
Chapter 031


"The pain...," Itachi said coldly before stabbing Ino through the back, with his blading coming out of her chest. She coughed blood from her mouth as he pulled his katana out of her. Ino fell dead to the ground of the Hokage office.

"STOP!," Naruto cried in terror.

"The misery...," he now went over and slit Hinata's throat with a swift sweep with his katana before the girl fell to her knees holding her bleeding slit throat before she totally fell forward and died.

"STOP IT!," Naruto cried with tears falling down his face.

"Above all," Itachi said coldly before decapitating Shizune. Her body fell backwards as her head fell off. Itachi went over and kicked her head away from him and over to Naruto.

"PLEASE!," Naruto begged as he cried.

"The hate," he went over and gutted Tsunade with the utmost cruelty with her mutilated body, blood and torn organs littering the floor. Naruto screamed in anguish before a gloved fist with brass knuckles collided with his face and silenced him.

"Just a few of the many things my former clan suffered just before I killed them," Itachi said cruelly. Naruto was suffering through Itachi's Tsukuyomi jutsu. It's been what felt like six hours in his mind as the slaughtering of Tsunade, Shizune, Hinata and Ino repeated themselves continuously while the beatings he's been suffering didn't stop nor did his screams for that matter either.

"Naruto," Itachi said, "Now you understand why the clan of Uchiha was feared and reputed to be unmatched. The Sharingan…The Bloodline Limit's true power. I consume a lot of chakra using the Tsukuyomi but it'll be more than enough to cripple you. Still, you have another forty-two hours go."

The mental torturing continued without relent and Itachi showed no signs of showing mercy or stopping what he was doing. Another three hours of cruelty have already gone by in Naruto's mind. Something had to be done and fast!

'Naruto!,' Minato called out.

Father, Naruto called out in his mind weakly. Surprisingly and thankfully, Itachi wasn't able to hear this.

'Listen to me,' Minato said, 'This is all in your mind! None of this is real nor is it actually happening!'

But it hurts so much, Naruto replied back with a hint of fear in his voice, He's so strong! And the pain feels so real!

'Naruto,' Minato stated, 'I taught an Uchiha back in my days and I learned a few things about the Sharingan while training Obito. This genjutsu Itachi is using against you with his bloodline limit is an illusion world created in your mind! Itachi is using and manipulating your mind against you! He's making your mind believe that everything you're seeing, experiencing and all that's happening is real! You must break out of this!'

How can I, Naruto cried with tears running down his face, Itachi is stronger and more experienced than me. I can't beat him! I can't!

'NARUTO,' Minato said sternly with the utmost seriousness, 'That kind of thinking will be your downfall! You worked too hard and came too far now to be taken out by an S-class traitor! You weren't raised and brought up be to a quitter and failure the moment things got unexpectedly harder for you to handle! If you seek to surpass me and Tsunade as you declared to everyone, then FIGHT! Fight as hard as you can with all of your will and spirit! Remember all of the training Tsunade, Jiraiya-sensei and I put you through! You have to be strong Naruto! Not only for yourself but for everyone who'll ever rely and count on you, and the precious people in your life you'll have to protect! Fight and defeat this illusion! I know you can beat him Naruto! You have to believe that because I believe in you! NOW FIGHT!'

In his mind, Naruto struggled to focus his strength into himself while undergoing the mental abuse from Itachi. After a while Naruto started pulling on the chains that bound him to the cross until they started breaking.

"What," Itachi said in disbelief, "Impossible! There's no way for you to do this!"

"Don't underestimate the power of one's mind," Naruto retorted before completely breaking from from his confinement and off from the cross. When that was done, he materialized a katana and speedily killed the three Itachis in front of him. The remaining Itachi looked on in disbelief. Shizune, Tsunade, Ino and Hinata vanished, leaving only Naruto and Itachi in the Hokage office.

"This can't be possible," Itachi said, "No one can overpower the Tsukuyomi!"

"It's possible if one's mind is strong enough to! And speaking of one's mind, you're trespassing!"

Itachi vanished and reappeared behind Naruto before delivering a solid punch to the back of his head. Naruto fell to the ground but not before another Itachi materialized and kicked him hard out through the wind of the Hokage office and down into the streets. The young eleven-year-old hit the ground hard after dropping the katana that was previously in his hand. Itachi appeared in front of him with his own katana in his hand.

Itachi was about to drive the sword into the boy's head when Naruto rolled to the side avoiding the blade. Picking up his katana, Naruto got back up and took a fighting stance.

"You wish to do combat," Itachi asked.

"Only to kill you," Naruto replied.

"You're a fool to challenge my power!"

Itachi rushed at Naruto who in turned charged at him. Meeting each other, the two of them engaged in a fierce sword combat. Naruto and Itachi exchanged clashes with their katanas as they struggled to gain dominance over the other.

Itachi pulled away and pulled out three shurikens from his pocket before throwing them at Naruto. Speedily Naruto deflected the shurikens only to have a kunai pressed against his back with another Itachi holding it up against him.

"This is pointless Naruto-kun."

"Shut up," Naruto just before Itachi rammed the kunai into his back. Naruto screamed in pain from the blade shoved into back before turning and attempting to deliver a kick to Itachi's face. Seeing the attack coming, Itachi dashed away speedily away from Naruto. Falling to his knees, Naruto struggled to grab and pull the kunai from out of his back. Reaching the kunai, Naruto pulled it out with a scream of pain and some blood escaping his mouth. The pain soon disappeared before he rose off the ground. After wiping the blood from off his mouth, he scanned and looked around for Itachi but found him nowhere in sight.

"Where are you Itachi-teme?! Show your stupid face!"

Naruto's ears twitched upon hearing something making its way to him fast. Turning he hurriedly dashed out of the way as shurikens came raining down on him. Some of these shurikens made contact on his body inflicting additional injuries on him. After dodging the shurikens, he now had to deal with flying kunais being thrown at him from all directions. Like the shurikens, some of the kunais succussfully managed to cut and slash him.





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