even the Young Demon heirs of the Underworld are curious to see the Twins who will come to the Demon World according to The Day After Tomorrow by none other than the Strongest Queen and The Strongest Maou, A Super Devil.

The Maous could sigh easier when the News of Grayfia's Pregnancy seemed to calm the Masses a little of their revolt and Chaos since Now they are more gossips than troublemakers, something they see better than the discord that wanted to Start, but Now there is Another problem and They are the devil journalists gathered outside the Sitri hospital who hope to broadcast tomorrow the great coming of the first Twin brothers of demonic history.

Sirzechs is happy and with his ego a little elevated by the attention and congratulations he is receiving from everyone, as well as his family, which is once again the center of the public eye of the entire demonic faction, which obviously raises his fame even more and more because of them. comes The literally "Miracle" as Lately they are beginning to call the Twins Case.

Being that the day continued relatively lively and normal for the demonic Faction as well as the Other Factions of the Supernatural World.

Going with Naruto and his group He had a calm and normal day with Naruto sharing the entire day with Satan playing that thing called video games that Naruto didn't like but he played it to entertain Satan who was happy with his presence.

Naruto's daughters still stayed by his side, just watching him play with Satan while Naruto's Companions competed in the Kitchen over their Culinary skills where Eva only knew how to serve Water for the grace of all and Lilith herself, knew how to make fried fish, was The only good skill she showed... Artoria didn't know how to cook, Seilah less so... Aphrodite cooked a good-looking meal but it tasted bitter because of all the lotions she made for it to smell good... Scathach did not participate but is present, Jeanne, to everyone's surprise, made a good but simple meal, just like Morgana, who joined the competition... Guinevere was one of the best, just like Mnemosyne for having read books about cooking and Himari, Kuroka didn't... She didn't. He knew how to do nothing but laziness. Lately, Irene and Tamamo, embarrassed, only baked cookies. Vali showed himself very capable of making a good meal despite his reluctance to join everything, but when Lilith asked him to join, he just didn't know how to tell him. not to the Causer of changing him to Girl and no, he did not want Her to do anything Bad or worse than being a girl, Metis only observed the Interaction but did not participate, The Titanides still finds it strange that she can be calm and finds no danger in The air, yes, Zeus and Olympus left a great bad impression on him and he must always be alert, since betrayals are just around the corner.

And so the day continued quietly for the group, since Naruto had his specific days of planning and of course, he also took days to share with the family which is said day although Gabriel was not able to join and no, he did not invite Lucifer.

New day - Underworld - Lilith City - Sitri Hospital - Waiting Room .

Early in the Morning In this you can see the Three Great Maous of the Underworld with the exception of Sirzechs who is with Grayfia, Sirzechs' parents with Millicas, Rias and Sona Both with their Entourage happy to be close and literally be one of the first to be able to see the Twins who will come and Lady Sitri, since her Husband is in the delivery room having decided to Impersonate Serafall in The Miraculous and Delicate Process.

The group as a whole seems somewhere between nervous and happy about what is happening, eager to know what happens.

Serafall: heheh... new Sera-tan Fans will be born... - the Maou commented animatedly, bringing smiles to everyone.

Zeoticus smiled Proud of his son who makes the family grow.

Zeoticus: more grandchildren to spoil a little... but we have to figure out how to make room for all the people outside who want to see The "Miracles"... - he commented calmly and Serafall pouted.

Serafall: They will barely be born and they already have so much attention... I'm jealous... - I mutter with a pout.

Ajuka denied her friend's behavior.

Fallbium slept peacefully in his chair.

Millicas is happy to be able to see his new sisters, he will be an older brother.

Venelana smiled softly, being just as anxious as everyone but she knew how to hide it.

Draig [ why do I feel a Bad feeling?, my Dragon Instincts tell me that Something will happen and They were never Wrong before... well, only with Him ]... - The Dragon thought, since he can feel his Alert Instincts and sensitive since Issei gave her his arm.

Issei, Kiba and Saji stayed on the sidelines as they saw how surprising and newsworthy the Case of Grayfia-san's unborn daughters looked.

Everyone stayed chatting until suddenly they began to hear some screams through their super ears, which meant that it had already started and they were silent.

Outside the Hospital.

A large crowd of Demons could be seen around some fences that are guarded by some guards who do not allow them to pass through to the doors of the hospital, all curious about the arrival of the " Miracles " or what is happening and want to be the first to arrive. share the news.

Different devil journalists record their surroundings while speaking to the cameras when suddenly they began to be pushed by other demons.

Hey, what's wrong with you...

Do not push me...

The demon went out as did everyone who began to remain silent and open a path in a straight line in which he had been walking... A... A man in a toga so white... like something never seen before... They had never seen a white so white and intense...

The man did not stop in his steps and continued walking calmly without anyone saying anything or getting in his way... When one by one the Demons present began to fall to their knees with somewhat lost looks, something that did not faze the man who continued his He walked until he approached the fences that two of the Demons guarding her opened for him to pass through and he passed calmly without seeing anyone again, while all the Demons present looked at his back in silence until he entered the hospital.

There was no scream, shock or mass horror at their presence, nothing... The Demons present just stood there in silence, as if their own minds were disconnected from their bodies but they were conscious, aware of whoever had just walked among them. ...The Great One Himself passed by His Side.

Delivery room.



"Sirzechs-sama, they are healthy babies, look so beautiful...

Sirzechs, whose hands are sweating, was approached by one of his "daughters", already clean and wrapped in a blanket who couldn't stop crying, well they both cried at a great volume.

Sirzechs stretched out his somewhat trembling hands when the Nurse brought him closer to his daughter who did not stop crying while the other baby was brought closer to an exhausted Grayfia who was being healed with Magic.

Sirzechs somewhat tremblingly grabbed his daughter, his first girl who does not stop crying while strong emotions fill him, his family is growing and so cute.

Sirzechs looked with a warm smile at his crying little girl making a small grimace, Ignorant of her crying, A strong warm emotion filled his chest... his first daughter... girl... Someone else to protect with his life.

"Ya, ya...

Sirzechs cooed at his little girl as he tried to calm her by moving from side to side with a soft smile.

Lord Sitri who watches everything smiled happily at the atmosphere so full of intense emotions, I never expect to see Maou Lucifer behave in that way... so protective and warm with his baby, obviously, it's what a father would do but he looks so happy Euphoric is the exact word for having your little girl in your arms, no matter if she is crying, that makes you happy, since the baby is alive.

Lord Sitri turned and looked at a crying Grayfia trying to gently calm her daughter, a cute image familiar to these two.

Sirzechs cooed at his baby who was still crying when for a few moments he opened his eyes even while crying and he raised an eyebrow.

Sirzechs: golden?... - I asked no one specifically when the baby closed her eyes again and continued crying.

Sirzechs raised an eyebrow without understanding what he saw as he approached a crying Grayfia who was also cooing at her other baby.

Sirzechs: Crimson?... - he asked himself when he could see his other daughter for a second. She opened her beautiful eyes and Grayfia cried a little harder, since she also saw him... his daughter shares Crimson eyes that don't They belong to him, neither to Ella, nor to Sirzechs.

Sirzechs froze for a second, he didn't understand what was happening and why Grayfia was crying.


A strange sound attracted the attention of everyone in the room when slowly the door of the room began to literally disintegrate into particles when someone entered... Someone that certain people present in the room know and froze to see there...


The babies' cries continued to be heard when Naruto took two steps, calmly appearing in front of Sirzechs but not looking specifically at Him, but at the baby in his arms.

Naruto: now, now... - he said while moving his hands, gently grabbing the baby from Sirzechs' hands, who looked at him somewhat confused and stunned.

"WHAT..aaa... a... Mmm.

The baby continued crying but slowly began to calm down as did her crying.

Naruto: now... now, dad is here... - he said calmly while watching his daughter's lower lip tremble slightly while calming her crying in such a... cute way.

Naruto lulled his daughter closer to him, snuggling into his chest as she calmed down.

Naruto smiled at that before turning around and taking a few steps, reaching his other daughter's side in Grayfia's hands as the baby began to calm down.

Naruto: so cute... - he said as he frees one of his hands and grabs the Other baby from the arms of the still stunned Grayfia.

The two babies began to calm down and sleep in his arms, something that made Naruto smile softly because his Firstborns were made in a more intimate way.

"N...no... sighed ... My... my... daughters...

Grayfia, as best she could, still exhausted and with her throat somewhat dry, begged, drawing Naruto's attention, who watched her extend her hands in his direction with a look of pure desperation that she didn't really understand.

Naruto: They are my daughters Grayfia... I will take them... - She told him when tears began to come out of the beautiful eyes of the devil who was still stretching her hands in Naruto's direction.

Grayfia: p... please... - She begged him, she did not want to be separated from her daughters even though they were not planned and even less with Someone who was not her husband, The mere fact that They were in Her, already made them Her Beloved daughters and their Mother's Instincts refused to accept being separated from them.

Sirzechs just looked at everything with a lost look and without yet assimilating what was happening.

Lord Sitri, there was Blue while his hands were sweating, yes... yes, He... He is understanding well... for Lucifer...

Naruto: well... my daughters may need their Mother to Feed them... - he said, approaching Grayfia while handing them the two babies, who quickly hugged the devil and cooed defensively in her arms, earning an amused smile from Naruto. .

Naruto retracted the sleeves of his robe a little showing his creamy white hands that matched the strange white skin tone of the babies who were whiter and lighter than Sirzechs and Grayfia.

Naruto moved and grabbed Grayfia, lifting her from her stretcher in princess style while the devil settled her daughters but out of the corner of her eye she looked at Sirzechs, her eyes in particular, something that made her shudder and shed some tears, as her eyes show the look. of a completely broken man emotionally.

Naruto: well, we're leaving... - he said while a portal opens behind him that clearly shows the Somewhere room.

Naruto turned around with Grayfia in his arms but before walking to the portal he wanted to say something.

Naruto: You did well to take care of Grayfia but from Here and Now, I take care of Her, well... My daughters need her... - he said calmly when Sirzechs felt a hand on his shoulder for a second.

Grayfia closed her eyes at those words she heard... that would not help Sirzechs with what is happening... no... it will only break him more although the words will not carry any Malice, mockery or any other strange Emotion.. .if they hurt... it was the worst thing they could say in this situation...

Naruto: Goodbye... - he said goodbye crossing the portal...












Don't worry even I feel sorry.

I felt Sirzechs' Excitement and Plummet in a single second.