
Naruto: Conquest

Being killed was one thing I didn’t expect. And being reborn into the world of Naruto wasn’t another thing I expected. Now it wouldn’t have been that much of a problem really, only if I wasn’t reborn during the era of the warring clans. Where a young black man is killed in a robbery gone wrong and reincarnated as the youngest child of the Sarutobi clan head. Forced into a world of violence and bloodshed, he will be forced to fight for his survival at every turn rising above every challenge as he goes.

RelHD · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Training Begins I

Three weeks had passed since the meeting with my father and things truly became busy. My once laidback lifestyle was uprooted and replaced by a demanding training regime alongside a tedious work schedule. Father had graciously failed to mention that I would be getting a tutor alongside my combat instructor, one who was supposed to educate me on all basic matters alongside being a noble.

We had met during the week of my combat instructors recovery.

He was an older man, somewhere in his mid 60's most likely, who was completely bald with a long white Sensei beard. Hitayoshi, as was his name, had came from inner Awai Haru to teach me. Apparently he was a scholar at one of the many libraries that dotted our village. My old man knows how to pick them I suppose.

During my first lesson with Hitayoshi we went over basic politics and etiquette. As a member of the Main branch of the family we have a certain image and standard to uphold. So proper table manners, speaking habits, and even proper ways to sit and sip tea were drilled into my head throughout the first week.

Table manners weren't the only thing I learned though, through my political lessons I was able to glean more information about my possible time period. As it currently goes, Shinobi clans across the lands govern and rule their own territories. They make laws, establish order, and are the first to defend against any incursion from outside forces.

There were also vassal clans, those that were subservient to larger more powerful clans.

As it stood things were really starting to point towards this either being an AU or a completely early point in history. Because there were no mentions of any Daimyo in any land. That meant that unlike in the show where the villages and Shinobi answered to a daimyo of the land, the civilians of this world now answered to us.

Turns out I didn't have to wait long for my answer from before to be answered.

With my physical training starting the week after my studies were cut short as I had to make time for both. Having to make due with the time we had we weren't really able to delve into history lessons much early on. They were more focused on teaching me etiquette and politics considering my position. I may not be the clan heir but I still had some authority and say that I'd gain in the future as the third son.

Heiwa and I were expected to be advisers of some sort, a helping hand if you will, to Masayoshi when he claims his future position. Preparing me for that eventuality was much more imperative I suppose. No matter, I was also learning how to read in this language so I'll head to the library and research on my own time.

The following week after meeting Hitayoshi I met Tenzen, my combat instructor, and began my Shinobi training.

"Breathe in. Calm your mind, and center yourself. Hold that breath for five seconds, then slowly exhale." Coming out in a lazy drawl the voice floated calmly into my ears guiding me through my current exercise making me lock in for a moment.

A cool viscous liquid trailed alongside my veins following an intricate pattern, similar to an in body circuit board. I followed the advice and as I exhaled I felt the liquid flow with my breath, finishing its circuit through my body.

Chakra was truly a wonder, something I never could've imagined in my past life. To me it felt like a thick pool of molasses that sat within my gut that slowly thinned out into a watery like substance as it flowed through my system.

Though it didn't thin out too much, it still felt thick as it circulated. My chakra, as you can tell by now, is pretty dense. It was one of the first things I figured out when my training first started.

When I first started circulating my chakra, a simple practice method taught to children to get them used to feeling and manipulating chakra, I could feel how thick it was as it moved. Intrigued I had asked Tenzen how his chakra felt when he manipulated it and his answer confirmed it for me. To him chakra felt like a pool of water in his gut that would surge like a flowing river when he circulated it.

With that comparison in mind I could only assume that I had dense chakra.

"Again in that same fashion. Breathe in, center yourself. Focus on the pool of chakra in your center, slowly pull out the strands and let them flow through your system."

Taking in another breath I focused on my core and tentatively coaxed out my chakra. Guiding the thick energy through my chakra paths a large exhale left my lips, the breathing exercise I was doing assisted with my focus even speeding up the flow at times.

A smile formed on my face as I felt the energy travel along my pathway through my tenketsu, I may not have been born with a system or any other golden finger but having chakra this thick and powerful so early on is a boon in itself.

If I can recall Tobirama was a good example, dude lifted a finger and flared his chakra and cracked the damn floor they stood on. And not to mention Hashirama who matched him. If my chakra is anything like that I already know my jutsu in the future are gonna pack a serious punch.

I guess surviving that void and reincarnating had some benefits. My soul is old and the fact it survived in a situation like that probably made it stronger, in turn affecting my chakra. Once I get older and my body grows stronger, the Physical to Spirit ratio will balance out more possibly making it even stronger.

That'll be something to look forward to no doubt.

Something small and hot bounced off my forehead causing me to frown, "Stop zoning out and focus brat. Your chakra is starting to leak out, regain control of the flow."

His voice and lazy demeanor grated on my nerves at times. "Stop throwing your cigars at me." I let out a growl of irritation, shooting the young man before me with a scathing glare.

Ignoring my glare the young man pulled out another cigar from the bag beside him and lit it with a flame from his finger tips. "Stop zoning out and pay attention to what you're doing then and I won't have to."

Pausing to take a quick puff he continued, "You have a bad habit of getting consumed in your thoughts. It's all fine and dandy now kid, but once you step foot on that field? Dead."

"It's not that bad of a habit." I mumbled to myself, though he seemed to catch it anyways.

"This is the fourth time today. I'm pretty sure it's a bad habit." Looking away with a grumble I let him have this one. I do tend to zone out a lot which I'm starting to realize. But he didn't have to point it out.

Shaking my head of anymore thoughts I turned back to the task at hand and restarted my chakra circulation. It seemed redundant at first but seeing as to how I've never wielded an energy source before I realized I actually needed this training.

I don't see how those other mc's just jumped into training and figured shit out easily. This shit is difficult as hell to just circulate correctly, my control sucks. At least I have a trainer though, I can take this step by step and grow properly.

Feeling my chakra start to circulate slowly again a small sigh escaped my lips. Baby steps Fumetsu. Baby steps.


(3rd POV)

(Second Training Pavilion)




A cacophony of colliding metal sounded throughout the inner compound, drowning out all noise within its vicinity. Two figures could be seen blurring around the pavilion trading blows at a quick pace.

On the side lines stood a well built man around the height of 6'3 observing the exchange with a calculating look.

He wore a thick black long sleeve top with brown plated arm guards as well as being adorned with a matching pair of black pants and thigh guards accompanied by a pair of geto sandals.

Dark thick locks were held back by a black bandana emblazoned with the Sarutobi symbol. His face was rugged and marred with a backwards y shaped scar that wrapped around his right eye. Graced with a few wrinkles and a scruffy beard that encapsulated his entire lower face he gave off the look of a seasoned veteran. His name was Yosuke Sarutobi.

Stern hazel colored eyes watched the fight going on in front of him, evaluating the skill shown and making small marks in his memory of the mistakes he saw.

Two blurs met in the middle with a resounding clash of blades once more, giving one time to make out the combatants.

The figure on the left was revealed to be a slightly tall young boy, nearly 5'2, around the age of 8 years old. His dark brown unkempt hair stuck to his forehead as the sweat glistened off of his bronze skin.

His face still held a bit of baby fat but was slowly thinning out into a squared jawline through vigorous training.

He was draped in a simple black baggy one piece jump suit with a mesh long sleeve beneath it. Plated shin guards that connected to sandals adorned his feet and a simple red sheath was attached to his hilt.

This was Masayoshi Sarutobi, heir apparent to the Sarutobi clan.

Across from him was a much older boy around the age of 16 standing at about 5'9 wearing the same outfit. His bald head glistened in the sunlight and his grey eyes held a mischievous glint as he effortlessly held the boy back.

"Come on little dog, is that all you got? I'm getting bored over here!"

A vein bulged across Masayoshi's forehead showing his irritation at the remark but he kept his cool and focused, slowly pushing the older boy back. "I'll show you a little dog!" The words erupted from his throat in a low growl as he broke the stale mate with a swift spin kick to the older boys gut.

Yuji took a brief step back from the blow, hiding a grimace from the force behind it, and quickly raised his blade to catch the following strike. Using the momentum of the downward stroke he let Masayoshi's blade slide down his own causing sparks to fly into his face, temporarily blinding the boy, as he moved in close.

Taking advantage of the brief window of opportunity he let his elbow slam into the boys nose sending him reeling back in pain and shock.

Resetting his stance with a sly grin Yuji couldn't help but taunt the lad, "Seems the little dog had some bark to him, but lacked the bite. Would you like to try again?"

Masayoshi's bloody grimace transformed into a snarl in an instant, "You no good-"

"Masayoshi, calm yourself. The point of this exercise is to work on maintaining a calm head in battle. The moment you let your open get to you, you lose. Now go again, one more time."

Under Yosuke's stern gaze and commanding tone Masayoshi quickly reigned his emotions in. His teacher was right, he couldn't let his opponent get to him as it would mean certain death.

Nodding his head at his mentor he gripped his sword and widened his stance, arm reaching back as the katana pointed straight out to his right. (Ghost of Tsushima Wind Stance)

Yuji merely grinned at the boy as he prepared for the next assault.

Without a word Masayoshi burst forward in a show of surprising speed swith a simple diagonal slash at Yuji's mid section to start the bout. A quick parry knocked the boy off balance breaking his building momentum and he was forced to throw up a hasty guard as a Spartan kick slammed into his chest sending him sliding back.

Not giving him a moment to breathe Yuji pressed the advantage following after with a deadly roundhouse that was aimed straight for his jaw. Reacting quickly Yoshi dropped down low barely dodging the kick that could've ended the fight and followed with his own spinning low kick that knocked the older boy off balance.

Hitting the ground with a thud Yuji was quick to roll away as a series of stabs followed after him. With a twirl on his back he kicked out both legs in a powerful helicopter kick that forced Yoshi to back away, giving him some room to breath if only for a moment.

Getting back to his feet Yuji was quick to block another sword strike before pushing back and retaliating with his own. Their fight slowly transforming into an intricate yet deadly waltz of steel as they traded blows at a quickening pace.

The sound of blades colliding grew more frantic as the fight soon reached a new level. Seeing Yoshi overextend a strike Yuji capitalized quickly and got around his guard and let out a quick slash that grazed Yoshi's cheek as said boy was quick to lean away from the blow.

Following with a combination of slashes Yoshi was forced on the back heel as he ducked, weaved and parried the strikes that came his way. The attacks were quick and fierce with each dodge getting slimmer and slimmer. Ducking under another swipe that cut a few strands of hair Yoshi struck out with an elbow that knocked the wind out of Yuji forcing the boy back. He struck out once more with a shoulder check that sent the boy back even more before sending a quick slash at the boys chest.

Yoshi's blade sang a song of death as it glided through the air just barely missing Yuji as the boy stepped back, said boy retaliated with a quick spinning slash of his own with a grin spread across his face, victory surely on his mind.

But to Yuji's surprise Yoshi's reflexes were just a bit sharper than he expected and his eyes widened in shock as the boy bent backwards to an insane degree. The slash flew harmlessly above Yoshi's head, and to that end he wasn't finished either.

Bending backwards into a one-handed handstand Yoshi took the opportunity to kick the still shocked Yuji in the chin as he flipped, dazing said boy causing him to stumble backwards and fall onto his backside.

Moving quickly Yoshi stood over the older boy with his blade positioned over him staring down with unhidden satisfaction, "Yield."

Holding his hands up in defeat Yuji let out a loud exasperated sigh but smiled nonetheless, "Alright alright you win Yoshi, seems the little dog had some bite to him after all eh Yosuke?"

A snort was all the response the young man got from the old veteran as he walked over to the pair. "That was a fine victory Masayoshi. Close but fine nonetheless. You've grown well over these past few years."

Retracting and sheathing his blade in one smooth movement Masayoshi turned to his mentor Yosuke and bowed in respect. "It was all thanks to your teachings master. Without it I don't think I would've gotten this strong."

Nodding his head Yosuke signaled the boy to stand, "You have indeed grown strong. With that being said I have some good news now that you've reached an adequate level."

Masayoshi's head shot up in excitement and anticipation, no doubt understanding the meaning of what was said. "Is it finally time? I'm ready to join my father now!?"

The young boy couldn't help but bounce around in excitement. The reality of being sent to a battlefield lost on his naive mind as he could only think of spending time with his father.

Yosuke though was quick to snap him back into reality, "Calm down boy. You're the heir to a noble clan act like it!" His voice was commanding instantly stopping the boys oncoming tirade. "From what I know we'll be going to the eastern border. Your father is going to be in the north. You already know we're on the brink of war. It may be some time before you see your father. Or home for that matter."

Turning Yosuke signaled both boys to follow him. Yuji and Yoshi both gathered themselves and took off after the older man.

"What should we be expecting?" Yuji asked wanting to get a gist of the situation before they inevitably depart. Yosuke grunted and gave the elder boy a Quick Look, "What I know of so far is that we'll be dealing with the Shimura and their new pets, the Fuma. We'll be moving out with the Kurama clan head and his retinue as support. Any further details we'll find out before we depart."

Yuji was quick to sink into his thoughts after hearing that. It wasn't a lot to go off of now but it was enough to give him a rough idea of what to prepare for. He needed to be ready for anything and everything. Whereas Yosuke was Masayoshi's mentor, Yuji was his personal guard. Selected and trained from a young age to be the clan heirs sword and shield, it was his job to be prepared.

"When do we leave?" Masayoshi's question caught his attention and he looked at Yosuke awaiting his answer. Said man grunted as they stopped before a pair of double doors, "We leave in two weeks. With that being said we'll be taking that time to brush up on your knowledge of both the Shimura and Fuma, as well as the geography of the east. I won't have you two going in blind and being caught unaware."

At this the two boys let out a groan but begrudgingly nodded as the man lead them into a large library. The next two weeks would be surely boring but necessary for what was to come.



I'm back, my fault for not posting in a month, lost motivation to write for a while no cap. But no worries I got it back. I took some time to try and work on my writing some more, wanted to brush up on my fighting scenes so please let me know how that went. I want to focus a lot on world building in the first arc so expect many pov changes besides the MC's as well. Now Drop them stones and a Review 🙌🏾