
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 31

Olympus - Territory of Artemis.


A powerful explosion resounded, shaking the entire Place as Indra disappeared from her Place in a burst of speed.

Gabriel quickly removed the strip that covers his eyes to use his vision at 100% and managed to dodge in slow motion a fist that was coming at his face by moving his head to the side, while his other hand was surrounded by light and he raised it to the side. the Height of the face of the " God " who saw his Action with strangeness until the powerful Light blinded him for a few seconds which Gabriel took advantage of quickly, without wasting a second with his other hand that held his drawn Sword. He waved it in the direction of the God to cut something.

Indra, with one of his half-good eyes, managed to see the Angel's move but still put his hand in to protect his Head, sure that that Obsolete Sword would not do anything to Him, A God.


Indra spit out saliva with a grimace of surprise and disbelief appearing on her face when she felt like she was losing air. Looking, she saw a metal leg that sank into her stomach, courtesy of Samael, since Gabriel does not fight alone and he does not expect such speed. of reaction on the part of the Angel.

But with that distraction Indra did not notice that his hand was extended to protect himself from Gabriel's Attack.



Indra screamed in pain jumping back as the speed returned to normal, looking she saw her hand with her eyes open, her hand is missing 3 of her fingers, "That bitch."

Indra turned and looked Now with a Murderous Look at These two fucking Angels, not only did they disrespect Him and make Him shout Something Unworthy of Him, A God, but the weak bastards cut off three of His divine fingers. .. to Him, One God, Oh, They will not be able to live longer than today, He will not allow it.

Indra began to rapidly raise his power followed by Gabriel and Samael who were unfazed by the powerful and wild Aura that Indra was releasing.

Indra mocked, as if They could be compared to Him, What a joke.

Indra diverted her gaze to her back, noticing a beautiful purple-haired woman with completely armed feet, if she is not mistaken, this would be Athena, a Goddess of War.

Indra frowned, it was his Instinct that noticed Her, he didn't even feel her there and it could have taken him by surprise and...

" We begin ."

Indra opened his eyes again, now surprised when the voice came from his blind side and looked, only to see a stranger he had not felt before who looks at him with a more than cheeky smile, shit.

The black-haired woman winked at Indra mockingly, which annoyed him, " These Inferior beings ."

Rhea, who is watching from a distance, looks surprised at how these four are surrounding none other than the God Indra of the Hindu Faction. Athena is not very surprised. She is more of a Warrior Goddess than a calm Goddess, but the Angels actively want to fight. talks about These having left behind their peaceful and almost foolish style that placed them as weak beings in The Supernatural World before, since at least one faction must show its power so as not to appear weak to the Others.

Apparently Naruto and his sister are not the Only Interesting Angels in Heaven.

Naruto from the sky lying among the Clouds, raised an eyebrow curious as to why Gabriel deployed 1 of the 7 of the Sky Elite that respond to the Apokolips group to Olympus but leaving that aside, This looks interesting and more like Artemis From a distance prepare that arrow bathed in a Strange Liquid, these beings are Interesting.


Have begun.

Underworld - City of Lilith - Lucifer's Castle - corridors .

In these you can see Grayfia and Souji Okita who have just left the Office of their Leader, The Maou Lucifer, Sirzechs after having told him everything they had collected and who felt it was best to inform him as soon as possible thus ending their Mission although They excluded some important parts in their Report and to tell their Leader so as not to bother either of the two demons about what happened to them, since Sirzechs asked them to leave him alone to think and plan what to do with the new Information he has since He did not realize that two of his closest friends and the ones he trusts the most, 1 being his wife, hid more information from him and blatantly lied to his face.

Souji looked with some apprehension and hurt Grayfia who turned her back on him and began to walk away in another direction. He has kept a big secret from Ella that is beginning to weigh on his shoulders, just as Ella did with him before her. King.

Closing his eyes, the demon sighed and turned around, taking another path. The best thing is that this secret dies with them or everything will turn into damn Chaos. If either of them opens their mouth, especially for their King, who can break or who knows.

Souji denied turning a corner of the hallway, This time they went to the Wolf's mouth and he captured them and had them at his mercy.

With Grayfia .

She walks calmly through the great hallway of the castle, maintaining her monotonous and cold gaze as is usual for her.


A memory came to her that didn't faze her and she continued walking, internally relieved to not meet anyone in the hallway, not ready to talk again.

"I can't... anymore and... I...

"Shisss... just enjoy little one...

"Beloved, She...


Grayfia quickly arrived at her room and passing Ella locked it behind Ella as tears began to come out of her beautiful silver eyes.

The silver-haired girl leaned against the door and began to slowly fall to the ground as the memories of the previous night came clearly to her.

Home - Flash back .

Grayfia and Souji could be seen preparing their tent for both of them to camp when they heard something approaching them at high speed.

"¡Souji, se a...

Grayfia gasped in surprise when her partner jumped out of the way of a Sword that took down several Trees and before She could get into a defensive pose and locate the attackers she felt a soft touch on her shoulder.

"Don't move if...

Grayfia gasped when she felt the weight of a mountain on her shoulders that did not allow her to move, not even blink.

"Good girl...

The voice next to him spoke again when a face was visualized on one of his sides, a... "girl" with crimson, silver-haired or white-haired eyes... he did not give it any importance, but rather the presence of the Young Woman. .. it is MONSTER! I have never felt anything like it, not even in Sirzechs or Rizevim, which are the most powerful demonic exponents that exist.

"I'm Belial and what's your name?"

The girl asked with a friendly smile to Grayfia who could not move, not even her own lips were able to do so to her growing horror and slight fear, she had never been so at the mercy of an unknown Enemy before, not even in this situation.

"Hmn... you don't talk, well it doesn't matter, let's just let my sister... oh, I'm done...


Grayfia heard Souji's scream and suddenly everything was dark for her.

Later .

Grayfia blinked her eyes open in surprise, they had been caught by surprise and now they were sure...

"Sister, one woke up...

A brunette spoke attracting the attention of Grayfia who was seen on the ground next to an unconscious Souji but neither of them had a chain or suppression seals, "Wait"... That...

Grayfia quickly activated her demonic power only to be hit by three powerful auras that sent her against the ground and brutally extinguished her power which was easily overshadowed, " She who is almost as strong as the current Maou Leviathan ."

"No, no, no... that does not become small unless you want to be purified... just stay in your Place and wait for father to arrive and decide what to do with you, your destiny...

It was the last thing Grayfia heard before falling unconscious again due to her natural reaction to such an oppressive and surprising Aura that I did not expect.

Later .

Grayfia opened her eyes again now in front of two Imposing figures, a beautiful black-haired woman who gives off a bad vibe and her goal that looks... Unattainable.

"Let's take it Beloved... Same as with Lucifer ~~hehe~~

That's what Grayfia heard coming from the black-haired woman who saw him with those wicked yellow eyes that scared her and the next thing she knew was that she was in a bed. She tried to resist until she felt a soft body press against hers... She is naked but when she saw her face she was lost, it was too much and then he entered her... he took her, made her moan, scream and come in his name... Then the black-haired woman came and... and...

Fin Flash back.

Grayfia, she denied, didn't want to remember that, no, she didn't want to remember how she was unfaithful, how someone unknown took more from her than she allowed Sirzechs during their marriage... how she was humiliated, broken and taken. .. all of Her... that bitch Lilith was the one who started it...

Grayfia clenched her fists, she had never... she had never been so humiliated in her life... she was damn raped... but... her body did not deny it, He took her to the limit that Sirzechs never could or She dreamed that She could reach There but still,... Tears continued to fall down her beautiful face... even her damned Soul and spirit were taken... everything from Her, how can She see Sirzechs, Millicas now knowing that she betrayed her Family...

Grayfia denied, not wanting to remember more... how He hugged her after taking her and pressed her against his...

The devil denied forcefully, no, no, no...

Little did she know what was brewing in her womb and would be one of the main reasons why her family would break up and perhaps, life in the Underworld would change...

Sirzechs Office .

In this you can see him sitting behind his desk Unaware that his Wife is having a crisis, The Maou contemplates Knowing that there are more people next to This Naruto, Lilith The Original, The Mother of Demons no less told him his subjects, " how The Underworld would take such news ", it would be a total Madness like the one that Now hits them since some Greater demons ask that the troops be Enlisted in case of Attack on the Underworld by This son of God who should not be blamed. trust, not with their powers that They know nothing about and don't know a way to Neutralize it.

"Paranoid old people but with reason."

Sirzechs: so much work... you really make it difficult for me Naruto, you could be a good piece but at this pace you're going, I don't think you'll help much if you don't calm down... - he commented before returning to his work at least now. knows his base, Naruto's, and some of Esta's guests. In case something unexpected happens, his warning will be taken by the moment and he will not send spies until after the meeting they will have in some months and how Esta goes, maybe , he should tell Azazel to help his sister's Pawn increase his power, he will be needed in this next meeting.

Sirzechs[ maybe, we should convince the Hakuryuukou to come to Our side... give him Another Chance in case things with this Naruto don't work out, so we would have the 2 Celestial Dragons on our side and I'm sure Michael will inform him of that to Naruto and how bad the Angels would have it if he does not accept the Alliance, which he will have no choice but to accept for his own and from there he could start with the rest ] ... - The Maou thought with a new Idea , which he would discuss with Ajuka and Azazel to find out their opinion, of course it would give him half a clue about his plans and thus the demons would continue to be the strongest front faction of this Alliance.

Sirzechs smiled, returning to his paperwork.

Olympus - Territory of Artemis .


The Explosions came and went everywhere until Indra could be seen in the middle of them, exchanging blows with Samael.

Samael dodged Indra's right hand that was going to his jaw, he knew that he should not let a well-aimed blow from this bald guy hit him or it would hurt him.

Indra: STAY STILL !... - He roared at him when The Angel used his own body to deflect his blows and not take one head on like a man.

Indra jumped back when he noticed, out of the corner of his eye, a flash of light that had been a spear of Light passing by.

"Ha... they think that... Damn!"

God cursed that he didn't expect someone to hit him from the back, looking at that black haired woman and...


A powerful blow resounded when a fist crashed into the God's face courtesy of Athena, causing him to skid while he grabbed the ground to stop but failed to quickly turn around on his back when he felt a presence behind him.


Indra flew to the front again with a Grimace from the kick he received courtesy of Gabriel in his Back, Damn it hurt him and he doesn't have his Armor with him.

Samael accelerated to Intercept him but Indra saw him and prepared to do so. Explode such a balloon but The Angel left the Road and Indra looked to his side, only to see how Another fist connected with his cheek.

¡ PUAGHH ...

Indra spat blood when he turned his face as he rolled on his own axis to give a reverse kick to the Goddess who jumped back and He was the one who received the kick from Samael in his entire head which shook him before he felt a downward blow to his entire rib which made him arch but not enough when another kick took him in the back and sent him against the ground.

Gabriel, Samael, Oda and Athena stopped at a distance from the God only having dust on their suits but no wounds unlike the God who, although he is "stronger" than Them, cannot be compared to literally fighting four Gods of war. and Strategy.

Indra slowly rose from the ground, turning her back to these...


A gigantic presence was felt throughout The Place as The ground began to crack and Indra disappeared.

Gabriel jumped out of the way when Indra appeared in his place and Athena did not hesitate to launch a thrust with her Sword that was stopped by one of Indra's own easily since The God also saw Samael's incoming attack that was going to his neck and parried it with his Forearm but he did not follow that Oda had approached him from the Back and patio, causing him to destabilize almost in a foolish way and a fist from Athenas received him which Elevated the God in a slight Expansive Sling.




Indra roared when the thing Most Like an Arrow pierced one of his lungs and he grabbed it to get it out but he couldn't when he was attacked again by These annoyances.


Indra roared sending powerful gusts of wind against the Four who cut her with their Swords and approached the God from different directions who managed to stop the incoming attack of the first Three but the fourth coming from Gabriel sent him against the ground, while his Anger He continued to grow, since He is fighting at Their rhythm, not His, since They do not directly take any of His blows.

Indra charged at the most annoying, Athena, and tried to overwhelm her with his Sword only for the Goddess to retreat, almost as if fleeing from Him in a direct attack, but he could not follow her. This arrow is already beginning to cause him discomfort, and when he He grabbed it to get it out, he had to jump, dodging several spears of Light and a kick that came from his Back courtesy of Samael, but when he was going to attack him, another came from The Same Place and it did hit him.


Indra left the ground again, only to feel how another arrow pierced him from his Back and came out through his Abdomen which made him spit out blood and fall on one knee to the ground, while the Four Annoyances reappeared together in front of Him.


Indra, saw his blood, his blood, of One God, They... They...

Gabriel, Samael, Oda and Athena looked with a cold and unfeeling Look at the God kneeling a few meters from Them, God, A joke, They made him kneel.

Indra tightly grabbed his Sword, which he had not let go, his (vashra), is going to blow up everything. This fucking Faction along with These bastards who hurt Him, dared to raise their Weapons against Him... The most powerful God.

" You ...YOU WILL DIE !"

The God roared with a look more than Murderous as he stood up and raised his Sword to the sky which was covered by an intense white fire, while the Heavens roared softly, something that The God did not notice.

Indra did not take long to quickly lower his Weapon with enough power to erase an entire Faction, to hell with the consequences, to hell with Shiva and...


"Olle... that's a very bad thing you tried to do...

Indra opened his eyes and gasped when he saw Someone standing in front of Him, Someone whom he did not feel, did not even feel, This... stopping his Sword with a finger...

"You lose...

The unknown figure pointed to the still Unbelieving God who looks at his sword which does not possess The fire... its power... its attack... its...

"This Sword might like Artoria... I'll take it, thank you."

Indra, I no longer look at his Sword in his hands, but in...

Indra[ Wait... m... my domains... what's happening... E...

Indra fell to her knees when she felt more pain in her lower part and noticed that her Organs were out as a result of a large slit that crossed her entire Abdomen.

"I'm Naruto... you know...

Indra heard it as if it were a whisper, she didn't feel her healing factor working, why ?

Naruto: The attempt to harm My Pretty Little Sister calls for your Death... So don't worry, don't think too much... don't look for Logic... you're going to Die, that's a fact and thank you for giving me back part of my dominions... - He told him while pointing his palm at the God who did not understand what was happening and...

"Arrogance is one of the greatest weaknesses of those who believe they are strong...





A powerful explosion that shook all of Olympus was formed while large gusts of wind sent everyone flying except for Gabriel who is crouched with her eyes closed as if holding on to the ground, since Naruto is in front of her but the others were sent somewhere. Place.

Gabriel opened the eyes that he had closed due to Instinct and looked at his Eldest brother standing in front of Her while the gusts of wind move away from Him and continue to shake everything.

Naruto: are you okay?... - I ask him softly while offering him his hand.

Gabriel looked with his beautiful grayish eyes at how beautiful, divine and tall his brother is who offers him his hand that he did not hesitate to grab and got up from the ground while now a screen of smoke covers them.

In Some Unknown Place .

In the complete darkness where nothing could be seen, a voice was heard.











Well first, Indra is strong, yes, without a doubt, but it was only Him against four Gods of war literally... Indra did not carry anything with Him, in his Arrogance he only thought that "Shiva" was the only one capable of facing him. and fight against Him, since no one else challenged Him.

Indra also did not analyze, nor did he plan because of his Anger, that weaker beings would challenge him, arrogance is sometimes a great weakness.

He only invoked his Sword (vashra), nothing more, which he lost.

Oda... One of the Elites of Apokolips.

Apparently Grayfia is Marked.

Patience, everything is explained slowly.