
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 34

Heaven - Main Castle - Outside the Door to Lucifer's Room.

In this you can see Naruto who had not recently finished dealing with Medusa since the beautiful Snake Woman could not with his divinity and like her Snakes, they fell prey to the Worship of Naruto and now Medusa is a new resident of the Heaven under the Command of Gabriel who took her to see what functions the Woman could serve.

Naruto calmly took a step forward as the door to Lucifer's room slowly opened by itself and the Darkness that covered the entire room disappeared in an Instant and Naruto could see a completely naked Lucifer standing near his bed. which He provided.

Beautiful and sexy white skin that seems to shine, sexy and endowed, perfect curvy body, large and firm breasts that remain in the air, beautiful long black hair that reaches below her generous butt, and there are two pairs near it with large black wings on each side and returning to her face, she has a sexy and beautiful face that does not show a single Imperfection along with her delicate and beautiful unique features, Beautiful slanted Yellow eyes similar to those of a Snake, large curved horns near her forehead which make her look exotic.

Lucifer almost screamed but refrained from doing so and only lowered his head at his brother's entrance in submission.

Naruto stood near the door in his imposing figure looking in Lucifer's direction calmly.

The silence lasted for about a minute which made Lucifer uncomfortable and he decided to be the one to speak first.

"And..I...you...you...come to Cast...punish me?"

Lucifer stammered in the direction of his Elder brother. She had prepared a lot, even mentally, so as not to be self-conscious in front of her Elder brother so she could seduce him or try to whisper sweet words in his ear to at least have some freedom or no punishment of his own. since She knows that He is actually worse than he seems and something tells her strongly that it was Lilith who gave her opinion about the punishment she had and not Naruto.

Naruto who heard her raised an eyebrow curiously.

Naruto: punish you? Oh, no... Lilith I think it's better to punish you alive... always being a Woman, since your pride was stained and that part of your punishment... I didn't really understand it but OK, since my punishment was to send you to Limbo and burn your soul for all eternity, you would eventually die but I would revive you and always punish you but Lilith wanted something different and we are both parents who lost their children, so take your opinion.. - He calmly told his point and confirmed his suspicions to Lucifer who felt a slight Shiver.

Lucifer[ Well...thank you Lilith ]... - He mentally thanked Crazy Lilith for Her dictating his punishment instead of Naruto, since His sounded more brutal...and that about desecrating her sexy body in She actually enjoyed it and no, it is not affecting her Pride or Spirit at all. She tried it in the past twice and did not dislike it but she preferred to desecrate virgins, since her face of pain and horror fed her sick morbidity, which now Naruto She is pleased to be her direct Big Brother who takes her into his arms and makes her his, there is nothing more exciting than that but of course, she cannot say it, nor show the face that she enjoys it or her Soul will be in danger when They do not. see "suffer", although that doesn't mean that she doesn't dislike the part where Lilith humiliates and degrades her in front of her brother, that does hit her a little, "That bitch is sadistic."

Lucifer denied after contemplating The fact that the first Woman is a Bad bitch, but it still helped him a little.

Naruto: tell me Lucifer... - he called calmly to the devil who looked at him slightly self-conscious in contrast to what she did not want to do.

Naruto: why? Why approach and touch My children?... - I ask with curiosity to the devil who bit her tongue for her misleading question and depending on her answer I could either satisfy him or punish her, but Yes or yes, I had to answer him or it would be worse, She is not an Idiot, she knows that Naruto is not Someone to be treated as an Idiot, He is not... just a little crude because of his old dialect with the Current Events and that It's because humans were the ones who Modernized the dialect in a more refined way that She learned just like the others or always the Biblicals would have spoken in the way and straight to the point like Naruto and Mad Gabriel do, even that bitch Lilith It speaks a little strange, but it is because They did not advance alongside humanity, but were sealed when it was just beginning to be born.

Lucifer sighed and looked timidly in Naruto's direction.

Lucifer: and... I, you know brother what I did and what happened with father... sigh... I, I did not come voluntarily to your territory, father He expelled me to Him and even in the midst of my Anger and all that. .. I wanted to take them to start my rebellion again but!... I didn't do anything to them other than make them like me... it's the truth brother, I didn't hurt them... I didn't abuse them or anything, they got along with each other and eventually from Them were born...

Naruto: those weak sinners... - completed calmly by Ella and Lucifer nodded quickly at least he didn't hit first.

Lucifer: yes, and there was that I took one of his daughters as my wife, I did not touch any of your Direct Line brother and the name Lilith in my wife, her children mentioned her many of the last ones that she changed and that is how she was named my wife who shares some of Lilith's appearance... - He told her quickly and highlighted certain points that were true and now he is relieved to have them, since in reality he thought of taking some direct she-devils from Naruto as Wives but the War with his father, The Fixer Of The Underworld And The Stress Of Everything, He Wasn't Allowed To Fuck His Own Kind And That's Why He Took A Second Generation Girl As His Wife And Decided To Take Human Virgins When They Started Appearing, A Shame He Never Found Eva, that damn blonde was a perfect sexy hottie.

Naruto nodded calmly, finding no lies in his new sister.

Lucifer sighed in relief that He understood and her mouth acted on its own.

Lucifer: I... I apologize for what I did brother... I regret having affected you in the middle of my hatred of my father... but He... He wanted to oppress everything in his own way... - he said, squeezing lightly his fists as his eyes flashed for a second and then he calmed down.

Lucifer: I... just, I'm sorry... I know that won't alleviate anything I did to you, but I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me brother... - He sincerely asked him for his own Internal Disbelief what the hell is wrong with him to Her? Little did She know that it is her rational and survival side that speaks for Her, since She is facing the most dangerous being she knows.

Naruto looked calmly at Lucifer when Lucifer finished speaking.

Naruto: God does not hate, I do not hate you... To forgive you? There was never anything to do it for, he was only going to destroy you, a simple fact and nothing more... - He responded calmly to his sister, since He didn't really hate her, nor did he hate her, she just annoyed him with what she did.

Lucifer opened her eyes, internally surprised by his forceful response, While her body moved only to Hug Naruto, that didn't matter to Lucifer if he didn't know how far away Naruto was, his Apathy and common sense were very far from normal, no. He hates because there is no fact? He was just going to destroy her and nothing more? Damn, He is actually dangerous, He likes and scares her at the same time.

"Thank you Big Brother, it makes me happy that you don't hate me."

Lucifer exclaimed involuntarily, wrapping Naruto in a big hug, pressing her generous breasts against Naruto's chest that did not move, he did not push her away, nor did he reciprocate the hug, he just stayed there.

Lucifer sighed and after a few seconds he broke his hug looking at how close he is to his brother.

Lucifer: Thank you really... - She said while raising her gaze and staring through Naruto's toga at her powerful golden Orbs that still see her.

Naruto: well... I just wanted to ask you that and see your point, nothing more... - He told him, ready to leave.

Lucifer: wait brother... I... I would like to ask you something... - She said stopping Naruto who was barely going to move but decided to listen to her.

Lucifer: I, I want to help you brother... Now that the father is gone I have no other objective... I won't really be a problem for you... I want to help you in any way brother... - He told him while timidly holding his hands to the top of Naruto's robe and begins to slowly lift it to see his brother's face.

Naruto: any way?... - He asked with curiosity and Lucifer nodded, not feeling any Bad Intention coming from his brother, in fact he seemed curious for not really understanding the meaning.

Lucifer: any way... I have some knowledge of the World and other races... he said as he pulled the top of Naruto's robe back and looked at his brother's cute face, damn! " It's more beautiful than When he was a man. " ...I can help you with them... get rid of the sinners... I can... She approached Naruto, invading his personal space a little to where the Breaths of both of them met. They could feel ... Help you create more children... - She said, giving Naruto a light kiss on the lips while his heart was beating at 100%, she could even hear it beating with fear and the extreme emotion of being so close to Naruto and the reaction he might have.

Lucifer moved away but not much, looking at her brother's beautiful eyes that look at her.

Lucifer: I can serve you brother... be yours... Help you... I will never betray you... - She told him and internally she looked at herself with a blank look... betray Naruto? Who is more devil than Ella and he will have no sympathy for her to destroy her, revive her and continue doing it... he may have been a traitorous and mean son of a bitch before but with Naruto, hell, neither his demonic side was so crazy, nor his blood so strong as to think about doing something against him.

Lucifer looked at Naruto with his beautiful eyes full of submission and slight adoration deep inside her.

Naruto contemplated his request before raising his hand and grabbing Lucifer's chin which curled but didn't move at all.

Naruto: Is that what you want?... - I ask him softly.

Lucifer felt deja vu from this Scene.

Lucifer: I... yes... - She told him, not willing to lose her chance to be free, at least a little, she knows that Naruto is not forgiving her or anything but it is better to serve him than to rot while always being humiliated.

Naruto: well... I will fulfill your wish... cross the Line and I will personally punish you well... - He told him and Lucifer nodded when he felt a brief kiss from Naruto before Naruto broke it anyway.

Naruto: well... do not leave the room until I call you, you can Manipulate your powers to reacquaint yourself with Them... I have taken your wish... you will serve me... - he said disappearing from the room leaving the door open for Lucifer, and She would know whether to leave it or close it voluntarily.

Lucifer did the second and closed it while returning to his bed feeling how his power returns to her this time completely, it is somewhat surprising that Naruto can take it from her that easily but not that easy... since Naruto was the closest and family of God.

Lucifer smiled when he didn't feel The slight peck when he mentions his name.

Lucifer: heheh... This was the most dangerous conversation of my life... hell, my life was at stake... - the black-haired woman mentioned amusedly before falling into her bed somewhat Exhausted, yes, just talking to Naruto and Resisting his divinity a little is exhausting, some sleep would be good to be prepared for what is to come.

And so Lucifer, The Now Mistress of Demons closed her eyes as a faint purple energy surrounded her.

New Day - Underworld - Gremory Castle - Grayfia's Room.

In this you can see the beautiful silver-haired Maid resting peacefully in her bed when she suddenly opened her eyes and jumped out of her bed running towards the bathroom.

Grayfia quickly arrived at Este, since her room has one, and quickly lifted the lid of the toilet and began to vomit all the food from the previous day.

*threw up*.

Grayfia after a few minutes lost the intense nausea that had hit her and woken her up.

Grayfia got up feeling slightly weak for a few seconds for her Stranger and grabbed one of the towels from the bathroom with which she wiped her Lips while she approached the sink to wash her mouth.

Grayfia[ Did I eat something that I didn't like ?]... - the Maid asked herself with curiosity because her dinner the night before had been a normal and light one.

The she-devil denied and picked up her toothbrush, she had already woken up earlier than expected, since her alarm still hasn't gone off but she will still start her day from Right Now to distract herself a little more, yes, that's it.

It was what the devil thought, Ignorant of what is quickly forming in her womb.

1 hour later .

Grayfia came out of her room completely ready and dressed in her Maid outfit for the day. She is a little happy that Sirzechs is staying at Lucifer Castle and sleeping in it so as not to wake him up or worry him about her moment of nausea.

Grayfia continued and walked towards the Castle Kitchens to prepare her breakfast and later that of the other residents of the Manor who are still sleeping Including her... son.

Human world - Morning - Japan City - Kyoto - Yasaka Shrine.

Nearby you can see Naruto's group walking calmly, the group being guided by a serious Tamamo who is in front of everyone, throwing one or another Illusion in their surroundings to keep away the nearby humans because the group simply did not want to teleport. directly to the temple if you don't walk.

Naruto did not object, although to Tamamo's relief, they did not walk through the center of Kyoto or they would be the center of everyone's attention, mainly Naruto for what he represents and the others for their beauty, so they only teleported near a park near the Sanctuary and from there they began to walk calmly admiring the beautiful surroundings that Kyoto offers, although literally Naruto actually opened a gap through which everyone went through The Pregnancy of Girls and not put them at risk by teleporting their body.

Tamamo looked askance at Naruto who was holding the hand of a small and energetic Satan and an embarrassed but happy Shirone having both children at her sides while talking to the others.

Naruto: hmn... I see, This Merlin will return because he wants to talk to me about Something... - I commented contemplating that fact while the beautiful Artoria who wears simple and beautiful clothes and goes to one side of his side nodded.

Artoria: Yes, Yesterday he stayed to wait for you until he noticed that you weren't coming and decided to go with his disciple, he said he would return when you were there and he hoped you could give him some of your time to talk to him... - The Pendragon said softly to him. her companion who is covering her face with her toga, She prefers when He shows his beautiful face.

Naruto nodded slightly under his robe, Now about Him why he didn't come back The day before with the Girls it was because Gabriel wanted him to stay the night with Her and He Accepted, they slept very close together and peacefully which made his sister happy.

Naruto: well, later I'll see this Merlin... - he commented calmly.

Satan: Dad, then can we go see the other shrines and shops?... - He asked him animatedly, drawing Naruto's attention to him.

Naruto: yes... - He responded softly to his son who looked at him with a big smile.

Lilith smiled softly at the Interaction as did Himari who watches her little girl go happily while grabbing one of Lord Naruto's hands.

Himari sweated slightly, looking from her side to her eldest daughter who had a look full of Jealousy in the direction of her younger sister who was close to her "partner".

Eva is still pouting but she is happy for the children.

"We're here."

Tamamo Noticed when The group looked at some small Steps that lead them to a Shrine several feet above.

Everyone blinked for a second as was natural and they already saw themselves in the Initial part of the Sanctuary.

Irene Silvo was surprised by that, she didn't feel anything.

Tamamo was the same as Metis, both surprised, since they had only blinked.

"Waoooo... I like it!"

Satan exclaimed looking at The Pretty Place.

"¡Lady Tamamo!".

About 7 tengu appeared with their staffs in hand and their Wings spread near the group.

Tamamo narrowed her gaze at that, She explained to Yasaka nothing hostile and that is not guardians who may behave foolishly and make some of the girls uncomfortable, which would be more than dangerous for everyone.

Tamamo: Yasaka-sama didn't warn you about something?... - I asked them, would it be in general and the Tengu nodded knowing what she is talking about.

Being that one of these I decided to speak, being the one who seemed superior to the other six who look with disbelief and surprise at the imposing group and even more so the one in the toga.

"Lady Tamamo, yes, we were notified of your Orders but Yasaka-sama also said that we would inform you when you arrived, about the arrival of Odin-dono and now everyone is waiting, including Lady Amaterasu-sama."

The Tengu told him and Tamamo raised an eyebrow curious about what the Asgardians are doing in Kyoto and moreover his Leader, like Irene, wondered about what they do here.

Tamamo: Okay, you can leave... - He told them and the Tengu tried, they really did when they realized that their body did not respond to them.


"No me...

Naruto: you can go... - he said calmly when the Tengus regained their mobility to their own disbelief before Tamamo quickly dismissed them again, which they did.

Lilith smiled at that.

Tamamo: if you follow me... - this time she addressed the curious group who nodded and began to follow her in the direction of the Sanctuary.

Naruto looks at his surroundings calmly, like his son, a somewhat old appearance to the current modernity, he likes it.

Metis silently analyzed Naruto, such a level of dominance and has not yet shown how capable he is... He is a true God, there is no doubt about that, very different from Zeus and Zeus was not as imposing as He was.

Naruto's group entered the Sanctuary following Tamamo while Morgana looks around with curiosity, since before she never came very close to Kyoto, since her work focuses more on England and Italy than anywhere else, so she rarely visited Japan. .

Tamamo walked in the direction of the Meeting Room where he actually sensed Yasaka, Kunou, Amaterasu-sama and two more unfamiliar presences that must be the Asgardians.

Tamamo opened the door next to the Meeting Room and stood next to it, offering Naruto to pass, who passed by Satan and Shirone, who were holding hands, followed by him, followed by the others, and they were received by a group of 5 .

Yasaka and Amaterasu gasped slightly at the Imposing and powerful divine presence that invaded their radius.

Odin rubbed his beard looking at the God definitely a few meters away from Him.

Rossweisse looked with surprise at the same divinity that she met before there in The Underworld. Being closer, she looks more Imposing.

Kunou tilted her head, cutely curious about the children who looked her age and were holding on to the man in the robe.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: and the so-called Yokais? I came to see them and here there are only two... - he commented softly but those who did not know him or had heard him speak before were surprised by how powerful his voice sounds.

Tamamo quickly stepped next to Naruto, drawing his attention.

Tamamo:Naruto... She is the Leader of the Yokais, Lady Yasaka and the crown princess Kunou... they are both Kitsune-type Yokais... I thought it would be best if you met Them first before I met the Others Yokais... - He said introducing him to the Mother and Daughter duo.

Yasaka nodded slightly as she recovers from her surprise and saves for later the familiar way in which Tamamo addressed El.

Yasaka: How do I introduce myself Tamamo-donó, My name is Yasaka, I am the Leader of the Yokai Faction, a 9-tailed Kitsune... - the beautiful blonde introduced herself, making her ears and tails appear to affirm her statement.

Kunou followed her Mother, as She is learning as the next Leader of the Yokais, the Tags, and politics in their different branches.

Kunou: Nice to meet you, I introduce myself, I am Kunou, the next Leader of the Yokais, a 9-tailed Kitsune... - she said and although I summon 6 tails, the others will appear over time.

Amaterasu: I am Amaterasu, the Leader of the Shinto Faction, Nice to meet you... - the beautiful blonde introduced herself with a soft smile with her eyes looking like two beautiful flames.

Odin continued with the presentations.

Odin: I am Odin, The Father of Asgard... - The white-haired man with the big beard and the appearance of an old man introduced himself.

Rossweisse: I'm Rossweisse, your bodyguard... - the beautiful silver-haired woman introduced herself.

Naruto looked at the group in silence.

Tamamo:Naruto... A... this is where they introduce themselves by saying their name... - She said a little nervous to Naruto because of his reaction.

Naruto: why?... - I ask him.

Tamamo: courtesy?... - He said quickly while Naruto nodded.

Tamamo sighed, telling Yasaka that Naruto came to satisfy his curiosity, not for a meeting or anything like that, because he just couldn't fix that and deal with the rest later.

Naruto: I am God but my name is Naruto and I am The Current Leader of Heaven... - he said calmly, while the Three Leaders in the room silently contemplate the Entity that has the entire Supernatural World crazy for its sole Existence and unknown powers , Plus he also murdered those Greeks.

"I am Satan."

The little black-haired boy appeared next to Naruto, drawing the attention of Yasaka, Odin and Amaterasu for his peculiar name.

"Shirone, I am A Nekoshou."

The white-haired girl appeared on the other side of Naruto, taking out her tail and cat ears to the surprise of Yasaka and Amaterasu.

"Hai, Hai, I continue... so... I am Eva, The Second Woman."

The beautiful blonde who Odin could point out has bigger breasts than anyone present, introduced herself animatedly.

Amaterasu[ second Woman ?]... - he asked himself curiously.

"I am Lilith, The First Woman."

Now the Exotic and beautiful black-haired woman with literally unreal beauty was presented.

Amaterasu [ first Woman... Wait... you're sure it's not Them right ?]... - he thought.

"Mnemosine, One of the Titans."

The other black-haired woman introduced herself calmly.

"I am Metis, a second generation Titanides."

The beautiful brunette was introduced, as her hair varies depending on how Ella likes it for the day.

"Himari, Un Nekoshou".

The beautiful black-haired woman introduced herself.

"Kuroka, also a Nekoshou and her daughter."

The black-haired woman introduced herself, pointing to her mother who sweated slightly from her presentation.

"Artoria Pendragon, Leader of House Pendragon and the Old Pendragon Dynasty."

The beautiful blonde introduced herself in a serious manner.

"Morgana Le Fay".

The silver-haired woman introduced herself calmly.

"Soy Guinevere Pendragon".

The beautiful black-haired woman introduced herself in a calm manner.

"Mordred Pendragon".

The blonde introduced herself.


The silver-haired woman introduced herself calmly.


Was all that the Interestless Brunette said.

"Seilah Pheonix".

The beautiful black-haired woman introduced herself in the same way as Hanna.

"Irene Belserion, The second most powerful Dragon Queen of the Dragon Kings."

The beautiful redhead appeared, to Odin's surprise, about what that witch was doing present and on the side of that group.

"Jeanne d'arc".

The beautiful blonde introduced herself.

"I'm missing... Nice to meet you, I'm Aphrodite, a Titan."

The beautiful blonde showed up, being the last one missing from the large group.

Naruto: well... but you... pointed to Odin... you are not a Yokai, neither are you... pointed to Amaterasu and Rossweisse... so what are you doing here?... - I ask them curiously. to the three who were a little surprised by his lack of tact when addressing Them who are Faction Leaders.

Odin spoke before anyone else did, since he actually came to talk to Him, but of course, He had not informed Him beforehand.

Odin: actually I came and included myself in your arrival to talk a little with you, son of God, and since I was in Yokai territory, I still decided to talk to the Leader of these... - He said calmly to Naruto.

Naruto contemplated that and nodded, later he might touch the Yokai's tail after their little talk.

Naruto: well, we'll talk... - he commented calmly.

Satan pouted.

Satan: Dad, can I go out and see around and maybe see if there are stores? .. - He asked Naruto who nodded.

Naruto: You can go see The Surroundings if you want... - He allowed them.

"Eto... I, I can take you to see The Surroundings, after all I know all of Kyoto."

Kunou Offered herself as a guide and Satan looked at her before Nodding calmly as she let go of her father's hand.

Shirone looked up in Naruto's direction as if asking for permission and he noticed her, rubbed her head and moved her head a little, which was not noticeable because of her robe but it was a yes, which Shirone caught and happily approached Satan.

Yasaka looked at her daughter and nodded, trusting her.

Eva: I... I'm going... - She said cutely to Naruto.

Lilith: yes, why not?... I will get to know this place a little bit that is different from where we live... - The beautiful black-haired woman said and part of the group began to leave excited to see it around, since just like Naruto they came by the Yokais but they will see them later apparently, since Now Naruto is going to speak.

Since Jeanne stayed with Naruto and Artoria stayed with Irene, Tamamo followed the others out of concern.

Naruto: well, let's talk... - he said calmly while they offered the seats on some cushions to him and his companions who stayed with him.

Outskirts of Kyoto - Abandoned Factory.

Next to him, lying between some trees, a black-haired man could be seen resting with a large Strange spear at his side when footsteps were heard and he opened his eyes.


The black-haired man asked the blue-haired man who Appeared.

"Yes, Hakuryuukou's Help was very good for us, without Him we could have delayed more and perhaps, we could attack alone Months later, but we can do it now and the best thing is that He will also help us with this, which will do more easy to subdue the Leader of the Yokais."

The black-haired man nodded calmly.

"Well, prepare everything, we leave in 1 hour, better sooner than later... and maybe even, there we can deal with Vali... You imagine, the Great descendants of heroes murdered the Hakuryuukou, we will be legends."

The black-haired man commented to his partner who smiled.

"We will overshadow that recently Appeared Angel... I will go prepare everything... CaoCao...

The one named CaoCao smiled.

CaoCao: you can leave, Heracles... - He told him and the Mentioned One began to walk away, letting the black-haired man grow a big smile.

CaoCao: What can you tell me about Passing through that new Angel, True Longinus?... - He asked with a smile at his Lance that blinked in "Emotion", much to the black-haired man's amusement.

CaoCao: son of God... you will fall before the true hero...

Underworld - Lucifer Castle - Maou Lucifer's Office.

In this you can see Sirzechs who not recently started his work and is still signing some papers.


He heard El Maou El scream and saw Serafall literally knock down his door when he walked towards El.

Sirzechs:Serafall that your...

Serafall: look at this... it came out not recently and is already beginning to circulate throughout The Supernatural World... - He threw a paper on the table to the Maou who curiously grabbed it and gasped at what he read as the headline.

"Indra, One of the Most Powerful Gods of the Hindu Faction, Is... Dead.










Well, about Lucifer, he is insane to an abnormal level, so being a woman doesn't affect him, he explained part of that, just like what Naruto does only feeds his perverse madness.

Naruto really doesn't hate him or anyone, Lucifer just makes him angry, nothing more.

Lucifer did not manipulate Naruto, he bowed, although he did not realize it himself, his Survival Instinct does its best to help him survive in the face of his trauma.

Lucifer has the appearance of Albedo from the anime Overlord.