
Naruto: Conquest

Being killed was one thing I didn’t expect. And being reborn into the world of Naruto wasn’t another thing I expected. Now it wouldn’t have been that much of a problem really, only if I wasn’t reborn during the era of the warring clans. Where a young black man is killed in a robbery gone wrong and reincarnated as the youngest child of the Sarutobi clan head. Forced into a world of violence and bloodshed, he will be forced to fight for his survival at every turn rising above every challenge as he goes.

RelHD · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


The light chirping of the floorboards slightly eased my turbulent mind as I walked towards the unknown. It was a sound I had grown accustomed to over the last four years, reminiscent of the Nightingale floors from ancient Japan.

Four years had passed and within that time frame I had learned a decent amount for my current situation.

A small banner caught my eye as I turned a corner and the symbol it held sent my mind racing again.


I was apart of the Sarutobi clan, as well as being the third child to the clan head.

Fumetsu Sarutobi, the third born to Sozen Sarutobi.

Taking a right a guard walked by making sure to stop and bow before continuing on his way. That was a sight that took some time to get used to honestly. Coming from a modern world I wasn't used to people treating me with such respect, but it certainly gave me a nice feeling.

Considering I was a black man in America in my past world it felt nice being looked at with respect instead of hate.

Besides that I also learned a bit about this home of mine. The Sarutobi clan compound is situated right in the center of a medium sized village, walled off from the populace. From what I learned from the servants, with my many questions, the village in itself named Awai Haru belonged to my clan and was apart of our territory. Essentially like a capital city since our clan is situated here.

It really had me wondering about the political landscape of this land, if there even was one at the time.

Was there a daimyo yet?

Were the clans ruling? Or was it like a Daimyo shogun system going on?

Hell what about the other lands or even the land of iron?

These were questions that burned at the back of my mind, questions that I figured would be answered in due time.

My thoughts came to a halt as I stopped in front of a worn oak door. My knuckles knocked against the door 3 times before pulling back, I stood straight and waited to be let in.

"Come in."

Heeding the call i opened the door and stepped into a large spacious study.

The pelt of a large brown bear turned rug covered the open floor of the room. Along the two walls were shelves filled with scrolls and books containing who knows what, alongside stands that held ceremonial weapons and armour pieces.

Towards the back of the room sat a desk covered in various papers and open scrolls. I let the door close behind me as I made eye contact with the man who sat behind said desk, his amber eyes boring into mine.

It was my father, whom I haven't seen in the past six months. I'm surprised I wasn't informed of his arrival beforehand but seeing as to how he had called for me himself that was probably why. Though for what I can only assume.

The stare off ensued for a short moment longer before a small smile graced his face as he waved his hand, "Have a seat boy." With a gesture towards the chair opposite his.

Taking the offered seat my eyes scanned the room once more before settling back onto my father's figure. He leaned back in his seat regarding me for a moment before speaking, "You're probably wondering why I called for you."

Deciding to refrain from speaking for now I just gave him a slight nod allowing him to continue, "It's regarding your future. It's time for your training to begin."

So that's what he called me here for. Looking back at my memories I recall they did have children fighting in this era, it was quite normal actually. I remember seeing somewhere about Hashirama's little brother getting jumped by a bunch of uchiha or some shit. Not that surprising to hear I'm starting my training this early, I'm actually all for it.

Though I'm wondering, is he going to train me himself? Getting trained by a clan head, no matter what era, had to be beneficial. Leading with that thought I just had to ask it, "Will you be the one to train me?" Curiosity dripping from my words.

"Unfortunately I won't be overseeing your training," a frown instantly spread across my face, "You'll be receiving a personal instructor just like your brothers, one of our elites. He'll be instructing you alongside other things."

So I'll be getting a personal instructor, that's a shame but it can't be helped. Though I do want to know why he can't teach me himself. "Why can't you teach me? Wouldn't it be best especially since you're my father." Best way to learn why is just ask.

I saw his eyes soften a bit like he was reminiscing, the fucks wrong with him? Though he fixed it a second later before answering with a straight face, "We're at war and I'm needed at the front to maintain the fragile peace we have going on. I can't spare the time personally at the moment, but I can spare a few people to train you all in my stead for now."

That's a valid point. That was after all the reason why he was gone for the last six months. From what I could squeeze out of the servants, our clan is currently in a three way war with the Shimura clan and the Inuzuka clan. I wasn't able to get them to tell me why, probably because they didn't know themselves, but seeing as I'm starting my training soon maybe I'll get my new instructor to tell me. I'll have to learn more about that because I could quite possibly be sent out to fight on either of those fronts.

Masayoshi, my eldest brother, is being sent out soon too alongside his instructor. He's now old enough, by this world's standards, to fight on the front lines. It's expected of him actually as the clan heir. I can only hope and pray he makes it back alive, the average life expectancy is extremely low in this time. Especially for children.

Heiwa my second eldest brother is set to follow after in the next two to three years, with me hypothetically going two years after him. As it goes Masayoshi is 8 years old now almost 9, with Heiwa being 6 at the moment and me following at 4. You can now see why I'm worried for them and myself.

Though I should try not worry too much, he did say it was gonna be an elite member of the clan training me. If he was handpicked by my new father then I should be in good hands. I'd need to be if I want to survive this world, not even four years in and I'm already preparing to enter a war, a three way one at that.

Damn, my current situation is really starting to weigh on me now. This is a three way war, I came into this way to gung-ho and hype. Now that I'm taking the time to think, I'm slowly starting to realize I could possibly be in way over my head. I could be fighting a war in four years, at the age of eight. My plans all those years ago are starting to look slightly impossible, I doubt I'd even live long enough to see them through.

I'll have to really take this training serious otherwise I could possibly die. My eyes trailed to my father's face, eyeing the scar that graced the left side of his face. This is real life for me now, not a story or a game.

"-etsu. FUMETSU! Are you even listening to me boy!?"

Jolting upright I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and gave my father my undivided attention, who was leveling me with a smouldering glare with some pressure. It did quite an effective job of cowing me, sheesh this man is lowkey scary even if he's my own father.

"I apologize father, I was lost in thought." Slightly scratching the back of my head I could only lower my gaze for a bit, maintaining eye contact was getting difficult. I need to work on my monologuing before it becomes a problem.

Feeling the pressure lightening up I looked up to see his gaze soften once more. Seriously why does he look at me like that, and not just him but damn near everyone else in this compound.

"Your mother used to do the same thing, seems you inherited more than just her looks but her penchant for getting lost in your thoughts as well." Ah so that's why, it makes sense slightly.

"Do we look that similar?" My question was a genuine one, there are no pictures of her anywhere that I've seen. Not that I'm surprised as I doubt cameras have even been invented yet.

I watched a smile spread across his face, eyes glazing over as he drifted off to a memory of the past I assume, "My son, you're a spitting image of your mother. It's like looking at a younger male version of her."

I see, I had wondered where I got my looks from seeing as to how me and my father share little resemblance. Whereas he had short spiky dark brown hair with amber eyes and a light tan, my features differed. My skin was a deep tan, reminiscent of bronze with long curly black hair and almond shaped light grey eyes.

Understandably I cried when I looked in the mirror, I had effectively been whitewashed. Any hopes of getting my dreads back died the day I found my first mirror.

Quickly snapping myself out of my thoughts once more I paid attention as he reiterated what he told me before.

To make a long story short, I would be meeting my Instructor in a week seeing as how he was still recovering from a minor injury. That was fine with me, gave me some time to mentally prepare myself for what would possibly be the most grueling years of my life. Giving my father a short bow I turned and left his study with a lot on my mind.

I think snack time with Kimiko is needed right now.


(Sozen POV)

With the click of the door a tired sigh finally escaped my lips. Leaning back into the chair I just laid my head back and let my eyes rest for a moment taking in this rare moment of peace. Things have truly been hectic lately and the stress of it all has even started to give me wrinkles. I'm only 25 for fucks sake.

The situation at the northern and eastern borders aren't helping me either. Spending 6 months going back and forth reinforcing and deterring threats gets tiring after a while. Especially in the damn north.

Letting another sigh escape, I leaned back over my desk to start my work. Looking at the various reports littering my desk I could only grumble in frustration.

The territory disputes between us, the Inuzuka, and the Shimura has all but devolved into a war by this point. It was bound to happen eventually, the Inuzuka were growing bolder and bolder each day with that new clan head of theirs. They've been harassing our northern border for months on end and the Shimura, as sly as ever, were quick to use that to move on our eastern borders.

I'm just glad that those mutts are greedy, their new leaders lust for battle and expansion led him to assault the Shimura as well leaving us in a 3-way deadlock.

Another scroll caught my eye and I could only shake my head as more stress started to build up. It was from Yujiro, Masayoshi's instructor and it held his report. Seems like I can't put it off any longer, especially with the tensions rising as they are it's imperative that we show our strength, even if it means sending my first born to battle.

Opening the scroll my eyes slowly read over its contents and my stress gradually melted away, 'Seems my first born is quite exceptional. He may be fine after all.' I couldn't help the small smile that played across my face. 'He has not only my potential, but he's inherited the fire element from me as well. I may just take him with me to the frontlines and finish his training myself.'

It would make sense after all, I have to make sure he's prepared enough to take over as clan head if anything were to happen to me. Setting the scroll down I looked at the second one that lay beside it, it came from Heiwa's instructor Jin. Opening this one and reading it, I couldn't help but let out a smirk.

'He may not be as gifted physically like Masayoshi, but it looks like he made up for it in the mental department.'

Leaning back in my chair I let the smirk turn into a content smile. I can let myself relax for now if only for a bit, the future of the clan seems to be looking bright with those two at the lead. Opening a drawer attached to the desk I pulled out a sake bottle and a saucer, pouring up a bottle I let off a silent toast.

'Let's hope Fumetsu doesn't disappoint.'


An: Double update today, even though it's the same chapters lmao. But I'll be updating 2-3 times a week. Sometimes more if I have the motivation, but again vote and leave some stones y'all. That'll give me more motivation.