
Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback

A young man transmigrates into Danzo a few years after the Nine-Tails Incident. The original Danzo was incompetent and never achieved his dream of Hokage, but now with the knowledge of the plot and a simple system as help, let alone Konoha even dominating the whole world is not a problem. And it all starts by throwing the world in another war.

Iamxourtingdeath · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Let us play a game, Terumi Mei (Part 1)

Reappearing directly in front of the Mizukage building, Danzo let out a crazy laugh, instantly drawing the attention of the people present to him.

Of course this includes the Anbu, who are in charge of guarding the Mizukage.

The anbu captain was a bit stunned, because he didn't understand how this guy appeared.

Space-time ninjutsu?

He gave a quick handgesture to his subordinates and they instantly flashed in front of Danzo.

"Capture him."

The anbu captain was sure that Danzo is not from Kirigakure, so he just went straight for the capture.

The bloody style of Kirigakure is almost like a Wallmart-version of Gotham in the Ninja world, which is also one of the reasons why Danzo chose this place for his Joker perfomance.

The hand that was about to grab Danzo's shoulder went straight through his body.

'What the hell just happened?'

That was the last thought of the captain before Danzo took advantage of his confusion, grabbed his neck and broke it with a piercing crack.

The other Anbu quickly reacted and wanted to attack, but every time their tajutsu, ninjutsu and shuriken all just passed through Danzo's body.

And every time an attack fails, this clown-man would kill one of their members with ease.

Originally Danzo wanted to start his performance, but this bloody guys didn't stop attacking him until he strangled about thirty of them to death.

Only then did they converge a bit and backed off with a bit of fear.

There is no way, although they are ruthless, but against an enemy who can't be harmed, but can easily kill them, even they feel fear.

During this time a large number of Kiri-ninjas had heard the commotion here and surrounded him.

Seeing that the situation had finally developed as Danzo had planned, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The fourth Mizukage Yakura was already under the control of Obito during this time and now its under his control, so he had already ordered Yakura to stay put and don't hinder his plans. Otherwise with the combat power of a Three-Tails Jinchuriki his actions may become very troublesome.

With a quick glance, his eyes focused on a young beautiful female ninja with brown hair and green eyes in the crowd.

Danzo let out a crazy laughter and started his performance.

"Heheheh, I originally came to Kirigakure to play a game, but your attacks made me a bit unhappy..."

His eyes became cold and then he held two fingers up.

"So I decided to destroy two granaries as punishment."

One of the Kiri-jonin didn't take him seriously.

"What a joke, you still want to destroy something under our noses?

You killed so many people, I will personally cut you in-"


Before he could finish speaking, two mushroom clouds could be seen in the distance.

Of course the present ninjas knew that there are indeed granaries in that direction and anger filled their hearts.

"You Bastard!"

"I swear I will cut you into pieces!"

One curse after another was thrown at Danzo, who was calmly watching them as if they were the clowns and not him.

Kirigakures geographical location is not good and the yield of grain every years is not even enough that everyone can eat, but now this bastard directly destroyed two storages.

But before they could start attacking, the elder Genji, who was in cold sweat raised his hand to stop them.

Elder Genji is very old, but his prestige and power in the village almost rival the Mizukage, so the ninjas still reluctantly stopped their attacks.

With supressed rage, Genji spoke as calmly as possible.

"Who are you? What are your intentions?"

A big grin appeared on Danzo's face and his clown-makeup made him look absolutely crazy.

"Didn't I say it?

I am here to play a game, but you guys don't seem to welcome outsiders very much.

So what choice do I have?

If I am not welcomed, I can only bring gifts with me.

In this way maybe you can see my sincerity."

Elder Genji hands were already shaking in rage and he roared.

"Is this your gift? Kill more than thirty ninjas and destroy our food?!"

A frown appeared on Danzo's mask face and he looked at the elder strangely.

"Are you an idiot?

How can these small gifts be enough.

I have placed a large number of exploding tags in all strategic food storages, ninjutsu scroll storages and even the Mizukage building.

Please don't underestimate me or I might blow up something in anger."

Then before Genji could answer, Danzo seems to have thought of something interesting and his eyes lit up.

"I wonder if I detonate everything, will you have enough food to survive the coming winter?"

These cold words brought a chill down the spines of the crowd and made stop rashly attacking.

They are ninjas and can indeed find food relatively easily, but what about the civilians?

Winter is already very difficult time for them, if these storages are really destroyed, then they might have massive deathcounts due to hunger in the village.

Although not everyone cares about the life of these ordinary villagers, most of them still do.

'Take him down and don't give him the chance to use these exploding tags.'

This thought went trough Elder Genjis head, before it was mercilessly estinguished by Danzo's next words.

"Oh yes, you don't think I'm alone here right?

If something happens to me, then my dear comrades will deliver the gifts heheheh."

Terumi Mei, who had been observing everything until now, couldn't hold back anymore.

She is one of the ninjas, who take the lifes of the villagers very seriously and the thought of the consequences these explosions may have, made her feel deep fear.

With gritted teeth, she lowered her head and pleaded.

"Please tell us, what you want.

We will do our best to cooperate, but please don't do anything drastic."

Seeing her plead to the enemy, some ninjas were annoyed.

"Are you really Kirigakure ninja? How can we submit to threats?"

"Yeah, he must be bluffing, it's impossible to quietly deploy such a large number of exploding tags without anyone noticing. Just take him down and let me torture him!"

Seeing them make trouble, Elder Genji roared.

"Idiots, don't you know that he came here with Space-Time ninjutsu? For others it may be impossible, but with Space-Time ninjutsu..."

He didn't continue speaking, but everyone understood.

Danzo may indeed be bluffing, but he has shown enough that forces them to believe.

They can't take such a risk because of speculation.

"Hehehe wise decision. Your name is Terumi Mei, right?

I just want to play a game and I want you to play with me.

Please come here."

Terumi Mei took a quick glance at Elder Genji and when she saw that he nodded, she quickly walked towards Danzo.

With a big grin, Danzo continued.

"Good, now that you are here, I will explain the game rules.

I will choose a target from the crowd and then I will countdown from ten. During this time I want you to decide to kill the target or don't.

If you decide to not kill the target, then I will detonate one storage.

So, let me see if the future Mizukage has the awareness to sacrifice one companion for a large number of civilians.


Terumi Mei just looked at the crazily laughing Danzo with a horrified expression.