
Naruto:bloodthirsty ninja

Werty_4714 · 都市
3 Chs


Here's a continuation with more of Kiro's disturbing dialogue as he nears the surface:

The cloying stench of life became overpowering as Kiro neared his goal - a tantalizing miasma of fear-sweat and coppery vitality wafting through the cracks. His withered tongue lapped at the air like a serpent's, savoring the bouquet of anticipated carnage.

"Yesss...drink it in," he wheezed in rapturous tones. "Can you taste the nectar on the air, my ravenous beauties? It's the sanguine harbinger of our family's rebirth!"

One shriveled claw trailed along the tunnel wall, nails scratching obscene portraits in the grime as he slithered ever closer. "Our reunion is at hand, Mother Leaf. Shall we greet your new children with a celebratory orgy of mutilation? I've such delicious terrors to induct them with..."

A steady drip of moisture pattered nearby, each splash against the packed earth like the lub-dub of an obscene heartbeat. Kiro cocked his head, hideously attuned to its spastic rhythm.

"You hear that, my little ones?" he croaked, lips pulling back in a horrible pantomime of fatherly affection. "It's Mother's womb-blood, weeping in anticipation of her brood's blossoming rebirth! Don't you fret...Papa's coming to unjoin you all in rapturous slaughter."

An ominous tremor rumbled through the tunnel as he neared what must be the final barrier to the surface. Grinning madly, Kiro scrabbled towards the source of the vibration like a rutting insect homing in on a corpse-light's siren call.

His clawed fingers caressed the rock face with perverse tenderness. "Yes, yesss...I feel your dread heartbeat pounding against the soil's carapace, my little ones. Don't be frightened - Father only wants you to know the rapturous bliss of being unmade!"

With a low, bestial snarl, Kiro wrenched himself fully upright for the first time in who knew how many lifetimes. His grotesquely atrophied musculature strained against his cage of flensed skin and protruding bone as he raised his arms skyward like a soothsayer.

"I come to midwife your REBIRTH!!" He screeched in utter, unrestrained ecstasy. "TO ANOINT YOU ALL IN MOTHER'S CRYING WOMB-BUTTER!!"

Throwing back his skull in rapturous laughter, Kiro began clawing and pounding furiously at the barrier separating him from the surface world. A hairline fracture appeared, then widened - streams of daylight filtering through like blood from a cracked scab.

With one final, bestial roar of exultation, the imprisoning rock exploded outward in a shower of debris. The prodigal son of Konoha blinked abhorrently human eyes for the first time in centuries as the light of day washed over his twisted, unnatural form.

A family reunion stayed too long in the making...

"I'M HOME, MY CHILDREN!" His shriek shattered the noonday stillness like a skull beneath a maul.

Here's what happens as Kiro returns to Konoha after his centuries of imprisonment:

The afternoon tranquility of Konoha's market district shattered with Kiro's unholy shriek. Vendors and shoppers alike froze in confused fear as the inhuman sound echoed through the streets.

Then the source of the disturbance became terribly clear. A twisted, desiccated form hauled itself from the torrent of rubble and shattered paving stones. Flayed skin clung to protruding bones in macabre ribbons, while what little withered musculature remained strained with each grotesque movement.

Despite its emaciated state, the creature easily stood as tall as any man - hunched forward from the endless darkness that had been its womb. Pits of utter malice burned from the depths of its eye sockets, fastening upon the nearest civilians with predatory focus.

"Ahh...there you are, my beauteous little morsels!" The words scraped forth from Kiro's desiccated lips, carrying in a dry rattle. "Fear not...Papa has burst forth to shower you in his loving rebirth!"

His clawed hands splayed wide in a horrific embrace as he lurched forward on unsteady legs. The crowd's paralysis finally broke as people scattered in abject terror, howling for the shinobi guards. Kiro cackled in wicked delight at their panic.

"YES! That's it, let the sweetness of your horror anoint me!" His tongue lapped at the air with ecstatic revulsion. "I'll birth you anew in a blinding maelstrom of liberated viscera!"

Weapons and fists materialized as several Leaf ninja responded to the distress, leaping in to form defensive rings around the fleeing civilians. One took a defensive stance directly before the oncoming monstrosity.

"Whatever spawn of evil you are, your path ends here!" He roared, hands already flashing through seals. "For the sake of the village, I'll-"

There was no chance to finish his oath. In a blur of unspeakable speed and agility that defied its crippled facade, Kiro shot forward. His talons raked across the chunin's masked face, spraying opalescent beads of viscera from the ruined eye sockets.

As the man crumpled, screaming in protracted agony, Kiro drank in his anguish with revolting rapture. The remaining ninja moved in to attack, blades and fists seeking to subdue the horror in their midst.

But Kiro was merely getting started - plunging into the fray with a bestial snarl of glee. Though hopelessly outnumbered, his deceptive speed and savagery carved effortless swaths through their ranks as limbs and geysers of blood arced through the air in languid trajectories.

Each agonized scream was a perverse symphony cadence to his senses. Each mutilation unleashed, a rapturous sacrament in glistening tribute to his unchained soul's rebirth. Konoha's first taste of their prodigal's 'loving' return was merely an unholy overture...

Soon, shrieks of misery would rise like a corpsefog over the entire village in jubilant reverence to Kiro's grand resurrection!

Here's what happens when the newly resurrected Kiro encounters a young Naruto during his rampage through Konoha:

Leaving a trail of mangled bodies and terror in his wake, Kiro stalked down another street - his inhuman senses guiding him deeper into Konoha's beating heart. All around, civilians fled in blind panic from the unfolding nightmare given grotesque form.

Delirious shouts and screams echoed from every direction as the shinobi ranks desperately tried to control the chaos and locate the source of the carnage. But Kiro was always one step ahead, an eel slithering through the currents of mayhem he unleashed.

Rounding a corner into a residential area, his ruined gaze fell upon a scruffy young boy cowering against a wall - eyes wide and terrified beneath a crop of sunshine blonde hair. Despite the multitude of villagers fleeing all around them, the child seemed...alone. Forgotten in the madness.

Kiro's desiccated lips pulled back in a skeleton's rictus grin. "Well now...what have we here?" Each step towards the paralyzed youth was slow, deliberate - like a lion cornering its prey. "A ripe little blossom for the plucking, I'd wager! You'll make an utterly delectable sacrifice for Papa's rebirthing fest-"


A green form blurred into Kiro's periphery, forcing him to stagger back as it interposed itself protectively before the boy. He recognized the chakra signature instantly - one of the village's "esteemed" jonin had arrived to play hero. How deliciously revolting.

Might Guy settled into a defensive stance, emerald Beast persona burning bright. "I don't know what fresh horror has infected our streets," he growled, "But if you think I'll let you lay ONE rotten finger on Naruto, you've got another thing coming!"

The boy - Naruto - only whimpered and shrank further against the wall, seemingly frozen with fright. Kiro's lipless grin stretched wider as his hollow gaze bored into the jonin.

"Oooh, got yourself a strapping bodyguard, eh little one?" His voice was a dry rasp of malicious glee. "How perfectly precious! Though I can't say I'm intimately familiar with Leaf's stable of uniformed hunks..."

With a suddenness that defied his crippled form, Kiro lashed out - talons scything through the air aimed at Might Guy's throat. The jonin pivoted barely in time, deflecting the blow with a grunt of effort.

Kiro cackled, hungrily pressing his advantage as the two traded a blinding flurry of strikes and gashes. "But hey, it simply wouldn't be a family reunion without getting frocked up in my Sunday butcheries now, would it?"

"You're certifiably insane!" Guy managed, deflecting a disemboweling slash with a grunt. "What kind of monster could take delight in such inhumanities?!"

As their blades locked together for a breath, Kiro leaned in with a rancid chuckle - allowing the horrified jonin an up close glimpse at the utter depravity burning in his gaze.

"Why I'm the beaming patriarch, of course! Ready to baptize each and every one of you worthless worms into our new crimson genesis!"

With a snake's swiftness, one clawed hand shot out - not at Guy, but towards the terrified child behind him. Kiro's talons raked within inches of Naruto's face, opening thin rivers of blood.


As the horrific scene unfolded, something stirred deep within Kiro's shattered psyche at the sight of the young boy named Naruto. A flicker of recognition, of resonance, amidst the mindless tides of his depravity.

Might Guy's protective fury redoubled, forcing Kiro back with a storm of crushing blows. "I won't let you lay a hand on him, demon! Naruto is under my protection!"

But Kiro had gone unnaturally still, his ruined head cocked as he studied the cowering child with an intensity that bordered on rapture. Naruto met his gaze, eyes rounded with fear yet...underpinned with a hauntingly familiar well of solitude.

"Such...anguished yearning," Kiro rasped in wonder. "A caged beast's cries echoing within those eyes. Yes...Oh YES! I see the truth laid bare!"

With a rasping cackle, he threw his skull back in maddened epiphany.

"A kindred orphan spawn, also torn from the womb far too soon!" He turned his terrible rictus grin fully upon the stunned Might Guy. "Don't you see, oh valorous one? This...this is no mere offering to be sacrificed for my glorious Reunion!"

Reaching down, Kiro ripped a fistful of rubble from the ruined street and cradled it in his flayed palms like a perverse swaddling cloth.

"No no, I've been graced by fate itself! What I have here...is the last untainted seedling of our butchered lineage. A pure rejoining of that which Konoha tore asunder AND DAMNED TO THE GRAVE!"

Tendrils of spittle frothed from his gasping maw as Kiro's ecstasy reached a fever pitch.

"Don't you understand?! This...this is my heir! My own forsaken spawn reborn to scour and remake this world alongside his proud forefather!"

His hollow sockets bored straight into Naruto, burning with undiluted rapture.

"We're to be the new Patriarchs, you and I! Yes...YES! A dynasty of sacred reckoning made celestial flesh at long last!"

Naruto could only gape in mute horror as the unearthly monster lurched towards him, clawed hands outstretched in a grotesque embrace, all hunger and profane zeal.