
Naruto: Gacha System

Blank_Number · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


" Alright children, there's some things we will be explaining. " Fugaku continued to explain how everything will work from now on, making everybody excited and disappointed they didn't work even harder, first place was Isshi.

" Isshi quickly go to the hokage and get the scroll you want before coming back, once you're back we will start the tournament. " Fugaku said, Isshi nodded and quickly vanished.

In seconds he made it to the hokages tower before walking the rest of the way,

" Isshi right? " a cold deep voice spoke making Isshi start sweating.

" Yes? " Isshi asked slowly turning to see Danzos face.

" Would you care to give me a moment of your time? " Danzo asked.

" Im sorry but im in a hurry. " Isshi bowed before continuing walking towards the hokage door.

" If you can meet with me later i can lend you another forbidden jutsu besides the one you'll get from the hokage. " Danzo said gaining Isshis attention.

" If you can get me the Flying Raijin Jutsu you can meet me tomorrow at my restaurant. " Isshi said before turning back around and reach the hokage door before knocking on it.

" Come in. " A voice came through.

Isshi finally walked inside and escaped Danzos vision,


Isshi recieved the multi shadow clone jutsu from the hokage before rushing back to the academy, all in all it took about 10 minutes getting there and back.

" Im sorry sir, one of the elder had stopped me on my way there and made me late. " Isshi explained making Fugaku frown.

" Did this elder have a eye patch? " Fugaku asked which Isshi nodded making him angrier.

" Explain. " Isshi as of right now was his student, and was being taught by him multiple different jutsu after getting Sakumos permission to teach him so Isshi didn't leave out any details. 

" Good, you managed to profit during that situation, don't worry i'll be sure to be there incase he does anything. If you get uncomfortable just start refining chakra, i'll come in and take you out. Just try pleasing him or he'll start annoying you 24/7. " Fugaku explained.

Isshi nodded before walking back to his groupmates, he got used to the aburame and uchiha girl that usually sat with him. Like Fugaku explained they never told each other their name, if they had met outside of the academy they would've but they were to busy training, so they made nicknames for each other.

" Hey Peppa and Venom. " Isshi said calling out the Aburame and Uchiha girls respectively.

" I hate that name. " They both said simultaneously. 

" How do you think the tournament will work husky? " Venom asked, Isshi told them to call him husky so they did.

" Guess we'll see. " Isshi said seeing Fugaku bring out a white board.

" There will be 10 groups, each one will have a main target. " Fugaku said writing the top 10 ranked people 1 by 1. 

" Everybody else will willingly choose their opponent, 2 people each group, hurry up. " Fugaku said which everyone quickly seperated to make an exact replica of the board while the others joined the groups.

" Good it only took 30 seconds, the 2 people in the group with the ranked one will work together to defeat the ranked one, once they do that they will fight each other and the winner will gain the ranked ones rank and grade, and the ranked ones all they have to do is defeat the other 2, understood? " Fugaku questioned and everybody nodded.

" Don't kill each other, Go. " behind was a forest which they quickly vanished into.

After a minute Isshi came back with the bodies of his opponents, they had burned marks all over there body, he either used Lightning or fire to beat them, most likely lightning or there skin would be scarred.

Isshi dropped them before lying down as Fugaku wrote down the results being, Isshi the winner.

Kane and Iho came out almost at the same time but 10 minutes later as they noticed Isshi was already asleep,

" Good job. " Fugaku said, they were really strong, but Isshi was simply stronger. Even if he didn't personally teach Isshi, Isshi would've definitely won.

After and hour everybody had returns, either the ranker won or the opponent won, didn't matter, Fugaku wrote down the results and changes he'll have to do to peoples grades and ranks.

" Alright that's the first part done, everybody get up even if you lost, this is how the tournament will be from now on so don't you forget it. " Fugaku said as everybody tiredly got up.

" 1st and second place will fight, whoever wins will be the last battle for the others, the rest will also be doing 1v1s but will have additional battles till the last one comes out, this last one will fight the 2nd place, whover wins will fight whoever is in the last battle. Understood? " Fugaku said and everybody nodded, 

2nd place will be given 2 tries to win the crown or recrown themself vs 1st place or lose and become 3rd place. 2nd place losing once and going all the way to 10th place doesn't make sense.

" Kane, Isshi, are you ready? " Everybody around quickly vanished away leaving space to the two opponents.

" Ready. " They both said before Fugaki shouted " Start! " 

Kane quickly brought out his 1 tomoe sharingan ready to read Isshis movement but unexpectedly Isshis hands were already moving before he even opened his sharingan so he was lagging behind.

[ Fire style: shuriken technique] Isshis quickly blew out 10 fire shuriken making Kane get to work quickly, weaving sign he brought out a water wall a bit infront of him. Once the fire went away and the shuriken slowed down so he had time to block them, but when he blocked the first one a giant dragon was already headed towards him.

[ Fire style: Fire dragon jutsu ] The dragon roared and rushed towards Kane, he let one of the shuriken hit his shoulder as he started running away.

He took out the shuriken and threw it on the floor as he continued running, Kane having not much space to run had to risk it. He stood straight and waited for the dragon to reach him, before it could reach him he quickly flickered to the left, but at the same time Isshi released more chakra into the dragon and a second head came out at the side aiming for the place Kane was going to land. Kane landed and quickly fell, there was a dragon in his face.

[ Earth style- Earth wall] Pouring quite a bit of chakra Fugaku made a wall thick enough to hold the dragon giving Kane time to move away before Fugaku moved away and let the dragon go through.

" Isshi, maybe you shouldn't participate anymore. " Temu said seeing all the students were pale and afraid.

" Ahaha, sorry..." Isshi said as he sighed.