
Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

A young boy transmigrated into the Naruto Universe, and to his surprise, he was rather happy about it. On Earth, he was suffering from a terminal disease, so this new life was a significant improvement. However, he quickly realized that the Naruto Universe is a deadly place for someone without powers. Initially, he thought he had no special abilities like the ones he read about in many novels. But he was wrong. He possesses both Senju and Uchiha blood, and he has a powerful brother in the Uchiha clan. Now he faces a dilemma: should he save the Uchiha clan from the impending massacre, potentially altering the entire story? Or should he let events unfold as they did in the original tale, knowing his family will also perish? What will he decide? Hey guys, this is the author. This is the same story I previously wrote, but the original had some issues, like bad grammar and punctuation in the early chapters. I couldn’t correct them without losing valuable comments (I love interacting with you guys ^~^). Someone suggested that I publish this novel in the fanfic section too, so here it is! This novel has a 4.13-star rating, with lower ratings mainly due to grammatical and punctuation errors, which I will try to reduce as much as I can for this version. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section, and I’ll reply as soon as I can. (Please give it a try, just once is enough ^~^)

FirstHokage · アニメ·コミックス
145 Chs

Chapter 147: All ready

"Yeah, that's a good idea..." Hae was saying when

knock knock

"I'll check," Shisui said and went to the door.

"Sir, I am here to deliver these letters," the boy in front of the door said as he presented few letters to Shisui.

"Oh! Thanks, buddy, here," Shisui said as he took the letters and gave the delivery boy a 1000 Ryo bill.

"Thank you, sir," the delivery boy bowed, and then left.

"Mom, the letters you were waiting for are here," Shisui said as he gave those letters to Hae.

Hae took the letters and read them one by one.

"As expected, Lord Third will be unable to attend the ceremony; he is busy, but luckily, many council members are attending the ceremony."

"Mom, how much did you give them?" Shisui asked.

"Not much, just a 100,000 Ryo worth of gifts each; it is quite cheap, you know," Hae replied, smiling.

"I still don't understand why we have to call those people. Can't we do these things normally?" Shisui asked.

"We had invested more than 10 million Ryo in this bathhouse. That is too much to do things normally. Also, we just have to bear them for some minutes with the amount I have spent on their gifts.

I am sure they will leave a few minutes after the inauguration," Hae replied.


"I understand," Shisui said and went back to his seat.

"So, aunt, can we finalize the dates when we are going to open the bathhouse now?" Kaida asked.

"Yes, just give me a second," Hae said and picked up a calendar which was marked at various dates. She once again checked the new letters and marked new dates on the calendar.

"We have two options: either Wednesday or Friday. Which one do you want to choose?" Hae asked all three of them.

"Wednesday," Kaida and Shisui replied, while Yomi also nodded her head.

"Guessed it, then I will start the promotion work now. The bathhouse inauguration ceremony will be on Wednesday, right after 4 days.

So make sure all of you will be at home on that day, okay?" Hae said, especially looking toward Kaida and Shisui.

"Don't worry, Aunt. I am planning to take some small missions around the village only. I should be back within two or three days easily," Kaida said.

"You are going on missions?" Yomi asked.

"Yup, I will tell you later," Kaida said.

"I am not even planning on going on any mission this week, so relax, mom," Shisui said.

"Well, I can't go even if I want to, so you don't have to worry about me either," Yomi said with a smile.

"Good, everyone go and get some rest. We will go out for dinner after some time," Hae said.

"Okay, aunty," Kaida and Yomi said and went towards their room.

"Mom, do you need any help about any council member? I can talk to uncle about that if you want," Shisui said, the thing on his mind which he didn't want to discuss in front of Kaida and Yomi.

"Don't worry, just your and your father's name was enough to remove any wicked plan they might have.

We now have each and every document, and even the patent of this bathhouse, though it is for just six months. But that is enough; in six months, that bathhouse will be well-established, and even if someone wants to copy us, it will be too late," Hae said.

"That's good," Shisui said with a smile.


While going toward their room, Yomi asked, "So when are you going to tell me?"

"I am planning on taking some bandits' extermination missions to train a little," Kaida said.

"You are already training under two senseis who are literally super famous in the village for their expertise, and you think that is not enough?" Yomi asked; this time, there was no jealousy in her voice, just a genuine doubt.

"I didn't mean it that way. The training I meant was something practical, like I learned genjutsu quite well in the past 3 months, but I haven't tried it even once.

As for medical jutsu, there are some jutsu ideas I have which I can't try on patients without actually testing them, as well as I have not been in an actual fight over the past 3 months. That's why I want to take those missions," Kaida said.

"Do you want to use bandits for human experimentation?" Yomi asked with a shocked expression.

"Hey, if you put it that way, people will think I am some evil scientist. I am not doing anything similar to human experimentation, well, maybe a little bit, but those bandits don't even deserve to live, so if there is no loss in using them as test subjects for medical jutsu which may save many lives in the future, right?" Kaida said.

"I also didn't mean it that way. I know you, so who are your team members?" Yomi asked, since she didn't know about these missions until now, she was not part of the team for sure, though a little sad, she still wanted to know who the new team members were.

"Team? I am going on solo missions," Kaida said.

"Are you mad? What are you going to do if something happens during the mission?" Yomi asked angrily.

"Yomi, I am only taking some bandit extermination missions, and that too in areas near the village. There is no way anything is going to happen to me," Kaida said.

"Still, you should not go alone. At least take big brother with you," Yomi said.

Hearing that, Kaida thought, 'This is actually a nice idea, even though Danzo is silent for now, there is no guarantee that he will not take this opportunity to eliminate me, since I was one of the major reasons why his plan had to be stopped.

But taking big brother directly will just be a one-time thing. I can't take big brother with me every time I want to take some missions... but we can do it this way.' Kaida thought, and there was a slight smile on his face.

"What's so funny?" Yomi asked, seeing the smile on Kaida's face.

"Nothing, I was just thinking that it was a great idea. I will ask brother about this," Kaida said.

"So when are you going?" Yomi asked.

"Tomorrow morning," Kaida said.


"Best of luck then," with a kiss on the cheeks, Yomi said this and went toward her room.

'She is getting cuter day by day,' Kaida thought.

After sometime, they went out for dinner, though at that time, Kaida didn't talk to Shisui about his missions. After they ate dinner and were going back to their home, Kaida asked Shisui if he wanted to take a walk.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Shisui asked.