
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


The rest of the day went by with Naruto spending it on learning fuinjutsu from the scroll kushina gave him, 'Gosh I need to learn Shadow clone jutsu', Naruto thought to himself, his face suddenly brightened up as he remembered something.

'Hello', Neji who was in the forest of death practicing water bending stances and the taichi martial art suddenly heard naruto's voice in his head 'Huh I'm I going crazy thinking about my lord too much, 'Neji, I'm transmitting my thoughts to you, you're not going crazy' he heard the voice in his head again much clearer and it was the voice of Naruto.

Neji quickly knelt down and said "M-my lord", 'There's no need to speak out loud, just think of what you want to project and I'll hear you' Naruto transmitted to neji who went silent for a little while until he said 'Yes, my lord.'

'How's your training going', 'It's going fine my lord, thank you' Neji transmitted with an appreciative tone, 'Good, we will start the plan soon, get stronger as soon as possible' Naruto said, 'Yes my lord I will not disappoint you' with a determined tone Neji nodded.

'I have a job for you, bring me two jounin bodies, I'm a bit hungry, you can have a civilian or a ninja to yourself' Naruto said, '*gasp* Thank you for your generosity my lord, and I'll go get the meal for you immediately' Neji said, 'Good you are already mid rank chunin level, when you master the bending and the martial art and combine it with gentle fist you will reach elite jounin immediately, and remember no one must see you when you get the meal or when you deliver it, I'll meet you in the valley of the end by midnight. 'Understood, my lord' Neji said as he started packing up to complete his mission.

Neji completed the task but he returned with burnt skin, a hole in his chest and an almost severed head, he was surprised how he didn't die yet, when he got to Naruto he put the scroll on a large rock and and summoned the two bodies who without a head on the rock, "My lord".

Naruto just nodded to the half dead Neji and picked up one of the bodies and drank the blood which was already cold, when he finished it he pick the second one and sucked it dry to "what about your meal?" naruto asked Neji who just knelt there holding his head to his neck and shoulder.

He brought out a scroll and poof a chunin male body popped out, "Eat it" Naruto commanded, Neji picked up the body and bit it neck, he began to suck the blood, the blood tasted so good, it was like an high class meal that only the daimyo would eat, it was intoxicating like an aged wine, he couldn't get enough of it as he sucked every single drop of blood in the body.

He felt something warm spreading through him, then his neck started to mearge back with his body, the hole in his chest began to close up,his skin regenerated as the burnt part fell off, he also felt a little stronger than before, he looked up at Naruto who was staring at him with red glowing eyes with an subtle smile on his face.

Naruto looked at Neji whose entire eyes had changed to pitch black even extending to some veins besides his eyes, "Get up, and clean your mouth, eat properly next time, We are nobles and immortal Neji, you must always remember this. I'll forgive you this time" Naruto said to neji who immediately got up, his eyes changed to normal when he retracted his fangs "Yes my lord'' Neji said in a clam voice and walked behind Naruto as they faded into the darkness.

The next morning Naruto got up and bought shadow clone ninjutsu from the store, when he got it he became the ninjutsu master immediately as he skiped the fifteen hand seals necessary to summon the shadow clone and used one instead.

"Hey" the clone said to him lazily, "Hey" Naruto said to the clone, they stared at each other for a while till the clone went out to meet the memebers of team seven and their teacher. Naruto summoned five more clones and asked them to practice fuinjutsu that kushina gave him, while he slept on the couch.

Later in the evening all the clones dispelled themselves and the lots of memories and information rushed into his brain, in an just afternoon he learnt a week worth of Fuinjutsu, he also knew that they did a bunch of d-ranked missions today, which finding the legendary missing cat was included.

Sasuke also seemed to want to talk to him about something but because that were busy through out he didn't get a chance to.

Naruto continued doing the same things for the next threes weeks as sasuke also seemed to get impatient about talking to naruto, one day naruto decided that instead of sending a clone he would go to missions he would go himself.

Not long after he got there kakashi asked them to meet him at the Hokage's office and flashed away, since naruto already bought body flicker jutsu from store he used it and quickly caught up with the surprised Kakashi, but Kakashi didn't say anything as he knew his Sensei's son Naruto was mysterious and he would not even tell him if he asked

They reached the Hokage's office, a while later a sweaty and out of breath Sasuke arrived, followed by Sakura five minutes later. Kakashi gave them a few minutes to catch their breath before he knocked on the door to the Hokage's office.

"Come in, ...Haha young ones tell me what can this old man do for you today" Hiruzen said when he saw Team seven and Kakashi. "Sir!" Kakashi said as he bowed, Sakura also copied him, seeing this Sasuke reluctantly did it too, but Naruto just remained standing and wordless.

They've all gotten used to his attitude but they didn't think he would do the same thing to the Hokage. "Haha it's okay, no need to be so stiff, see Naruto is completely comfortable hahaha" Hiruzen quickly said when he saw the tension in the room was building up.

"Yes sir, I've come to request for a c-rank mission" Kakashi said earning the surprise of team seven except Naruto of course, "C-rank mission, Kakashi while I don't doubt your capabilities, are you sure they are ready." Hiruzen said stroking his goatee

"Yes sir" Kakashi nodded firmly, "Very well, if you say so, This old man just happen to have an excort mission and I was about to give a chunin but since you're here, umm, ahh here it is, take this and read the details" Hiruzen said as he searched his drawer for a scroll and gave it to Kakashi.

*Knock* *Knock*

"You can come in" Hiruzen said. A man who seems to be in his fifties came in, he reeked of alcohol as he asked "uhh are this the kids who will excort me?, they don't look strong". He asked observing the but when he gazed fell on Naruto, and Naruto also looked back into his eyes the middle aged man hearts started beating fast as if to tell him he is in danger.