
Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

A young boy transmigrated into the Naruto Universe, and to his surprise, he was rather happy about it. On Earth, he was suffering from a terminal disease, so this new life was a significant improvement. However, he quickly realized that the Naruto Universe is a deadly place for someone without powers. Initially, he thought he had no special abilities like the ones he read about in many novels. But he was wrong. He possesses both Senju and Uchiha blood, and he has a powerful brother in the Uchiha clan. Now he faces a dilemma: should he save the Uchiha clan from the impending massacre, potentially altering the entire story? Or should he let events unfold as they did in the original tale, knowing his family will also perish? What will he decide? Hey guys, this is the author. This is the same story I previously wrote, but the original had some issues, like bad grammar and punctuation in the early chapters. I couldn’t correct them without losing valuable comments (I love interacting with you guys ^~^). Someone suggested that I publish this novel in the fanfic section too, so here it is! This novel has a 4.13-star rating, with lower ratings mainly due to grammatical and punctuation errors, which I will try to reduce as much as I can for this version. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section, and I’ll reply as soon as I can. (Please give it a try, just once is enough ^~^)

FirstHokage · アニメ·コミックス
145 Chs

Chapter 134: Things are getting expensive  

But just having our ninja know that jutsu will increase the Uchiha's power by a huge margin.

Even knowing all that, he can't let Kaida learn fuinjutsu for free. Fuinjutsu is too important for that, so he looked toward Kaida and said,

"You can keep that land; it is your reward. Now, about the fuinjutsu, I can allow you to learn that, but I am not going to reduce its price, okay?"

"Thank you, Fugaku-sama," Kaida said.

"You don't want to know about the price?" Fugaku asked with a slight smile on his face.

"Yes, sir."

"200,000 Contribution points for the basics, 500,000 Contribution points for seal master level, and 1 million Contribution points for grandmaster level," Fugaku said, maintaining that smile on his face.

"Are you trying to rip me off? Even S-rank jutsu doesn't cost that much. Just the seal master level is equal to an S-rank jutsu. How does it even make sense?" Kaida said.

"Do you even know what it means to be a seal master? You will be able to earn millions of Ryo a month by doing almost next to nothing if you compare it to ninjas who have to complete various missions to earn that amount.

Also, you will be a valuable resource to the clan, so you will get better treatment too, and if by chance you become a grandmaster, even the Hokage can't take you lightly and will have to listen to your opinion about various topics.

No amount of S-rank jutsu can give you these privileges," Fugaku said, with a facial expression like he was giving that valuable knowledge for free.

Also, the thing he said about S-rank jutsu was completely wrong. If a ninja learned more than two or three S-rank jutsu, he would become a Kage-level ninja. Obviously, that ninja would have more respect than a grandmaster-level fuinjutsu master, but even he would not have such an easy life that a grandmaster has.

But Kaida had no way of knowing that, as this information was not shown in the anime. But there was one thing he was sure about: fuinjutsu was really overpowered in this world. The Uzumaki clan were proficient in fuinjutsu, and they were so powerful that the four great ninja villages had to attack together to eliminate them.

But the problem was this was still too expensive. Even after completing so many D-rank missions and getting 2.5 times the reward for completing those missions,

Kaida only had 250,000 Contribution points.

(A.N: 2000 D-rank missions per week, so 20,000 Contribution points for those missions and 30,000 Contribution points from Fugaku as an extra reward. Kaida had done those missions for 5 weeks, so he now had 250,000 Contribution points.)

'I only have a little more than 200,000 Contribution points left after paying for all those resources.

I can barely pay for the basics, even though I have such a huge advantage of getting Contribution points easily. No wonder the village doesn't have many fuinjutsu experts; this is too costly to learn,' Kaida thought, then looked toward Fugaku and asked,

"Sir, can I pay with money instead of Contribution points? I don't think I will be able to earn 500,000 Contribution points anytime soon."

"Don't worry, even the basics are going to take time. With your speed, you will be able to earn that much by the time you learn the basics of fuinjutsu," Fugaku said.

"I understand, sir, but what if I can learn the basics quite early? Can I pay with money then?" Kaida asked.

"Hahaha, you think you can learn fuinjutsu so easily? Okay, let's do it this way: if you can completely learn the basics in under one month, you can exchange 100,000 Contribution points for 600,000 Ryo. If you take two months, then 100,000 Contribution points will be exchanged for 1 million Ryo, okay?" Fugaku said.

"How could I prove that I have completely mastered the basics?" Kaida asked.

"Once you can make basic seals without your surroundings blowing up, and you get your master's approval, then I will consider them mastered," Fugaku said while thinking,

'Kids these days, they think they can do anything. Even a genius takes at least 6 months to master the basics of fuinjutsu completely, and this kid thinks he can do it in one month.

Well, there is nothing wrong with having big dreams. He will understand how difficult it is once he tries to learn it.'

"Okay, sir, I will try to learn it as fast as I can. Umm, when can I start?" Kaida asked.

Fugaku took out a file and checked something, then said, "After one week. I have to assign at least a seal master to teach you, and all of them are busy with different missions. So you have to wait for one week at the very least."

"Thank you, Fugaku-sama," Kaida said.

"Then you can go back." Kaida nodded and went toward the door, but suddenly turned and asked, "Sir, who do I have to pay those Contribution points to?"

"Just give them to your sensei," Fugaku said and then went back to complete some paperwork.

Kaida went out of the clan headquarters and went to the clan's library, where he had to pay 2000 Contribution points to book a large room for himself to study.

The reason he did that was so that he could use shadow clones to read many books in a limited time, and the reason he wanted to read many books was simple: he didn't have much time.

After one week, he had to start learning fuinjutsu, and if he wanted to learn that within one week, he had to make some preparations beforehand so that he would not be an absolute beginner when training started.

Kaida went and picked all the books he could about fuinjutsu and took them to his room. After leaving 15 shadow clones to study those books, which was the limit of the room, he had used enough chakra in making those clones so that they could maintain themselves for 3 days, the time limit of that room, to get the most out of this week.

After that was done, he went back to his house. Since it was around 6:30 PM, Yomi had also come back from her training. She was particularly happy today.

"Welcome back," Yomi said with a smile.

"Did something good happen?" Kaida asked after entering the house.

"Yes, I got tomorrow off from training. He said he had something important to do," Yomi said.

Kaida understood why she was happy. Yomi hadn't had any day off in the 5 weeks they had started training.

'No matter how motivated one is, if they work continuously like that, they will burn out sooner or later.

No wonder she was happy after getting her first day off,' Kaida thought.

"So what are you going to do tomorrow?" Kaida asked while sitting on the sofa.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. Tomorrow I am just going to take a rest," Yomi said.

"That's a good plan," Kaida said with a smile.

"Yup, but why are you so late? Did something happen?" Yomi asked.