
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 32

Heaven - God's Castle - Interior - Forbidden Room.

Going to the only forbidden room of the Castle to which no one, not even the Elite or guardians of the castle are allowed to go or pass, one could see in the interior of this the Infinite Darkness that surrounds the entire room but also a translucent body moving in this Same darkness as it murmurs.

"Hmn... I'm sure the Idea came from that crazy woman... she was the only one who seemed pleased with my screams but at least she saved me from Him, I'm sure She doesn't know which Naruto is more brutal and could have tried to burn me literally my Soul, I saw it in Him...

A beautiful female voice could be heard in the middle of the Infinite darkness, seeming Outraged and at the same time a little relieved.

"Hmn,..well...being turned into a Woman is not Bad...although it was terrifying and exciting when Naruto entered Me...I literally felt like a spear of Light entered Me... hehehe ... It's a shame that I couldn't enjoy it or it would be worse... hmn, it seems like I've just become so boring... I want to go out or better not... not with Him out there...

The beautiful voice continued murmuring Now being able to identify itself as a Woman by the slight feminine shadow that was reflected in the middle of the Darkness.

"Tsk... Naruto seems very attached to that Madwoman... Although Lilith, that bitch is meaner than the one he had as a wife... Apathetic Naruto and sociopath Lilith, Interesting combination of the father's first-born son and the first Woman hehehe. ..HAAHAHAHAHA ...this can't be better ...

The Woman seemed to laugh madly with her voice changing to a deeper and Monstrous one before stopping abruptly and returning to Mormurar.

"Wait...I can't participate in whatever they're going to do and from what I can hear, they just Appeared in the World just like Crazy Gabriel... hmn, those two are too far away to get closer to their Side, even I admit they are worse than me... well... a little... will sex move my Apathetic brother?... I don't want to go to Limbo again... it must be ... I have everything I need in Me... hehehe ... yes and also He is the Only One who would allow me to get out of Here..., I can already imagine myself Outside... Heheh hahaha...

The beautiful, somewhat deranged female finished muttering, ending with a laugh, as for a second among the Darkness she seemed to show part of her Appearance.

"Hahahah...I'll wait for you brother...with you, I will be able to have fun now that your father is gone and you are literally a living danger to all living beings...

It was the last thing the feminine said with a smile when she became silent and nothing could be seen in the middle of all the darkness.

Olympus - Territory of Artemis.

Back in this you can see Naruto calmly hugging his pretty little sister Gabriel by the waist where she is pressed against his right side while they share a hug. They slowly approach Rhea, Athena, Artemis, Samael and Oda who are They have recovered from the powerful shock and wind slingshot that sent them flying due to Naruto's attack that took them by surprise.

Athena contemplated her surroundings as she approached Naruto, the cleanup caused by the Assassin of Zeus being that she practically cleaned half of Artemis's entire territory literally and where she would have focused on the ground she could have erased a large part of Olympus with them. Including, She is sure of that and the worst thing is that the attack that he created looked soft and not at all destructive to her eyes but apparently appearances are really deceiving.

Artemis thought the same as her sister, He is really strong.

Oda just looked at his father with devotion and admiration.

Samael looked at his brothers with a calm look and contemplated a little of what his older brother could do and he couldn't help but be surprised. He erased that being Indignó whatever his name is easily, El Indignó was strong, he doesn't deny it but a simple movement of his brother and everything ended... A worthy and true God who possesses the power although more forceful than his father and less tolerant, well... He and Gabriel are, not tolerant, since they both have their slight problems that Nobody points them out but well... It's God and his second in command, They know what they're doing and He doesn't have to doubt.

Naruto turned to look at his subjects without removing his hand with the one around the waist of his Younger sister Gabriel who smiled happily at that.

Samael [ grices ]... - He thought for a second when he looked at his sister's beautiful eyes that few had seen, not even He could see them in the past even when She was still a Girl, since she dressed just as Naruto currently dresses.

Naruto: They were very capable and helped me recover part of my domains. I appreciate it... - He calmly thanked everyone in general, drawing their attention.

Artemis and Athena nodded calmly although they did not know that they had helped him in any way, they only sought to treat the Menace.

Oda blushed and lowered her head, grateful, feeling full of joy for the words of gratitude from her father, which is the best thing she can receive in her life and makes her feel very happy.

Samael was more forceful when he got down on one knee and patted his chest, looking at his brother in the maximum Expression of Loyalty that his own father would have liked to see in Him, in the past.

Samael: am I worthy?... - he asked, looking at his brother who knows that he sees him under that toga that covers him.

Naruto smiled.

Naruto: you are... - He responded softly.

Samael:I accepted your gratitude, My lord... - said The Redeemed Angel with a look full of Gratitude in the direction of Naruto who nodded.

Gabriel smiled at that and the respect shown by Samael.

Rhea, Artemis and Athena saw with surprise such an interaction and show of loyalty for a simple thank you, although they do not deny that something in them, no matter how small, wanted to do the same thing that The Angel does to see what it feels like... The Angel seems very pleased for some reason that they didn't understand and looking at Naruto, he looked like... like...

Naruto: well... I will fix the lost nature, this place looked beautiful and it is better that it stays as it was... - he said, breaking the goddesses out of their reverie as they blinked several times leaving what they could point out as look with devotion and Adoration to the God, hell, unconscious they almost lose themselves for a second trying to understand how a simple thank you from Him makes the warrior who is on his knees happy.

Rhea found that a little scary, what Naruto can do to her. If Naruto's presence alone shows him as someone high and powerful and just seeing him makes others lose their devotion to him... that places him as the scariest being. that can Exist, practically in her presence everyone seems to be at her mercy, something that not even Zeus or Cronus... or even Uranus could do in their times with their mere presence and She did not believe they could do it.

Artemis watched as her territory was quickly recovered with some surprise, not even the druids would be able to do such a feat, much less at such speed.

Artemis: Thank you... - whispered the Leader of the Huntresses in the direction of Naruto while looking away with a small blush showing on her pretty cheeks, full of shame for her thanking a man no less, although he is literally the pinnacle of all.

Naruto smiled softly as he raised the top of his robe a little to take in the soft wind on his face as his hair moved a little and bringing his free hand to it he adjusted it.

Athena quickly diverted her gaze to the same as Artemis and Rhea, although the desire to see is in them.

Samael was unable to do so when he stared with adoration and devotion at his brother, lost from his surroundings.

Oda was another frozen in her Place, as she looks at her father's beautiful face with Love.

"Heheh... Cute as always Big Brother."

Gabriel commented with a smile, looking very closely at his brother's face, since both have not broken their hug.

Naruto turned to his sister and smiled softly with Gabriel doing the same, she being one of the few who could resist seeing Naruto's beautiful face having spent more time with him since she was little.

Naruto got a little closer to his sister until his nose touched Gabriel's, who smiled and they both began to rub it while remembering that's how they played before.

"~ hehe ~~~

Gabriel smiled cutely when his lips brushed Naruto's, since they share almost the Same Height.



Rhea coughed and called the attention of the brothers, taking them out of their little game that she saw as very erotic and not possible in Angels, although little did she know that Naruto and Gabriel do not possess the Malice of all other beings in the face of contact, but instead they see it normal.

Being that they both looked in their direction and Naruto seemed to remember something when he moved his face a little from Gabriel's and looked at the beautiful Titanides.

Naruto: true... Rhea... I want you to prepare all the warriors you have and serve... - He said calmly to the Titanides who is looking at the ground, not because he doesn't respect it, or anything like that, but to be able to maintain a conversation with Him, now that He shows His face.

Rhea: why?... - I ask him with curiosity, since that was what he was talking about with Gabriel before being interrupted by the deceased Indra.

Naruto: Oh, that... it's simple... I will take My World... I will clean up what is no longer useful since there are warriors coming in... - He said calmly, making the Three Goddesses gasp and quickly summarize what He wants. do.


Athena screamed in Disbelief.

Rea: you can't... you're supposed to...

Naruto: I can't?... - He interrupted her and asked her back calmly, as a chill ran through the three Greek women who remained silent.

Naruto smiled and shook his head gently, looking in the direction of the Greeks.

Naruto: You and all living beings seem to have a clear concept of what Angels are and should be... - I commented calmly.

Gabriel: that's what it seems like, Big Brother... - The beautiful Angel said following her brother's words.

Samael, who had come out of his daze a little, decided to tell his brothers part of what is happening and They do not understand.

Samael: brothers, if you allow me... that was what father allowed to interpret for The World... that an Angel is a being of goodness, Love and peace who seeks the Best for The World and loves everyone... A being of Light that seeks to promote peace above anything else... - He explained to Naruto who smiled at his Explanation that he had already noticed that, It's what everything points out.

The three Greek Goddesses, still silent, nodded, that was what they wanted to point out and thought.

Naruto: Gabriel... Explain to me a little about yourself and how you see the Other beings of life... - Naruto asked calmly to his sister who raised an eyebrow but nodded calmly at his brother's request and took a step forward. from Naruto when he let go of her.

Oda, Samael and the Greeks paid attention to the beautiful Angel, while Gabriel began.

Gabriel: well, I'm an Angel... I like Heaven and my brothers... I hate Lucifer, the demons, the Fallen Angels and other races, I also hate humanity... Athena, Artemis and Rhea gasped in surprise. That's why ...I don't think she's worthy of the gift that her father gave them, such as free will and living in the beautiful land... having a life, being that part of the life they have here. My older brother helped by giving up his daughter. Eve and still, it was disappointing... Humans are a total disappointment... they kill themselves and some believe in some reincarnation or going to heaven or any nonsense that They themselves created... I see them as foolish beings and peace ?, What peace?, The World is Ours, Father created it... we are the ones who decide if someone lives in This or not, we do not need your prayers or beliefs... we Angels have lived since before humanity will project itself into father as Something to create... and humans, instead of sharing and living in Harmony, believe they are owners of the earth, they sell part of It among Them as if it were theirs, when everyone could live peacefully in It, is big enough... they sell the food that the earth Offers Them to each other when there is enough for everyone and they created their Law of what they believe is modernly correct... sigh... I think we should Exterminate them... bring Judgment Day to that disappointment and restore the earth without Them again... erase their Souls and everything, they are a plague just like the Other races... - the Angel finished commenting about Her and part of what he believes should be done in addition to also demonstrating that he hates modern humanity for its ways and delusions.

Oda didn't think, She doesn't even know what humanity is.

Samael, contemplated Gabriel's words and found logic, The world belongs to them, the angels and peace? They don't have to look for that but decide how the earth and other life in it will rotate.

The Goddesses to say that They are Shocked is an understatement, Here an Angel believes that the best thing for the earth is to Exterminate humanity without any doubt... A being of Light, hell, not even Cronus in his Madness or Uranus thought of doing that and No other being but that Angel thinks so is a shock.

Athena, assimilating Gabriel's explanation, could point out that she was Sociopath, Apathetic, crazy, psychopathic, deceitful and so on... simply in front of her there is no being of Light or that nonsense of Angels, but rather a true crazy woman who speaks like a sane person... her power doesn't fluctuate like Bad because of her words when it's supposed to fall now right?,... but seeing her She really has big problems or is it true that They were seeing in the wrong way what is a Angel indeed.

Naruto moved and hugged Gabriel from the back, feeling his soft butt press against him, something he didn't give much importance to.

Naruto: come... Gabriel has his own mind and desires... that peace thing is silly... and I believe the same as Her but not yet... first I want to treat the Supernatural Beings and then I will see what to do with the humanity, since they are literally also my children, sinful and wayward children... - she said calmly and Gabriel nodded with a small pout, She really wants to play those trumpets.

Naruto: good... So Rhea, prepare your Army and inform them that they will go to the field when I order it... project to them that at least they will live in my world but things will change... you can decide whether to continue on my side or go on the side of the Supernaturals and tell them what I plan to do... nothing will change in the end, I will destroy them and only those I believe worthy will allow them to live... - He said calmly to the Greek woman without sweetening at all what he plans to do. or deny him something, in addition to giving him the option of being able to choose which path to take.

Athena[ wow... This is where She must prove if she is a good Leader or not... It is practically a forceful Check that Naruto gave her... but... it also speaks of how determined and serious he is with his Objective... A Focused Angel ... - thought the Goddess, finding the shape of the Angel slightly attractive, without doubts, without lies, without second intentions and straight to the point although she could interpret things in bad ways but it must be because his time spent disconnected from the World which does not allow him to be soft and less crude.

Artemis: do... your people agree with what you plan to do?... - I ask her with some curiosity while Rhea continues in her thoughts but also listens.

Naruto raised an eyebrow curiously as did Gabriel.

Naruto: my people?... Oh, you talk about telling my people what I plan to do... I haven't told them anything, I will simply give them the Order in the Moment and they will comply... I am God, my decisions are not yours. I have to comment with Others... my word is simply Absolute... why should I ask Someone if they agree with what I do or not?... - He returned with curiosity to the Greek woman who opened her mouth surprised but nothing came out of Esta.

Samael, Oda and Gabriel nodded in agreement with their brother and father's reasoning, He is God, why would he have to ask the Other Angels, his other brothers whether to attack or not? He simply orders it and it should simply happen.

Athena: keep your mouth shut... this became Awkward... - She whispered to her sister who nodded softly, she just didn't understand the way of These Angels.

Naruto: well... I'll let you think about it... - He told them and looked in the direction of Athena who nodded slightly when she made eye contact with Naruto, although she caught him in Worship to Him seconds later, she gave Naruto his side to understand. , Apparently the Goddess is Logical and knows when it is foolish to fight against an Inevitable force.

Naruto, Gabriel, Oda and Samael disappeared in a flash of Light leaving the Goddesses there.

Athena: like new... - she said after coming out of her daze Admiring the beautiful landscape of her sister's Territory that Naruto restored Naturally.

Rhea let out a sigh, apparently her Mother was right... Right in all her words, even the true personality and form of the Angels as Naruto and Gabriel showed her and not as what was Written and disclosed throughout the World that everyone had bought.. The Angels seem to be scarier than I expect and damn direct.

Rhea [ there is not much to think about Here, I would be foolish if I went against Mother's words, which saved Olympus on her first visit ]... - thought the Titanides, throwing her fears, Anxiety and Anguish aside... they did not have You have to worry about what will be inevitable, just make good decisions.

Rhea [ Besides, I am from his time... He remains the same and not soft at all... Time seemed to speak to Me and give me other shapes... silly shapes ]... - the Titan thought and let out a sigh.

Rhea: let's go back to my Territory... I want to talk to both of them... - she said and disappeared in a flash followed by Athena and Artemis.

Human world - Kyoto - Sakura Park.

Sitting calmly on a bench, you could see a silver-haired man watching people pass by, doing their activities, and some staying on the striking parquet floor alone, admiring the falling pink leaves.

"[Are you sure okay, help CaoCao with the Yokai?]".

The silver-haired man now known as Vali, The Current Hakuryuukou, sighed as he listened to his Dragon speak to him.

Vali[ I need to distract myself a little Albion and also because of what we feel Someone strong is approaching Kyoto, aren't you excited to fight this stranger? ] ...-I ask his companion in his Mind.

"[Well... that would be better than you going to look for that Angel... just don't trust CaoCao and his followers]."

The Dragon pointed to his companion.

Vali[ I won't do it, I just need to fight a little so as not to get Rusty... things with the Appearance of This Naruto are very calm, and some Factions only remain alert but do not actively initiate conflicts and my rival is still too weak to Train me ]... - He commented to his partner who nodded silently and left the conversation there, still not very happy that his partner will mix with the Leader of the Faction of the heroes just because He is bored and there is no Action, Although Something makes Albion restless, like a bad feeling about all this.

The Dragon sighed.

Somewhere - Near Ireland .

On a luxurious boat in the Middle of the Sea you can see a beautiful purple-haired woman on the deck of the boat contemplating its movement which brings her closer to her destination.

"United Kingdom, Hey, there are you Hiding your... Who you catch the attention of my Gàe Bolg ."

The beautiful young woman commented before moving her hair back a little showing her beautiful exotic Crimson eyes.

Unknown place .

You could see a translucent gray plane without any sign of life or anything else but The Infinite Gray with nothing until a sudden Light Illuminated everything.

"Who dares to enter my domain...

A dark and petulant voice began to be heard until it was interrupted by a deeper and more dominant voice that came from the Light.

"Shinigami... You hinder God's Domain, submit to Him or Die."

That was what the voice said, making the God of Death who was nowhere to be seen snort.

"You, who are you and who is your God?...

The voice asked.

"You can call me "Michael" and my God The One and Only, Lord... Naruto.










Doubts about Lucifer and why he was identified as her... His mind is burned in a crazy way, few things have an effect on him, although he is afraid of Naruto.

Naruto and Gabriel, Explanation They themselves are from the ancient era as well as their ways of being... that is why they do not act soft in their words that can be cruel and evil and even less so when both do not understand.

Naruto made Gabriel show up to take out of context what others believe Them are, which is Wrong.

Michael has the appearance of Angel from the devil game.