
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 2

About 6 changes of Moons have passed since the creation of the earth and the arrival of the new brothers of Naruto and Lucifer who met their different ones for the first time, which surprised them a little, these being their Angel sisters, since they look like They, but with their differences which they could not point out or give names to because they simply did not understand them and their father does not explain them, well if he does but he simply tells them that they are his sisters and that's it, which does not calm Naruto's curiosity.

But relatively everything has been normal with his new brothers whom his father guides as well as them a little to get to know them.

Right now Naruto and Lucifer could be seen playing with their brothers and sisters.

God from the top of his throne watched his children play with each other, catching each other, letting out happy laughter and having fun with each other, something that made him smile big, Naruto and Lucifer are included in the group, something that just makes him happy as are his children.

"Why don't you play with your brothers Michael?"

God asked his son who is sitting near his throne looking in the direction of his brothers playing calmly but he does not go and play with them even though he seems to want to.

Michael was a little startled when he saw that his father noticed him, but he calmed down and responded with a soft and happy smile to his father.

Michael: I like being close to you more, father, it's calm... - He responded to his father with a slight smile.

God smiled and placed one of his hands on Michael's head who felt "happy" because of his father's touch. He likes the feeling.

God: I do not judge you My son, but also seek to share with your brothers, Just seeing them happy makes me happy, well... - He told his son who nodded with a big smile.

Michael wished he could see his father's face behind all that Light.

God smiled at the bright smile he received from his son who shared the same height as Naruto and Lucifer who possessed that of a 10 year old child and would grow with time, yes, time... He needs to fix that.

God returned to his mind contemplating that around 3 Moons after he finished creating the earth, an Existential plane different from his was formed on the side of the earth in a sky similar to his but at the same time different being that it is inhabited by two beings who presented themselves before Him asking Him to share.

Uranus and Gaia .

This is the name of the two colossal Entities that he had the pleasure of knowing, Educated and respectful beings.

Both asked him for permission to settle on his planet which he had to reject, since he created it with a goal that has not yet enlightened him but with time it will happen. Both beings understood but asked him if they could stay in " Heaven " which They created for Himself and God did not deny their request, since they did not Interfere with the earth, something that the Titans were grateful for and in the process Gaea blessed the earth in a form of Friendship which God also did not refuse to have with the two Interesting beings.

Yes, Interesting because He, God, the creator of the earth could not see in them, their past or what they are, not even how they were formed or arrived at their plane although the male titan seemed to be a created being, he himself is a creator and the small details were not lost on Him.

After They retired to their "heaven" God did the same to his without worrying about the New residents, they are good beings.

Besides that, nothing had happened that would relatively attract his attention, he had already finished creating, The Earth, The Day and the Night, it was time to create The Concept of Time.

7 years later .

It has been seven years since God created life in Heaven and continued to do so over the course of said time, creating more Angels, his children to call so much that He had to create other heavens above Heaven to maintain them all since Heaven passed. from having one plant for everyone to having 7, known as " The 7 Heavens of the Lord " where " God " resides in The Seventh Heaven.

Over time, the Angels grew as they discovered that they could gain more Wings just as " Archangel Michael " did, who went from having 1 pair like everyone else to having 2 pairs of Wings, the " first " Angel to achieve this. Action to the surprise of all Heaven, and " Archangel ", yes, since The title was given to him by his father along with some select ones that his father would decide to give them as a Sample of " Status " among the Angels as Someone who could guide the others helping their great father.

Lucifer who had grown up to look like an 18 year old teenager with his long hair, was another who also holds the title of Archangel but among the Angels he is known as the Right Hand of God and the "favorite" with his brother Naruto being the Left Hand next to the Lord and also The First Archangel, although he did not make him known among his brothers like Lucifer, which is why Michael was known as The First Archangel.

Naruto, like his brother Lucifer, guided his Angel brothers by answering their questions that they might have, although to his curiosity they didn't have any, everything they talked about or mentioned was their father, there is no more than that but he didn't give it any importance, at least they entertained him when They played, either flying whoever was faster or catching the other.

Naruto grew relatively to resemble his brother Lucifer's twin, being El, the Eldest of both but without any further changes.

Currently - Third heaven .

In this you could see Naruto lying among the Clouds with his eyes closed meditating while his toga covered said section.

Brother Naruto!

Naruto opened his beautiful golden eyes at the call and moved his head to the side, watching as a small platinum blonde who was wearing a larger toga than herself approached him, much to Naruto's slight amusement.

Naruto:Gabriel... - He murmured calmly looking at the beautiful gray eyes of his small and energetic younger sister who has her head uncovered showing her face and how her hair falls down her back.

"Eldest brother".

Gabriel came to his favorite Elder brother's side and smiled.

Gabriel: brother, father, I created something interesting and surprising, you have to see it, I, I already saw it..- He said quickly and excited his brother with his eyes shining..

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: I already saw the "animals" that Father Gabriel created, I don't think he will create another one that will surprise me... - He responded calmly to his sister.

Gabriel: not the cute animals big brother, I call him "human" he looks like us but he doesn't have Wings or Halo... - I point out the Halo that she has above her head and Naruto shares one just like it that is hidden between the Clouds in which He is lying.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.


Naruto: you've caught my attention, come on... - he said getting up from the cloud on which he was lying while grabbing the little hand of his sister who is no more than 8 years old.

Gabriel smiled happily, holding his Big brother's hand as he guided him to where he had seen his father's creation.

Naruto began to look for the presences around him, this being one of the gifts he possessed and he noticed that there were few in The Third Heaven and his father is not looking at him so there would be no problem in following his little and adventurous little sister.

Gabriel guided Naruto to the fourth heaven through the Hidden corridors that he knew so as not to be caught by his other brothers, since his father has not given permission to set foot on the fourth heaven but he has not said that they cannot and Michael has become very serious, He doesn't want to see it and have it spoil his surprise for his brother.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, what a quick shortcut to get to fourth heaven.

"Brother behind that Cloud Is in what father called Edén ."

Gabriel pointed out a wall of Clouds to Naruto who raised an eyebrow. He knows Eden, which is similar to the earth but more alive and smaller like a paradise that He had already seen but did not know why his father created it.

Naruto[ Well, from this angle I never saw it and with good reason Gabriel was able to spy without his father noticing, since when he is creating he loses a little of his environment... although he did not expect Eden to be for this so-called " human ", Interesting and Strange Name ]... - she thought when she watched Gabriel practically put his face into the Clouds, leaving his body behind and He imitated her looking at the wonderful paradise on the other side that has its own Sun and Clouds.

Naruto [ has his own Sun ]... - he thought with a smile.

"Brother, look, look... there is This One."

Gabriel moved his eyes in a direction that Naruto followed.

Naruto looked at a Bear that was resting among the vegetation and that on top of it there was a small humanoid figure, " humanoid ", humanoid... human from there, his father guided himself, looking closely, there was a small figure on top of the Bear with its eyes closed. resting.

Naruto [ why doesn't he have a toga ?]... - he asked himself curiously, looking at the "human" who is covered by a small cloud in his parts and nothing else.

Naruto also contemplated his resemblance to El and Lucifer in part, he resembles Them but without Wings where Naruto and Lucifer could make theirs appear and not always have them behind Them like their Halo although both of them are different from the ones. of the other Angels but it was not that The resemblance, but rather the Structure of his body was a little similar to that of Naruto and Lucifer.

Naruto shook his head and looked at his father's creation.


Naruto smiled at his father's creation as his eyes glowed a curious gold.

Gabriel: Look brother... The Cute Animals gather around him... - He said with a smile to his brother looking at the Cute Animals that surround the human, She wanted them to do it with Her.

Naruto: I see it... - He responded calmly to his sister who seemed to want to jump into Eden and snuggle against all the Cute Animals.

Change of scene.


"YOU Lilith, The First Woman will be Adam's companion!"

A thunderous and powerful voice resounded in the sky of Eden with its words directed at a beautiful black haired woman with long dark hair that fell down her back to below her knees, creamy white skin, generous bust, long and beautiful legs, she also has its parts covered by small clouds that the Mentioned One could not see.

"I understand my creator."

The beautiful black-haired woman responded with a beautiful melodious voice in the direction of the sky that remained silent while a certain blonde with Blue eyes looked in the direction of his newly named companion who spoke with his creator.

"He already left".

The Boy who is leaning on a Tree mentioned to his companion who turned his beautiful purple eyes in his direction.

Lilith looked curiously at her companion who began to be surrounded by some animals.

"I'm Adam."

The boy mentioned it calmly to Lilith who nodded in understanding.

"Wow, I've been watching you for a while and I didn't actually know your name until Now."

A soft, deep voice echoed around the first humans.

Adam shifted his gaze to Lilith's side where someone appeared, Someone besides Them.

Lilith looked at her side curiously, unperturbed by the sudden appearance.

"Lilith and Adam, The first humans, Nice to meet you I'm Naruto."

Naruto introduced himself to both humans who nodded in recognition, making him smile.

The Archangel knew that his father is not watching now, since he is focusing on some things on earth, so he took the opportunity to learn about his father's new creations without his interference.

Naruto moved his hands, removing his hood that covered his head, revealing his beautiful face that quickly attracted Lilith's attention.

Lilith: beautiful... - The first human could not help but murmur, looking in wonder at her similar and different but Better, she looks Better than Adam.

Naruto: thank you... - He responded with a smile that illuminated the first humans, even Adam did not deny her beauty, she looks better than her partner.

Naruto: because we don't know each other and I can answer your questions... - He told them walking in the direction of Adam who is under the shade of a tree and sat on the grass a few meters from it.

Adam nodded, interested, he had felt very alone being the only "Him" and now he has just gained a partner and met another "human" just like Him, his father also believed it?... - he wondered with curiosity and why now? he barely knows him.

Lilith approached the couple and sat next to Naruto who raised an eyebrow at the human who looked at him with great curiosity to which Naruto responded with a smile.

Adam: Your name is Naruto... - He stated and Naruto nodded.

Naruto: Any other questions?... - He asked the two humans who looked at him curiously without understanding.

Naruto[ don't tell me that these father doesn't give them knowledge either? ]... - he wondered, since he recognized the Look of the two humans as being the same as his brothers when they were newly created, Unaware of their Environment or The World Itself apparently, it seems that only He and Lucifer were the ones who were born with knowledge and questions.

Naruto sighed and decided to start getting to know them.

Naruto: why don't I start... - He told them with a smile, ignorant that he could cause great damage to what his father has planned and what history should be in the future.

Land .

In this you could see in the middle of what could be called a paradise God sitting on top of a rock waiting for the connection that would happen in a few minutes in this part of his planet with another strange existential plane called "Asgard", this would be the second connection that caught His attention as that of the dimensional gap in which Anomalies have been happening since He created another different Existential plane that connects the earth with This one but through the gap Itself, knowledge that only He, Lucifer, Naruto and Michael.

God [ why do I feel that only Bad things are to come ?]... - he asked himself looking at his sky, It was the first time that he couldn't see in the direction of the future and he didn't like it.








Lilith and Adam admire Naruto's beauty but without Malice, They are Innocent beings.

It may not be according to the Bible but remember, This is DxD, not a Bible fic.

There will be other Scenes that are like short films, there is no concept of the hour or the Minute, only days, Years and Months.