
Naruto: Freedom

*Disclaimer As you should know I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except my OC. If you have a problem with depression or Suicide do not read Plus I'll never do Harem So don't even ask ತ_ತ "What is FREEDOM, I find freedom in death! So Why not just let me be FREE!" Story about a boy who gets forcefully transmigrated into Naruto even when he just want to die "Why, why *sniff* me s*hic*should I just end it, please please please help, let me just kill you, it'll be better and we'll be free" Standing on the roof of his school as the wind whistles and as if it was encouraging him.

SuckKanyeCock · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Blood demon

~ Send me your location and

Focus on communication now

I just need the

time and place to come thru


sometimes I think about what

you do to me~

Listening to the song he bought from the store with BP, he was climbing a tall tree in the forest behind his house, he got to the top and look down, it was a long way down.He took a deep breath and fell face to the ground from the tree. The anbu in charge was startled bur quickly regained his composure and sprinted, when he caught Naruto he breathed a sigh of relief then dropped him on the ground and said "What the hell do you think you're doing kid?", expecting a reply he stood there in silence but Naruto just walked away with dried leafs rustling under his feet.

"Fucking idiot idiot idiot idiot. AhhH FuVk the anbu just had to ruin my perfect afternoon by interrupting my death" Naruto said while pulling on his hair hard enough for a few strands to fall, he was angry so angry, maybe because he hasn't eaten in 4 day "It about time for my next prey" he thought to himself and the perfect guy came to mind, the fucking goat masked anbu that ruined his fun.

Night time came and Naruto left his house from the front door carrying a candle to draw attention from the anbu, when he reached a place far away from his house he quickly bought a wood with sharp edge from the system and threw it on the floor and falling on the wood as his leg got pierced, he scream loudly and finally pretended to pass out.

The goat anbu took the bait and rushed down to carry Naruto to the hospital, as he carried him on his back he sensed danger but unfortunately he was not fast enough and was bitten, he was paralyzed till every ounce of his blood was sucked dry. He fell on the ground dead.

Naruto leg had healed by the time he finished his meal so he just carried the body and threw it with great force in a random direction, the he rushed home took a bath and sat on his bed he felt great strength this time and energy flowing though him, he opened his status and saw his Strength was already Mid-Baron and he got extra 7BP.

He laid down and slept but he found himself in front of the Kyuubi, it took a second for the Kyuubi to notice him, when it saw him he released his full on killing intent but Naruto didn't have time so he directly exited and went to sleep.

Like that four year passed in a blink and he had eaten more than 580 people, sometimes he even snicked outside konoha to eat the outlaws, the killer even got a page in the bingo book


Name : ?

Alias: Blood Demon

Kills: 607 confirmed

Method of killing: He drains the blood of his victims and leave there dried corpse alone

Confirmed trait: Blood Sucker

Bounty: 300 thousand ryo

Description: null


He became taller than most eight years old and his Strength improved to a low-viscount level (High chunin),he also attempted suicide twice or once a day that the anbus got used to it like it a normal day activity, he succeeded twice but just woke up later in the night hungry. He had not been otside during the day for the four years so people gradually forgot about him.

It was a normal evening when the Hokage came to his house and knocked on the door "Naruto are you home?" the sleepy child opened the door and greeted the Hokage wantonly then asked him in "Naruto why don't you go out anymore?" he has been bothered with the question for a while and decided to just ask him, "Lord Hokage, they are happy because they didn't see me anymore and I'm happy I don't see them anymore it's better like that" Naruto said coldly, he stopped acting like a child 3 years ago and had been showing his cold and depressed personality, since he was sure the Hokage was spying on him with his telescope thingy and he had seen all his suicide attempt so what the point in pretending anymore.

The Hokage thought about what Naruto said and asked him "Naruto do you want to be a Ninja", without even wasting a second he replied lazily "No". Of course the Hokage was baffled and asked him why and Naruto answered "Because it's stressful and also I don't want to be a Ninja", There was an awkward silence for a while then Hiruzen spoke and said "If you become go to the academy I'll remove the anbu gaurds" Over the years Hiruzen figured that Naruto had a way of sensing people around him, he has checked multiple times but Naruto chakra has not been unlocked yet so he believed Naruto was a natural sensor, "Fine" as soon as Naruto said those words the Hokage mood skyrocketed, he then proceeded to giving him his entrance letter and told him to be there the next Week Monday.


( I changed the academy entrance time to 4 years the same as the canon)