
Chapter 46: Iruka.

Author Note: Nothing of importance, just enjoy the chapter, and if you have any questions, make sure to comment!

And like always, remember if you want to read up to 13-15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

I'm currently updating the novel 2-8 chapters a day in patreeeeon. On chapter 62 so far, though by the end of today it will be chapter 65-67

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz

Enjoy you sexy bastards.


[Arata Takeshi - POV.]

After Mr. Amano finally managed to convince his daughter that I needed to go, which took him like twenty minutes, we went back to his store where he rang me up for my items. He gave me a discount of 25% off my total, saying it was the family discount, and that if I ever needed anything weapon-related, his doors were open.


With everything I needed checked off my list, I began walking back home. However, just when I was about to leave the trade market, I felt a presence behind me stumble and trip. Instinctively, I sidestepped, avoiding what turned out to be a rather impressive faceplant to the ground.


Turning around, I saw a boy a few years older than me sprawled out on the ground, groaning in embarrassment and pain, maybe more embarrassment than pain. A couple of books and scrolls lay scattered around him, and a kunai had rolled a few feet away. His Konoha headband gleamed in the afternoon sun, identifying him as a fellow genin. I doubted he was a chunin; his chakra didn't seem refined enough for the position.


Suppressing a laugh, I walked over and extended a hand to help him up, a faint smile on my face. "You okay there?"


The boy groaned again before lifting his head, revealing a sheepish expression and a face covered in dirt. "Yeah, just... didn't see that rock there," he muttered, accepting my hand and pulling himself up. He brushed the dirt off his clothes, wincing slightly as he did. "I can't believe I tripped over nothing."


I couldn't help but smirk a little. "Gotta watch where you're going, especially if you're a ninja," I said, my eyes briefly glancing back at his headband. Now that I think about it, he looks… familiar somehow, but I can't put my finger on it.


He nodded, looking a bit embarrassed. "Thanks. I'm Umino Iruka," he introduced himself, extending a hand for a proper handshake as he flashed me a big smile.


Well… it seems today is my day for meeting all the show characters, how fun.


"Arata Takeshi," I replied, shaking his hand firmly. "Where were you headed in such a hurry?"


Iruka scratched the back of his head, looking even more embarrassed. "Just trying to get to the training grounds before it gets too dark. My parents told me I had to be home before dinner. Guess I wasn't paying enough attention."


Parents? I could've sworn Iruka had lost both of his parents in the show. Does that mean I somehow averted that outcome from ever happening? If that's the case, I can't help but wonder just how many things are different now.


"Wait… did you say your name is Arata Takeshi?" Iruka interjected, his eyebrows furrowing together in thought. "As in, the Arata Takeshi that graduated from the academy in just a few months?"


Oh, I'm famous now? "That would be me, yes. I have to say, I didn't know I was famous."


"Are you kidding me?! You are a legend in the academy!" Iruka exclaimed, eyes wide with disbelief and awe. "I mean, everyone talks about how fast you moved through the ranks. It's really inspiring, you know?"


"As flattering as that is, I wasn't the only one to graduate early," I replied, finding his enthusiastic admiration flattering, if not a bit unexpected.


"I know, I know, but the other kid was a clan heir, THE Uchiha clan heir at that," Iruka explained, scratching his cheek absently. "Don't get me wrong, kudos to him for graduating with you. But you're different. You're not from a noble clan or anything; you're a clan-less kid, like most of us, and yet you managed to compete with them and even surpass most of them. It kind of felt like a win for all of us that you did what you did."


Ah, I see, that makes sense.


"Well, I'm glad my accomplishments are being seen as an inspiration for others," I replied, offering him a faint smile. "Having said that, do be careful when you're walking. That was a pretty nasty fall."


Iruka laughed, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess it was. Thanks for not laughing... too much."




Well, today didn't go as I imagined it would. I honestly didn't expect to meet two canon characters one after the other, but I suppose it was bound to happen eventually.


I had to say though, I was kind of happy my presence seemed to have altered some of the bad stuff that should've happened that day, like the death of Iruka's parents, which I am pretty sure were destined to die in the original timeline.


"Did you find everything you were looking for?" Itachi asked as he saw me approach the house, his gaze fixed on the setting sun.


"More than I expected to be honest," I replied, smiling a little. "Apparently, my father knew the blacksmith Shisui recommended me for my restock. In fact… it seems they were very close friends, seeing my dad was the godfather of Mr. Amano's daughter."


Itachi turned to look at me, his eyes widening slightly. "Is that so?" he murmured, a flicker of interest crossing his otherwise normally impassive features.


"Indeed," I nodded, sinking down onto the porch next to him. "Mr. Amano seemed quite surprised to see me, too. He even gave me a permanent discount at his store, 25% off."


"That's quite generous," Itachi remarked, leaning back on his hands and looking up at the sky. "Shisui will get jealous."


Oh, I was counting on that. Seeing he was already here, probably waiting to make an entrance.


"Well, well, well," as if on cue, a familiar voice chimed in as Shisui strolled up the path to the house, a wide grin plastered on his face. "What's this I hear about a discount for my favorite blacksmith?"


"Who knows," I replied, a faint smile on my face. I knew he had heard, so let's play this game, Shisui.


"That's not what I've eavesdropped!" Shisui replied, crossing his arms as he nodded in a prideful manner. "I heard you tell Itachi, distinctly, that you were getting a 25% discount! And as your self-appointed older brother, I have but one thing to say." He paused, using the body flicker to appear in front of me. "Come on, Takeshi, you gotta share the love. Let me in on this discount action! Do you know just how many useless things I could buy with that discount that I would never use!"


"Oh, that? Not a chance," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "As a part of this team, it is in our best interest that you don't have any disposable income."


"I agree," Itachi nodded, getting a look of hurt betrayal from Shisui.


"Don't be mean, don't do this to your extremely attractive brother!" Shisui replied, pretending to be on the verge of tears. "Let me make terrible economic decisions, so that you can learn from them! That is my duty as your older brother!"


I rolled my eyes. "You're not getting my discount, Shisui. Nice try, though."


Shisui put on his best puppy-dog eyes, leaning in closer. "Please, Takeshi? Pretty please? With a kunai on top?"


"That only works for Mito," I replied, rolling my eyes at him.


Itachi watched the exchange with mild amusement. "You know, Takeshi, maybe you should ask Mr. Amano to charge Shisui extra."


"Extra?" Shisui gasped, placing a hand over his heart in mock offense. "And I thought you guys loved me!"


"Ehh, love is a strong word," I replied, smiling at him.


"I'm still debating whether or not I consider you my friend," Itachi added, a small smile on his face.


Shisui sighed dramatically, throwing his hands up in defeat. "Fine, fine. But don't come crying to me when you realize I could've shared all the useless stuff I was planning to buy with that discount."


"I think I'll manage," I chuckled. "But thanks for the concern."


Shisui pouted for a moment before breaking into his usual grin. "Well, I'm glad the shopping trip went well, even if it somehow turned you into a heartless monster."


"Yeah, yeah," I said, patting him on the shoulder. "Whatever you say, Shisui."


Itachi shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "You truly are ridiculous, you know that Shisui?"


"Ridiculously smart and handsome, you mean," Shisui corrected, winking at Itachi.


"Sure, let's go with that," I said, rolling my eyes again.


I didn't have many friends, which was understandable, seeing I wasn't exactly a social butterfly, but I was happy with the friends I had. They were special in their own ways, and I wouldn't change them for anything in the world.