
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs



Kakashi knocked on the door of the office and heard Hiruzen invite him in immediately, as he entered he saw the other three elders of the village, Danzo, Himura, and Koharu sitted on the chair in the office.

He quickly greeted them then turn to Hiruzen and made a slight bow, "Haha, Kakashi forget the formalities and tell this old bones how it went, did you accept them as your disciples" Hiruzen asked, as he wanted Kakashi to be team seven's teacher for various reasons. Kakashi was an elite jounin and he could protest the juinchiriki, He also had a Sharingan and could be a mentor to the young uchiha, plus Kakashi would be teaching his Sensei's son.

Kakashi nodded and began explaining every details of the fight to the Hokage, as he continued to explain the expressions on the Hiruzen and the elders face shifted many times and finally settled at uneasiness.

As he finished, the Hokage went into contemplation for a while and asked Kakashi what he thinks, Kakashi replied by saying "I'm sure if he had more ninjutsu and a little bit of experience this fight would have been in his favor".

"How's his mental health and do you think he would work well in a team? , it's not a surprise that he attempted suicide couple of time already since he was four" Hiruzen asked, as he wanted to know Kakashi's thought on the situation.

Kakashi though for a while and said "From what I've observed although he really wants to die, there seems to be something stopping him, and as for the team, he's simply to strong to fit in as he inherited a pure Uzumaki physique" the elders and the Hokage all nodded subconsciously at Kakashi's word, knowing full well the reason they decided to ignore the call for help from the Uzumaki clan as they were scared of thinking what would happen if the clan becomes their enemy, Kakashi continued and said "From the way he acts, it safe to say he will be an excellent leader, but he doesn't seem to interested in teams as he looks down on the others"

"Good job, make sure you check their affinities tommorow. You're dismissed" Hiruzen said and not wasting a second Kakashi flickered away. After he left the office was gloomy until Danzo spoke and said "Hiruzen that boy is an unstable factor, I will ask you again give me the boy and I'll make him a deadly weapon for Konoha", for the first time Hiruzen was seriously contemplating Danzo's offer.

Hiruzen slowly opened his desk drawer and pulled out a neatly rolled cigarette out, he lit it up, took a puff, sighed and said "Alright, but only after he becomes a chunin officially". Danzo finally seeing a ray of light smiled brightly as he said "Haha, Hiruzen you finally understand", Koharu and Himura also seemed visible happy about Hiruzen decision, Hiruzen just smiled at his Friends antics.


Sasuke was throwing shirukens at targets furiously as he thought about the fight that happened today and knew Naruto has been going easy on him all along, his Sharingan spined widely as he was furious with himself for being weak, angry with the world for being so unfair giving power to someone who doesn't even train half as hard as him


Sasuke fell on his knees as his eye bled an a second tomoe appeared in his eyes, he finally opened the second stage of the Sharingan. He instant tested it and his vision was much more clear as certain information about what he could dowith it immediately came to his mind. He stood up more determined than ever to surpass Naruto then kill Itachi.

Meanwhile in naruto's house, he was just laying on his bed as he noticed that the ninjutsu section was grey, meaning he could not use it yet. Confused he just fell asleep, as he never would say no to a nice long nap.