
Naruto : Determine Savior From Sinner

| ● Huvnn | One man's evil is another's salvation. "Death to all enemies of heaven". the story is a roller coaster of emotion if you like cold heart Naruto you're going to love this story _____________________________ | ● Huvnn |

Huvnn · アニメ·コミックス
116 Chs

Chapter 54 : Heaven and Earth(2)

Naruto and Kakashi stood in the Hokage's office, their leader sitting at his desk, listening to Kakashi give his report of the C-turned-A-ranked mission to Wave. It wasn't all that surprising to their leader, seeing as he already knew of Gato. And he wasn't really troubled either, seeing as how both Kakashi and Naruto were there, especially the latter.

After his senpai was finished, Sarutobi looked to his Shadow, ready to hear his report. Before he began, Naruto gave the shadows of the room a look that every ANBU captain gave when they wanted others to leave. The two ANBU guards that watched the Hokage didn't even ask their commander before leaving the room. Nezumi-taicho was respected amongst the ANBU, even more so than Inu-taicho, and they all knew that if he gave them an order, it had the full weight of the Hokage behind it.

Naruto began when they left. "I encountered Yuki Haku, Momochi Zabuza's accomplice, and decided to spare him, for… personal reasons." Kakashi looked at his otouto from the corner of his eye. "Then, after saving Tsunami and Inari from Gato's thugs, I sensed Uchiha Itachi's chakra signature."

Hiruzen took his pipe into his mouth. Before he could raise his hand, Naruto snapped his fingers, lighting it for his jiji from across the room. The Lord Third didn't even act like he noticed it. He just inhaled, like it was something that happened daily. That's how Naruto was with his jiji, they trusted each other with their lives, and there was nothing that could change that. Naruto would die, would fight the Death God himself if it meant saving his leader.

"Continue," the Hokage said.

Naruto obeyed. "With him was Hoshigaki Kisame." There was no need to give his title, not here. The blond knew his commander knew exactly who Kisame was. Naruto never doubted his jiji. "Kisame… challenged me to a game, sort of." He smirked. "The fool thought he had greater chakra than me." His smirk changed into something a little darker. "He directly challenged your Shadow." Hiruzen smirked, already knowing what happened.

"So I let him see half of my true strength."

"I'm never alone," Naruto whispered.

With his Sharingan, Itachi was able to catch a pair of eyes morph from blue to gold, and circular pupils became slitted ones. He was able to catch something he hadn't seen in five years.

Naruto's monstrous smirk… his senpai was awake…

God help them all.

With his superb reaction time, Itachi was able to use one technique. "Tsukuyomi," he whispered.

The sky turned a bloody red. The Sun was replaced by the Moon. Time itself was being manipulated in a way only those with powerful eyes could accomplish.

"So you've been using the eyes Shisui helped you acquire." Naruto sighed. "Have they already begun to weaken?"

Itachi gave a dry smile, something few could claim to have seen since he always wore a stoic mask. "Yes. My sight will completely leave me in a few years, but that should be long enough." He said with a hopeful voice.

"Oh, yeah, about that." Naruto's smirk was one that Itachi always knew brought ridiculousness. "I've decided to take Sasuke under my wing." Itachi hoped he was wrong in where this was going. "He will be my pupil, my right hand." The blond gave off a terrifying aura, the feeling reaching Itachi even in his own world. "His name will carry the same weight as mine by the time I'm done with him." Itachi just stayed silent, knowing his senpai hated being interrupted.

"I know you wished for him to be ignorant, to use his hatred against you to become strong enough to stay safe." He shook his head. "I'm not going to let that happen. He's done staying in the dark. He's done being manipulated, even if it's for his own good. I will turn him into a monster, and together, we will rid Konoha of Danzo."

The Uchiha wanted to argue, to plead for his wishes to be respected, but he knew it was useless, Naruto's words were absolute. "When I think he's ready, he will know the truth. When I think he's ready, we will be rid of Danzo. And at the end of it all, my friend, you will take back your rightful place in Heaven."

Itachi could do nothing but listen to the words of the Kamikage. "As of right now, you're under my command again. You'll be my eyes and ears in the Akatsuki."

Itachi shook his head. "And I don't suppose I have any say so in the matter, do I?"

Naruto smiled, also shaking his head. "Nope, not at all."

Itachi sighed. "Understood."

"Good." Again, Itachi could see Naruto's monstrous smirk. "Now, take this to your leader, and let it be a warning to all of the Akatsuki." The blond took in a deep breath. "This might hurt, Itachi."

Itachi gave him a confused look, not understanding what he meant. That was before the sky of the Tsukuyomi began to crack. "W-what are you doing?" Naruto's eyes closed for a moment, and when they opened seconds later, the eyes he saw in the real world greeted him.

Itachi had never experienced fear like this. There was never a time when he felt sheer terror in his life. But when the ground of his creation began to shake, and the blood red sky began to fall, he was sure that his senpai was not human. He was showing the world Heaven, and he and Kisame were in the center of it.

It should have been impossible, even for the Kamikage, but here he was, breaking out of the Tsukuyomi. The greatest genjutsu the world had ever seen was reduced to nothing by a single fifteen year old.

And that's when he brought the might of a god upon Nami no Kuni.

It only lasted a few seconds, but that was more than enough. When it was over, Naruto couldn't help but smirk at his handiwork. Both Kisame and Itachi, S-rank missing-nin, were out cold, unable to take the pressure that was brought down on them. They were completely incapacitated, and he knew that the Akatsuki would think twice before challenging him.

His work was done here, and now it was time for him to play with a demon.


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