
Chapter 7: The First Mission

well, the atmosphere was kind, funny in the Hokage office, team 7 was looking at me with a look that was saying what the hell is going,

The Hokage was looking at the broken window while sending an inquisitive look toward Yūgao sensei.

The jonin of team seven was trying to contain his laughter while saying "ah finely someone knows the beauty of using the window as a door "

I saw a tick mark appear on the Hokage face" is that so Kakashi, then you will be the one to pay for the restoration of the window "

There was a fake tear on Kakashi " Hokage sama. You know that I was saving my money for a month now, to buy the next book of icha icha paradise,"

The Hokage glared at him, " I don't care." Then turned his glare to me and said" now Yami tell what is going on "

I took a quick look at Yūgao sensei then replied" well Hokage sama, this is the test sensei gave me, I have to retrieve an information scroll then report to you, "

" Yami, I get that, but why did you break my window" I saw another tick mark appear on his face.


"I didn't have the time because there were two chunin guarding the front entrance," I replied quickly.

I saw him massaging his temple then taking his smoking pipe and stuffed it with tobacco, then said" okay team 7 you are here to take your first mission right "

Kakashi and team 7 nodded then he continued" alright Yūgao, did Yami pass your test "

Yūgao sensei said " yes he passed "

" team zero, and team 7 here is your first mission "

I had a lot of expectations on what kind of mission ninja do, especially with the Hokage serious face while giving us our task.

what I didn't expect was to have a month of my time pulling plants and painting houses, babysitting some ninja's babies, walking the dogs of the Inuzuka clan and cleaning their shit, catching the demon cat Tora for about a couple of times

Well, I got to know more about the other teams, their jonin, and what kind of person they are,

team zero was working on rotation. Every day I take a mission with either team 7, 8, or 10 in the morning,

in the afternoon I train with my sensei, she taught me in the past month about infiltration, tracking, surveillance, interrogation, Kenjutsu, Fūinjutsu, and lastly my favorite, Body Flicker Technique that now I can do without any hand sign,

following every training session, we spar against each other.

in a month's time, nothing much changed in my appearance, except the katana that I am carrying on my back, and now I am going to meet sensei in the training ground after she told me to meet there at 8 in the morning.

as I reached our usual training place I felt someone attacking me from behind, I dodged with Body Flicker Technique and reappeared behind my attacker, while drawing my Katana directly cutting his neck, there was no blood, the body of my attacker just crumbled to the ground so I know it an earth clone, then I heard a clapping sound, I turned to find Yūgao sensei sitting on a tree looking at me

" was that a greeting sensei, if so good morning to you too, " I said while trying to be sarcastic,

she replied while jumping from the tree " good morning Yami, it was just a little test, came here I got something for you" I saw her giving me some kind of paper.

I took the paper then glanced at her with a questioning gaze, I saw her release a sigh then she continued " this is chakra paper, they are used to know a person affinity to one of the Five Elements, based on the paper reaction to one chakra, first, if The paper catch on fire and turned into ash, that a fire affinity, second if it split in half that would be a wind affinity, if it gets wrinkled, that a lightning affinity if the paper turned into dirt and crumbled away then that an earth affinity and lastly if it becomes damp. that a water affinity "

this is the first time I saw her say so much one sentence, and from what she said I just have to channel my chakra to the paper, and that will tell me my affinity

as my chakra touched the paper, I saw that it got wrinkled then split into two, then I heard my sensei say" primary lightning affinity and secondary wind, a good combination but Konoha lacks in lightning and wind jutsu, stay here, I will come back in 15 min" then I saw Yūgao sensei leave the training ground,

after 15 minutes I saw Yūgao sensei with two scrolls coming to where I was resting, then she throws those two scrolls at me and said" this is two c rank jutsu, one for lightning and the other for wind, tomorrow morning report to the Hokage office, we have a mission, be at the time " after that, she left in a swirl of leaves,

I opened the first scroll to find a jutsu named Lightning Release: Lightning Rod, which generating a powerful bolt of electricity that travels through the user body transferring the electricity to the body of the opponent.

the other scroll was the Wind Release: Great Breakthrough, which makes the user breathe wind from their mouth, blowing away whatever is in front of them.

after a whole day of practice, for the Lightning Release: Lightning Rod, I could generate enough electricity to stun someone, and for the Wind Release: Great Breakthrough, I could release enough wind to blow some dust on the opponent well I could use it as an escaping technique.

the next morning on my way to Hokage building, I saw Naruto and team seven marchings toward the village gate while saying something about their first c ranked mission.

when I reached the Hokage building, I saw Yūgao sensei waiting for me at the entrance after I greeted her, she said: " good morning Yami, our mission is to search and eliminate a group of a bandit at the border between the land of fire and the land of rivers "

I said "okay when are we going "

she replied " now " and that, we started marching towards the village gate,

after confirming our reason for leaving the village by the chunin that was stationed at the village gate, we headed south to the lands of rivers, after a day of traveling we finally reached the border, then we took a rest for the night, for the next two days we kept patrolling the border and searching for the bandit but we found nothing, this group of bandit didn't stay in one location and never left a witness,

that until we reached a small nameless town, sensei decided it time to have a good meal,

so we found the only restaurant in town and it sold only ramen. After taking a seat and ordering our meal, I noticed a red dot in my eagle sense about 10 meters behind us.

I looked at sensei who was eating her ramen the whispered to her " behind me, 10 meters "

she looked at me then cast her gaze behind me, there she saw a bearded man with a big scar in his face then replied with a low voice" are you sure"

I replied quickly" look at the men, his face is screaming I am a bandit, just let me follow him"

she nodded then whispered to me " okay follow him if you found anything related to bandits kill everyone, you will find me in the only inn in the town "

I nodded to her then resumed my meal. After about 20 minutes, I saw the bearded men leave the restaurant, I looked at my sensei and said " wish me luck " and followed the bearded men

after about an hour of following him, we reached some kind of abandoned house. After activating my eagle vision I saw that sensei is still following me, I mean she can't leave a fresh little genin alone against the bandits,

I saw five people, one sitting on a tree near the house, two men guarding the door and the other two inside the house

I moved with a Body Flicker Technique and appeared behind the men on the tree, pressed my left hand on his mouth to silence him then flickered my right-hand wrist and thrust the hidden blade in his neck after I made sure that he is dead, I left his body hanging from the tree

I looked at the house then moved with another Body Flicker Technique to the roof, then positioned my self above the two men guarding the door I flickered my two wrists, jumped to the open space between them while opening my hands and thrusting my hidden blades into the two men hearts,

I moved into the only window in the house, then jumped breaking it and just as rolled on the ground and took my kunai to finish the others bandits, I saw Yūgao sensei sitting on a chair with other two men tied up in a corner

I opened my mouth and nearly screamed " how, I mean, I saw you following me, but I never saw you entering the house "
