
Naruto: Eye System

Mc got transmigrated into the Naruto world with the eye system, follow him on his adventure of becoming the strongest.

SarusakkuKM17 · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

Chapter 1: Introduction!

In the middle of the night,at a simple house near the outskirts of Konoha,We find ourselves watching the protagonist, Sarthak , sleeping in his bed.

In his previous life he was a college student who was an average student,He did not have many friends because he loved watching anime and manga since he was a kid,now you may wonder why that is the case,it is because he is From India in which anime was not popular back then, unlike now, but the constant isolation made him a loner.

His only true friend who would not leave him alone at any times, besides his parents,Was Anime.You could say that he only had his parents and anime as important part of his life.Hell he also read fanfiction and watched T.V Shows like Madan senki,so much so that he even forgot to study sometimes,and gave excuses that he studied but the exam was hard.Life was going like this for him till he was a month away from his graduation and was going to go to a university for BscIt.

But that all changed when he was crossing the street while listening to a fanfic of Jordionio,one of his favourite Fanfiction writers,"Systematic Shinobi",when he saw a truck coming towards him at high speeds and then everything went black.

When he opened his eyes he saw that he was in a room, which was not a hospital that he thought he would be in after that truck hit him,looked like it has been some time since someone cleaned it, and only had a bed,a study table,2 doors,a small kitchen and a cupboard.

"W-where am I!?"{I am a new author please comment if you have to place the ? Mark First or the ! mark first}

Just then a Ding sound was heard and a screen appeared in front of him (Soul fusion complete!)


(Yes host ,welcome to the Naruto World,You have successfully transmigrated and have fully bonded to the "Eye System")

It took 1 hour for sarthak to calm down and understand his situation,then cried for 1 hour in sadness, because he will not be able to see his parents again and wish them to live happily and without any worries,then he walked in the kitchen washed his face and then sat on the study chair and went through the memories of this new life.His Name was Sarusakku Tategami.He was an orphan whose parents died in the kyubi attack and left him alone.he got there inheritance which is decent as they were both jounin's.He was 13 year old and was assigned to the ninja corps as he failed the genin test today.He looked like a young Anos Voldigoad .He sighed then looked at the screen in front of him.{Sarusakku means Sarthak in Japanese}

He had watched many anime and Japanese shows and read many manga and fanfiction to know just what kind of situation he was in,He died,got transmigrated into the Naruto world and ,THANK GOD,has a system called eye system as a Golden finger.

"System,do you have an introduction about yourself?"

He heard a Ding sound and the screen said (Affirmative host!)Then the screen became bigger and new text appeared on it.

(The "Eye System" will help the host to gain strength to survive in this world,It will provide the host to get random eyes unlocked by a gacha spin,which can be issued by using spin pass,which can be obtained by doing Missions assigned to host!)

"YES!" I was excited because the Naruto world is One of the most famous worlds because of its eyes, mainly Sharingan,and to survive in this world you need one of the 2 things,be a genius or have a blood line.

I suppressed my excitement a little and ask anxiously"system do I have a starter pack?"

(Affirmative host,do you want to open it?)and then 2 buttons of yes and no appeared on the screen,to which I tapped yes of course.

(Host received

1.spin pass x1

2. Shots Aizawa's "Erasure eyes")

There was not a lot but it was still good that he had got a spin pass,but the problem was "system Aizawa's eyes only stop people from using their quirks,so how will this help me in a world where there are no quirks?"

(Host the eyes given by the system will be modified and given to the host,you can check and see the description of the eyes in your status.)

I opened my status and a golden screen appeared.

[Name: Sarusakku Tategami.





Chakra control:12(low-genin)

Weapons Mastery:15




Eyes: Erasure eyes

Gacha spin:1]

Looking at my meger stats,I sighed and then clicked on the Erasure eyes,which opened a blue screen.

[Erasure eyes:Can stop a person from using his Chakra for 30 seconds.

Weakness:Need to see the person to activate it,will have a cool down of 1 minute, excessive uses will result in pain in the eyes.]

When I red the description I was happy because these eyes can be Game changer in battle if I caught my enemy off guard.Then I clicked the X button and returned to my status screen,then clicked on the spin pass, which showed a roulette which began to spin.

(Congratulations host,you obtained the "Stockpile eyes")

On my status screen,the eye stat had added the Stockpile eye,which I clicked to read the information.

[Stockpile eye:Can store 3 Attacks of the enemy on the right eye and then release them at once in the form of a 6 pointed energy shuriken which the host can control to use as a weapon or to let it explode after firing it at the enemy.Can store your own chakra in your left eye and use it when needed.

Weakness: Can only create energy shuriken by using the stored chakra of the enemys Attacks, control of the number of shuriken depends upon the mastery of the eyes, Chakra storage of the left eye depends on the hosts stats i.e genin=genin reserve chakra stored,jonin=jonin reserve chakra stored]

I jumped in excitement because the power of these eyes are awesome,I could hardly control myself and rushed to the mirror of my bathroom,then looked at the mirror and thought of activating my eyes.

I saw my eyes change from black to glowing red.I knew this was the Erasure eyes.Then I thought of activating the Stockpile eyes and my eyes changed to look like Ai Hoshino,from an anime I watched,they were purple with a white star on them.

Both eyes photo here.

I then tried to use my left eyes power and felt my chakra being drained and saw the left eye star glowing.I then stoped giving it chakra because I started feeling exhausted.

I deactivated my eyes,then went to my room and slept on my bed while thinking.

"This world is dangerous,I have the system but I should not rely on the system and my eyes and be a one trick pony,I will start training from tomorrow as there are 3 days left before I have to work in doing Missions in the genin corps."while saying that he fall asleep.

This is my first fanfiction,so sorry if it's not to your liking,I will try to become better at writing it as the story goes.please help me with some suggestions for this fanfic and give me ideas for the powers of the MC.

SarusakkuKM17creators' thoughts