
Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

A young boy transmigrated into the Naruto Universe, and to his surprise, he was rather happy about it. On Earth, he was suffering from a terminal disease, so this new life was a significant improvement. However, he quickly realized that the Naruto Universe is a deadly place for someone without powers. Initially, he thought he had no special abilities like the ones he read about in many novels. But he was wrong. He possesses both Senju and Uchiha blood, and he has a powerful brother in the Uchiha clan. Now he faces a dilemma: should he save the Uchiha clan from the impending massacre, potentially altering the entire story? Or should he let events unfold as they did in the original tale, knowing his family will also perish? What will he decide? Hey guys, this is the author. This is the same story I previously wrote, but the original had some issues, like bad grammar and punctuation in the early chapters. I couldn’t correct them without losing valuable comments (I love interacting with you guys ^~^). Someone suggested that I publish this novel in the fanfic section too, so here it is! This novel has a 4.13-star rating, with lower ratings mainly due to grammatical and punctuation errors, which I will try to reduce as much as I can for this version. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section, and I’ll reply as soon as I can. (Please give it a try, just once is enough ^~^)

FirstHokage · アニメ·コミックス
145 Chs

Chapter 148: Backup

"So what do you want to talk about?" Shisui asked.

"Brother, I am going to take a mission tomorrow."

"I don't have a bad memory, Kaida. I remember that you just told me this in the evening."

"Brother, do you remember that time someone was spying on me around two and a half months ago?" Kaida asked.

Shisui became more alert after hearing that and activated his Sharingan to look all around. He even spread his chakra field to sense if someone was spying on them right now, like the last time.

"I don't think someone is here, brother. I am just telling you this because this is the first time I am going out of the village after that incident. So if they want to do something, this will be the perfect time," Kaida said.

"So, you want me to go with you," Shisui asked directly.

"Yes, but no."

"What do you mean?" Shisui asked.

"Brother, if you directly come with me on the mission, those people will not do anything because of you, which may be a good thing for now, but you can't be with me all the time. So I want you to secretly follow me.

So that if there was someone who is planning to attack me, they will do it, and I will be safe since you will be there to protect me."

"That's quite a risky plan you have there. What will happen if I am late?" Shisui asked.

"Brother, I may not be as strong as you are, but I am not some small child anyone can bully. You even agreed that my strength had reached the level of a Jonin, right?"

"Huh, you are right. Fine, I will follow along with your plan, but be alert all the time," Shisui said.

"Sure, brother," Kaida said, and then they went back to their house.

The next day, Kaida woke up, completed his morning routine, and they went to the clan headquarters after eating breakfast.


After selecting some bandit extermination missions which were close to each other, Kaida went to the counter to take those missions.

"So you have finally decided to take C-rank missions, huh," the receptionist said.

"Yes, but I am still going to continue doing those D-rank missions as well; these are just for some change in pace," Kaida said.

"Even though what you are doing is also great for the clan as well, but I will advise you to reduce the number of D-rank missions you are doing. Your reputation is taking a hit due to that."

"What do you mean?" Kaida asked.

"Well, you got a nickname due to completing so many D-rank missions: 'Servant Ninja' and 'Uchiha's dog,'" the receptionist replied.

Kaida thought, 'Since I am from the Uchiha clan now, there is no way some normal civilian will be this brave to come up with such a nickname for me. It must be the work of someone to stop the person who is completing the D-rank missions from the Uchiha, which were assigned to them, so that they will have to pay a fine for not completing those missions. Well, it's not like it affects me in any way.'

"Well, they can call me anything they want, but the amount I am making for just doing D-rank missions is not something a servant will make, and I am not going to lose it just because some jobless person who doesn't have something more productive to do than making fun of someone," Kaida said.

"You have quite a nice attitude, kid," the receptionist said while he was registering new missions in Kaida's name at his register.

"Good, now you are good to go. The deadline for these missions is one week. If you are unable to complete these missions within that time limit, you would have to pay ten times the reward money and will be unable to take any missions for the next one month, okay?" the receptionist said.

"Yes," Kaida said, as he already knew these rules were made so that the loss of innocent lives will be minimal. He nodded and went back to his house to say goodbye.


While Kaida was finally planning on leaving the village, a report was sent to the Root headquarters.

Danzo read the report and said in his grumpy, menacing voice, "Finally, that rat decided to come out of his hole. Send one Jonin and six Chunin after him. Their main priority will be to capture him alive. I want to interrogate him, and if everything is correct, then we can recruit him into our organization as well."

"Yes, sir..." the Root ninja replied.

"Do you have any doubt?" Danzo asked.

"Sir, why are you sending so many ninjas to just capture a Genin? I am sure just two Chunins should be enough for this task," the ninja replied.

"Hahaha, you think that he is just some normal Genin? Then why would I want to recruit him into Root? From the report I got about one of their missions, that boy was able to hold his own against an Iwagakure Jonin in one-on-one combat, and he was without a scratch after the fight.

Even though he was not able to kill that Jonin, just this much is enough to show that he is at least at the level of an elite Chunin, and that too at the age of 9 years.

Though sending a Jonin is really overkill, but I don't want to take any risks this time. Hiruzen is unusually protective about this child. Now go and make sure no one makes any mistakes," Danzo said.

"Yes, sir," that ninja said and vanished from the room.


At Kaida's house, "Be safe. Bye," Hae and Yomi said.

"Bye, aunty. Bye, Yomi," Kaida said and went toward the village gate.

"Bye," Shisui said and followed Kaida.

After moving some distance away, Shisui said, "Kaida, you are sure that this paper will work, right?" Shisui said, taking out a fuinjutsu paper from his storage seal.

"Don't worry, brother. This was made by Sensei himself, and we had already tried it once," Kaida said.

"Fine, make sure to send the signal as soon as things get even a little dangerous," Shisui said.

"Okay, brother," Kaida said, and then used the Body Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu to go towards the direction of his missions, which was near the villages situated near the sea.