
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 21

Human World - Japan - Kuoh City .

Walking through the quiet streets of Japan you could see Rossweisse and the Father God of Asgard Odin. The duo goes as if they were a father and a daughter to the other people who saw them passing, with some boys looking askance. to the beautiful Valkyrie Escort of Odin who did not realize this fact because she was monitoring the area, there were no hidden Enemies.

Odin noticed this and sighed.

Odin: you shouldn't be so defensive Ross, I am more than enough to protect myself and I would also like to know what you think of this new player, Naruto... - He said calmly to his Escort without either of them stopping their walk, since the sun looks like it will set soon.

Rossweisse seemed taken aback for a second before more or less understanding her Leader's point and question.

Rossweisse frowned, collecting her thoughts about the first impression that this son of God gave her, it does not compare to any other that she had seen in her life, not even the Gods of Asgard, nor Odin gave her an impression of being so high. first time he met them, not like this Naruto.

Rossweisse: I... would say that He is an enigma, A strong and powerful one capable of Imitating a reverend presence, no matter the species, since even I felt, Inadequate in his presence, I don't know why... it was strange but I would say that We have to be careful with Him in case he is an enemy, you know because of Loki and...

Odin: Loki's thing is unfortunate but not unexpected, my son had already gone a long way from the path and I knew that I would not treat him out of the goodness of my heart with Him... This Naruto did me a favor with that, since he didn't even Neither me nor Thor would do it so that has nothing to do with whether we are enemies or allies... just what do you think if I told you that The Boy made a better Impression on me than The Demon Child, what about the Other Child Leaders?.. - He asked his escort curiously as they turned a corner.

Rossweisse was slightly surprised by Loki, but if her Leader said that there is no problem with Him, well, now about the Impression that this Naruto gave her, she didn't know what to say, she had no words to describe it but it sure was better than the Of the Other Leaders, the fallen Leader is very carefree, the Leader of Heaven is too kind, and the Leader of the demons is a siscon with the Gremory girl, not at all Leader material no matter how strong and history they have.

Rossweisse: I would say that he was not the only one who made a great impression if he even treated Hakuryuukou like a child, he made the Sekiryuutei tremble and become unconscious, the pillar of the Alliance who I believe is very young and unaware of everything to possess said position... they are just children as far as I am concerned and The Sekiryuutei is a pervert but not in a normal way... - He explained his point and reasoning being that Odin rubbed his beard while contemplating in accordance with his several points.

Odin sighed, he found the sekiryuutei and his attitude amusing just for being the pillar of the alliance and the Influence that he could have, but with this new boy who appeared and practically shook all those children and revealed Interesting things, he looks like a better prospect. Someone to Ally with, Alliances are not just about nonsense and the search for peace, but rather being in Friendship with the strong who can subdue the weak and give them better benefits and just hope that they do not set their sights on Them by being their Allies He knows it although it seems that some forget it except for that child Lucifer who is very cunning with everything about the Alliance, being that with The Sekiryuutei on his side someone who in the future can be someone very strong and with a lot of influence on The Current Alliance will be able to reap many fruits but it is not a time for the future but for the present and currently this new boy is a monster who eliminated Loki with a movement of his hands and can even cause problems for the Three Biblical Factions by damaging the plays of the child "Lucifer" and the Influence he plans to gain in The Future.

Yes, Odin, he already knew who he should deal with now and not simply enter the Chaos that would come between the Three Biblical Factions of which He had nothing on the side, but it is only a thing of the Biblicals.


Odin snapped out of his thoughts.

Odin: yes?... - I ask.

Rossweisse pointed to his hotel, since they had already arrived and Odin nodded, later he would continue planning how to approach the son of God who could possess a Greater Influence on the Three Great Biblical Factions than any Other, which could benefit him and his Faction. In the long run, being a son of God left him thinking about what strange powers he could have inherited from the Monster of God as Elohim was known among the supernatural Leaders for creating his own planet and subjecting Mythical beings to those Devices called Secret Gear.

A Monster in every sense of the word.

Grigory - Meeting Room .

Having just returned from the Meeting with the Alliance of the Three Factions and Asgard that the only thing it should have served was to Unite the Asgardians to their Alliance and nothing more, perhaps, until winning a representative of Asgard to stay with Them, that It was all that Azazel expected from his day but not the arrival of his Imposing Older brother, Naruto who had been sealed by none other than his own Father centuries ago who even Forgot him and now he is free again Somewhere in the World with people unknown.

Azazel contemplated this with concern when he entered the Meeting room since Shemhazai had called the Other Cadres to discuss the same and how it could affect the apparent appearance of Naruto in the supernatural world and more the peace that he seeks between the Three Great Biblical Factions. Now that his father is gone, nor Lucifer.

Azazel quickly arrived at his Seat as the respective Leader of his Faction, and a memory suddenly came to him of how He earned his position, being by none other than Gabriel, not the current Exotic, but the Crazy one before the Current one. that is known today, The one that made Him and His Current Cadres flee from the battlefield in the first Great War, The mere fact of surviving Her made them a legend among their own, since few escaped being burned. by the Intense Light of Gabriel, while It recited salvation to them even when It was literally roasting them alive, That was something that I did not want to remember and only keep the Image of the Present Gabriel, The Innocent, sexy and gifted Present Gabriel that is The dream moist from half the supernatural world for its exotic and gifted figure.

Azazel sighed and watched as Shemhazai arrived at his Seat while the other Cadres who had not been present at the Meeting, nor seen what happened there, looked curious about this sudden call, being none other than Barakiel, Armaros, Sahariel, Penemue and Tamiel , Grigory's respective cadres and subordinates, leaving aside Kokabiel who is no longer with them.

Tamiel: May I know why we were all called so suddenly? I was closing a treaty with The Mermaid Clan that was going to be useful to us when I received the Message to urgently return to Grigory because there is a situation and I would like to know what situation that situation is. , since I am a busy person as you know... - commented a young blond man with blue eyes who wears a tough motorcycle suit, being that he could pass for a common teenager but he was already very old and was hiding under the illusion of a normal boy. , being nothing less than one of Grigory's Cadres.

Azazel calmly looked at the Head of Grigory's Business Department and sighed.

Barakiel raised an eyebrow at It.

Shemhazai decided to speak before Azazel started with his nonsense as he always did in Meetings that were meant to be taken seriously.

Shemhazai: getting directly to the point, since Azazel would go off on a branch... I inform you that Naruto is back, that Naruto, our older brother... - he said seriously, dropping the bomb while looking at his Cadres brothers who are looking at him.

Azazel groaned in disgust, as he wanted to break the news in a softer way although he didn't really dislike Shemhazai being so direct.

Barakiel raised an eyebrow wondering who is this Naruto and big brother?

Armaros, Sahariel, Penemue and Tamiel did not raise their eyebrows, but instead gasped respectively in surprise but no one more than Penemue herself.

The beautiful Cadre who is one of the most beautiful Fallen of all Grigory with her dark hair and beautiful purple eyes that can be seen under the set of glasses she uses, and the Cadre put her hands to her mouth covering it in surprise, her older brother, Naruto, free again... "Who pushed her" into the sin of Lust because of her desire for Him.

Penemue simply couldn't believe it, He is here again, remembering his face, a soft pink tint adorning his beautiful cheeks, She saw his face once in The Third Heaven centuries ago when she was still a Girl and since then her sin began, She She knows it, I want it but fearful of his response and that He would not look at her. Maybe she didn't say anything, nor did she comment anything. The torment of all the following nights thinking about her beautiful face seeing her with those beautiful golden eyes was a lot for her, since she remembered because her father told her that he allowed Naruto to hide his face from his sisters, something that She did not understand, and that She later fell for that fact, having seen Naruto's face, which was or is The "forbidden" fruit incarnated for the Angels. Being that when she fell was when She understood what it took her just to have seen her face.

Although no one knew it, not even Azazel, she did not fall for raping any child as some believe, but rather because of her overwhelming lust that caused her to always think about Naruto every day with him in his arms, holding her, although who could take it normally? Seeing Him and not feeling what She felt? Gabriel maybe because of how dense she is, but no one else, He is too beautiful and perfect, so much so that he made other men see normal and simple that there is He because he always been single, but now He returned, He... through his Father, He is again between Them and...

Penemue moved slightly Uncomfortably in her Seat trying to repress her growing Lust that she wanted to awaken since it was the same one she fell for and its Intensity.



Azazel coughed, attracting everyone back to the World, while Penemue looked at him, expecting him to give her information about Naruto, perhaps. Another look would not hurt to give himself affection again, since even with the centuries that have passed, he still does not feel courage to say something to Naruto.

Azazel: As Shemhazai said, Naruto is back and free, also now is the objective of the Alliance, how to deal with him, take him as Friend or Enemy and...

Penemue: enemy? Are you stupid? We are talking about Naruto... you should not take him lightly, Azazel, nor should you simply give him a side... - She said, having interrupted him with a slight ironic mockery, remembering how when she was little she saw Naruto treated Lucifer and Gabriel like a child when they met in El Camino, Lucifer! who subdued almost all of heaven by himself for a few hours, a monster and Naruto saw him as a child, Azazel never compared himself to Lucifer so she thought she could do it with Naruto?

The Cadre denied, She knows that her brother, even though he has been missing for centuries, should never be taken lightly, not Him.

Azazel frowned, as those same words were said to him by Michael.

Shemhazai also realized that fact.

Azazel: We are not here for word games and whether or not we should take it lightly... He is now someone dangerous, powerful and free, we don't know what his goals are and that is the problem, at least if we knew he was going to join The angels would be calmer but He simply disappeared and did not give a good impression to the demons with his appearance and even less so when He claimed to be their father... - He told them seriously now, surprising the Cadres who knew nothing about that information.

Sahariel: father of demons?... What nonsense are you talking?... Isn't the father Lucifer and that Lilith his mother?... - He asked his Leader with slight disbelief and some seriousness.

Shemhazai denied.

Shemhazai: He said something about freeing Lilith, reviving Lucifer to punish him for corrupting his children and calling them Demons , Michael explained that part of his sealing and punishment was for the same thing, for creating life... Apparently we are not well Informed of the story in reality and Naruto plays a great important role in this... - I seriously inform your fellow Cadres.

Barakiel: Sorry for interrupting you, but I'm lost, who is this Naruto you're talking about?... - El Cadre asked curiously since he didn't understand anything.

Penemue raised an eyebrow at the question before understanding why Barakiel seemed lost of everything.

Penemue: true, you were young and you only appeared in the middle of the second Great Biblical War, being that you missed a lot and you should not know Naruto, Naruto is the first Angel of Existence, the first Existence after God and Our brother oldest... The one of all but it seems that he is Now The supposed father of demons.. - He explained calmly to his companion Cadre although internally he thought, and he wondered how Naruto could have children and at what time? Was it due to the less wait to even join Him or what happened here?

Barakiel: brother? Why has this Naruto never been talked about?... - he asked with curiosity since he had never heard of any Naruto before, much less the first Angel. He thought that was Michael.

Azazel: The War, the stress of it, Some forgot... there were multiple factors why He was not talked about but those are the main ones... - He responded to his young pupil who nodded and remained silent.

Azazel: Now, returning we must see how to approach Naruto and deal with him or watch him wherever he is... Sirzechs plans to send Grayfia his Queen and Okita Souji, his horse piece to make intelligence and if something happens they can flee to the being two, being that He did not like that Naruto almost left Rias and his Other pieces in a catatonic state for appearing near You are in addition to Taking the Ascalon Sword from Issei, our pillar of the Alliance... - he commented seriously, not speaking. about Loki.

Barakiel stood up abruptly from his Seat.

Barakiel: did he do something to Akeno?... - he asked seriously, trying to contain his growing anger as he imagined that this Naruto did something to his daughter.

Azazel denied.

Azazel: no, it didn't do anything to her, let's just say that it surprised them a lot... - He told her calmly about that fact.

Shemhazai sneered internally, Azazel is not commenting that The Same almost went into a catatonic State and Naruto gave him a brutal Experience with his mere presence that apparently He tries to forget or deny that it happened but it was not for Him to reveal that, since the Same thing happened to Him .

Tamiel: I don't know what to think here, we should wait to see what the Demons bring before moving our Hand against the brother... he sighed... That we can, not even Lucifer could and I always wish not to face Naruto, I felt it, he preferred to move the Hand against him, instead of Naruto, it must be for Something... - he said, not feeling well. Trying to plan against his brother, even though they are now foolish natural enemies, He knows that it won't even scratch Naruto, It is more like how he will be able to raise his Hand if he always kneeled in his presence and does not believe that that has changed.

Azazel: You have a point, there is but we can't stay without doing anything, we are an Alliance so Penemue I will leave you in charge of the group of children and the Dragon child in which I investigate something that can be useful to us in case Naruto is hostile. .. - I told the Cadre that I was silent but nodded with internal disgust for that perverted Dragon child that I didn't like at all, I didn't understand how Azazel, yes, is it because of The Dragon?, don't you believe it, there were previous better Sekiryuutei than this one? and they were allies on some occasions of his, so if that were the reason Azazel could do something to extend someone's life, then what is interesting and special about this pervert for Azazel's Idiot?... - The Cadre asked herself internally.

Azazel: Shemhazai, you will be in charge while I will be in my laboratory and the others will continue with their tasks, but be careful with Naruto in case he Appears to you... - he said before disappearing through a Magic circle having finished Report what you were going to say.

The Cadres that remained only sighed at this new information they have.

Penemue prepared to deal with these fools, she knew that her position in Grigory would be in the hands of Barakiel since he does his job so there were no problems.

Penemue [ Naruto, Eh ]... - thought the beautiful black-haired woman who wears a secretary's outfit while her beautiful purple eyes similar to those of a certain human light up through her glasses.

Human World - Night - England - Pendragon Mansion - Dining Room.

In this you can see the entire group that lives in the house sitting at the Great Table until Kuroka and Shirone's Mother called Himari , who is surprised to be among the living again thanks to the son of God to whom she has thanked each minute to give him this new opportunity to be with his daughters and meet Shirone.

Naruto accepted the gratitude of the young and beautiful black-haired woman calmly, although he also accepted that of Kuroka, who looked at him almost like Lilith and Artoria, a strange look those three had.

Shirone later thanked after passing a few words with her Mother to Naruto who still took the Thank You calmly and left it alone, since that wouldn't get him anything.

Since Naruto is now sitting in the main chair of the Table as the Head of the Family, having a slightly naked Eva sitting on his lap, since the beautiful blonde was once again uncomfortable with her toga and preferred to wear her leaves, which Naruto He did not deny him, but Lilith did, just like the beautiful black-haired woman ordered Satan to keep his gaze elsewhere, which he did. That being another fact, Satan once again looked like a 10-year-old child, which happened at his own request, since that he didn't like his big body and he only pushed him to help his brothers before with Lucifer but now that his father doesn't see why staying that way makes him uncomfortable.

Naruto nodded in agreement with his son, it is as if he feels better and does not push himself for anything, since he will be there for him and everyone.

Naruto, who now does not cover his face with his toga although he still owns it, looked over Eva's bare shoulder at that thing called food that the Maids began to place on the Table although every second they gave them strange looks.

"That looks cute!"

Eva commented with her beautiful and warm voice as Naruto grabbed her by her waist and held her close to him so he could see the table better over Eva's shoulder, since it moves a lot since he looked at that strange thing called food that the humans use to sustain themselves and live.

Eva smiled happily at the soft touch of her partner on her shoulder and even more so because he hugged her so warmly, she liked it.

Naruto: yes, it looks good... - he commented softly while feeling the softness of Eva's hair and Artoria smiled happily from her seat next to Lilith's.

"Yes, father... They know how to make these meals and they look great!"

Mordred commented excitedly to her father, happy to have someone to call that.

Naruto nodded with a soft smile at his little girl Lighting up her world.

Belial, I contemplate in silence, as all This is strange to Her.

Tamamo and Irene are still at the table, since neither of them had wanted to leave and it was not as if Artoria threw them out. They looked from their seats in the direction of Naruto and Eva, internally curious about the position in which those two are. and they do not seem to pay attention even when part of Eva's breasts are visible through those leaves that she uses and not to mention the leaves that cover her lower parts that she lies on Naruto.

Tamamo felt as if She was the only one with bad thoughts since the others did not pay attention to that, The Nekoshou for her Mother, Morgana and Guinevere for contemplating her Eternal life, Jeanne well... She has problems for sure... The New girls like Naruto for seeing food for the first time in her life and Artoria who seems to be in love with Naruto like Aphrodite, only She and Irene see how indecent those two act and how dangerous this Naruto looks, just look at it , does nothing but has such a Heavenly and almost reverential Image.

Tamamo also contemplated the fact that He doesn't care one bit about screwing up the balance of life and death, aren't the Angels supposed to be Light and seek the best for The World, humans and peace?... - The Kitsune thought moving her Kitsune ears that she had revealed.

Artoria: The table is ready... to eat and...

Tamamo: Et..o... - He drew attention, interrupting Artoria and Lilith, who was waiting to see how she ate this to imitate someone.

Artoria: yes?... - She asked with curiosity, looking at her rival, in contrast to what she was able to do before Naruto's release and his presence, such as kicking her out of her House for Interrupting her.

Tamamo: don't you pray or something?... - I ask him with curiosity, looking out of the corner of his eye at Jeanne, who ignores her for looking at Naruto with devotion.

Naruto: Pray? What is that?... - I asked with curiosity upon hearing his words while Eva tilted her head cutely in confusion, resting her back against Naruto's chest.

Tamamo opened her eyes surprised by his question.

Tamamo: What do you not know?... pray... Thank your God and that... - He commented with slight disbelief because He should know that and Irene denied.

Naruto: Thank me? For eating?... Isn't Artoria giving the food?... he raised an eyebrow ... just say thank you to her and that's it... - He said without giving great importance to the fact. nor understand it much, leaving the Kitsune slightly shocked who remained silent, tried to get on the good side of this son of God by praying to his father... but he seems more lost.

Artoria: well you can eat... - she said after a second while picking up her spoon.

Naruto, Mnemosyne, Belial, Hanna, Lilith and Satan looked around curiously as they imitated what the other things that they themselves realized were doing.

Mordred: n... don't you know how to eat?... - She asked with curiosity her older sister Hanna who is next to her after noticing her looking at her and she denied her while grabbing her fork as if she were going to stab someone and it wasn't. The only one.

Mordred: Oh, I see... this is like this... - he said while slowly moving his hand with his fork to a meat on the Table and the others imitate it until Lilith.

"hmn... It's not left!"

Eva moaned when her meat didn't hold to her fork.

Naruto: let me help you... - he said passing his hand over Eva's and grabbed it while helping her hold her flesh and Eva bit her.

Satan was the only one who had no problems picking up his food with his hand when he gave up on that thing called a fork.

And so everyone began to eat quietly when Naruto decided to speak.

Naruto:So you are a dragon... - He stated to Irene who looked in his direction while eating his food served with style and glamor just like Aphrodite.

Irene nodded silently, affirming to Naruto that she was indeed a dragon.

Himari looked at the Interaction with curiosity like everyone else.

Naruto: your base is in The Underworld, right?... - he commented, refraining from calling terra The Place.

Irene nodded again in agreement.

Naruto bit the piece of bread that Eva calmly offered him.

Naruto: well, later I'll look at them at their base... - He said, slightly surprising Irene that he wasn't going to ask her, but rather it sounded more like he told her that he was going to the Dragon base and that's it.

Naruto: I will also visit the yokai... - he said calmly now, shaking Tamamo who was eating his food in silence.

Eva: look, this tastes good... - she said, giving Naruto a piece of pineapple with her hand and a kiss afterwards when he ate the pineapple.

Naruto smiled and imitated her by kissing her again to Eva's happiness while they ignored what he had just stated.

Tamamo and Irene sighed internally feeling that this could be disastrous or beneficial for their Factions, be it the Dragon or Yokai.


The duo watched as Eva and Naruto smiled to themselves innocently as they shared their food with some erotic moments as far as they were concerned with their kissing and closeness.

Irene/Tamamo [ I hope, Yasaka/Tannin have been reasonable ]... - they both thought before Aphrodite began to tell jokes to lighten the Table but there was just one small problem, Naruto and his group did not understand anything.

In some place .

In some unknown place an unknown figure could be seen in the middle of the darkness when a pair of crimson eyes was shown glowing in the darkness.

What the hell happened to the sky of the Underworld?!










Well, it goes a little slow through The Background and doesn't just jump into everything.

Odin, as you see, is a Leader with Years of Experience and notices which horse to bet on and which not to bet on and he also knows that peace is something Ephemeral which is why he thinks with his head and not with his heart.

Irene and Tamamo are not Antagonists, but their Action is based on their surprise and Disbelief, they are still in the process of thinking about the day's revelations, so their Action is not their normal one.

Let's say that Penemue couldn't handle how beautiful Naruto was. Induced Lust is that she Masturbated herself a lot and could have had something to do with the fall of several Angels...