
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Blood Red


"WHAT!! TELL ME HOW!? ANSWER ME! HOW IS THERE NO SINGLE SHARINGAN" Danzo shouted at the top of his lungs to the root ninjas he sent to retrieve the Sharingans, "Sir when we got there the eyeballs were all crushed and there body was dry as if their blood has been sucked dry", only a person came to mind when Danzo heard that 'The Blood Demon' from that day he became Danzo's mutual enemy. "What about the Uchiha patriarch and his wife own", "Sir we believe that Itachi took their eyes" the root ninja responded. "Damnit, all of this for nothing, Blood demon you'll pay"


The Village was tense as nobody was allowed to go out of their houses because of the massacre, while ninjas were patrolling the streets. All of that heard about the massacre of the Strongest Ninja Clan In the village and they were so scared, that if it could happen to the strongest it could happen to them, while the other clans in konoha who knew the Inside story were fearful of the old fox and his friend.

In an hospital in the village, Sasuke was sitting on his bed as his red eyes with a single tomoe spun widely, he was gritting his teeth muttering "Itachi you bastard just you wait I'll kill you".

"*huff* *huff* *huff*" Breathing heavily, Naruto withstood the pain of evolution through out the night as all his hair fell off, his body reconstructed. Standing up Naruto went towards the mirror and noticed his long hair has become blood red (including his eyelashes and eyebrows) his eye a deeper shade of blue. He could feel the strength in his body, so he quickly called out the status



Name: Uzumaki Naruto (ELISHA)

AGE: 8

RACE: Progenitor (Vampire)



BP : 108


Day walker

Infinite Evolution

Energy absorption




Familiar (new): can summon any animal and become them.. {Bat - Available}, the higher the level the more familiars you get.

{ Congratulations on reaching the Viscont level, CHAKRA has been unlocked}


"High class Viscount huh, My chakra eh, I thought I couldn't use it, I guess I was wrong so this is what it feels like, ohh Familiars emm how should I do it BATS.... no not that, umm imagine" as soon as he imagined he turned to countless little bat and reassembled by the kitchen area. "woooooo haha hahaha this is nice." The rest of the day went by with him getting used to his new strength and familiars.

Early the next morning he went straight to the Hokage's office, *knock* *knock* he knock and waited after a little while the Hokage asked him in, when he entered he immediately rushed towards the desk and said in. panic voice "Lord Hokage, t-tell me why is my hair red, am I finally dying" he had planned that before the Hokage asked him and be suspicious that he would go by him self and act totally ignorant.

"*cough* Naruto relax and tell me what happened" the Hokage said as he was surprised not only by his hair colour but also by Naruto's large chakra capacity. "Yes yes, yesterday I decided to meditate and I could swear it was only for a few seconds but when I checked the time it was already this morning and I felt something warm inside me (no you perverts) but by the time I looked down I saw my hair had become really red.

The Hokage went into deep thought for a moment and answered " Kid you've unlocked your chakra by yourself through meditation and that in it self is genius and the reason you hair is red is due your Uzumaki bloodline although I've never seen it this red before but that just proves you have more potential, so relax there's nothing to worry about." he assured Naruto and ask him to go relax and prepare for the academy.