
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 18


" Michael, Azazel have been a while ."

Everyone in the room froze and shivered although Odin slightly, He... Is looking at Them...


Current events .

Meeting room.

Michael and Azazel shivered slightly in their seats with their eyes wide open in surprise, their... their... Big brother is, looking at them? Impossible!

Ajuka was also impressed by that fact, He... He is looking back at them from The Magic Circle With Which They Spy on Him and just greeted both Michael and Azazel, " What a Monstrous ability."

The other demons present in the room were no less impressed, if not horrified by the fact that they thought they were looking only at " the biblical God " but he was not looking at them but apparently they were wrong.

Sirzechs's eyes are open in surprise but not because of that fact, but rather what he hears, He called them sons and he is Lucifer's older brother. What is happening here? Does that Angel look like God Himself from the Bible? If not... then who is He?

Fallbium could only watch with surprise as everyone in the room lost their minds except for Odin, this being that this happened more on the part of Them " The Biblicals " because of this New unknown entity that is giving very Bold statements but The behavior of Azazel and Michael , is actually what pushes them all to worry and also the fact that strangely in their eyes that stranger seems unattainable, almost as if it were natural for them to see him that way even when they have just met him.

Serafall is Impressed and shocked like the majority in the room by this new player or unknown Entity, and her Uncertainty and Disbelief is so much that not even her mind tells her that her sister is in that Place with this unknown Entity or God Himself and could be in danger.

Returned to Naruto.

Naruto turned his attention away from his little brothers when he felt his daughter fall asleep on his chest.

Naruto smiled and moved both his hands under his robe taking his daughter in princess form and holding her to his chest with Mordred sighing lightly in delight at his father's warmth.

Shirone looked at that with curiosity from her Place, being that in her mind it had been Imprinted and yes, She was the one who was in that Place and in the arms of her own father.

¡"TU Y...


Naruto made a slight sound of silence when The Boy Who Smells Like Lucifer was going to scream while The Boy Who Smells Like Lucifer was silent.

Satan frowned at the boy who dared to speak to his father as his equal and no less raise his voice.

Naruto: We don't want to wake up my little princess, right?... - he asked softly and Vali felt his whole body shake from that single question, hell even Albion felt it and couldn't help but murmur in Vali's mind, " Monster ", since he was a Damned Soul, He shouldn't be able to feel anything.

Naruto: right?... - he asked again and Vali gritted his teeth while he nodded slowly to Bikou's surprise at how his friend left his pride aside in the face of this stranger who looks powerful... his Image makes it clear like this but... his Magic power... there is no and all his history, he must be some foolish deserter.

Arthur, who did not share Bikou's surprise or thoughts, is more scared to see the Clan Leader of his family present, being none other than Artoria Pendragon !, the strongest Exponent of his entire family and in fact, The Leader who keeps her family afloat and literally created them, wondered what she was doing, was she here? Did she know that he ran away from home or something like that? Would she murder him? Did she find out that Is she part of a terrorist group? In reality, she didn't know what to think and there are many questions, since even her parents could pay for her absence and even her little sister, since the Clan Leader is more than known for being the most cruel and forceful. of the family, not accepting anything that stains their surname.

Arthur continued immersed in his thoughts, missing the gaze of his true Leader.

Artoria who is standing on Naruto's left side looking at her little daughter calmly looked at the descendant of her blood from Morgana who placed a baby with her own blood in some human a long time ago to grow branches for her Family in which She waits for Naruto to procreate and Mordred was not interested in having a relationship which led the Magician to at least create homunculus to bring her Family back to this Era or well, personal with Pendragon blood in which the purebloods wait for their moment to procreate, these being Morgana, Artoria and Mordred The last possessors of the Pendragon Direct Line... Artoria wondered what this child was doing Here and also that he has not seen the branches of his families for a long time that pass in generations but in the end , they are all human and die with time.

Naruto: well, I think I should take my little girl to rest... hmn,... I look at how cute her daughter looks sleeping ..., if I also free Lilith and the others who are starting to show themselves eager to go out. .. - he declared softly, now looking at his two necklaces around his neck, curious about how his other companions woke up when they must have been in ecstasy, although it must have been due to his reform due to the seal, which shook them and woke them up and now They want to go out more Lilith, Eva and the others are calm.

Vali, opened his eyes in surprise, He... also said... " Lilith ", like Lilith, The Mother of Demons... What the hell was happening here?

The Hakuryuukou couldn't help but wonder, Who is He? He had never met or heard of Someone like Him in his life... He even looks more Intimidating and Taller than "Ophis", even his Crazy grandfather doesn't compare and if it is Him Lucifer's older brother, that means he's Grandfather or something like that too or what does He know, this is so strange and also problematic, since he can't get anything out of Intimidation, hell, he's the one who He feels Intimidated Here before this strong Monster and that woman with the Sword.

Albion didn't say anything but internally he rolled his eyes. Before, this wasn't what his bearer was looking for? To confront the strongest? Well, here he got a strong Monster that doesn't even give him permission to move, since since then that Vali stepped on the ground, his own body does not respond to Him, nor to Arthur's, Bikou is an Idiot who does not realize that El's does not move either, moving his hands is only a small reflection of Esperanza, so note... This Angel or God is barbaric.

Satan smiled.

Satan: so Mother is fine, I want to see her now dad... - He told Naruto who smiled before feeling a weak burst of energy and searching for her with his eyes he found her under the Mountain... there were several children kneeling and, An Angel?, Strange Angel, it almost seemed to be an Angel's feather, since it does not have the Essence of One if not the slightest.

Naruto: Who are children?... - he asked softly, looking in the direction of the group before noticing a chestnut tree... That one exudes sin throughout its being.

With The Gremory Clan and Sitri.

They shook when they heard the voice of God and even more so when he seemed to look in their direction.

Rías bit her lip helplessly as she felt that she could not manipulate her own body or even her mouth, she could not say anything, nor give an answer to this... this Angel?, God?, it's like... yes, It didn't make sense, as if I wasn't worthy of being in his presence.

Sona and her group shared the Same Helplessness as Rías, this...this had never happened to them before, not even with Rías's brother, " Maou Lucifer " Himself, who was Intimidating or so they thought...

Issei, involuntarily wanted to make himself invisible without knowing why but at the same time, he wanted to ask that stranger who he was, isn't God supposed to be Dead? So how is he here? Why hasn't Draig told him anything either? What's going on?.

"K...K..Kami together".

Naruto turned his body completely with Mordred still in his arms and looked at a brunette who looks at him with adoration almost similar to that of her brothers and two other sinners also do so... Will they regret it?

Naruto passed his eyes over each of the children in the group slowly before stopping his gaze again on the chestnut sinner... there is... there is something in...

Naruto: "Give me the Sword, child"... - He said calmly to the brown boy who looked at him with curiosity like everyone else, since the only voice heard in the place is Naruto's.

Naruto: I feel that you have in your possession a belonging from Heaven... you may be related to the beings that Lucifer created and corrupted but it doesn't matter... Give me the Sword and I will not destroy you yet... nor your Soul, although I I ask how you have that in your hands... sinners are not supposed to go to heaven... he denied ... did something happen?.. - He began to say before mumbling, he lacks things to understand and he must There's a reason why that kid has that, just like Michael and Azazel reunited together.

May you hand over the Sword You Don't Listen!

Artoria ordered seriously, ready to cut the Current Sekiryuutei in Half, being the Same by Satan.

Issei seemed to understand what Sword they are talking about, but He is not going to hand over his sword " Ascalon ", This was a gift from the Leader of Heaven and...

"Issei... Hand over... the... Damn Sword."

The brunette diverted his attention, looking at Akeno's horror-filled eyes that were looking at him with murderous intentions for the first time, something he had never seen before in her, and returning his attention to the unknown group, he gasped when he now saw the specific group or three that were seen. like Titans.

The blonde in Armor, there is a larger one behind Her holding a Sword with both Hands looking at Him, while on the Other side there is a red being with horns covered in fire who looks at Him with amusement and overcoming the two, This is the same being of toga that Titanically Surpasses them.


Issei heard Draig's voice and ignored it due to the fear of seeing those beings since Draig moved the hand that his partner gave him previously and threw the Sword at the Entity.

Naruto looked at the Sword that was coming towards him and nodded slightly, moving his robe and Satan, understanding, grabbed the Sword when he got close enough.

Naruto: A creation of Father in a sinner... heh ... At least I was easier and I'm sure Gabriel would have put the same Sword down your throat before destroying it... - Mormuro turning around but not before looking Again, the silver-haired girl in the group likes her hair.

Naruto: Let's go home, I'll take Mordred to her bed and we'll talk more calmly... I want to meet my partner's group here and I'll also free the Others... - he said calmly and Artoria nodded with a smile looking at Morgana who nodded. creating a Magic circle.

Naruto began to walk to Este alongside Artoria and Satan while Vali looked at him silently.

Naruto: don't worry kid, I'll look for you and answer your questions later... My little one comes first... - He said calmly to Vali before passing through the portal and the others followed him.

Morgana looked at Arthur and winked at him in a way that scared the wayward Pendragon even more.

And so Naruto's group left the place, allowing those present to return their bodies to their faculties and pay attention to him.

Vali: we're leaving Arthur... - he said when he regained his mobility, he had to train more.

The Pendragon nodded and opened a portal. Bikou, who was going to comment on something, took a step and fell face down on the ground without knowing that his legs had fallen asleep due to his frozen body.

Bikou: What the fuck?!... - he shouted, surprised by this unexpected event.

Vali: stupid... since we stepped on land, we were at your mercy and you didn't even realize... - He growled slightly at his partner who was surprised by his words.

Bikou, he didn't understand... when was that? If he could move his hands and mouth.

Arthur shook his head and surrounded Bikou with his Aura as the trio disappeared from the disturbed Place, having met this unknown Entity.

The Gremory and Sitri group were equally disturbed by everything except Asia, Xenovia and Irina and to a lesser extent Rossweisse by the sudden Appearance of God who recovered the Sword "Ascalon" and left.

Issei fell to the ground unconscious, being that only his willpower was what helped him endure the dominant presence of God, which is more Dominant than Draig's own presence, who is the Celestial Dragon of Domination and also He is New to This World. .

Draig smiled amused in his gauntlet, This God looks scarier than the previous one and does not bite his tongue when he says that he is going to destroy his companion, for whom he gave him the Sword... Although he does not deny the fact that This God is more of a Monster, He shares Domination and Supremacy, his and Albion's respective titles, He possesses them and with his mere presence he practically subjected the entire group and a little to his Soul that tried to fight for the Domination that sought him. subdue and that boy didn't release even a bit of his Aura... What if he did.

The Dragon denied, that would be devastating and he also wondered why he had never met this Boy, this is a total Monster, just like the biblical Exponents that He respects, God and Lucifer, those were Monsters in their entirety and of respect just like This God or whoever.

Sona: we have to go back... - said the Sitri heiress without much encouragement, who just wanted to sleep a little and rest from this very heavy day and that they did not face anyone but it seemed as if they had just come out of a very war.

Tsubaki, the Queen of Sona, bit her lip and nodded, looking at the unconscious Saji behind her. He couldn't stand the presence of God either, but at least he was alive.

Rossweisse didn't think anything and just looked at The New Heaven that The Underworld even had with its own sun and moon.

Meeting room.

In this one again came The Silence after God's farewell or Naruto, whatever.

Azazel looked at Michael and he averted his gaze, everyone was only looking at each other but most of the looks were on the Current Leader of Heaven for this new unknown entity and perhaps even dangerous for everyone.

Shemhazai: and... I think that if we talk to Big Brother Naruto, maybe... - he began to say so that they would follow him.

Azazel denied while the Demons were silent to better understand what This was about until Odin.

Azazel: no... I don't know... I'm shocked that he's back but I never really met him and I don't know how he thinks and...

Shemhazai lit up remembering something.

Shemhazai: that... we can deal with Gabriel and...

Azazel smiled with empty mockery.

Azazel: We would send the fool to talk to Him or maybe, The psychopath with xenophobia for Demons and Fallen Angels will return and I will talk to her for us or maybe she will take our side in this Union that you say, Michael?.. - He calmly asked the Current Leader of Heaven who sighed.

Michael: c...I think that if that Gabriel comes back... the first thing he would do when he was Free would be to sound the trumpets of the End... father gave them to him as well as his blessing... - he responded somewhat shyly for grace of Azazel who felt a little self-conscious like a Child who is afraid of his father that in This Case for his Denial, Naruto sees himself as your father while Michael and Shemhazai feel the same, hell even if The Madman of Kokabiel were present he would prefer to Hide or be in Cocytus, where he is currently dealing with Esa Gabriel or Naruto.

The Demons Listen in silence but with curiosity The small dialogue of the two Leaders until Serafall decided to Intervene with curiosity and without believing a certain part.

Serafall: Gabriel? What does that dove and psychopath have to do with Ella? I don't know but I don't believe that and I think we have to talk very seriously about this Angel, if we want to maintain a good Alliance... - I think the Maou and her companions Supported her, since they do not like to be in the dark with this new unknown Entity.

Shemhazai sighed.

Michael nodded in agreement.

Odin did not say anything, internally hurt by the Death of his son but he wanted to know more about this boy who could be a possible Threat no matter how Angel he may be.

Azazel smiled.

Azazel: It is not my Place, I was right to believe Serafall... but the Gabriel that you Faced and Drawn and you know for being noble, Innocent and who wants peace... is not real or so I think... just knowing that I I met the real one and I tell you that you are no match... She is a Monster and a powerful one, since if it were not for her disappearance, the Fallen Angels and Demons would not exist... Many things that have been Written in The Bible is wrong and wrong, right?... Michael... - said The Archangel nodded to the surprise of everyone who could have been believing all their lives a false story of how things are and were.

Serafall, she still didn't believe it, it was simply impossible, she would have heard something at least from that Gabriel and they had also faced each other, so? She faced the weakest form of Gabriel?, since that dove pushed her to his side. limit in war.

The Demon felt a Chill and shook her head, not really sure what was happening but one thing is certain, These two have to tell her everything they know.

Sirzechs clasped his hands seriously, looking at Azazel and Michael, hoping that they would tell him everything they know, since apparently the story was poorly written and with major gaps.

Heaven - second floor .

In this one could see "Gabriel" walking calmly with his Queen, Griselda Quarta, when he suddenly stopped.


The Seraphim heard a dark sound that shook her and she searched with her gaze for who spoke, there was no one besides her Queen who looked at her with curiosity.

Griselda: Is something wrong, Lady Gabriel?... - She asked her wife who denied it and they continued walking towards the third floor.

Griselda did not miss her wife's slight Shiver but did not comment anything.

In some place.

In what seemed to be a completely dark room with slight edges that gave it the appearance of a dark room, a voice could be heard.

"Heh...he came back...I just hope he frees me at least so I can gut Lucifer."

I heard the voice say that it went off again.









Well, from This Arc the normal story begins.