
Naruto: Excitatus Didymus

A second chance is more than I could of asked for. Especially when the world is of my favourite anime, I’m the protagonist of said world, and The person who was being rebound was me. I wasn't a good man, nor was I an Evil person I had done stuff that I wasn't proud of, things that will haunt me till The day when I truly die. But I think that the experience will be more valuable now in this world than it ever was in my first life. There is only one problem. This world is sort of different from the Anime/Manga I knew and loved. With the addition of new faces and a few Mysteries, The Ninja world is about to get a lot more hectic. Also please read the Preliminary chapter as it has a statement from me that I would like people to read. Thx :P

RedBerry_Alchemist · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 1

I wasn't meant to die today, and yet... I did.

My body lay there, lifeless and Bloody.

The light and long left my eyes and the giant hole in my chest was leaking with blood.

'How did everything go down hill so fast?' I thought to myself, 'I wasn't even finished with with my plans'

Stuck in a trance, thinking about what had gone wrong, I felt my very soul drift away from the t had once been my body.

It drifted towards my home, an old cottage where I had spent my days reading Manga and hiding from those who would wish to do me harm.

As I drifted through he walls, finally stopping as I floated din the centre of the room, I looked over my Collection of Art, Manga, and Family photos.

I looked towards the North most Wall where the pictures of my family hanged.

My eyes fell to one photo, only one.

it was a special photo, one that had kept me going through all these years.

It was dusty and old, with the image of boy, I older than 13, smiling at the camera as he held a large cardboard sword.

That was my brother Michael.

It was taken at an Anime convention we had both went to before...

Before he died.

When it happened, It was like my world had shattered.

I had loved my brother, more than any other family member.

I would hav skilled for him.

And in the end, I had killed.

He was my right hand man.

My best friend.

The person I would have died for.

But in the end, he died for me.

Taking a bullet that had been fired in a Bank robbery.

A bullet meant for me.

'Michael I guess it was all of nothing, huh?' I thought as the room slowly darkened.

'You died to save me, and now only five years later, I am to die as well... I hadn't even finished all the stuff on that bucket list of ours... I hadn't even found the bastards who killed you' I thought.

'I guess, at least I made the world a better place with my actions... Even if it was all for the selfish motivation of Revenge' I thought happily as the room slowly but surly faded into the Abyss, leaving me in a void of darkness.

My soul, the only thing giving light to this void.




With he darkness surrounding me, I felt a chill run through me.

As if something had passed through me, leaving behind a chill that Seeped into my skin and bones.

But then thinking on that thought, I reworded it.

The chill seeped into my very soul, as if trying to freeze me.

Then suddenly, A voice echoed out of the darkness.

"Such a Peaceful soul... So content with its end.." it said.

'please just leave me be. Unless your here to take me to my brother, even though that probably isn't the case, Fuck off' I said, more to myself than him.

"Oh? a brother? Then if that is your wish, Why make it so easy for you? I could easily just send you

into the Swirl of Reincarnation and have a little fun with you" The voice said evilly.

'If this is what a God is like, then I'd rather just be sent to a Devil, At least then I could make a deal' I thought in retort to the words of the 'God'.

"Who ever said I was a God, I could very well be a Devil, Content with playing with you till you break" He said with a grin in his voice.

'If that is your plan, then we'll be here forever, There isn't anything you can throw at me to have me crack, I've seen far scarier things that you. You wont break me' I thought at the Being.

"Hehehehehehe!!! Oh this is just delightful. You think you'll last against me, I am a being of power you'll never understand, I am at the top of all worlds, I know all and see all, and you think your worthless mortal soul is capable of lasting?"

'Yeah, because I got no time for this bullshit, as I have someone I want to see, and I cant be bothered to play your games, so send me off, or get lost!' I shouted mentally.

"..." The voice was quiet, but not for long as it burst into a fit of boisterous laughter, "Hahahahahaha, Hahahahahahaha! You are the most stubborn soul I've seen in a while... And I think, that if your so determined to see him, I'll allow it, But there are a few conditions"

'What conditions?' I asked.

"Only a few. The first is that I get bored easily, so I want to be able to watch you, but since I'm greedy, I hold the right to issue you a few 'Quests' of sorts. Challenges that you can complete to get rewarded. The Second is that I want to to be able to watch you, as I said before. The third condition is that, if you die before I say so, I get to keep your soul as a plaything forever" he said, describing what the deal was.

'So you want to give me a chance to Isekai, in exchange for watching me live a second life, maybe the possibility of direct my life with a quest, and as stipulation for if I die, you get my soul?' I asked.

"Yes. And I already have the perfect place to send you-"

'why should I take this deal?' I interrupted the echoing Bastard.

"...Because after I'm satisfied,, You'll get to spend eternity in the Paradise of Heaven with your brother... So, will you take the deal?" He asked.

I was silent.

Not sure what to do.

On one hand, I could see him if I endured one more life.

On the other, I didn't want to spend all that time living, Just to possibly die and get tortured for eternity.

'...*Sigh* You know what. Fine, I'll play your game and be reborn. But I want your word that I'll be able to see Michael if I do this' I demanded.

"Then the deal is sealed. I give my word that you'll see your Brother after everything is all said and done. And in return, I will be able to watch your life and be entertained by your struggles... all that is left is that to choose who you'll be reborn as. The 'where' is already chosen, I just need a who" voice said.

'Protagonist' I answrred

"A protagonist?... Lovely! So much dispair and hardship in his life, So many parts I want to change, And as a bonus for you, One of your 'Waifus' is there, so you'll be happy if you can get her" the Devilish being said.

'Before you send me off, can I know what you are?' I asked, as its been really bugging me that I didn't know who or what I was talking to, yet I had literally just signed away my life to him.

"You want to know?" He asked.

'Yes' I answered.

"... I am a Devil, I find souls who need help and I give them what they want in exchange for something, sometimes their soul, Sometimes entertainment. Most of the time is eternal servitude, but they never last long" He explained.

'And your name is?' I inquired.

"I believe the closest thing you'd be able to pronounce is Charles" He answered.

'Well then Charles, I wish you a happy viewing experience' I sai to the devil.

"I will. But if I don't, I have a few ways to spice things up" he said with a devilish grin in his face, "But make sure not to get too comfortable, I wouldn't want to kill you and break our deal" He said with a vicious grin in his voice.

Suddenly, With a flash of silver light and the sound of fingers being clicked, The darkness was replaced by light, and when the light faded away, the darkness returned in full force, blinding me completely with darkness and a lack of any sort of feeling.

'I guess I am not in Kansas anymore' I said to myself, as I floated there for what seemed like an eternity.




It felt like an eternity had passed.

With nothing to stimulate my senses, No light, No sound, Not even a taste, I think I was going to lose my mind pretty soon.

Suddenly, like the entire world flashed into life.

Small dots appeared in the darkness

Some were so small, I wouldn't have noticed them if not for this small trickle at the back of my 'neck' when I looked at them.

But there a few that were closer than others, some even seemed to move.

The closest ones, were the following:

First, was a large bright ball of joy? I did my know how it was joyful, I could just feel it. It was always there, never moving any closer or farther. It was the the one I got the most emotion from.

Second, was the one closest to me. It was small and fragile, and it's 'warmth' that washed over me while I was looking at it comforted me. It made me feel happy, safe, even a little angry that it wasn't closer.

And the third one... It scared me. It felt so angry, with so much rage pulsing through the flame like ball of light. It was bright, brighter than any light around me, and it made me feel scared looking at it. It was hot, I could feel the burning sensation creep over me as I looked at it.

Quickly, I focused on the fragile feeling Warm light, trying to get that creeping feeling off me.

'Not to self, Dont look at the Big Red light" I thought to myself as I started to 'look' around at the other lights, relaxing in the warmth of the Closest light.




As I floated there, in the darkness 'Looking' around at the small dots of light that seemed to move around, some disappearing and then reappearing in a different place, Some coming close enough for me to feel them, to feel the emotions and warmth that washed off of them. I felt something deep within me 'click'.

Almost like something had been unlocked.

Soon after, Something flooded my mind.

It was't pain.

It wasn't heat.

It wasn't any feeling.

It wasn't anything like what I had been feeling from the lights

Just a word, that seemed to explain everything.


That word.

It clicked together everything.

The lights were Chakra.

The spiritual and physical energies of others mixing together.

It explained why some felt so cold and weak, and why some felt warm and strong.

It was the different levels of chakra that people had.

It also explained what the large ball of red rage-filled light was.

That was Kurama.

The Nine-Tailed Fox.

Which meant that the light that often pulsed with joy, was Kushina Uzumaki, My mother.

And I was Naruto Uzumaki.

But, then what was the warm light that sat next to me.

'... It couldnt be a sibling... Right?' the thought of having a sibling... It filled me with a strange feeling.

It was a feeling of trepidation, excitement... Fear.

'Would I loose them too?' I thought, 'would the world take away another sibling from me?'

'...' I sat in silence.

A tightness fills my chest and fill in my heart with rage.

'No. I will not lose another' I thought to myself.

I focused on the warmth that my sibling produced.

The feeling of that warmth as it sunk into me and comforted me.

'I will not let anybody hurt you' I said to them in my head, knowing that they wouldn't hear it, but hoping that they would feel it.




It seemed, that today was the day.

The day I would be born, and lose my Mother.

The same woman who's chakra had kept me sane, with its almost constant joy filled light and warmth.

'If only here was something I could do' I thought.

'... *sigh* there is no use over thinking it' I said to myself, 'Everybody has a time, some are shorter than others... I just wish I could have seen her...' I thought.

Suddenly, the Giant ball of Rage that was Kurama's chakra shook.

It shook the entire darkness, and with the first sound I had ever heard in this life, the Fox cried out with such rage, that if made my very body, the body that had been slowly growing and giving me some sense of feeling, quiver in fear.

I looked to the warm chakra signature of my sibling.

It was shaking slightly, with a small amount of fear leaking into its warmth.

My mothers light, was dimming.

Growing ever smaller, and less joyful by the minutes.

And soon, Pain washed over me, covering me and pushing me against what felt like a wall.

But soon that wall started to give, and my worst fears were confirmed as the feeling of being squeezed on all sides, like I was being squeezed through a tube.

This was it.

The day I would probably have bad dreams about.

October 10.

The day I, and possibly my sibling, would be marked as Jinchuriki, and hated by all.

This was the day Konoha was nearly destroyed.

This was our birthday.

And so the first chapter is out, most likely on the same day as the second.

I hope you enjoyed it, and sorry it was so short.

I’m not good at writing long chapters, as much as I try to pile them up, My mind just seems to be against writing anything that deostn have some sort of cliffhanger or dramatic-sounding end sentences.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I’m having fun writing it.

Thx for reading my story, and I hope you all continue to do so in the future.

RedBerry_Alchemistcreators' thoughts