
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


~Cover fire

I need a rumor

You're a school shooter

A problematic desire

I'm just a gun with the hire

Pop your skull and your tires

I want your feeling and everything in your fiber

Uh, uh, uh, uh~

On his way to school Naruto was humming the song he was listening to, not paying attention to the curious eye of the people and the ravenous eyes of the ladies. He got to school and was the center of attention as he cut his long red hair to shoulder length and packed it in a ponytail, wearing a full black suit, white shirt, a red tie black leather gloves with a red Uzumaki swirl at the back of each, and the pair of black hamenada earrings also with a red Uzumaki swirl on it.

He quietly took his sit as Sasuke came to him and sat beside him, asking "Hey nice clothes, do always have to wear the swirl symbol somewhere in your piece of clothing. I can't wait to train with you today", "Do you always have to wear the fan symbol somewhere in your piece of clothing, and Fuck off" as Sasuke was about to continue the conversation Iruka walks in.

"Alright settle down, I'll call your names and your teams now, when I finish all you have to do is wait for your jounin teacher." Iruka said as he took a list from the table

" Team 1



Team 7






" "Okay that's all, it was nice teaching you and be safe out there" Iruka said as he left the classroom. Not long after the teachers started to come pick up their teams, until only team seven was left.

At first Sakura was flirting with Sasuke but she got annoyed after waiting for more than an hour and said "Okay, where the hell is this teacher of ours!!!!", Sasuke was no different as he was getting impatient but he didn't say anything but Naruto had already sensed the teacher sitting on a giant tree behind the classroom and observing them, and plus he knew how it played out in the anime so he didn't say anything and kept calm there.

After a little while longer their teacher came in and apologized for being late as he was helping an old woman cross the street, after a little rant from Sakura and a disappointed glare from Sasuke, he told them to meet him in training ground five.

Training ground five.

"Alright we'll introduce ourselves as for me our likes and dislikes also our dreams Ehh, My name is Hatake Kakashi, As for things I like, I will not tell you and things I don't like, I don't like anything as for my dream, my dream is my dream." Kakashi said as he earned a sweardrop from the three students, although Naruto expected it, it's still really surprising to witness.

"Alright Sakura, then Naruto, then Sasuke." Kakashi told them the order in which they should Introduce themselves, "Haii, I'm Haruno Sakura, I like a certain someone, I dislike Ino pig and my dream is to be with that certain someone"she said while glancing at Sasuke. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I like nothing, I dislike Living, I dream to die someday* Naruto introduced himself but by the look on Kakashi's face he was not surprised, "My name is Uchiha Sasuke, I like training, I hate a certain person and my dream is to kill him" .