
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

The Feast

" Fuck I hate this school", "I'll just sleep through it again today" Naruto said as he was entering the class. Like that day's went by, until one day after launch Iruka announced that they were gonna spar, the entire class was excited while Sasuke sent a provocative glare to Naruto who was too tired to even give two shits about it.

"Alright guys remember fight with everything you have if it's too serious I'll step in, I'll call your name and your opponents randomly, Now Tadano mobyashi and Akira fillerama come out" the two stepped out following Iruka's instructions, Iruka saw that and told them to form the seal of confrontation and they the began fighting.

"Shikamaru and Choji", Shikamaru just forfeited immediately , Iruka was not in the least surprised but he still can't decide who is lazier between him or Naruto. "Sakura Vs Ino" it started of pretty well till they started pulling eachother hair and the match ended in a draw. Alot of other also spared till only Naruto and Sasuke were remaining, "Fight".

Sasuke rushed forward not wanting to give Naruto a chance and kicked his head but Naruto just stepped back and countered by punching Sasuke straight to the chest without holding back, Sasuke flew out and was coughing blood profusely till he passed out. Everyone there was beyond surprised that the match ended in a second while Iruka and Shikamaru were wondering how Naruto could be so strong, "Oi Iruka" Naruto called him noticing that he spaced out, " O-oh Winner and it's Iruka-sensei to you" he said as he quickly took Sasuke to the infirmary.

The day was over and everyone was talking about the spar that happened today, as Naruto was going out of the school gate Ino quickly rushed over to him, gave him a letter and rushed back as fast as she came. Naruto just tore it off and disposed it on his way home, Ino who was secretly following him with Shikamaru and choji, when she saw it she was really disappointed and just walked home sad while Choji decided that he would never share his chips with Naruto for treating his friend like that.

Like that days and months passed until a day. The Night was silent, the moon was bloody red, it gave a really ominous feeling. Naruto knew what would happen this night and this would be his opportunity for strength. He turned on stealth and parkoured to the uchiha compound.

Itachi just started the massacre so he was in time, as soon as Naruto reached the clans compound he sensed over 30 ninjas scattered all over the place, so he thought 'hehe why don't I do something fun'.

He started drinking the blood of the corpses on the ground indiscriminately and as soon as he finished a corpse he will crush their eyeballs, he did that till he reached the clams head house, "Nope" as soon as he said that a kunai came towards him, he didn't even waste a second as he sprinted with breakneck speed away from the clan compound to his house.

"Hate me, and become stronger" Itachi said to Sasuke who was weak due to open Sharingan and chakra exhaustion. Sasuke looked at Itachi with so much anger one more time before he passed out. "Let us go" Itachi said to a masked man who nodded and disappeared with him, while the anbu quickly came and took Sasuke to the hospital.