
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 1

A few "Minutes" have passed since God created his first two creations, Naruto and Lucifer, whom he has aged to look like 10-year-old children.

With Naruto being a platinum-haired man with creamy white skin and slightly reddish golden eyes who wears a white toga that completely covers him, including his hands and feet, only revealing his face, which is devoid of any Imperfection.

Lucifer, like Naruto, is a silver-haired man, but where Naruto had reddish-golden eyes, Lucifer's were two completely crimson dots and like his older brother, he wears a white toga that covers him completely, including his hair, only leaving part of his hair visible. face.

Now both brothers look with curiosity, each next to their father, at what he does with the planet he called Earth.

Naruto: What is that Blue thing, father?... - He asked his father with his imposing and powerful voice, pointing out the blue mass that began to surround a large part of the planet.

Lucifer still looked at that with curiosity, waiting for his father's response.

God smiled, amused by the curiosity of his son. When he was formed, he was also like that, but he had no one to ask anything, but rather he was self-taught for himself, but now, he is there and could satisfy the curiosity of his children, created beings. based on Him, Soul and Essence.

God: That, My son, is called Water... - He responded softly to Naruto who contemplated his words for himself, seeking an answer for Him and the term Water.

God smiled at That.

Lucifer: Water ... - he said quietly with his powerful voice, looking at the blue mass with calmness and some curiosity.

God once again had his focus on planet Earth, although he is happy to have company, beings by his side, his "children." Just words fill him with joy and even more knowing that They need him.

Change of scene .

After watching their father create what is called " Water " that will give life to the planet, The brothers began to walk through the sky contemplating what to do in the vast space in front of them.

Lucifer had in mind to ask his father if he would create more beings like Them, and when contemplating that he wondered what He and his brother are, since their father did not tell them a specific term about what They are.

Naruto had nothing in mind, he just looked around all white with curiosity and wondering why everything is the same color and the land is different.

Naruto stopped contemplating that when he took his hand out of his toga looking at his strange " humanoid " hand that is different from his father's, since his father's only has a shadow that suggests where it is, different from his that It has fingers and some stripes next to what is called a nail.

Naruto opened and closed his hand several times until a small white bar began to slowly form on it much to his curiosity.

" Oh ".

Naruto watched his brother see what he was doing and tried to imitate him, managing to create the same white bar that Naruto had in his hand.

Lucifer: It's solid... - he said contemplating the bar in his hand when Naruto began to shake his with curiosity and interest.

Naruto smiled because of how light the bar is, Lucifer also imitated him with curiosity until both of their bars collided with the other's.


Naruto: resistant... - he said quietly when an idea came to his mind and he collided his bar again with his brother's with a little more force, making Lucifer raise an eyebrow.

Lucifer: What ?... - He asked him without understanding his brother's reason for doing said action.

Naruto: come on ... - He said, crashing his bar against his brother's while smiling.

Lucifer imitated him and let himself be guided by his brother with both of them colliding with their bars creating small currents of wind of which they were both ignorant while smiling.



Naruto: It's strange, this is... Exciting ... - he said with the last sentence just appearing in his mouth, while smiling.

Lucifer nodded with a smile of his own, understanding his brother, he did not know the strange words he said but he seemed to understand it, it was just like that.


Naruto pushed his bar when Lucifer took several steps back and charged at his brother again at an impressive speed that did not faze Naruto at all, as he saw him normally.

Naruto watched curiously as his brother approached him and his own hand moved on its own.

Lucifer, who was accelerating against his brother, opened his eyes with "surprise" when he saw how, standing in front of him, something hit his shoulder and began to go down...

|What do they do?!.|

A powerful voice resounded.

Lucifer came out of his Analysis and felt that Strange sensation that he had felt for a second looking at his father between them holding his brother's bar that disappeared just like his own.

Naruto tilted his head when he saw his father.

God looked at his two children Waiting for their answer to his question.

Naruto: " Play "... - The word only appeared in Naruto's mouth as God sighed, understanding the concept of Play but not the form.

God: I understand but My children, that is not a way to play among you, you could have hurt each other and...

Naruto: What does it mean to get hurt?... - He asked with curiosity, interrupting his father while Lucifer nodded with curiosity about that fact and what his father said.

God smiled gently at his children who, although they are Intelligent and somewhat Omniscient in some fields, are not completely like Him and He likes that, since He likes that they need Him and ask Him if they are curious about something, since The duty of a father is to fill his children with knowledge and guide them.

God: "harm", is part of multiple concepts and forms that I cannot explain to you now in a way that you can understand, since the concept is consistent with pain and I as a father would never want to cause pain to my children. .. but you, Lucifer, did you feel a strange feeling or something when Naruto touched you with his bar on your shoulder, right?... - He asked, looking at his son who nodded.

Lucifer: I don't know how to explain it, it was something strange that I didn't like but I couldn't assimilate it because it disappeared... - He responded to his father who nodded, since it was He who stopped the "dangerous" attack and incidentally eliminated the wound. of his son before Naruto even finished cutting.

Naruto: Can I try it again and can you try to assimilate it brother and tell me what it is?... - He asked his brother curiously, attracting God's attention with his words and...

"Yes brother, I'm curious too."

Lucifer accepted his brother's request, once again shifting God's Attention from one of his children to the Other through their short conversation, " Thinkers ."

Lucifer: Father ... - he said looking curiously at his father who sighed taking a step back, perhaps his children should learn a little about physical form, since it was the best way to understand the concept of damage and pain, since just telling them with words will make them understand but not completely. He is also here to see that it is not dangerous.

Lucifer nodded and took a few steps back with Naruto recreating his bar and Lucifer charged again at his brother, the same thing happening again but in slow motion.

God watched calmly as Lucifer could not react in time to his brother's counterattack when he entered his field and Naruto's bar began to open part of his shoulder continuing in the direction of his Abdomen where it stopped in the East and everything returned to normal while The sky is stained red.

Lucifer looked at his damaged and red-dipped toga with curiosity as he felt something ugly that he didn't like but he couldn't point it out or express it.

God looked at his son's slight grimace at such a wound, but it was not pain, not much, but more of curiosity.

Naruto looked at the red liquid calmly while tilting his head, is his brother Crimson Water?


Everything in the next "second" returned to normal.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow as he no longer felt that "Discomfort".

God: That, My son, is the pain and physical damage that you felt Lucifer, Although there are other concepts according to the damage, I hope that is enough for you to understand... - He told his son who nodded contemplating that, he did not like it. nor was he going to do it, although now he understands, "hurt and pain is something uncomfortable."

Naruto: how was it brother?... - He asked his brother curiously without showing anything else.

Lucifer: unpleasant, I don't like it, don't try it... - He told him and Naruto nodded while God contemplated their Interaction, debating what to improve and what he could have missed in the creation of his first two children.

Naruto: well, father, won't there be more of us?... - He asked his father with a smile, who smiled and began to give an answer to the brothers.

Change of scene .

"The final day" approached where God would finish creating The Last Detail for the earth but before that he decided to create more beings whom he would call children and who would call him father, a term that he liked and likes.

Naruto is excited about the same thing and to see what his father will do to bring more brothers for him and Lucifer who are the first " Angels ", that was the term by which his father called both brothers when Lucifer asked him about the same thing. Naruto being the first Angel of Existence.

The brothers could each be seen next to the Throne of their father who had remodeled Heaven a little so that it was not just a white Cloud in which they could walk aimlessly and with nothing to observe, since everything was the same, being that He added some "Water" Ponds and plants in some parts besides his Throne I believe.

"I will begin, My children."

God said to his two sons, closing his eyes and Lucifer raised an eyebrow, he didn't see anything.

Naruto contemplated, his father meditated, Is it necessary for creation?

God [ Naruto and Lucifer came out largely if not very self-sufficient and Self-taught, my other children... I must change that, The Light, Their power so that they do not cause harm to each other, their forms, Wings, Matter and yes... their different ]... - The creator thought, molding his next creations in his Mind.

God [ I will only mold their souls but not their Essence similar to Mine or they will come out the same as Naruto and Lucifer, Self-taught, their different ones, they will be similar but they are daughters ]... - The Creator thought, opening his eyes while raising one of his Hands in which a red flame appeared that began to levitate out of his palm, attracting the attention of the brothers.

God: Observe My children, the arrival of your brothers and sisters... - He said to both Naruto and Lucifer who were standing at their sides where he moved his hands and placed each one on his children's shoulders.

God [ will seal part of your powers, My children so that they can live with their brothers without harming them, either through His strength and power ].... - He said, sealing part of the powers of His children without them realizing it, being for Him. good of their next creations, since although Naruto and Lucifer did not know it, they were strong, much stronger than their new creations and if they tried to play with them at any time they could destroy them, since only between them could they stand each other just like his touches, since he created them differently from these new ones that he is doing now with his new brothers.

Naruto and Lucifer, ignorant of what their father did to them, watched as the flame split into multiple small fragments that began to take the form of Angels, their brothers and sisters.

Multiple beings began to appear, some taller than Naruto and Lucifer, who still maintain their age similar to that of a 10-year-old child, since their father let them age to that state no more.

Naruto:Interesting... - He murmured, lost at the change in his voice.

Lucifer: yes... - he said looking at his new brothers while God smiled, happy to have more children.

The Multiple humanoid figures with Wings began to appear Incadas in their direction before raising their heads and beginning to look curiously at each other.


They chanted in the direction of God who smiled.

"Welcome My children."







They are the first Chapters, then it will be adapted to DxD, only I focus on the side of the Angels and give it meaning instead of throwing away the fic without foundation to the struggles and that.

Well, I will explain that the concept of time or the day does not yet exist because of that between "" and the scene changes, since if the concept of the day does not yet exist, I cannot place the next day.

Everything is very fast? You will see it like this but again without a concept, there is no explanation of fast or slow.

Naruto and Lucifer, their little fight, was not really a fight but, something sudden that just happened, since well, they are "children" in a vast white sky with nothing else.

How Naruto and Lucifer know some things without knowing them or that they were those words that simply appeared in their mouth without understanding them, They are omniscient or well they were.