
Naruto: God'S Misfortune (DXD)

This is a fic from the perspective of a real Angel, not what everyone expects from one. He will begin in The World of DxD as Naruto being The first Angel to be created and Lucifer The second, I like the name Naruto and it is not related to anime or anything else. I apologize for the grammatical errors story creator: DarkNaru666

Mart_Ero · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 17

Underworld - Demon Council Room.

In the same room where the Meeting of the Alliance of the Three Biblical Factions takes place together with the Nordic Faction, nothing is heard even with the large number of beings in The Place specifically looking at the big screen in The Center. the table in view of everyone who is silent, a silence that was broken by a slight murmur.

"N... it can't be...

"God?... n... it's not supposed to...

"N... naruto...

Everyone in the room diverted their attention towards a certain Leader of Heaven who mentioned a name and Azazel along with Shemhazai who is his Companion turned pale just hearing his pronunciation.

Sirzechs frowned, not knowing what this was all about, but he didn't like the arrival of that Angel, since it looks like the very God of the Bible who is supposed to be Dead.

Serafall, her mouth was wide open as she shook her head in disbelief.

Ajuka frowned when he noticed the Shocked look of the Leader of Heaven, something not very normal for him, but like everyone in the room he wondered who he was.

Odin looked at the screen in silence without following that strange name that the Angel boy had just mentioned, he had never heard of someone called " Naruto ", who seemed like the God Himself of the Bible descending into the world or in this case to the Underworld, since So It is how it looks from his point where he is turning his back to everyone while slight particles of Light surround him showing how Imposing he looks.

Young Demons Party Hall.

The Young Demons heirs of their respective Houses of the Underworld still have their eyes wide open with their mouths open, unable to believe that they are witnessing the arrival of the "God of the Bible" Himself who is descending into the Underworld. Will he exterminate them? Will he exterminate them? What could they do? Would they survive without the Original Leader, the Original Lucifer? He... He looks so tall and imposing.

No one could get out of their surprise, not even the arrogant demons who began to fall to their knees when their legs stopped working and having the strength to support them, but they still did not take their eyes off the screen that shows them The Arrival of God.

Diodora Astaroth, who is secretly a traitor to his race, had his eyes open in disbelief looking at the screen, this simply couldn't be happening, God himself... he couldn't even move, is his form so imposing that he can't even do it? react your body to your will?...

Sairaorg, who was thinking of going to the countryside to help his cousin and nobility against the God of Deception, froze looking at the screen that shows him what is happening in the place where his cousin is with the Sitri Clan,... a... this one has God has arrived and looks... so... Unattainable.

Finally free!.

Without exception, everyone heard the words of God, so soft but at the same time so powerful and Unique.

Sairaorg, Diehauser and Roygun, who are considered the most powerful young demons in the Underworld, each from their place at the party looked at their hands with some surprise as they tremble and even their legs seemed to want to give way and that they are not in their presence.

I... Incredible...

Roygun gritted her teeth as she mumbled in disbelief, how incredible God made her react just like her body with his mere presence and voice, being so far from her.

"So tall".

Outskirts of the Underworld .

Just as surprise fills the young demons at the party and the Alliance leaders in the meeting room, the same happens with Artoria's group as a whole and the group of demons who are a little distant from them but no less surprised. .

Jeanne d'arc let some tears fall from her beautiful deep blue eyes, as she looks at what is true, Artoria did not lie to her, God... He... He is in front of Her... her lord.

Morgana opened her beautiful light blue eyes, surprised and like her mouth murmuring unintelligible things... He... The... God, is coming down from Heaven, this is how She sees this divinity completely covered by a white toga large and baggy that does not help identify your height or full shape.

Tamamo no Mae and Irene Belserion both have their unfocused eyes looking at how this unequaled divinity began to descend, they could not even feel it but it is in front of their eyes... Angel?, no... The... The... He looks bigger than that... he's... God, there's no doubt about that even if he doesn't show his Wings.

Kuroka and Shirone began to fall to their knees without looking away from God, it's so... beautiful, his Aura.

Guinevere, without even realizing it, her knees began to give way until she fell to her knees but she was not the only one. The others followed her except for Artoria and Mordred, they fell to their knees before the divinity that descended in front of her.

On behalf of the Demons and the Only Angel of the group they also fell to their knees with tears coming out of their eyes as they watch their lord descend a few meters from them, these being Asia, Xenovia and Irina who could not believe what their eyes saw, God was not supposed to have, died?, that's what they were told... then, then... because the Lord Himself is before their Eyes.

Irina felt her heart fill with joy when she saw her lord arrive.

Asia and Xenovia with the latter being slightly Shocked began to recite their tributes from the depths of their hearts to their lord Ignoring their own pain while doing so and without wondering why they feel pain when they are allowed to pray.

Rias, Akeno, Kiba and Issei are simply silent without even moving from their place, they couldn't, they didn't even think about it, they simply couldn't take their eyes off the... Lord, it's the same with the Sitri Clan except for Rossweisse who doesn't. She felt so strongly what the demons and the Angel in The Place now feel for being Asgardian but that did not mean that she was not fighting against what was trying to make her kneel,... in this case the same God who looks more God that Odin himself, being that He admits that this divinity possesses more divinity than any other God that She has known, even Thor-sama does not compare.

Naruto, who had finished reforming after leaving his seal, began to slowly descend to the ground, gently tilting his head under his toga while looking at his partner Artoria along with Other Girls that he does not know except for Morgana.


An excited and happy scream was heard when Naruto calmly watched as a "Girl" jumped in his direction and hugged him to his curiosity but he did not push her and let her hug him which the Girl did forcefully before feeling in the same part of her blessing which he gave to Artoria with reason that her body did not react to her Instincts to cut her in half.

Naruto surrounded "the little girl" with his hands and gently rubbed her hair with his hands through her toga to calm her down, since the girl is crying while pressed against him.

"Snip~~ Father~~ Snip...

Naruto: here I am... - he responded softly to the girl who buried her face in his chest while surrounding him with her arms.

Naruto touched the ground softly, as he was centimeters through the air above it and Artoria began to walk in his direction with a big smile before running and jumping into his arms as Naruto freed one of his hands and grabbed her in his arms. Air before drawing her to his chest where the "twins" began to shed tears together while hugging him tightly.

Naruto: I missed you too... - He told them, gently patting Artoria and Mordred's heads, since he had just seen her name and her story, understanding why the girl called him father even though He did not create her.

Naruto waited a few minutes when Artoria and Mordred stopped crying but now they didn't say something to which he didn't care and he let them be.

Naruto diverted his attention to Artoria's group whom he had just met and seen in Her.

Naruto: I thank you for supporting my partner with her wish... Jeanne Thank you... Morgana and Guinevere I also thank you for not leaving Artoria alone... Kuroka, Shirone... I will revive your Mother in gratitude... - He said calmly, shocking those present and certain beings who listen to everything through a magic circle, but more so to certain Nekoshou sisters, did you just hear correctly?, " He said to revive his Mother ."

Irene and Tamamo both did not miss his words, He said to revive... that single fact would confirm everything and that they are actually before God Himself.

Naruto: I missed The Wind of the World... he sighed. ..-he said when it blew softly through the clouds and everyone realized that fact.

Irene: damn... - he said and opened his eyes bigger in surprise, this divinity had taken all his attention since he missed that the fucking Underworld had no sun, much less a blue sky and no less clouds, which it has now. .

Morgana gasped, El, at what moment did he think that? Is it more like he missed it?

Naruto: I would appreciate it if you would get up from the ground... Don't you feel uncomfortable?... - He asked Artoria's group with his soft voice in curiosity and it was that in the next second that they all realized that fact, they didn't even know who were on their knees.

What the fuck?!

They all thought, since although they did not feel bothered by being on their knees before a divinity, they did not realize when they did it.

Irene blushed with shame, She... gave in to someone without realizing it... submitted... - She thought Embarrassed as she gets up from the ground.

Tamamo no Mae did not fare better than Irene, Ella... submitted to a man and no less knelt before him without realizing it, something she does not even do with her own Gods Besides Amaterasu -sama.

Naruto: well... so I can see them better, hmn, they are pretty... - he said calmly with his soft voice that sent current to the body of those present for some reason that shivered a little without knowing the reason.

Naruto was going to speak again when Artoria came out of his chest showing a healthy blush on her pretty cheeks which made Naruto smile under his toga he ran his free hand over them to Artoria's delight because now he has a body to touch and not a Spirit.

Naruto: calmer?... - I asked and Esta nodded with a smile.

Naruto: good and...



A sudden sound caught the attention of Naruto and Artoria's group who heard the closest thing to Something breaking which happened when someone appeared out of nowhere a few meters from the group.

Sona and her Clan noticed the release of the God Loki, but still they did not move to do anything, their minds are not with Them.

Rossweisse got a serious look upon seeing that.

Naruto tilted his head not knowing who it was.


Irene murmured with a frown looking at the God, while Naruto heard her.

Naruto: don't you like it?... - She suddenly asked the redhead, taking her by surprise when she was the focus of attention of her "colleagues", before coughing and denying.

Irene: He is someone who is problematic... - He responded with a humble voice to Naruto that he didn't even know he had and he himself nodded, focusing his gaze on the one called Loki who looked in his direction seriously when he noticed them.


Naruto flicked his fingers under his robe when a Spear of Light appeared over his shoulder and instantly disappeared but those present who were looking at the God of Deception noticed where said Spear went when they saw that the Head of the aforementioned Loki was missing, to their surprise. of the Same except for Artoria.

Being that in the Air there is only the body of the God that began to fall, and Naruto looked at it calmly and it burned in golden fire in a second with ashes being the ones that fell instead of the body of the deceased God who died without knowing what happened Including his Soul that was destroyed.

Naruto: there is no longer any bother... - he said calmly to the disbelief of Irene and the others, He... He just said goodbye to a God no less in that easy way and... there were no words to describe how they felt or take what he did with the exception of Jeanne who looks with Absolute and Insatiable devotion to her God, even with Love ignoring what happened.

Rossweisse froze in place without processing what had happened, Loki broke free and disappeared.

Naruto: Now... hmn... right, my little one... - he murmured again and snapped his fingers as the ground of the Underworld shook in the first and largest earthquake that had ever happened before.

Artoria's group tried to stabilize themselves when the earthquake began but just as it ended, while in the distance everyone could notice how a sea of flames appeared and just as it appeared it disappeared while what seemed to be a large flame came in their direction.



Suddenly, before the astonished gaze of everyone, a completely red, muscular being, with large dark horns on his forehead, yellow eyes and two pairs of flaming Wings on his back appeared holding a great sword bathed in fire.

Naruto:Satan... - he murmured softly with a smile looking at what everyone could point to as The Devil Himself or Lucifer, The Lord of Evil.


An Imposing and Dark voice was heard coming from the being that even surprised Artoria, being that he was surrounded by fire now revealing a beautiful black-haired teenager who wears a real dark toga and jumps into the arms of God with tears coming out of his face. his eyes the same.


Irene looks with open eyes at this Unreal and Unexpected event, The Demon Himself embracing This Divinity or God Himself.

Tamamo[ He also has no presence yet with how Imposing he looks... who are They? ]... - the Kitsune asked herself, surprised and somewhat internally scared.

Naruto smiled and gently hugged his son with his free hand, since Mordred has not yet separated from him since she herself seemed to notice this new inclusion.

Jeanne [ He... is so humble, forgiving the Devil ]... - she thought, joining her hands, grateful to be able to witness all this and the kindness of her lord.

Satan smiled coming out of his father's arms like the Stranger.

Satan: father... me... and... there is someone hidden father... - he said suddenly when in addition to these people there are others hidden.

Naruto smiled and nodded.

Naruto: you can go out... - He mentioned calmly when a portal appeared behind Kuroka and Shirone, and from it came a silver-haired man along with a blonde who showed a scared face and finally a black-haired man who carried a cane on his shoulder.

"Well... I didn't expect an Angel Here... a Demon?... and where is Loki? We were supposed to come for your new pet, right? Vali...

Kuroka and Shirone quickly walked away from the unexpected and unknown group, reaching Morgana's side who made her staff appear in her free hand.

Vali looked in silence at the Angel who was looking in his direction just like that black-haired man.

"[Vali, don't even think about it... This being is not normal, hell it feels like... no, He is The Biblical God, I'm sure]."

Vali listened with a frown to his companion's diatribes, he had never behaved like this before and, who is this being? He has no presence and feels an intense desire to kneel before Him without knowing why...

"Huh? You smell like Lucifer... do you know where my little brother is?"

Satan clicked his teeth, that ant was the one who locked him up a few days ago.

The sudden question that came caught everyone off guard and even more so Vali Himself, He just Mentioned " Lucifer ", but before he could ask anything The strange Angel without Aura continued talking or rambling.

Naruto: hmn... I see, The fool died... I revive him later... I have to punish him... - he said calmly before nodding with Satan in agreement with his father's words.

"You... did you say Lucifer? Little brother? What does that mean? Punish him? Revive him? Who are you?"

Vali couldn't help but ask this strange Angel who looks Imposing and powerful, no, it doesn't matter, he mentioned Lucifer and he wants to know everything related to his last name to murder his shitty grandfather.

Naruto raised an eyebrow and nodded at the Strangers.

Naruto: Yes I said Lucifer... Lucifer is my little brother... all the Angels, Demons and Fallen are... I am his Elder... I will punish him... He corrupted my children and had the nerve to naming them " Demons "... as if they were his children, that deserves a great Punishment... - He responded calmly and without much Interest to the Boy who smells like his silly little brother and one of his daughters... yes, He He shares the essence of Lucifer and one of his daughters in his blood.

Naruto contemplated that fact without knowing the reach of his words and how it impacted everyone who did not know about that fact, including Vali and his group plus the group that was somewhat far from them but could hear everything through their super ears.

Meeting room.






Michael remained silent before the apparent Chaos that began to take over the Room.

Azazel grabbed his head without understanding, this is the worst scenario... his... his older brother... who he thought had died or disappeared for so long that he even forgot is back... it's him... Hell yes, he looks as Unattainable as the last time and not even Loki made him sweat or move more than a Spear of Light to get rid of him.

Shemhazai looked with nerves, apprehension and Missing Azazel, she didn't even know what to say... but, The fact is that He is back, The Only Being who could Avoid the first and second Biblical War with His mere presence, since so much is His divinity and devotion that they had for him or he does not know if some still have him that not even Lucifer Himself dared to fight against Him one by one or raise his voice or head in His presence.

The Greatest Exponent " Angelical of All " is practically back and for the first time they don't know how to even approach it when they are losing their minds just by seeing it.

Everyone watches what happens in disbelief and denial when suddenly, God, turns his head through his toga in their direction, directly where the Magic circle that allows them to Spy on him is.

"Michael, Azazel have been a while ."

Everyone in the room froze and shivered although Odin slightly, He... Is looking at Them...










Naruto released Satan and because he simply appeared before Naruto without any sign of hostile madness it is simple, the seal he was in put him to sleep, he thinks that only days have passed since his confinement, he knows nothing more.

Things will be explained.

Another thing, because there is no Aura from Naruto, is referring to the fact that he lost the Extra seals that God placed on him with Lucifer.