
Naruto: Call of Cthulhu

Something's off in the shinobi world. Bizarre events are popping up left and right. The latest intel to land on the Third Hokage's desk is about a creepy cult operating in the Land of Water. These fanatics are worshiping an ancient deity known as Cthulhu. ---------- ---------- I don't own Naruto or Lovecraft related things. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and H. P. Lovecraft. If you have nothing else to read, give it a try. The writing style may not be for everyone. If there aren't enough readers, I will reduce my updates. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com Warnings: - Not MC-focused - No harem If you want to support me: p@treon.com/Malphegor ko-fi.com/malphegor

Malphegor · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

The Spider's Lair

Yuma's heart stopped as he gazed upon the monstrous spider looming above them.

Its body was as big as a horse, covered in thick, and black fur. Eight eyes, each as large as a human fist, stared at him.

"Inu!" he hissed, not daring to look away from the creature. "We've got company."

The other Anbu were at his side in an instant, weapons at the ready. Even Kakashi seemed taken aback by the sheer size of the beast.

"Easy," he warned, his Sharingan eye whirling to life beneath his mask. "We don't know what it's capable of."

The spider let out a chilling hiss, as if responding to his words. Then, with a speed that defied its sized, it attacked.

The Anbu scattered, barely evading the creature's grasping legs. Yuma dove to the side, throwing a brace of shuriken that bounced harmlessly off the spider's armored shell.


"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Kakashi yelled, unleashing a blazing inferno that engulfed the spider.

But as the flames died down, the beast emerged unscathed, its black fur only slightly charred.

 "Its hide is too tough," he muttered, frustrated. 

The spider seized the opportunity, spitting a stream of webbing that narrowly missed Yuma's head.

The sticky strands wrapped around a nearby tree trunk, the bark sizzling and smoking where the web made contact.

"Watch out!" Yuma shouted. "That web is acid!"

The Anbu dodged the spider's attacks while searching for a weakness in its defenses.

Kakashi's chidori severed one of its legs, but the creature hardly seemed to notice, its remaining limbs striking back with full force.


Yuma spotted their chance. He realized that the spider's underbelly was softer than the rest of its body. If they could just get a clear shot...

"Inu!" he called out. "Use an Earth Release jutsu to lift it up! I've got an idea!"

The Copy Ninja understood immediately, slamming his hands to the ground. "Earth Style: Mud Wall!"

A massive pillar of rock erupted from beneath the spider, launching it into the air. Its legs flailed wildly, exposing its underside.

Yuma was ready. Leaping high, he channeled his chakra into his kunai. "Wind Style: Vacuum Sword!"

His kunai, enveloped in a vortex of razor-sharp wind, plunged deep into the spider's belly. The beast let out an agonized shriek, its innards spilling out in a gush of foul-smelling ichor.


But as the spider's lifeless body crashed to the ground, a swarm of smaller spiders emerged from the corpse.

The spiders poured out like a dark, living tide, their legs skittering against the ground as they spread out in all directions.

"You've got to be kidding me," Yuma groaned, readying his blade once more.

The baby spiders swarmed them, their movements erratic and hard to predict. Yuma found himself back-to-back with Kakashi, fending off the creatures as they lunged from every direction.

"Any more bright ideas?" Kakashi asked, his kunai flashing as he dispatched another spider.

"Just one," Yuma replied, gritting his teeth. "Don't die."

The spiders were relentless, their numbers seeming to multiply with each passing moment. One of them managed to latch onto Yuma's arm, its fangs sinking deep into his flesh.

He cried out in pain, frantically stabbing at the creature until it released its grip, leaving behind a burning, throbbing wound.


"Taka!" Kakashi called out with concern. "Are you alright?"

"I'll live," Yuma grunted, pushing through the pain. "But we can't keep this up forever."

Kakashi's eyes scanned the area, his mind racing for a solution. Suddenly, an idea struck him. "The webs! We can use them against the spiders!"

Yuma's face lit up with understanding. "The acid in the webs... if we can lure them in..."

"Exactly," Kakashi confirmed, already forming hand seals. "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

A barrage of small fireballs burst from his mouth, setting the webs ablaze. The spiders, drawn to the heat and movement, scurried towards the flames.

Yuma and the other Anbu took advantage of the distraction, herding the creatures towards the burning webs.

As the spiders made contact, the acidic strands began to dissolve their exoskeletons, their agonized shrieks filling the air.


It was a gruesome sight, but the acid webs alone weren't enough to turn the tide.

Even as dozens of spiders dissolved into steaming puddles of goo, more surged forward to take their place, driven by an insatiable hunger and a blind rage.

"There's too many of them!" Yuma shouted, his arm throbbing where the spider had bitten him. "We need a new plan!"

As the spiders were getting closer, Kakashi's Sharingan eye spun, analyzing the swarm for any weakness.

And then he saw it - the larger spiders directing the movements of the smaller ones from the center of the horde.

"Taka, get ready to use your Wind Release!" Kakashi yelled. "I've got a plan!"

Yuma grinned beneath his mask, his hands ready to form seals. "Just say the word, captain."

Kakashi quickly formed the necessary seals. "Earth Style: Triple Mud Wall!"

Three thick walls of earth erupted from the ground, blocking the spiders from the right, left, and rear.


The Anbu quickly leaped onto the walls, using them as vantage points to rain down attacks on the swarm.

"Now, Taka!" Kakashi roared, sprinting towards the larger spiders at the center.

Yuma's hands blurred as he formed the seals. "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Yuma inhaled deeply, then expelled a powerful gust of wind from his mouth. The blast sent the smaller spiders towards the rear wall.

But the larger ones were too heavy to be moved, and they didn't budge.

They skittered forward, their fangs bared, ready to strike at the Anbu in reach.

The Anbu on the left and right walls leaped out of the way, avoiding the wind jutsu and the spiders it swept up.

As the smaller spiders crashed against the rear wall, the Anbu pounced, cutting down the stunned creatures before they could recover.


Meanwhile, the cave was filled with the chirping of a thousand birds as Kakashi closed in on the larger spiders. 

With his Sharingan guiding him, he ducked the spiders' web attacks and struck back with his chidori, piercing the largest spider's head.

One by one, the larger spiders fell, their bodies twitching and spasming as his jutsu fried their nervous systems.

Yuma and the other Anbu picked off the stragglers, their blades and jutsu making short work of the disoriented creatures.

As the last of the spiders lay dead at their feet, Yuma slumped against the rear wall, exhausted and in pain. 

He glanced at his arm, wincing at the red puncture marks left by the spider's fangs.

Kakashi appeared beside him, examining the wound with a critical eye. "We need to get you back to the village. That venom could be deadly."

Yuma nodded, then looked down at himself and grimaced. He was covered in the spiders' foul-smelling innards, with goo dripping from his hair and oozing beneath his mask.

He was paralyzed with disgust, unable to move.

"Ugh," he groaned, trying in vain to wipe the slime from his face. "I hate spiders. I really, really hate spiders."


To his surprise, Kakashi let out a soft chuckle. "Well, look on the bright side, Yuma. At least now you smell as bad as you look."

Yuma stared at his captain, momentarily stunned. Did Kakashi just crack a joke?

"Ha ha, very funny," Yuma muttered, trying to sound annoyed but failing to suppress a small smile beneath his mask.

"You know, I think I preferred it when you were just a humorless hard-ass."

Kakashi's expression turned serious again. "Don't get used to it. We've still got work to do."

Yuma's smile faded, and he nodded. "Right. The cocoons."


Together, they turned their attention to the webbed sacs hanging above. They cut them down, revealing the dried remains of the spider's victims.

But as they examined the bodies, it became clear that the spiders weren't the killers. The wounds on the bodies were unmistakably human-made.

"Kunai wounds," Kakashi said, his voice grave. "Just like the bodies we found below."

Yuma's frown deepened. "So the spiders were just scavenging, feeding on the leftovers of whoever really attacked this camp."

"It would seem so," Kakashi agreed. "Which means we're dealing with something far more dangerous than a simple bandit gang."


He turned to face his team, his expression deadly serious.

"We need to report back to the Hokage immediately. If there's a new threat out there targeting shinobi, the village needs to be prepared."

The other Anbu nodded, their own faces grim beneath their masks.

As they gathered the remaining bodies, Yuma couldn't resist one final jab at his captain, despite the throbbing pain in his arm.

"Hey, Kakashi? Next time we're up against a giant, man-eating spider, you're taking point. I've had enough of being bug bait for one lifetime."

Kakashi's eye glinted with amusement. "Duly noted. But for the record, spiders are arachnids, not bugs."

Yuma rolled his eyes. "Smartass."