
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 30

New day - Olympus.

The Kingdom of the Greeks now Managed by Rhea had never enjoyed and enjoyed such peace and tranquility as it now has, and in a few days, the New Queen and Goddess of Olympus Rhea was in charge of informing all the Greeks, semi -Gods, Nymphs among other beings in relation to Olympus, what happened to Zeus, Ares, Poseidon and Apollo and the new changes that would occur in Olympus for the better.

Being that a few reacted badly to the Death of the Great Ones but to the surprise of Rhea and the remaining gods, the great Majority of Olympus seemed happy to have gotten rid of Zeus, Ares and Poseidon.

Hades scoffed at that.

Hephaestus raised a curious eyebrow.

Hera, was not surprised, Those three were never really Loved except in a more forced way for their power and what they could do, because who would Love those Three Tyrant Gods who take the lives of others even that of their subjects as if It will be a Game... They do not win points with anyone, not even their love, since These Themselves violated and damaged Most of the relationships of their subjects, demi-gods and Gods Including just for thinking with their cock and showing off of their power, but since the Lessers were weak they could do nothing, just smile and keep their Anger and Hatred deep inside of Them for such humiliation, which Now Relieves them from getting rid of that Hatred with the Death of Zeus and The Others Whom they Curse and Pray let those bastards rot in the depths of Tartaros.

Athenas seemed surprised that so many could Hate Zeus, Ares and Poseidon, practically 70% of her Faction, 20% neutral and 10% more or less liked them, hell, not even the children of Poseidon Miss him.

Hera was not surprised, nor Immoved by anything, nor the Hatred shown to her Ex-Husband, Zeus, Ares and Poseidon, they only gained Enemies every day with their Actions to which they did not give Importance because they were "Gods" and strong, The Great Ones, even She Hated them... well, Zeus more but now that's over and They are no longer there.

Artemis, Hestia and Demeter were surprised by the reaction of the Masses upon learning of the Death of Zeus and the Others, they seemed happy, relieved until they almost jumped, but they could do nothing, nor give their opinion about their behavior upon learning of the Death. of Zeus, since He brought it upon Himself and his paranoia Lately did not help him with everything he did just because and Hestia found herself understanding the Masses.

Rhea, after passing her surprise, just like the others, commented about Naruto, "The Firstborn of the God of the Bible" as He is the Cause of the Death of Zeus and Now The New True God with whom They Are Allied as their protégés... I tell everyone about respecting him and not crossing him, or going overboard, since He was also the first being in creation to Face one of the Original Titans against nothing more than Uranus and Gaea Himself and even against the Titans as they know them and at no time did they tremble, so after informing them that and making the situation with Naruto very clear, the change came... a very welcome change, since now everyone could do their tasks normally and control his domains instead of seeking the favor of the Gods and stroking his Ego, being a joke, That was over, The Death of Zeus, It was a new Beginning for Olympus and a good one.

And so the following days were like a new Light that arrived for Olympus and all the Gods.

Current Events - Domains of Artemis .

Now in the beautiful and soft grasses of the Territory of the Hunters of Artemis, the beautiful Gabriel and Rhea could be seen walking calmly through these while they talked with each other.

Gabriel, who observed the beautiful panorama, did not avoid commenting on it.

Gabriel: The Olympic Pantheon looks nice...beautiful, it partly resembles Eden itself... - commented calmly the beautiful blonde who Rhea knew is second in command after Naruto of all the forces of Heaven.

Rhea calmly observed the Angel, she is surely a direct relative of Naruto from what she could observe, they have almost the same signature of Aura... not the Intensity, since Naruto's is more brutal and bigger but this Girl's is not is left behind and She... She has a Smell, a rich Smell of Grapes or something like that, Naruto has no Smell from what She noticed before, He is easy to miss to someone or anyone who tries to track him, since he is also It can camouflage itself in the middle of nature and since it has no Smell, no one will be able to notice it, its power or Aura, since it is so big that it also camouflages itself with the Environment itself. That is literally a Monster and a terrifying one. similar to his mother...

"Tell me... Rhea, how are your strength?"

Rhea seemed to come out of her thoughts when she heard Gabriel speak but she couldn't understand what he said.

Rea: Excuse me, did you say something to me?... - I asked her curiously as they both continued walking.

Gabriel: How are their forces... Can you attack Olympus?, deploy battalions or some troops?... I want to know if they have Military power or are they simply farmers... - He calmly commented on his point to Rhea who raised a He eyebrows curiously but decided to answer.

Rea: we have troops like any other faction and yes, we have battalions, we would only have to Organize the...

Gabriel: do it... " He interrupted her "... Organize your group, everyone capable of fighting... - He said stopping before turning around and seeing a Rhea with her eyes open in surprise that Gabriel could still notice very easily. having his Ribbon around his eyes.

Rea: What?... - he asked with some confusion and seriousness filtering into his voice.

Gabriel: what I hear... I want the Armed Olympus and...

Gabriel diverted his attention in the direction of Just Like Rhea who followed him next.

"Someone crossed the barrier and is approaching."

They both thought seriously.

Human World - England - Pendragon Mansion - Living Room.

In this you could see all the residents of the Mansion gathered in the Living Room, including two more people with one kneeling with their heads bowed in the center of everyone, this being a young-looking man who cannot be seen. the face and The Other was surrounded by Naruto with his arm being around her shoulder while He Attaches Her to Him, face to face because they have a slightly similar height which does not faze the beautiful Woman being This Last Extra Person, A beautiful silver-haired woman who dresses a somewhat baggy French Maid outfit with her beautiful silver hair being loose from her usual arrangement being none other than Grayfia Lucifuge and Okita Souji.

Both are demons that were captured the day before by Naruto's daughters who received him with this surprise as well as Lilith who came with him but the surprise quickly faded from Lilith and a malicious grin flashed on her.

Grayfia, who is standing there with her empty eyes that do not show any shine, shivered slightly when she saw the smile that the beautiful black-haired woman sent her.

Belial mocked his Shuddering just like his Mother.

Naruto denied for a second before he felt something or rather Someone approaching Gabriel.

Naruto [ hmn... I'll go see ]... - he thought before coming out of his thoughts and pulling Grayfia to his chest to which she did not resist, not after what happened and Lilith, The True One, The Original , He pushed her to do, there was not even anything to do around These Monsters that subdued her without Trying, how could She Oppose if she couldn't even in the middle of it?

Naruto looked with a raised eyebrow at the sinner, well half a sinner actually, who hid her face in his chest and tried to avoid looking at Lilith when it was supposed to be Him who she should avoid according to what she understood of the human or demonic concept in this case but well, it is not of your Interest.

Kuroka frowned as she noticed that silver-haired girl was very close to her future partner.

Seilah, he sighed quietly, At least they're not so objective about demons.

Tamamo and Irene wondered what was happening and what Naruto was doing hugging the supposed Queen and Wife of Maou Lucifer. They recently returned only to be greeted by this scene.

Naruto: well..." he caught everyone's attention, including Grayfia who is against his chest and Souji "... as I was saying, I will spare both of their lives... you can tell your "Leaders" or whatever, whoever they wish... but if anyone sets foot in this Place, I will only advance your Death and Extermination... tell them that... - He said calmly to both Demons, as he spoke with them in reality where only Souji nodded in silence. and with slight apprehension, being that Naruto reading in Him, who will remain silent out of shame...in fact he thinks about secluding himself after what happened the day before, something that does not matter to Naruto.

Now Naruto looking at Grayfia She... doesn't seem excited about anything, she seems empty and Ida after what happened last night, which is why her divinity doesn't affect her subconscious, but it does affect her body, which reacts to him just like her Spirit but good.

Naruto snapped his fingers and both demons disappeared from the Place.

Tamamo[ What happened? What were they doing here and why did Naruto smell like that demon?... Oh, right, he has no smell and when he hugged her, she shared hers with him, but isn't she Lucifer's Wife? ] ...-the Yokai thought with curiosity about everything, since she only arrived not recently when everyone gathered in the Living Room.

Naruto: well, I'm going to Olympus for something and that's true... Tamamo and Irene... - he called the Last Ones who stood rigid and looked at him in silence expectantly although they looked from his neck down, since they still can't handle his Effect that pushes them to want to assault him.

Tamamo/Irene: yes?... - they asked in Unison.

Naruto: in a few days or maybe, tomorrow I will go to see yours... well... - He said to the Dragoness and Yokai who nodded quickly in understanding.

Naruto: good and...

Eva: hmm...

Eva snorted drawing Naruto's attention to her.

Naruto: Yes?... - He asked with curiosity to his partner who blinked several times and raised an eyebrow.

Eva: Eh?, no nothing... just... just...

Eva looked lost for a second and huffed again with her mood changing abruptly by the second.

Naruto looked at Eva like the others but Naruto could notice the spike of Energy that rose from Eva's Abdomen to her nervous system and brain, and he quickly understood more or less what was happening.

Naruto: you have entered into that thing called Mood Swings... don't worry, it's normal in Pregnancy and... - he said when a Light surrounded Eva, Lilith, Artoria and Mnemosyne which surprised them slightly, just like everyone else.

Naruto: ready, eliminate that from you... do you feel better Eva?... - She now asked her partner who nodded gently before smiling cutely and Naruto nodded.

Lilith: Thank you, Beloved... - She thanked him from her Seat for that, as did Mnemosyne and Artoria, who knew that they had Naruto's children in them.

Kuroka [ Wait, they are ...]... - the Nekoshou thought with some jealousy welling up in her.

Irene, Tamamo, Guinevere and Metis gasped in surprise at Naruto's words, "He Eliminated a Natural Response from a Pregnant Woman."

Metis: "you simply can't do that... Alter the Natural Order of a Pregnant Woman"... - The Titanides couldn't help but point that out to Naruto, that's going against all of Nature.

Naruto tilted his head cutely with curiosity which made the Titanides look away with a slight pink rising on her cheeks like the others.

Naruto: but yes, I can do it... - I tell the Titanides that she tries to fight with her side of reason and not the one that tries to take over her like worship and submission, accepting that he is right, He is God and He can do that.

Lilith smiled amused, Naruto already won that little Affirmation and He can, there is nothing he can't do and no one who tells him he can't do something when in reality he can.

Naruto: well... Goodbye... - he said, disappearing, leaving the Girls to talk among themselves and some others with doubts about what happened the day before and also about those demons.

Artoria: well, Morgana... he called his sister who looked at him with curiosity... let him know that we are going to visit the Magic Academy that you opened to recruit some capable sorceresses... and also organize a call to the branches... I want to update myself on them well... - She told her sister who nodded calmly and thus, the girls began to plan what they will do in their day.

Underworld - Borders - Grigory City - Research Headquarters.

From this one could see coming out a certain Leader of the Fallen Angels who has an angry grimace on his face, this being none other than Azazel, the Leader of the Fallen Angels and one of the Best brilliant minds of his entire Faction.

What had bothered the Fallen One was nothing other than "Naruto", his older brother to whom he dedicated several days to creating a device to at least have something to use on him if the moment required it or as a mere precaution in case it happened. Something but even with the days he spends, now he is going to realize that he needs something from Naruto, to be able to continue with the device he is creating, a Spear of Light, a little of his Energy or even blood, although this That last one was crazy, since no one ever made him bleed, so now he has his creation frozen until he can get something from Naruto... if only Michael would answer him, they would already have something they could use against Naruto, no. actively, if not more as a precaution and to calm the Other Leaders who are Concerned about Him.

Azazel sighed, why did his brother have to Appear Now?, also damaging the balance of the Supernatural World and not only that... he recently learned that this Murderer of some Olympian Gods no less and Zeus, is included in these... Zeus, to speak High... Azazel does not know what Naruto is looking for but the consequences of what he did will begin to be devastating when the strong of the Supernatural World begin to look at him.

Azazel clicked his teeth.

Azazel: tsk, I need at least one meeting to get something from Him and talk or Naruto will be able to do something Crazy... A Millennial who doesn't know The concept of Current Events and The World Itself now free... it's Crazy... a time bomb that should not have appeared to screw up my plans... - The Fallen growled annoyed, He likes his Big Brother... he is serious but He had plans... plans to achieve peace and a better World. which can now become difficult with his Apparition.

Being that now the Sekiryuutei Child became secondary, when he began to gain fame for being the pillar of the Alliance and possessing the red dragon, since it was from him that he wanted to start everything but now, unless Naruto begins to understand their ways and see things from their point of view, things are going to be Hectic and even more so with the Death of those Greek Gods and where the hell is Naruto in the Ranking of the Strongest to Kill 4 of the strongest Gods ?.

Azazel ruffled his hair, his brother is giving him so much work and he hasn't even been free for a week.

Azazel: I need to talk to Sirzechs and the Others... - he commented, disappearing while some black feathers fell where he was standing before.

Olympus - Territory of Artemis .

Gabriel and Rhea stood in defensive poses when they felt that Something Approaching and in the blink of an eye a Hand went to Gabriel's face, which watched as It Approached Her in slow motion as a hidden face slowly showed itself but began. to raise his head upwards when a dark Sword entered the scene coming from below.

Gabriel's drawn sword was also heading towards the stranger's arm, which flashed and he jumped back in a somersault until he fell to his feet.


The speed seemed to return to normal when Samael was seen standing next to Gabriel with his dark armor shining like his drawn sword.


The stranger growled angrily with his powerful voice that did not faze the Angels at all but Rhea recognized him as Indra, an arrogant God, Arrogant like Zeus, but more powerful.

Samael pointed at the stranger with his Sword.

Samael: God... there is only One... One who has never bled... Those who call themselves Gods and bleed... are simple arrogant trash... your name is God but you bleed like a human... My God He has never done it and he is my brother... - He told him calmly with his deep voice that he had not disappeared, since Naruto only fixed parts of his features and gave him a human body, but he never took away his Curse..., since It was a way to remind him that he failed and he can't do it again.

Gabriel pointed to his cheek with a smile and Indra looked at her before putting her hand to his where she felt something... And retracting her hand she saw it stained with... blood... her blood... That...

Samael: And the conclusion is... you are not a God... - He stated while displaying his different Wings, both Animal Wings and some of the Fallen Wings and Angel Wings, showing an Imposing Image.

Gabriel took a step and appeared next to Samael but without spreading his Wings but still competed in how Imposing he looks, Both with their Sword drawn.

Indra opened her eyes as several veins appeared on her forehead and neck, while her glasses fell off.

In the Sky of Olympus hidden from everyone's sight, Naruto could be seen calmly looking at the Interesting Scene.

Naruto: God... no Hate... - he whispered, calmly looking at the soon-to-be-started fight, before diverting his gaze in another direction where he saw a woman come out of what seemed to be a cave and look in his direction before speaking. .

Naruto: yes... there is no more Poseidon or Apollo... you are Free... - He commented calmly from his Place to the Woman who was injured like her snakes but was able to calm down.

Naruto: I accepted your offer, give me a few minutes, okay... - He told her and the Woman returned to her cave overflowing with Uncertainty and happiness.

Naruto turned and watched as The First Clash began.


Japan - Kuoh City - Center.

In this you could see Odin, The Father of Asgard walking with his Rossweisse Escort, while they contemplate the great City.

Rossweisse: Where are we headed Odin-sama?... - The Valkyrie asked with curiosity to her Leader who had begun to walk without informing her of her point or why she had to pack up her belongings and leave her Hotel, if they do not return to Asgard.

Odin: Kyoto... is our next stop where we will meet with the boy of the great change that will happen... - He told him calmly, not giving him clues to ask more, nor extend his curiosity.

Rossweisse just nodded and silently followed her Leader, curious about what he was talking about.

The Valkyrie walked calmly until an Image superimposed itself in her mind again, that Angel, that Imposing divine Angel has not left her mind calm since she looked at him the first time, could it be that She fell in love at first sight without knowing his face?

Rossweisse denied, several times.

Odin raised an eyebrow in curiosity but let it be, he had other concerns and the turn of events that will hit the Supernatural World with what he plans to do once he meets Him, it is for the good of his people and his Kingdom, He does not know. makes you younger.

Odin: problematic like his father...










Indra, is a strong God of the Indu Faction, it would not be a problem for Him to violate the security of any Faction.

Yes, Hated Zeus, looking at Mythology he made a good number of Enemies even to those who are at his side, think about it, who would love the God who harmed your life and relationship by competing with Poseidon or Ares?... The Masses, They would not do nothing for their power, just Acting hypocritical but now, it is no longer necessary.

The Gods that remained are not moved to do anything, they must already know why.

Everything will be Explained, don't run with hypotheses?

I'm writing a new novel in draft. So I will publish only one Chapter daily starting tomorrow

Mart_Erocreators' thoughts