
Naruto:Eternal Mangekyu Sharingan At The Age Of Eight

Synopsis Transmigrated in naruto , facing the threat of Itachi exterminating the clan, Ryu got the Check-in system in time! Ding~system is activated! [ clan Extermination night Check-in success! ][Receive reward, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan! What? Can I get a reward every time I Check-in in a different place? ! So cool! Hashirama Sage body, Rinnegan, Sage Mode, Kekkei Genkai... , Kekkei Tota..., Kekkei Mora... ========================================= Thiss is MTL ,Not Mine I liked it so I'm uploading it here

Uzumaki_Kushina_21 · アニメ·コミックス
64 Chs

Chapter 20

Shikaku's face went dark.

Do you brat still think you are humorous? ?

Ryu continued: "Don't worry, tell Third-hoKage, I will accept the title of Jonin today, please be prepared."

Shikaku's heart let out a long relaxed breath , Even hurriedly said: "In this case, we are waiting for you in Hokage's Office. I have something urgent. Let me say goodbye."

After that, I didn't wait for Ryu to agree, a Body Flicker Jutsu. He left this place that made him sit on pins and needles.

After witnessing Shikaku's disappearance, Ryu put away his smile and lowered his head to think.

"It seems that Konoha is planning to do something against you."

A teleport from Itachi appeared next to Ryu , and he had heard everything just now.

With Itachi's IQ, it is naturally not difficult to guess that this is the feast at hongmen that Third-Kage put on Ryu .

Ryu touched his nose and responded: "I know, but I don't know what they have prepared this time. Honestly, I can't wait."

From Ryu There is no fear or worry in the words, but there seems to be some expectation.

Because he is very clear about Konoha's various backgrounds, and he is mentally prepared to deal with it.

After listening to Itachi, frowned, he couldn't help but persuade: "Why do you risk this trap, now you are Uchiha's highest battle strength and spiritual support, and also the caretaker of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

"Third-hoKage and Konoha high level expect you to pass so much. They must have prepared a means to defeat you. Why should you risk this trap? If something happens to you, Uchiha and Konoha will fight today. ...."

Ryu extend the hand interrupted Itachi's next words, and smiled and said to Itachi: "Thank you for your concern, Itachi, but the title of Jonin is very important to me, I must get ."

"Furthermore, even if Konoha really has some powerful methods, don't I still have you to help?"

Seeing Ryu's firm attitude, Itachi didn't Fortunately, I could persuade something, I could only sigh: "Well, then you must pay attention to safety."

Ryu nodded, after making some preparations.

Alone, moved towards the Hokage tower.


"Ryu has started to act, go report it to Hokage-sama."

"You stay here to monitor , And pay attention to Uchiha's movements."

"If someone from Uchiha Clan comes out, we must stop them until our plan is completed."

In the dark, one by one The ninja of Konoha kept communicating, and from the moment Ryu came out, they were monitored by the members of Anbu.

The news soon reached Third-hoKage's ears. Third-Kage sat on the Hokage table, still smoking.

He took a deep breath of dry smoke, exhaled bursts of smoke, and said to a tall person sitting next to him in the shadow: "It's really embarrassing to let you come back to deal with such an opponent after a long time without contact. You are here."

The tall guy said with a hearty laugh: "It's okay. Actually, I've been traveling for so long, and I miss the village a lot. I just came back this time."

Third-hoKage nodded, after being silent for a while, he suddenly asked: "Orochimaru...still not found?"

The man in the shadow suddenly lost his voice, he slowly got up, The shadow came out and sighed: "No, I have been looking for his traces, but... he seems to disappear from the face of the earth, without any clues."

This man is tall Tall, wearing a headband with the word "oil" written on it. The white long hair goes all the way to the waist.

There is a red imprint under the eyes, wearing a red coat, wooden clogs on his feet, and armor-like equipment on both hands.

This man is Third Hokage's trump card against Ryu , one of Konoha "Sannin", Jiraiya.

Third-hoKage didn't hear about Orochimaru. He didn't know if he was happy or disappointed. He took a sigh of smoke and said, "If you don't find it, it will be considered dead outside. "

Jiraiya looked melancholy, but soon recovered.

"That little demon named Uchiha Ryu should be coming soon, let me avoid it first, you talk to him, if necessary, I will shoot at any time."

When Jiraiya speaks at the end, his eyes are full of brilliance, like a sword out of its sheath.

Third-hoKage glanced at this dísciple very satisfied, nodded and said: "Okay, thanks for your hard work, wait for my signal to act."

Jiraiya nodded, and then figure flashed, Hid in the dark.

Soon after, there was a knock on the door of "dong dong dong".

"Please come in." Third-hoKage said solemnly.

The door squeaked open, and Ryu walked into Hokage's Office with a chuckle.

"Sandaime, I'm not here late, I hope it doesn't disturb you." Ryu glanced at the half-drinked tea next to him, and said pointedly.

[37. Chapter 37 Toad Sage, Jiraiya!]

But Third-hoKage is also an old man, this time Ryu is in his At home, he made a lot of preparations.

Third-hoKage took a mouthful of dry cigarettes, did not show the slightest panic, and found a reason to deal with it casually: "No interruption, but it's really slow. The tea I prepared for you is cold. ."

Ryu scolded Third-hoKage shameless secretly in her heart. It was obvious that he had just poured this tea for someone else to drink.

It is very likely that Third-hoKage invited to deal with him.

But facing Third-hoKage's pretense, Ryu didn't plan to break him.

I just found a place to sit down, opened the mouth and said: "Sandaime, you should be very clear about my intentions, please give me the registration cards of the Jonin headband and ninja."

Ryu went straight to the subject and asked Sandaime for the Jonin headband.

Third-hoKage neither fast nor slow took a mouthful of dry cigarettes, and said with a smile: "youngster is impatient, I have prepared things for you a long time ago, let's take a look."

With that, Third-hoKage pulled a red cloth away from the table.

On the table lies a silver headband and a ninja registration card exclusively for Ryu .

It records Ryu ninja registration number, date of birth, number of missions, and time to become Jonin, etc.

As long as you get this, then Ryu is the real Konoha Jonin.

Ryu extend the hand intends to take the headband away, but at this time, Third-hoKage extends the hand and stops Ryu .

Ryu frowned and said word by word: "Why, is Konoha planning to not admit it after losing?"

Third-hoKage chuckled lightly, and then shook shaking ones head.

"It's not, but you can understand the meaning of this headband. If you take it away, you will no longer be a member of Uchiha Clan, but a ninja belonging to Konoha."

"Everything needs to be dispatched by Hokage, for the peace of the village, working hard in the dark, for the peace of the village, at the expense of life, are you ready?"

Feelings with me For brain-wash, I sacrificed your sister.

Ryu sneered in her heart, and said perfunctorily: "That is natural, as long as I can do it, it will help Konoha."

This promise is very vague, as far as I can. Where the point is, Ryu has the final say.

Third-hoKage is so old and spicy, he naturally heard Ryu unspoken implication, and he changed his words: "Ryu , I won't go around with you, Naruto, you must return it to us!"

"As long as you agree to this condition, I will give you the headband of Jonin headband. You, Jonin, don't need to listen to any assignments from the village and Hokage. You can also enjoy the benefits and salary of Jonin. Not only that, but I will also give you. Uchiha Clan prepared a generous gift."

"Your clansman is often uncontrollable after opening Sharingan, and it will cause great damage to the **. I believe you have also seen one of Konoha with First-hoKage cells If you agree, I will send this "Wood-Style research results" to Uchiha."

Ryu eyes slightly narrowed.

It deserves to be the Third Hokage who used the life of Neji father in exchange for peace and attacked the inside.

Without a few words, he took Yamato as a bargaining chip. If Nine-Tails was kidnapped several times, Konoha was threatened several times.

I'm afraid that Third Hokage will kill all of you.

"hmph hmph, although the conditions are very attractive, as long as I hand over Naruto, I believe you will destroy Uchiha at any cost. At that time, what is the use of my First-hoKage cells? "" Ryu said, explaining the point.

Third-hoKage laughed and raised his hand solemnly vowed to promise: "I am willing to swear that I will never do anything to Uchiha in my lifetime, and I will never do anything that threatens Uchiha."

Ryu still shook the shaking ones head and said: "Your guarantee is worthless, Sarutobi Hiruzen, you can only guarantee yourself. You cannot change the other two high level decisions of Konoha."

"Once I hand over Naruto, they will prepare to destroy Uchiha, and when you get there, you will stand by and let them attack."

"You always pick yourself up like this It's very clean, and you rarely do dirty work yourself. You are a shrewd Hokage, but your shrewdness has been used in the wrong place, so no matter what conditions you put forward, Sarutobi Hiruzen, I will reject them all."

Ryu voice is firm, reverberating continuously in Hokage's Office.

Third-hoKage's originally smiling face was also a bit ugly at the moment, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

After a while, Third Hokage released his hand first.

He sighed: "In that case, if I haven't said anything before, you can take this Jonin headband away."

After that, Third-hoKage will directly rely on He got out of the chair and looked like he gave up completely.

Ryu eyes slightly narrowed, Third-hoKage gave up so quickly, but made him feel faintly uneasy in his heart, which is not in line with the other party's style of doing things.

However, Ryu boldness of execution stems from superb skill still reached out and picked up the headband.

When Ryu just met the split second of the headband, a lot of suppression symbols flew out of the surrounding ground, and there were still many silk threads on it, which directly wound Ryu .

This kind of talisman can suppress the chakra within the human body, and the effect on Jinchuriki is often the most obvious.

The sharp light in Third-hoKage's eyes shoots out like a sword, with a low shouted: "Start!"

Ryu also reacts very quickly. Although a part of the chakra is suppressed, it still opens instantly Mangekyo.


There was a fierce breaking air, and a tall silhouette appeared in Hokage's Office. He grabbed Ryu head directly with a big hand.

In the palm of his hand, there is also a sign with a seal written on it, which seems to want to seal Ryu .

"Jiraiya, it really is you!"

Ryu eyes flashed, but there is not much surprise in his heart. At this time, Konoha is in no younger generation ready to In the era of take over older generation, expert can be counted on one's fingers.

looked In front of the palm that was constantly enlarged, Ryu decisively opened the infinity, laying a positive space protection around the body.


Jiraiya's palm stopped very close to Ryu , and he couldn't make any progress.

That Sealing Tag, naturally, did not stick to Ryu head.

"Sure enough, it's the same as in the information, but it feels more like a missed encounter. Your Mangekyo Sharingan is really interesting."

Jiraiya did not respond to the raid. Feeling lost, but showing a very interested appearance, even in the fight, he also gives people a frivolous feeling.

Jiraiya jumped and jumped to the side.

With infinite defense, Ryu has time to take off all the suppression talisman from his body, and his gaze towards Third-hoKage has become increasingly cold.

If he hadn't prepared in advance, maybe he would really be overshadowed by the old man like Third-hoKage.

Third-hoKage ignored Ryu eyes and turned to Jiraiya and said, "Then I'll leave it to you here, I'll go outside to take charge of the overall situation."

Jiraiya did not reply. , Just gently nodded, eyes always on Ryu body.

[38.Chapter 38 Ryumei VSJiraiya]

The Third-hoKage figure flashed and appeared on the periphery of the Hokage hall, and immediately appeared beside him. Less Anbu's ninja.

"Third-Hokage, we are all ready, please give your order." The ninja of Anbu said solemnly.

Third-hoKage silently nodded, and then pulled the Hokage robe on his body, revealing the black tight-fitting combat uniform inside.

"Four Violet Flames Formation ――"

With the order of Third-hoKage, the surrounding Anbu ninja burst open, occupying the east, west, and south of the Hokage Hall. , The four corners of the north.

At the same time they pinched the seal art in their hands, and a deep purple chakra rose from them, straight into the sky.

A rectangular parallelepiped barrier with a purple transparent flame is formed. The barrier array is accompanied by a purple flame, which prevents outsiders from entering the barrier. Once it touches the walls of the barrier, it will be burned by the flame.

This was launched by the four Jonins of Konoha, in order to prevent Ryu from escaping, after all, the opponent's speed is too fast.

Ryu looked the purple barrier sink into contemplation rising outside the window, if this happens then, he really can't use the infinity to run out of the Hokage hall directly.

Because infinity can narrow the distance between multiple objects, but it does not penetrate barriers like Obito's blur. It is restricted by barriers.

"It seems that if I want to leave, I have to beat you, Jiraiya." Ryu turned his head and talked directly with Jiraiya.

In fact, even if Third-hoKage does not deploy Four Violet Flames Formation, Ryu will find a way to defeat Jiraiya.

Because the key to Namikaze Minato's Nine-Tails seal is recorded on Jiraiya's body.