
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

SoftCrow · アニメ·コミックス
295 Chs

Chapter 163

In fact, there are other chakra modes similar to Sage Mode in the world of Naruto, such as the Lightning Release Chakra Mode used by the Fourth Raikage, which stands out.

The explosive power and speed of this mode are so great that it can even dodge the attacks of Amaterasu. You can imagine just how terrifying it is.

The Sage Mode is different because it represents a unique way of utilizing natural chakra.

The so-called Sage chakra is a state where one can harness natural energy.

In this state, one can draw upon natural energy to enhance both offense and defense, and also augment physical techniques, ninjutsu range, and sensory abilities.

This represents an all-round, potent boost.

More importantly, natural chakra is infinite, whereas the chakra that can be produced within the human body inherently has a limit.

One is infinite, the other has a clear ceiling, how can they be compared?

However, the load that Sage chakra places on the human body has a limit, which depends on how much power the individual's body can handle.

The effectiveness of Sage Mode also varies, which is blatantly obvious.

If we were to discuss the upper limit of Sage Mode, the first person that comes to Kaito's mind would be the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju.

Following him would be Naruto, then Minato Namikaze who claimed he wasn't proficient in Sage Mode, and the weakest naturally would be Jiraiya.

But even under such a "weak" mode, Jiraiya has become as formidable as if he were a completely different person!

Now he can keep up with Kaito's speed, and the power of his ninjutsu has increased many times over.

Such an all-round boost is truly incredible, and this power made Kaito understand why Uchiha Madara, despite being so strong, was still eager to obtain it.

"Could it be, that the so-called Sage Mode is actually a simplified form of the Six Paths Chakra Mode?"

In Kaito's view, the Six Paths Chakra Mode is essentially a combination of all types of chakra, including the integration of Sage chakra.

However, for beings that reach that level, the power they use is likely replaced by natural chakra instead of regular chakra.

Therefore, those who reach the level of the Six Paths Sage are practically in a state of Sage Mode at all times.

They inherently possess Sage Mode, and with the fusion of various types of chakra, that's how the so-called Six Paths Chakra Mode is formed, right?

"This is becoming more and more intriguing!"

Kaito quickly dodged Jiraiya's attack and swung his blade at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya swiftly dodged and counterattacked while doing so.

He didn't summon the two toads to assist in the battle, perhaps for him, summoning those two toads would mean a life-or-death struggle.

However, that's fine too, it makes it easier for Kaito to explore and discover.

As the battle between Kaito and Jiraiya continued, Kaito gradually figured out many things.

Especially through his constant observation with the Sharingan, he had unearthed many hidden secrets.

"Jiraiya isn't as in tune with Sage chakra as I imagined. If we use Naruto's state as a comparison, where Naruto is 100%, Jiraiya can only be considered around 80-90%," Kaito thought to himself, avoiding a wildly exaggerated Fire Release powered by Sage chakra.

At that moment, Jiraiya had also charged to his side. His hair once again sharpened, and he fiercely stabbed towards Kaito.

"Sage Art: Hair Needle Senbon!"

This time, imbued with natural chakra, his hair had become much longer. The constantly fluttering sharp hair formed a semi-circle as if to completely trap Kaito.

Moreover, the strength of these hairs had increased and obviously, they couldn't be shattered easily!

Kaito didn't dare to be hit by these. With a flick of his shinobi blade in hand, he quickly blocked the incoming hair and immediately leaped backward.

However, Jiraiya wouldn't give Kaito any time to rest. His speed was extremely fast, and before Kaito knew it, he had already jumped above him.

In his hands appeared a huge sphere filled with terrifying Sage chakra.

Rasengan, or more accurately, Sage Art: Massive Rasengan!

This thing was more than ten times larger than a normal Rasengan.

Kaito was completely convinced that if he was hit by this, he would be in serious trouble.

However, it wasn't easy to hit Kaito, even Jiraiya was very clear about this reality!


The massive booming sound was deafening, and the terrifying Rasengan instantly created a deep pit in the ground.

Kaito landed steadily on a tree, the chakra around him was fluctuating wildly. It was obvious that he had used Void Walking to face this attack!

He silently observed the traces left by the Sage Art Rasengan, and finally couldn't help but shake his head lightly.

That's the thing about the Rasengan. While it seems to have average burst power and range, its actual effectiveness and lethality are astonishing.

With this technique, Minato Namikaze and Naruto swept through the ninja world, defeating one strong enemy after another. It wasn't without reason.

"If I use Susanoo to defend against the Sage Art Rasengan, can I block it?" Kaito thought quietly, but soon he noticed another issue.

"Also, Jiraiya's Sage Mode seems to be different from other people's Sage Mode."

Kaito leaped up, he rushed towards Jiraiya while pondering, his shinobi blade once again swung at Jiraiya.

And Jiraiya's reaction speed was also extremely exaggerated. Even though he didn't possess Kaito's perceptiveness,

At this moment, he seemed to be able to 'see' Kaito's movements, and both his brain and body could respond accordingly.

This allowed Kaito to confirm and deduce a lot more, Jiraiya was purely relying on the 'perception' ability enhanced by Sage Mode to fight.

"However, although he has perceptive abilities, his movements still seem a bit slow, and this performance is not as exaggerated as Kabuto's.

Could it be that every Sage Mode from each sanctuary is actually different?"

Kaito clearly remembered, Kabuto's Earth Dragon Hole Sage Art, though it amplified chakra quite drastically, didn't seem to be as comprehensive.

In the original story, the power of the ninjutsu he executed under Sage Mode was incredible, and even after he closed off his own vision, it didn't affect his fighting at all.

From this, it was evident how strong his perception was at the time.

But what surprised Kaito was that Kabuto seemed to have lost his physical prowess at the time.

This aspect was starkly different from Jiraiya's current performance.

Indeed, he was facing two wielders of the Mangekyō Sharingan, but let's not forget that his physical abilities were actually quite strong.

"Can it be interpreted that each so-called sanctuary excels in different types of Sage Arts?"

With a very casual sidestep, Kaito dodged Jiraiya's attack, and then his fist went straight back at him.

At the same time, his ninja blade also stabbed at Jiraiya's chest at an odd angle, and at this moment, Jiraiya fiercely shook his hair.

"Thought Art: Needle Jizo!"

His hair hardened, enveloping his entire body, which forced Kaito to withdraw his punch for fear of striking it.

And his ninja blade made a sound like a metal collision when it hit the hair, one can only imagine how hard this guy's hair actually is!

But Kaito didn't care, he had basically obtained the results he wanted.

Based on Jiraiya, Naruto, Minato Namikaze, and Kabuto, even considering the performance of Chomei and Hashirama Senju as comparisons and summaries.

He indeed discovered some rather interesting things.

Minato Namikaze, Naruto, and Jiraiya, they were all representatives of Myoboku Mountain's Sage Art.

And looking at their performance, it seems like the enhanced aspects are truly 'all-round'.

It could only be said that the Giant Toad, who has lived from a thousand years ago to the present and even interacted with the young Six Paths Sage brothers, was indeed extraordinary.

The Sage Mode it created was perhaps the closest to the 'Six Paths Sage Mode' of the Otsutsuki.

Of course, these creations of the sanctuaries naturally use natural chakra and can be considered representatives of the innate Sage Mode.

Therefore, the 'Sage Mode' created by the three major sanctuaries also has a 'bias', similar to that of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Excluding personal ability, the Sage Art of Mount Myoboku provides a strong physical, ninjutsu and perceptual performance.

And it also shows excellent defense, be it ninjutsu resistance or illusion resistance, both have reached a terrifying strength."

Although Jiraiya has been avoiding Kaito's attacks with ninjutsu or his own speed, he is, more or less, grazed by Kaito's ninja blade.

However, when Kaito's ninja blade charged with Lightning Release chakra strikes him, he still seems vigorous and unaffected, which really amazed Kaito.

"However, it can be basically determined that the three major sanctuaries formulate Sage Mode through their own bias.

Mount Myoboku's Sage Mode is completely based on Otsutsuki Hagoromo's performance, and then strips away the inner chakra of other modes to perfect the Sage Mode.

Although it's standard, without any advantages or disadvantages, it can be considered the most comprehensive and complete Sage Mode.

The Sage Mode of Ryuchi Cave, on the other hand, fully integrates snake traits, perhaps because of the snake's sensitivity to life and its terrifying perceptual ability.

Therefore, in addition to the basic enhancement, the Sage Mode of Ryuchi Cave also enhances its perception and chakra.

However, it seems not as strong in physical jutsu, but at least in this chakra mode, he can make snake-like movements to evade attacks.

And the last one is Shikkotsu Forest, represented by the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju.

His personal strength has already reached the peak, and he inherently possesses terrifying perceptive abilities, which can be seen from the performance of the Second Hokage.

Although there were no more users of Shikkotsu Forest Sage Art later, based on the anime and manga I've seen, I can make some simple judgments.

It seems that his Sage Mode greatly enhances physical vitality to increase agility and defense, and also gives all the techniques he excels in a leap in power.

That is to say, the Sage Mode of Shikkotsu Forest actually removes perception, greatly enhances the body's performance, and increases the power of 'jutsu'."

Thinking of this, Kaito's face turned somewhat strange.

His Mangekyō ability inherently has an ability to enhance jutsu power, and now looking back, he finds that there is something similar in those Sage Arts.

This made Kaito slightly embarrassed, and he also understood why Uchiha Madara was keen on stealing Hashirama Senju's Sage Art.

"Is this the ultimate experience, double the joy?"

While Kaito was contemplating, Jiraiya's offensive became even more fierce, because Jiraiya seemed to be thinking about something while fighting.

This suddenly made him realize something—

"This guy is investigating and studying Sage Mode!"

He is not a fool. After he launched an attack in Sage Mode, Kaito started to dodge continuously relying on his own speed and space-time ninjutsu.

Then when he couldn't evade or wanted to learn more information, he used basic attacks, followed by observation and thinking.

This spectacle made Jiraiya both amused and exasperated, but he had no viable solution.

Kaito had too many hidden capabilities, such as the Raiton jutsu, and this accursed space-time ninjutsu.

While Kaito was observing Jiraiya, Jiraiya was also collecting information on Kaito.

The more he gathered, the more frustrated he became because he found that Kaito's space-time ninjutsu was completely different from his understanding of the Flying Thunder God technique.

The Flying Thunder God at least requires a seal for a successful teleportation.

But with Kaito's space-time ninjutsu, none of that was necessary. It seemed like he could simply teleport wherever he wished!

However, there was a certain problem with this space-time ninjutsu, that is, every activation seemed to cause a strong chakra effect.

It's as if it were telegraphing where he's about to teleport to, giving a clear prediction.

But after all, it's space-time ninjutsu, even if you can predict it, you have to react fast enough to make it useful, otherwise it's of no use.

"This guy, he's too tough. Looking at this, it's no surprise my teacher lost to him. But how does he have so many abilities?"

Jiraiya knew that as the owner of the Mangekyou Sharingan, Kaito would certainly have some special powers, gifted to him by those eyes.

But Kaito had never activated those eyes from the beginning, which made Jiraiya all the more curious.

And what frustrated Jiraiya even more was that, according to records, this little guy could even fly, making him far more troublesome than imagined!


But soon, Jiraiya's face slightly changed, because at this moment Kaito suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

The roaring chakra with terrifying spatial fluctuations made Jiraiya somewhat suffocated. What's even more terrifying was that after this little guy swung a punch, he once again performed his space-time ninjutsu.

The next moment, to Jiraiya's astonishment, everything around him began to collapse.

Even under the Sage Mode, he seemed unable to resist this terrifying power...


"Hm? What's going on?"

In Konoha, many people suddenly felt a vast chakra current rapidly spreading.

And this chakra current was drastically different from the past, as this suffocating power seemed to carry many other unique elements.

An indescribable feeling, but one that caused a deep-seated fear!

They didn't know what exactly had happened. After all, strange things often occurred in Konoha these days.

This situation had numbed them somewhat but also made them more cautious.

After all, no one wanted the Village Hidden in the Leaves to descend into chaos; they were all villagers of Konoha.

However, when they saw the guards and ANBU quickly mobilizing, they felt slightly relieved.

After all, they were also shinobi of Konoha. Although they were worried, they quickly organized and set off towards the scene of the incident.

But their quick recovery didn't mean that others could recover just as fast, especially those in the sensory unit.

"What is... this!"

The shinobi of the sensory unit were beyond merely looking pale now; they were genuinely frightened.

They had thought that in the past couple of years, they had already been subjected to enough shocks.

The destruction caused by Uchiha Kaito alone was enough to send chills down their spines.

They truly couldn't forget the cold, destructive chakra released by Kaito, such power is hard to forget.

They really couldn't understand how one person could release such dark power, and why this power was so strong?

Unfortunately, no one could answer this question for them, but they had firmly remembered the power of Kaito.

And today they realized that they had underestimated this head of the guard unit. This guy could not only release that kind of cold chakra, he also had other powers that sent shivers down their spines!

The intensity of this power may not have reached that of the cold one, but its strangeness was deeply etched in their memories.

They had seen such power before; they had sensed it from the Fourth Hokage.

But while Kaito's power was similar to the Fourth Hokage's, there was a significant difference: Kaito's power was explosive.

This power kept accumulating and then suddenly exploded when it reached a certain point, impossible for anyone to withstand!

"What kind of monster is this guy, and who exactly is he fighting with? That power filled with a natural aura... seems like the Hokage."

Jiraiya had used the Sage Mode, and the nature of his chakra had changed.

Even though this chakra still contained his aura, the sensory unit did not dare to confirm it lightly.

Besides, they really didn't dare to think that way, because Kaito had just taken down a Hokage—even if he didn't do it himself, the Hokage had died because of him.

With this level of battle intensity, could it be that Kaito was going to take down another Hokage?

The sensory unit looked at each other and finally fell silent.

They dared not discuss this issue, nor did they dare to report too much about it.

If there was anyone in Konoha who could still remain relatively calm, it would probably only be Kakashi.

Because he had witnessed Kaito and Jiraiya leaving, and knew that the two were going to spar, he concluded that this was the commotion caused by the two.

Although the commotion was indeed a bit big, Kakashi felt that Kaito, being an intelligent and restrained person, would definitely not do something that is incomprehensible.

Although Kakashi thought so in his mind, he still dutifully led the team to rush over. After all, as a member of the Anbu, he must ascertain the situation first.

"I say, are you alright?"

When the Hidden Leaf Village was in chaos, Kaito looked a little embarrassed as he glanced at Jiraiya, while Jiraiya was somewhat silently looking forward.

In front of them, there was a forest of moderate size. However, at this moment, a vacant arc area appeared in the center of the forest.

This arc looked extremely strange. It smoothed out everything inside it, even the trees were strangely divided.

Jiraiya thought about himself being in the center of the arc, feeling the unparalleled explosion of what should be called spatial power, he really felt like he was finished.

Even though his Sage Mode didn't perform as strongly in terms of perception as he imagined, it was definitely not too weak.

Under such circumstances, the idea of 'certain death' emerged, which could only prove that he might be in big trouble.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Kaito grabbed him and forcibly moved him away from the original location, which helped him avoid the most terrible thing from happening.

"I'm fine.... just...."

Jiraiya raised his head, looking at Kaito with a somewhat complex expression.

"You wouldn't, not know how to use your own technique, would you?"

Kaito's technique really puzzled him. This guy seemed very skilled when using it.

But each time, it came with a strong chakra shock, which made Jiraiya feel very strange, as such vibration could easily expose himself.

This did not conform to the nature of space ninjutsu, as the best way to use space ninjutsu is like the Flying Thunder God technique, to quietly cross the space and then take out the enemy.

But now, it seems he understood. This spatial ninjutsu was not intended to kill a single target at all.

Such chakra vibration was actually accumulating more powerful force, it was a large-scale spatial ninjutsu meant to shatter an entire group of enemies!

"An inherently aggressive spatial ninjutsu, this really is..."

This really was beyond Jiraiya's imagination, but he found this technique truly terrifying!

Kaito's purpose of fighting him was to understand and study Sage Mode, which Jiraiya knew as soon as he used the Sage Mode.

And wasn't he also studying Kaito? In this research, he discovered that Kaito really brought him a huge surprise.

One could even say, this completely expanded his narrow understanding of spatial ninjutsu, only now did he realize that spatial ninjutsu could also be used in this way!

However, such a discovery also made him realize one thing, that is, it seemed that Kaito didn't have a clear understanding of his own technique.

He didn't doubt that Kaito wanted to kill him. If he wanted to, Kaito had plenty of opportunities, and what good would killing him do?

If he wanted him to come back as a puppet, it would be crazy to kill him - even though the Uchiha clan seemed to have this tendency, Kaito definitely was not one of them.

So after much thought, he only had one answer, that is, Kaito seemed to not know what the limit of his technique was, or how powerful it actually was.

Moreover, he might not even know how to use it....


"That's indeed a bit true, I can only say my research wasn't deep enough."

Kaito was made somewhat extremely embarrassed by Jiraiya's statement. How could he not know how to use the technique of Void Walking?

After all, he had been using it for such a long time, and even used it to ambush so many people, it would be really improper to say he didn't know how to use it.

But to say he really knew how to use it completely, Kaito couldn't quite say, after all, Void Walking is a technique with extremely high lethality.

Yet in his hands, it became a simplified version, a Flying Thunder God technique that could travel through space without the need for a barrier, he had never fully utilized the power of Void Walking.

In his understanding, Void Walking required a constant accumulation of usage. Only after accumulating to a certain degree could its power be fully unleashed.

Kaito, due to insufficient chakra, had never been able to accumulate to a high degree.

And when he had more chakra, he didn't need this technique for his attacks, so more often he used it as a transportation ninjutsu.

He had to admit one thing, that he had really used this technique too little in its development, and as a result, he caused a big blunder today.

Kaito, who launched attacks on Jiraiya by directly traversing through space, did not pay too much attention to the infusion of chakra.

After all, for him, the infusion of chakra into this technique did not require much thought; he only needed to infuse it with the minimum amount of chakra required for this technique.

However, just now, when he inadvertently used this technique consecutively, the infused chakra also subconsciously increased.

And the consequence of such an increase was that he inadvertently triggered a relatively high level of explosion of this technique.

It could be said that before, he activated this technique by infusing the minimum chakra needed, using it once required more the next time to ensure the technique's level would not increase.

But now, he infused the chakra into a higher level all at once, instantly elevating the technique to a second or even third stage!

Such a level is fatal. The power of the second to third stage in the game was already not weak, let alone in the real world, it would be even more terrifying.

Kaito really didn't know about this. In the end, he didn't research the techniques he received from the system deeply enough.

Even if the system gave him these techniques and even explained how to practice them, how the chakra changes, he still gave most of the entire change process to Kaito.

But Kaito basically did not try to develop these techniques, perhaps the only one he explored thoroughly was the ultimate of the Alistar.

Since the word "Alistar" underwent a change, Kaito has always been interested and kept a distance from it.

He was a committed love warrior towards himself, treating others seemed like nothing, especially when he was blond.

Therefore, the Alistar's skills attracted high attention when they were in his hands, especially this skill was more effective against ninjas who mainly use genjutsu in their eye techniques.

As a result, during his use, he found that this skill was not just for dispelling genjutsu, resisting genjutsu, and even recovering himself.

It could be used as a super burst, even if it only lasted eight seconds, but how many ninjas could withstand such a burst for eight seconds?

"It seems that I have a lot to learn and supplement, just like this Void Walking.

It seems that besides the first chakra is mandatory, the subsequent chakra input can be raised by myself."

Kaito is a very realistic person, knowing that he has errors and problems, he would never deny it.

Being stubborn is not good, even if he can overthrow the Reanimation Uchiha Madara, whose power is not even a tenth of his original, then he can say 'I don't have a deep impression of you'.

He can't do such a thing, only by admitting his deficiencies can Kaito make more substantial progress.

"It seems you're quite brave, after all, you've reached this level, even if you don't admit it, no one would dare to say anything to you."

Jiraiya slowly stood up, he now felt sore all over, the feeling of directly traversing through space really made him very uncomfortable.

But his perception of Kaito has also improved a lot, this Uchiha is indeed proud, but he also has other qualities that other Uchihas don't have.

"Admitting mistakes and deficiencies indeed requires courage, perhaps some people can't do it, but for me, every mistake and deficiency are the driving forces for me to progress."

Kaito gently shook his head and said with a smile.

"I'm not short of courage, nor am I lacking in conviction. After all, I'm a pragmatist, right is right, and wrong is wrong."

"You're so realistic..."

Jiraiya originally wanted to praise Kaito a bit, but his words reminded him of the radical ideas Kaito had told him before, making him sigh.

"Perhaps being realistic has its advantages, but your thoughts are too far-fetched, our priority is still the three clans."

"The three clans are not a problem, I have already given you suggestions, haven't I? Besides, we have longer-term measures to implement."

Kaito revealed a smile, and Jiraiya's inner guard against him was gradually weakening, which was a good thing for him.

Kaito even wondered whether his approach could be used on girls, but he dismissed the thought.

Because such continuous temptation and pressure always made him feel uncomfortable.

Especially if the girl already has a boyfriend, then he would truly become the actual owner of a 'firm will'.

"What are you guys planning?"

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow and asked directly. As Hokage, his ignorance of these matters truly frustrated him.

"About the welfare issue of the Leaf Ninja, for specific details, you can ask Minister Shikaku. After all, I am just the head of the security department."

Kaito spread his hands with a smile. He could talk about this matter, but there was no need, he didn't want to overstep others' authority.

"But generally speaking, it's a good thing that can bring substantial benefits to all the Leaf ninjas."

"Does it include you guys too?" Jiraiya asked, implying something.

"Of course, it includes us too." Kaito nodded without hesitation: "But we are also Leaf ninjas, don't forget that."

Jiraiya nodded, not bothering to delve into these matters. He only knew that making the clan ninja a big deal was indeed forced by his teacher, and he was just here to take the blame and pay the debts.

But he had no choice to refuse, nor did he have much ability to refuse.

"Well, that's it for today, Lord Hokage."

Kaito stretched lazily, then smiled and said to Jiraiya.

"In fact, I've always known that Lord Hokage has some dissatisfaction in his heart.

But if you look at the problem from another angle, doesn't it mean that as Hokage, you also have time to do what you like?

Like writing novels, or developing some techniques for peeping, after all, your teacher did not do less of this.

But speaking of which, how much money did you give to the publishing house?"

"What do you mean?"

Jiraiya was a bit moved when he heard the words Kaito said earlier, but he was somewhat confused when he heard the last sentence.

However, he reacted quickly and immediately knew that Kaito was mocking his writing skills, which instantly annoyed Jiraiya.

"It's nothing, I just feel that 'Intimate Paradise' is so average, I don't understand why it sells so well."

"You brat, that is a great work, do you understand? Could you write it?"

"What if I can?"

"If you can, then without challenging my bottom line, I can promise you one thing!"

"Is that so, then it's a deal."


Even if Kaito wasn't clear about Jiraiya's bottom line, he could guess.

After all, Jiraiya belongs to those old-school justice ninjas, their hands may be covered in blood, but their hearts are full of justice.

In a very 'chuunibyou' way of saying, that is - they act in the darkness, serve the light, everything is an illusion, and anything is permissible.

It's just like the creed of the assassins, but they are indeed the 'in darkness aiming for light' type.

Kaito didn't really have any demands for Jiraiya, anyway, given his situation, 'falling' was only a matter of time.

And Kaito wouldn't possibly let him reveal anything about Sage Mode, even if Jiraiya knew that Kaito might not be able to learn it.

But every ninja has their own secrets, even if others can't learn, they won't reveal them, especially when Sage Mode is a characteristic of Mount Myoboku.

Jiraiya has an unusually high level of trust in Mount Myoboku, this is something that no one can change, after all, Mount Myoboku has also been good to Jiraiya.

"But it doesn't matter, the Sage Jutsu chakra has imbued my ninjato, I should be able to try and comprehend it when I go back.

And promises are better to be gotten first, although at certain times the least valuable thing is a promise, but at certain times it's worth a fortune."

As for writing adult novels or something, Kaito didn't have any resistance in his heart, after all, he had seen too many things in his previous life.

To put it bluntly, whether it's human or animal, whether it's hand or foot, apart from fencing types, there's nothing he hasn't seen.

To him, Jiraiya's 'Intimate Paradise' was simply pure and innocent, and it was questionable whether it could be considered as an enlightening read in his previous life.

"How about 'Young Kaito'?"

Arriving at the security department office, Kaito started thinking about what he could use to deal with Jiraiya.

The first thing that came to mind was a simple and crude classic, actually, he wanted to go for a rainy night without anything, but he couldn't remember the plot.

However, he quickly felt that the name didn't quite fit. Making himself the protagonist was interesting, but the problem was that Kaito's reputation was bad.

"How about 'Young Hiruzen'? Never mind, let's forget about that old monkey, 'Young Jiraiya' is better than that."

Young Jiraiya isn't a bad idea, after all, Jiraiya's past performance wasn't very satisfactory.

But the problem is, Jiraiya is the Hokage now, isn't it a bit inappropriate for him to arrange it like this?

This matter made Kaito somewhat troubled, he even wondered whether he should simply write 'Day in Konoha', or something like '***'?

"Forget it, let's go with 'Ah Bin', it feels more familiar."

Kaito sighed deeply, then he picked up his pen and started to write seriously, he couldn't care less about the disturbances in the village.

Of course, he knew how much trouble his fight with Jiraiya had caused, after all, he saw a large group of people running over when he came back.

But this matter has nothing to do with him now, he has the Hokage backing him up, so what does he have to worry about?

He wrote very quickly, although he forgot some of the plot, but what he should remember, he still remembers, so he isn't afraid of not being able to write.

Just when he was about to finish writing the first small part, Shisui suddenly ran over.

"Why are you here?" Kaito looked at Shisui curiously, then he put down his pen: "Is there something wrong?"

"It's Kakuzu, he said he wants to meet you." Shisui said somewhat awkwardly.

Seeing Kaito always writing, he thought he was working seriously or something, and his arrival obviously disturbed Kaito.

"Kakuzu?" Kaito was stunned when he heard Kakuzu's name: "I think I know, but I was going to look for him anyway."

Kakuzu was a bit unlucky, it was originally agreed that he would be responsible for task transportation, but then Kaito and his group started the impeachment of the Hokage.

Then he honestly watched Kaito and his group topple Sarutobi Hizashi, and then witnessed Jiraiya becoming the Fifth Hokage.

The time spent during this period was not short, this guy was probably not interested in these things, and he must be impatient now.

With this thought, Kaito simply stood up and said to Shisui: "Let's go, we will go see him, he's been waiting for so long, he should get moving now."

"Yes, he's still obediently waiting in the forest, but I heard he's very resentful." Shisui laughed and said.

While talking, Kaito had already put his hand on Shisui's shoulder, and the next moment, the two of them disappeared from the spot, leaving the office exceptionally quiet.

"Knock, knock, knock."

It's unknown how much time had passed, but suddenly the door to Kaito's office was knocked, but unfortunately, no one opened the door.

This knocking continued for a long time, and eventually, the person knocking seemed somewhat discontent, only then did he gently push the door open.

"Strange, where is he?"

The person who opened the door was Yaneko, holding a large stack of documents, she looked around the office curiously, looking somewhat helpless for a moment.

Obviously, she found that her boss had run off again, which really gave her a headache.

This boss really knows how to slack off even more than she does, doesn't he know how many documents he has to deal with?

"What a jerk."

Yaneko muttered helplessly, she really didn't want to come in at all.

But the documents in her hand had to be reviewed by Kaito, so she had to bring them over.

Feeling helpless, Yaneko, holding a large stack of documents, arrived at the desk, and then she put the documents down directly.

However, what surprised her was that just as she was about to leave, she found a newly written document on the desk.

"Is this a new plan? Is it really okay to just leave it here?"

Yaneko thought to herself, she simply picked up the document and prepared to put it in the cabinet.

Her actions were not overstepping, she had cleaned up for Kaito before, but her movements paused slightly when she glanced over the content.

"A novel, is this guy reading this stuff at work, or is he writing it?"

Yaneko's expression was somewhat strange, then she glanced at the current content.

However, the next moment, her expression became dazed, and a blush appeared on her beautiful face...


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