
Naruto: Desperate Survival

A normal person trying his best in the modern world suddenly dies and gets reincarnated in the naruto world. Specifically, in the warring states period. He was a fan of anime, manga and novels but he never thought he would have to survive in one of the worlds. Read and find out how he would affect the world to survive as in the period he was born children are sent to the battlefield. The story will not be fast paced. MC will not become strong really fast. Consider unscheduled uploads as I have got a real life and I am only writing for fun. Notice: I do not own any of naruto characters or anything related to it. This is just a fanfic for fun. The poster as well is ai generated and provisioned from internet. I do not own that as well. All the rights belong to their respective owners. Important: I use capitalisation to show emotions and explain certain situations. Sometime punctuation or exclamation mark (!) could do the same but I do not use it because they can be missed easily while reading. Also, just because people read english does not mean they understand punctuation or people won't understand the situation clearly by it. This is my own style of writing. If capitalised strings appear for inner thought of some character then that depicts a heightened emotion like joy or anger based on the context. If capitalised string appear in a conversation or when a character is speaking then it means they are yelling or shouting due to some emotion like joy, anger, annoyance etc. If you have a problem with this then please do not read. Although, You would be missing out if you are a fan of Naruto. Lastly, as the timeline of the warring states in Naruto is not clear then I am making my up. If you can not stomach it then do not read as well. Although, as I said, you would be missing out. Bye.

HiddenInPlainSight · アニメ&漫画
41 Chs

Infiltration - 5

Diamyo: Based on all of this information, I can not allow Hikari to plunge the land of fire into continuous wars for decades, may be even a century.

Sasuke: I never thought you would be a saint. Now, tell me this plan of yours.

Diamyo: I think you know that I won another territory 3 years ago. So the size of current territory is almost twice. In the new land that I acquired, there are 2 veins of special metals. One is gold and another is chakra metal. I think you know that both of these are quite expensive and important.

Sasuke: I know, so what do you plan to do with that?

Diamyo: I plan to release this information to all of her enemies.

Sasuke: YOU WHAT? are you crazy? you will create a complicated situation. Hikari would probably won't allow that so a war will happen. Do you have any idea how intense the war could get for these resources?

Diamyo: I know, but this will result in all the diamyos to attack this territory. Many who are Hikari's enemies, won't want her to have these. Constant wars need money and shinobis like weapons made of chakra metal. So, If you have these resources then essentially, you can hire more shinobis and the shinobis would be more loyal. Because the shinobi clans would want to increase their power and getting weapon made out of chakra metal would insure that. Hikari would have to face intense war here and in the centre. The wars in the centre would become more intense and the war here, would probably be the same or even more. This will create a situation where Hikari alone could end up facing multiple opponents. Even she does not have resources to fight all of her opponents at the same time. She might not survive or even if she does, she would definitely lose a large chunk of her territories and many of her shinobis.

[Sasuke-inner-thought: DAMN! This old man is gonna create a situation from which even Hikari might not come out alive.]

Sasuke: Does that mean you....

Diamyo: Yes, I plan to accept my death in the coming days. That is why, you need to take Hayami and leave. I will have a shinobi impersonate her so that Hikari does not get suspicious. I have everything ready.

Sasuke: How are you gonna get this information to her enemies?

Diamyo: I am using merchants. By now, her enemies will be receiving this information and given that Hikari is in the territory right now, this will give the information more credibility. Even though they don't know where the veins are.

Sasuke: So they will have no choice but to take action and they don't know where the veins are. Tell me is this a scam or the veins do exist?

Diamyo: The veins do exist but where, well I made sure that I am the only living person who knows that. So tell me now, are you accepting my mission?

Sasuke: Sorry No, after listening to you the situation has changed. I have decided to assassinate Hikari by any means necessary.

Diamyo: ARE YOU A FOOL? didn't I tell you that it is close to impossible for you to succeed.

Sasuke: You let me worry about that, now take a long nap.

Katsuki's face appeared from Sasuke's clothes and she attacked with her tongue. Her tongue stretched and hit the diamyo in his neck in less than a second. The diamyo held the place where the tongue touched his skin and his head started spinning.

Diamyo: YOU! WHY?

Sasuke: Don't worry, you won't die. I have asked my toad to put you to sleep for 3 weeks. I will take care of Hikari.

The diamyo then fell on the floor.


Nobody came.

Sasuke: Fuck, looks like they really did left us alone. I have to go and call someone.

Sasuke then left the room and shouted all around the castle to gather attention. Servants came and they put the diamyo in his bed. Physician also came to check and both Hikari and Hayami also came.


Physician was checking the diamyo.

Sasuke: He was talking about what happened last night. Then he clutched his chest and fell on the floor. I called for anyone but no one came as he asked to leave us alone. I then ran outside and called for everyone I could find.

Hikari: I see. Guards, arrest this man. Until he is cleared of suspicion, take him to dungeon.

[Sasuke-inner-thought: WHAT THE FUCK?]


Hikari: This man was alone when this happened, we need to arrest him and investigate.


Ryuga came in, he wasn't there when everybody gathered. Hikari turned towards him.

Hikari: Tell me, is my suspicion true?

Ryuga: No, the food had no poison.

Hikari: Hmm, I for sure thought he was the culprit. Check my grandfather please.



Hikari's shinobis took control, they arrested both Sasuke and Hayami and dragged them to the dungeon. Her shinobis also took control of the castle.

Hikari: Now physician, tell me what have you found out.

Physician: That....

Hikari: Don't lie, If I caught you lying then you would die.

Physician: Sigh, the diamyo-sama was already poisoned for quite some time. I couldn't cure him but I was able to slow down the poison. I think that the poison somehow sent him in coma.


Physician: Several months, he asked me to keep it a secret. He knows there is a spy in the castle and he wanted to find out who. I don't know whether he succeeded or not.

Hikari: Ryuga?

Ryuga moved closer to the lying diamyo. He raised his hand, and snake came out of his sleeve. The snake moved closer to the diamyo's skin and licked with its tongue. It hissed back at Ryuga. Ryuga was a snake summoner and he had completed his training in Ryuichi Cave. He was well versed in poisons.

Ryuga: He is definitely poisoned. Although, it would take time for me to find out what poison and how to cure him.

Hikari: How long it might take you?

Ryuga: Several days at the very least, a few weeks at best.

Hikari: Please start. I hope because I saved his life then he will consider giving the territory to me.

Hikari then turned towards the other shinobis.

Hikari: Start a castle wide investigation. I want all the spies caught. Also, lock down the castle, no one to leave or enter unless I permit.

Shinobis: Hai!

Then the shinobis disappeared so that they can start their duty.

Hikari: Physician, you are also suspicious. As you could be the one to poison him and no one would know.

Physician: WHAT? but I have been his physician for years.

Hikari: That does not mean that you can't poison him. Arrest him as well and put him in the dungeon until he is cleared of the suspicion as well.

There were some shinobis who were still there for guarding. One moved to arrest the physician and took him to the dungeon.

Hikari: Leave me alone with my grand father for a moment. You as well Ryuga and Akira.

Everyone left as ordered. Once everyone was gone. Hikari took a vase that was near her and smashed it on the ground.

[Hikari-inner-thought: DAMN! this old man created a mess and went into coma. What's more, he named Hayami as his successor before falling to sleep for who knows how long. Thank God, Ryuga is well versed in poison. The problem is that he has ordered for Hayami to be the diamyo in 6 days and Ryuga might take longer to find a cure. The ministers would follow his last order unless I am able to sway them. I need to do some damage control. May be threatening the ministers with their life or family's life could make them favour me.]


Sasuke was in a dungeon cell alone.

[Katsuki Telepathy: So what are you gonna do now?]

[Kaki Telepathy: Let's blow everything up. Kill Hikari and leave.]

[Sasuke-inner-thought: No, I have to stay in the kitchen for my plan to work.]

[Katsuki Telepathy: You are in a cell. How can you return to the kitchen again?]

[Sasuke-inner-thought: Just watch.]

Sasuke got off from the ground on which he was sitting. He went near the cell bars. He made a hand sign.

[Shadow clone jutsu]

A clone appeared outside the cell. Sasuke gave the clone some sealing tags that he was using and he applied a sealing tag on himself again because the one he was using burned away when he created the clone.

Sasuke: You know what to do.

Sasuke Clone: Yeah, I am on it.

The Sasuke clone transformed into a prison guard. He then went away. Sasuke got back and sat down on the ground.

[Sasuke-inner-thought: Now we wait.]

[Katsuki Telepathy: Hey, at least tell us what are you planning.]

[Kaki Telepathy:That's right. I want to know.]

[Sasuke-inner-thought: Just wait, you guys will know if it works. Otherwise, my clone would get found out and all of this was for nothing.]


[2 days Later.]

Hakari hurried to the diamyo's room. She entered and asked Ryuga.

Hikari: What happened?

Ryuga: He went into shock, I tried to save him but even the poison I used to give his heart and organs a kick did not work. I am sorry, but he is dead.

Hikari started shivering. She then took a piece of pottery near her and smashed that. Then she destroyed several other things in the room.

Hikari: DAMN IT!

Ryuga: You don't need to worry. You have the castle under control. You have also made preparations to make the ministers choose you.

Ryuga came near her and put his hands on her shoulder. He was right in front of her and when he looked at her face, he was shocked. There were tears running down her eyes.

Hikari: I...(crying)...I did not wanted him to die. He was my grandfather after all.

[Ryuga-inner-thought: Looks like, I was right about her not having an ice cold heart.]

Hikari: (crying)....start preparing for his funeral.

Akira: Yes, Hikari-sama.

Hikari: What happened with finding the one who poisoned him?

Akira: We caught Hayami's maid. She was the one who sometimes came to give food to the diamyo. She was arrested just half an hour ago after all the investigation.

Hikari: Ryuga, can you please make her talk?

Ryuga: Don't worry. I will.


Ryuga entered the cell of in which the maid was being held. There were 2 shinobis keeping watch in case the maid tried to commit suicide.

Ryuga: Let's begin.

Maid: Yeah, let's begin indeed.

The maid suddenly completed hand signs really fast.

[Water-Style: Snake's Mouth]

The user generates a spinning column of water from air which takes the form of a snake with a gaping jaw. This snake can twist and follow its targets and swallow them. After it has swallowed them, it turns into a river that carries the targets away. It requires a high level of water style to use this jutsu without a body of water around, the maid was actually doing just that.

The snake formed right in front of the maid and really fast, before the shinobis could stop her and attacked them. The water pressure forced them to the bars of the cage and they could do nothing. Even Ryuga couldn't move.

[Lightning-Style: Thunderbolt]

The maid extends both arms, releasing a high discharge through both palms. She increased the power of this technique in combination with the water jutsu. The lightning mixed with water and electrocuted everyone. But Ryuga turned into snakes and the snakes got to the other side of the metal bars before lightning could hit them.

[Maid-inner-thought: The mission is a failure. I need to escape from here.]

She went to the bars and delivered a kick after spinning. The gate broke open. She then got out of her cell and was about to run towards the exit when the snakes gathered together and Ryuga stood before her.

Ryuga: You really thought that was enough to escape from me? You are underestimating me.

[Maid-inner-thought: This guy is not easy to deal with. What to do?]

The maid took out a scroll and smoke appeared. She had a ninja sword in her hands now.

Ryuga: OH! so you are a swords woman, I also like swords. Let me show you mine.

Ryuga opened his mouth and the handle of a sword came out, he grabbed that and drew his sword.

Ryuga: Shall we start?

If you like the story then give me power stones. It helps in motivating me. Also, write a good review and give a good rating as well. I see that many are reading and commenting on the chapters that they like the story but haven't left a good review on the novel itself or a good rating.

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